Implementation Tasks for Oracle Content Manager

This chapter covers the following topics:

Implementation Tasks

To implement Oracle Content Manager (OCM) successfully, Oracle strongly recommends that you execute the following tasks in the same order as listed below:

  1. Setting Profile Options

  2. Setting Up Users

  3. Launching OCM Administrator User Interface

  4. Setting Environments for Translations

  5. Assigning Folder Permissions

  6. Setting Session Timeouts

  7. Setting Up Intermedia Index Searches

    Note: Before implementing Oracle Content Manager (OCM), the functional implementation team in your organization must analyze your business requirements and setup the implementation steps accordingly.

Setting Profile Options

Profiles control the behavior of all the Oracle applications. All Oracle application profile options begin with a two or three letter code. The OCM profiles begin with the prefix IBC. To set OCM profile options, select a level to set the profile option. You can select either Site, Application, Responsibility, or User.

For more information on setting Oracle application profile options, see Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide.

For more information on JTT profile options, see Oracle CRM Technology Foundation (JTT) Profile Options.

Setting Up Users

You can categorize users in your organization according to the functions they perform in OCM. The users can be administrators, content item creators, approvers, translators, and so on.

The users can access the application to create, edit, approve, translate, and delete content depending on their responsibilities. In OCM, the administrator is called the Content Super User.

Setting Up the Content Super User

You must create an administrator user or an Content Super User with all the privileges in the OCM application. The menu assigned to the IBC Super User responsibility is called Oracle Content Manager Root Menu, which is IBC_ROOT_MENU_LVL1.

Setting Up Multiple Users in OCM

Multiple users can access OCM having specific responsibilities, depending upon their roles in the organization. Depending on your business requirements, you can create users and assign responsibilities to the roles such as Content Creators and Content Users.

With multiple users having access only to their specific functions, management of users becomes more efficient and secure. You must create users and assign them the required responsibilities.

Apart from assigning appropriate responsibilities, as a Content Super User, you must grant folder permissions to these users. See Assigning Folder Permissions.

Note: You must explicitly grant folder permissions even for Content Super User responsibility. All permissions must be explicitly granted on the folders. No privilege is automatically entitled to the super user.

For information on creating responsibilities and mapping them to tabs, see the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide.

Launching the OCM Administrator User Interface

Typically, users access OCM UI to complete their assigned tasks. To access the UI, users must:

For any information related to the browser, see your browser documentation.

Setting Environments for Translations

The users can use the Update Translations feature to view and update the content items that are marked for translation. To enable this feature in OCM, you must setup the environment for translations.

To be able to translate and view translations, it is recommended that you use the UTF8 character set on all three tiers: database server, middle tier application server, and browser client. Ensure that the character set encoding of the session language is a super set of the base language and the translated language. For instance, the Western European encoding may enable translations between any of the Western European languages such as English and French, but may not work while translating to other languages such as Japanese.

For more information on setting up your environment for translation, see the Oracle Application System Administrator's Guide.

Assigning Folder Permissions

In OCM, by default, the data security is enabled if the profile IBC: Use Access Control is set to Y. The Content Super User must create and assign the access control on the folders for users.

Note: Initially, only the Content Super User can access the Root folder. To assign permissions to other users, as an Content Super User you must add the required permissions to yourself and then grant access permissions to other users. If IBC: Use Control profile is set to N, then there is no access control set for OCM. All the users will have all the permissions and anyone can access any data.

To assign access control to the folders, log into Oracle Content Manager as Content Super User.

Navigation: Content > My Content


Setting Session Timeouts

OCM is built on two frameworks - the OA framework and the JTT framework. The session timeout in the OA framework must always be greater than the session timeout in the JTT framework.

JTT Framework

The JTT session timeout is configured at the JTT Administrative Console. Log into Oracle Applications and navigate to Settings > System > Sessions. Enter a value in the Expires if idle for (mins) field. The default value is 30 minutes.

OA Framework

The OA session timeout is driven by the session.timeout directive in the file of the Apache configuration. The default value is 60 minutes. Set this value to a number that is greater than the JTT Framework session timeout value.

Setting Up Intermedia Index Searches

To periodically rebuild intermedia index and optimize the intermedia index, log into Oracle Applications with Oracle Content Manager responsibility.

Prerequisites: Run the Concurrent Manager.

Navigation: Requests > Run.


Verifying Implementation

In this section, you can use the case study to verify if OCM is implemented successfully

Create the following users and assign them the responsibilities and permissions as listed in Table: User Name, Responsibility, and Permissions for the /Root/Common folder.

User Name, Responsibility, and Permissions
User Name Responsibility Permissions
Anna Content Creator Manage Folders
John Content Creator Manage Items
Joseph Content Creator Approve Item
Michael Content Creator Translate Item
Nicole Content Creator Approve Translation
Terry Content Creator Read Item

Table: Verifying Implementation Task Sequence lists the tasks that you must perform to verify the implementation.

Verifying Implementation Task Sequence
No. Task Reference
1 Log in as a Content Super User and create users and assign responsibilities as specified in Table: User Name, Responsibility, and Permissions. Setting Up Users
2 Select /Root/Common folder and set the appropriate permissions to the users as listed in Table: User Name, Responsibility, and Permissions. Setting Permissions and Exclusions for a folder
3 Log in as John
Create a content item, select the Translation Required check box, and submit it for approval.
4 Joseph receives a notification and approves the content item. As the content item is to be translated, a notification is sent to Michael to translate the content item.  
5 Log in as Michael and approve the content item submitted by John.  
6 Nicole receives a notification.
Log in as Nicole.
Approve the translation.
7 Log in as Terry. You must be able to browse the /Root/Common folder but must not be able to a create content item. You must be able to only view the content item as you have the Read Item permission.  

Diagnosing the Errors Using PL/SQL Logging

OCM enables the users to log debug messages. This feature creates a separate log file for different users. User can use the log file to diagnose the problems in the application. For more information on diagnosing, see Oracle Diagnostics Pack.

Setting Up PL/SQL Level Logging

You must set PL/SQL profiles for the application to log the error messages for different users in different files. The log file is created in the directory as specified in the profile IBC: Debug Log Directory. The syntax of the file name is IBC_<Username>.log.

To set up PL/SQL level logging, log into Oracle Applications as the System Administrator.

Prerequisites: PL/SQL profile values must be set.

Navigation: Profile > System.
