Subledger Accounting Reports

Subledger Accounting Reports Overview

Oracle Subledger Accounting provides accounting reports for fiscal and internal control purposes. Create your own layouts and publish your reports using Oracle XML Publisher.

XML Publisher is a template-based publishing tool that is delivered with the Oracle E-Business suite that enables users to rapidly develop and maintain custom report formats. You can design and control how the reports are presented by using report templates. When generating a report, XML Publisher merges report template files with report data to create documents that support numerous formatting options, including colors, images, font styles, and headers and footers.

See Introduction, Oracle XML Publisher User's Guide

Subledger Accounting provides the following reports:

This chapter describes the parameters and data elements for each report.

System administrators can define new concurrent programs using any subset of the parameters. Users can create new XML Publisher templates using any subset of the data elements.

See: Overview of Concurrent Programs and Requests, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide, Creating a Template, Oracle XML Publisher User's Guide

XML Output File

When generating a report using a report template, first generate an XML output file of the requested report. XML Publisher applies the requested report template to the XML output file of the requested report to generate a file in the requested format.

The figure below shows a sample XML output file.

the picture is described in the document text

XML output files are composed of tag set elements. For example, in the figure above, <BEGIN_BALANCE>-388650</BEGIN_BALANCE> is the beginning balance element, which consists of a starting and ending tag. The data between the tags is the value of the element. In the figure above, the value for the beginning balance element is -388650.


The parameters in some of the following reports are categorized as follows:

Journal Entries Report

The Journal Entries Report displays detailed header and line information for subledger and General Ledger journal entries

Note: To avoid duplication with subledger journal entries, General Ledger journal entries imported from Subledger Accounting are not included in the report.

Journal Entries Report Parameters

Journal Entries Report Selection Parameters
Parameter Token Required Valid Values
Ledger /Ledger Set P_LEDGER Yes From GL: All ledgers and ledger sets included in the access set identified by the profile option SLA: Data Access Set
From Subledger, Use Ledger Security = Yes: All ledgers and ledger sets included in the access sets identified by the profile options GL: Data Access Set and SLA: Additional Data Access Set
From Subledger, Use Ledger Security = No: All ledgers and ledger sets defined in GL
Legal Entity P_LEGAL_ENTITY No All legal entities assigned to ledgers in the ledger set
Transaction Legal Entity P_TRX_LEGAL_ENTITY No All legal entities in the business group
Period [From, To]   Yes  
From P_PERIOD_FROM   All periods from the accounting calendar associated with the selected Ledger or Ledger Set
To P_PERIOD_TO   All periods from the accounting calendar equal to or coming after the From period up to the end of the fiscal year
GL Date [From, To]   No  
To P_GL_DATE_TO   Any date later than or equal to the From date
Creation Date [From, To]   No  
To P_CREATION_DATE_TO   Any date later than or equal to the From date
Transaction Date [From, To]   No  
To P_TRANSACTION_DATE_TO   Any date later than or equal to the From date
Journal Entry Status P_JE_STATUS No Valid values are Draft, Final, and Error.
Posted P_POSTING_STATUS No Yes: Lines that are posted in GL (i.e. transferred to and posted in GL)
No: Lines that are not posted in GL (not transferred to GL or transferred to GL and not posted)
All: all lines, irrespective of their posting status.
Journal Source P_JE_SOURCE No From GL: All GL journal sources
From Subledger: taken from the application owning the responsibility
Process Category P_PROCESS_CATEGORY No; requires a source associated with a subledger application All process categories defined for the application associated with the journal entry source
Accounting Event Class P_EVENT_CLASS No; requires a source associated with a subledger application All event classes enabled for the application associated with the JE source
Accounting Sequence Name P_ACCOUNTING_SEQUENCE_NAME No All sequences assigned to ledgers in the ledger or ledger set
Accounting Sequence Version P_ACCOUNTING_SEQUENCE_VERSION No; requires accounting sequence name All sequence versions for the accounting sequence
Accounting Sequence Number [From, To]   No; requires accounting sequence name and version  
To P_ACCOUNTING_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TO   Any value greater than or equal to the From value
Reporting Sequence Name P_REPORTING_SEQUENCE_NAME No All available sequences assigned to ledgers in the ledger or ledger set
Reporting Sequence Version P_REPORTING_SEQUENCE_VERSION No; requires reporting sequence name All sequence versions for the reporting sequence
Reporting Sequence Number [From, To]   No; requires reporting sequence name and version  
To P_REPORTING_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TO   Any value greater than or equal to the From value
Document Sequence Name P_DOCUMENT_SEQUENCE_NAME No All available document sequences
Document Sequence Number [From, To]   No; requires document sequence name  
To P_DOCUMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TO   Any value greater than or equal to the From value
Third Party Type P_PARTY_TYPE No Customer or Supplier
Third Party Name P_PARTY_NAME No; requires third party type All customers or suppliers based on the third party type
Third Party Number [From, To]   No; requires third party type  
From P_PARTY_NUMBER_FROM   All customer or supplier numbers based on the third party type
To P_PARTY_NUMBER_TO   Any customer or supplier number greater than or equal to the From value
Journal Category P_JE_CATEGORY No All available journal categories
Balance Type P_BALANCE_TYPE No Valid values are Actual, Encumbrance, and Budget.
Budget P_BUDGET_NAME No All enabled budgets
Encumbrance Type P_ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE No All encumbrance types defined in GL
Include Zero Amount Lines P_INCLUDE_ZERO_AMOUNT_LINES No Yes and No; controls whether lines with both entered and accounted amount equal to zero are included in the report
Entered Currency P_ENTERED_CURRENCY No All enabled currencies
Side P_SIDE No Debit or credit. A journal entry line is included in the extract only if the line has the side provided by the user.
Accounted Amount Range [From, To]   No Allowed only if a ledger (rather than a ledger set) is provided
To P_ACCOUNTED_AMOUNT_TO   Any value greater than or equal to the From date
Balancing Segment [From, To]   No From GL: All balancing segment values (BSV) included in the access set identified by the profile option GL: Data Access Set
From Subledger, Use Ledger Security = Yes: All BSVs assigned to the ledger or ledger set (parameter) and included in the access sets identified by the profile options GL: Data Access Set and SLA: Additional Data Access Set
From Subledger, Use Ledger Security = No: All BSVs assigned to the ledger or ledger set
To P_BALANCING_SEGMENT_TO   All BSVs greater than or equal to the From value that meet the above criteria
Natural Account Segment [From, To]   No  
From P_ACCOUNT_SEGMENT_FROM   All enabled natural account values from the ledger or ledger set's chart of accounts
To P_ACCOUNT_SEGMENT_TO   Any enabled natural account value from the ledger or ledger set's chart of accounts greater than or equal to the From value
Accounting Code Combination [From, To]   No  
From P_ACCOUNTING_FLEXFIELD _FROM   All enabled accounting code combinations from the ledger or ledger set's chart of accounts
To P_ACCOUNTING_FLEXFIELD_ TO   Any enabled accounting code combination from the ledger or Ledger Set's COA greater than or equal to the From value
Valuation Method P_VALUATION_METHOD No No validation
Security Id Integer 1 P_SECURITY_ID_INT_1 No No validation
Security Id Integer 2 P_SECURITY_ID_INT_2 No No validation
Security Id Integer 3 P_SECURITY_ID_INT_3 No No validation
Security Id Char 1 P_SECURITY_ID_CHAR_1 No No validation
Security Id Char 2 P_SECURITY_ID_CHAR_2 No No validation
Security Id Char 3 P_SECURITY_ID_CHAR_3 No No validation
Post-Accounting Program P_POST_ACCOUNTING_PROGRAM No; requires a source associated with a subledger application All post-accounting programs defined for the subledger application associated with the journal entry source. The extract retrieves lines with accounting classes assigned to the post-accounting program.
User Transaction Identifier Column 1 P_USER_TRX_ID_COLUMN_1 (to 5) No; requires an event class All columns from the transaction view associated with the event class
User Transaction Identifier Value 1 P_USER_TRX_ID_VALUE_1 (to 5) No; requires an event class No validation
GL Batch Name P_GL_BATCH_NAME No; requires a journal entry source All GL batches from the journal entry source
Include User Transaction Identifiers P_INCLUDE_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIERS No Yes or No; controls whether the extract program retrieves user identifiers names and values
Include Tax Details P_INCLUDE_TAX_DETAILS No Yes or No; controls whether the extract program retrieves tax details for the journal entry lines
Include Legal Entity Information P_INCLUDE_LEGAL_ENTITY_INFO No Legal Entity: Company information is retrieved from the legal entity to which the balancing segment value of the line is assigned; Establishment: Company information is retrieved from the establishment to which the balancing segment value of the line is assigned; None: No company information is retrieved.

Journal Entries Report Data Elements

Note: Not all data elements have a corresponding field on the seeded journal entry report templates.

Journal Entries Report Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
GL Date GL_DATE Journal entry GL date
Transaction Created by CREATED_BY User who created the subledger transaction
Creation Date CREATION_DATE Journal entry creation date
Last Update Date LAST_UPDATE_DATE Last date journal entry updated
GL Transfer Date GL_TRANSFER_DATE Date journal entry transferred to General Ledger
Reference Date REFERENCE_DATE Journal entry legal reporting date
Completed Date COMPLETED_DATE Journal entry completion date
External Reference EXTERNAL_REFERENCE Journal entry external reference
Period Year PERIOD_YEAR Journal entry fiscal year
Period Year Start Date PERIOD_YEAR_START_DATE First date of the fiscal year
Period Year End Date PERIOD_YEAR_END_DATE Last date of the fiscal year
Period Number PERIOD_NUMBER Position of the period in the fiscal year
Period Name PERIOD_NAME Journal entry accounting period name
Period Start Date PERIOD_START_DATE First date of accounting period
Period End Date PERIOD_END_DATE Last date of accounting period
Transaction Number TRANSACTION_NUMBER Subledger transaction number
Transaction Date TRANSACTION_DATE Subledger transaction date
Accounting Sequence Name ACCOUNTING_SEQUENCE_NAME Sequence name used to number the journal entry at creation or posting
Accounting Sequence Version ACCOUNTING_SEQUENCE_VERSION Sequence version used to number the journal entry at creation or posting
Accounting Sequence Number ACCOUNTING_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number assigned to the journal entry at creation or posting
Reporting Sequence Name REPORTING_SEQUENCE_NAME Sequence name used to number the journal entry at period closing
Reporting Sequence Version REPORTING_SEQUENCE_VERSION Sequence version used to number the journal entry at period closing
Reporting Sequence Number REPORTING_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number assigned to the journal entry at period closing
Document Sequence Category DOCUMENT_CATEGORY Document category assigned to the subledger transaction
Document Sequence Name DOCUMENT_SEQUENCE_NAME Sequence name used to number the subledger transaction
Document Sequence Number DOCUMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number assigned to the subledger transaction
Application Id APPLICATION_ID Internal identifier of the application owning the journal entry
Application Name APPLICATION_NAME Application name owning the journal entry
Ledger ID LEDGER_ID Internal identifier of the ledger owning the journal entry
Ledger Short Name LEDGER_SHORT_NAME Short name of ledger owning the journal entry
Ledger Description LEDGER_DESCRIPTION Description of ledger owning the journal entry
Ledger Name LEDGER_NAME Name of ledger owning the journal entry
Ledger Currency LEDGER_CURRENCY Currency of ledger owning the journal entry
Header ID HEADER_ID Journal entry internal identifier
Header Description HEADER_DESCRIPTION Journal entry description
Journal Entry Status JOURNAL_ENTRY_STATUS Subledger journal entry status: Draft, Final, and Enter
Transfer to GL Status TRANSFER_TO_GL_STATUS Indicates whether journal entry transferred to General Ledger
Balance Type Code BALANCE_TYPE_CODE Balance type indicator: A, B, or E for Actual, Budget, and Encumbrance respectively
Balance Type Name BALANCE_TYPE Journal entry balance type: Actual, Balance, or Encumbrance
Budget Name BUDGET_NAME Budget name for budget entries
Encumbrance Type ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE Encumbrance type for encumbrance entries
Fund Status Value FUND_STATUS Fund reservation status for the journal entry
Journal Category Name JE_CATEGORY_NAME Journal entry category
Journal Source Name JE_SOURCE_NAME Journal entry source
Event ID EVENT_ID Internal identifier of accounting event that originated the journal entry
Event Date EVENT_DATE Date of the accounting event that originated the journal entry
Event Number EVENT_NUMBER Number of the accounting event that originated the journal entry
Event Class Code EVENT_CLASS_CODE Event class code of the accounting event that originated the journal entry
Event Class Name EVENT_CLASS_NAME Event class name of the accounting event that originated the journal entry
Event Type Code EVENT_TYPE_CODE Event type code of the accounting event that originated the journal entry
Event Type Name EVENT_TYPE_NAME Event type name of the accounting event that originated the journal entry
User Transaction Identifier Name USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_1 (to 10) Additional transaction information for identifying the transaction
User Transaction Identifier Value USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_1 (to 10) Additional transaction information for identifying the transaction
Batch Name GL_BATCH_NAME Name of General Ledger batch that includes the journal entry
GL Batch Status GL_BATCH_STATUS Status of batch that includes the journal entry: Unposted or Posted
Posted Date POSTED_DATE Date journal entry posted to General Ledger
GL Journal Name GL_JE_NAME Journal entry name; name for subledger journal entries taken from corresponding General Ledger journal entry
GL Document Sequence Name GL_DOC_SEQUENCE_NAME General Ledger document sequence name
GL Document Sequence Value GL_DOC_SEQUENCE_VALUE Document sequence value in General Ledger
GL Line Number GL_LINE_NUMBER Sequence name used to number the journal in General Ledger at creation
Line Number LINE_NUMBER Sequence number assigned to the journal in General Ledger at creation
Accounting Class Code ACCOUNTING_CLASS_CODE Accounting class code assigned to the subledger journal entry line
Accounting Class ACCOUNTING_CLASS_NAME Accounting class assigned to the subledger journal entry line
Line Description LINE_DESCRIPTION Journal entry line description
Code Combination Id CODE_COMBINATION_ID Accounting code combination internal identifier for the journal entry line
Accounting Code Combination ACCOUNTING_CODE_COMBINATION (concatenated values) Concatenated values of the accounting code combination for the journal entry line
Code Combination Description CODE_COMBINATION_DESCRIPTION (concatenated descriptions) Concatenated descriptions of the accounting code combination for the journal entry line
Control Account Flag CONTROL_ACCOUNT_FLAG Indicates whether the account is a third party control identifier: Y for yes; N for No
Control Account CONTROL_ACCOUNT Translated value of the control account flag: Yes or No
Entered Currency ENTERED_CURRENCY Journal entry currency
Conversion Rate CONVERSION_RATE Transaction conversion rate
Conversion Rate Date CONVERSION _RATE_DATE Transaction conversion rate date
Conversion Rate Type Code CONVERSION _RATE_TYPE_CODE Transaction conversion type code of rate
Conversion Rate Type CONVERSION_RATE_TYPE Transaction conversion rate type
Entered Debit ENTERED_DR Entered debit for journal entry line
Entered Credit ENTERED_CR Entered credit for journal entry line
Unrounded Accounted Debit UNROUNDED_ACCOUNTED_DR Accounted debit before rounding
Unrounded Accounted Credit UNROUNDED_ACCOUNTED_CR Accounted credit before rounding
Accounted Debit ACCOUNTED_DR Journal entry line accounted debit
Accounted Credit ACCOUNTED_CR Journal entry line accounted credit
Statistical Amount STATISTICAL_AMOUNT Journal entry line statistical amount
Reconciliation Reference RECONCILIATION_REFERENCE Reference used for reconciliation purposes
Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Context column for the journal entry lines descriptive flexfield
Attribute 1 (to 10) ATTRIBUTE1 (to 10) Attribute columns for the journal entry lines descriptive flexfield
Third Party Type PARTY_TYPE_CODE Third party type indicator: C for Customer; S for Supplier
Third Party Type PARTY_TYPE Party type: Customer or Supplier
Third Party Number PARTY_NUMBER Third party number for journal entry line
Third Party Name PARTY_NAME Third party name for journal entry line
Third Party Taxpayer Id PARTY_TYPE_TAXPAYER_ID Third party taxpayer identifier for journal entry line
Third Party Tax Registration Number PARTY_TAX_REGISTRATION_NUMBER Third party tax registration number for journal entry line
Third Party Site Number PARTY_SITE_NUMBER Third party site number for journal entry line
Third Party Site Name PARTY_SITE_NAME Third party site name for journal entry line
Third Party Tax Registration Number PARTY_TAX_REGISTRATION_NUMBER Third party tax registration number for journal entry line
Third Party Site Number PARTY_SITE_NUMBER Third party site number for journal entry line
Third Party Site Name PARTY_SITE_NAME Third party site name for journal entry line
Third Party Site Tax Registration Number PARTY__SITE_TAX_REGISTRATION_NUMBER Third party site taxpayer identifier for journal entry line
Balancing Segment BALANCING_SEGMENT Journal entry line balancing segment
Balancing Segment Description BALANCING_SEGMENT_DESCRIPTION Journal entry line balancing segment description
Natural Account NATURAL_ACCOUNT Journal entry line natural account segment value
Natural Account Description NATURAL_ACCOUNT_DESCRIPTION Journal entry line natural account segment description
Cost Center COST_CENTER Journal entry line cost center segment value
Cost Center Description COST_CENTER_DESCRIPTION Journal entry line cost center segment description
Management Segment MANAGEMENT_SEGMENT Journal entry line management segment value
Management Segment Description MANAGEMENT_SEGMENT_DESCRIPTION Journal entry line management segment description
Inter-company Segment INTERCOMPANY_SEGMENT Journal entry line intercompany segment value
Inter-company Segment Description INTERCOMPANY_SEGMENT_DESCRIPTION Journal entry line intercompany segment description
Segment 1 (to 30) SEGMENT1 (to 30) Journal entry lines individual Accounting Flexfield segment values

Account Analysis Report

The Account Analysis Report provides drill-down information about the movement on a particular account for a period or range of periods. It only includes journal entries transferred to and posted to General Ledger.

Note: To avoid duplication with subledger journal entries, General Ledger journal entries imported from Subledger Accounting are not included in the report.

Account Analysis Report Parameters

Account Analysis Report Selection Parameters
Parameter Token Required Valid Values
Ledger /Ledger Set P_LEDGER Yes All ledgers and ledger sets included in the access set identified by the profile options GL: Data Access Set and SLA: Additional Data Access Set
Legal Entity P_LEGAL_ENTITY No All legal entities assigned to ledgers in the ledger set
Period [From, To]   Yes  
From P_PERIOD_FROM   All periods for the accounting calendar associated with the selected Ledger or Ledger Set
To P_PERIOD_TO   All periods for the accounting calendar equal to or after the From period up to the end of the fiscal year
GL Date [From, To]   No Allows users to specify a General Ledger range inside the period range. Journal entry lines with GL dates between the start date of the Period From and the GL Date From are summarized. Similarly, Journal entries with GL dates between the GL Date To and the end date of the Period To are summarized.
From P_GL_DATE_FROM   Any date in the Period From
To P_GL_DATE_TO   Any date in the Period To, later than or equal to the From date
Balance Type P_BALANCE_TYPE No
  • Actual

  • Encumbrance

  • Budget

Budget P_BUDGET_NAME No All enabled budgets for ledgers in the ledger set
Encumbrance Type P_ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE No All encumbrance types defined in General Ledger
Balance Side P_BALANCE_SIDE No
  • Debit

  • Credit

A balance is included in the report only if the net period ending balance (period beginning balance + net period activity) has the side provided by the user.
Balance Amount [From, To]   No Allowed only if a ledger is provided. Detail for an accounting code combination and period is included in the report only if the period ending balance (period beginning balance + period net activity) is within the amount range. Used in conjunction with Balance Side.
To P_AMOUNT_TO   Any value greater than or equal to the From value
Balancing Segment [From, To]   No  
From P_BALANCING_SEGMENT_FROM   All balancing segment values (BSV) included in the access set identified by the profile options GL: Data Access Set and SLA: Additional Data Access Set
To P_BALANCING_SEGMENT_TO   All BSVs greater than or equal to the From value that meet the above criteria
Natural Account Segment [From, To]   No  
From P_ACCOUNT_SEGMENT_FROM   All enabled natural account values from the ledger or ledger set's chart of accounts
To P_ACCOUNT_SEGMENT_TO   Any enabled natural account value from the ledger or ledger set's chart of accounts greater than or equal to the From value
Accounting Flexfield [From, To]   No  
From P_ACCOUNTING_FLEXFIELD _FROM Yes All enabled accounting code combinations from the ledger or ledger set's chart of accounts
To P_ACCOUNTING_FLEXFIELD_ TO Yes Any enabled accounting code combination from the ledger or ledger set's chart of accounts greater than or equal to the From value
Include Zero Amount Balances P_INCLUDE_ZERO_AMOUNT_BALANCES No Yes or No; controls whether accounting code combinations with period beginning balance equal to zero and no period activity are included in the report
Include Zero Amount Lines P_INCLUDE_ZERO_AMOUNT_LINES No Yes or No; controls whether journal entry lines with both entered and accounted amounts equal to zero are included in the report
Include User Transaction Identifiers P_INCLUDE_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIERS No Yes or No; controls whether the report program retrieves user transaction identifiers names and values
Include Tax Details P_INCLUDE_TAX DETAILS No Yes or No; controls whether the report program retrieves tax details for the journal entry lines
Include Legal Entity Information P_INCLUDE_LEGAL_ENTITY_INFO No Legal Entity: Company information is retrieved from the legal entity to which the balancing segment value of the line is assigned; Establishment: Company information is retrieved from the establishment to which the balancing segment value of the line is assigned; None: No company information is retrieved.

Account Analysis Data Elements

Note: Not all data elements have a corresponding field on the seeded account analysis report templates.

Account Analysis Report Ledger and General Ledger Balance Information Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Descriptions
Ledger ID LEDGER_ID Internal identifier of ledger owning the journal entry
Ledger Short Name LEDGER_SHORT_NAME Short name of ledger owning the journal entry
Ledger Description LEDGER_DESCRIPTION Description of ledger owning the journal entry
Ledger Name LEDGER_NAME Name of ledger owning the journal entry
Ledger Currency LEDGER_CURRENCY Currency of ledger owning the journal entry
Period Year PERIOD_YEAR Journal entry fiscal year
Period Number PERIOD_NUMBER Position of the period in the fiscal year
Period Name PERIOD_NAME Journal entry accounting period name
Period Start Date PERIOD_START_DATE First date of accounting period
Period End Date PERIOD_END_DATE Period end date
Balance Type Code BALANCE_TYPE_CODE Balance type indicator: A, B, or E for Actual, Budget, and Encumbrance respectively
Balance Type Name BALANCE_TYPE Journal entry balance type: Actual, Balance, or Encumbrance
Budget Name BUDGET_NAME Budget name for budget entries
Encumbrance Type ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE Encumbrance type for encumbrance entries
Beginning Period Balance Dr BEGIN_BALANCE_DR Beginning period debit balance
Beginning Period Balance Cr BEGIN_BALANCE_CR Beginning period credit balance
Period Activity Dr PERIOD_NET_DR Period activity, debit
Period Activity Cr PERIOD_NET_CR Period activity, credit
Code Combination Id CODE_COMBINATION_ID Accounting code combination internal identifier for the journal entry line
Accounting Code Combination ACCOUNTING_CODE_COMBINATION (concatenated descriptions) Concatenated values of the accounting code combination for the journal entry line
Code Combination Description (concatenated descriptions) CODE_COMBINATION_DESCRIPTION Code combination description
Control Account Flag CONTROL_ACCOUNT_FLAG Indicates whether the account is a third party control identifier: Y for Yes; N for No
Control Account Indicator CONTROL_ACCOUNT Translated value of the control account flag: Yes or No
Balancing Segment BALANCING_SEGMENT Journal entry line balancing segment
Balancing Segment Description BALANCING_SEGMENT_DESCRIPTION Journal entry line balancing segment description
Natural Account NATURAL_ACCOUNT Journal entry line natural account segment value
Natural Account Description NATURAL_ACCOUNT_DESCRIPTION Journal entry line natural account description
Cost Center COST_CENTER Journal entry line cost center segment value
Cost Center Description COST_CENTER_DESCRIPTION Journal entry line cost center segment description
Management Segment MANAGEMENT_SEGMENT Journal entry line cost center segment description
Management Segment Description MANAGEMENT_SEGMENT_DESCRIPTION Journal entry line management segment description
Inter-company Segment INTERCOMPANY_SEGMENT Journal entry line intercompany segment value
Inter-company Segment Description INTERCOMPANY_SEGMENT_DESCRIPTION Journal entry line intercompany segment description
Segment 1 (to 30) SEGMENT1 (to 30) Journal entry lines individual Accounting Flexfield segment values
Begin Running Total Dr (Populated only if user provides a GL Date range) BEGIN_RUNNING_TOTAL_DR Debit running total from the start date of the first period to the GL Date From
Begin Running Total Cr
(Populated only if user provides a GL Date range)
BEGIN_RUNNING_TOTAL_CR Credit running total from the start date of the first period to the GL Date From
End Running Total Dr
(Populated only if user provides a GL Date range)
END_RUNNING_TOTAL_DR Debit running total from the GL Date To to the end date of the last period
End Running Total Cr
(Populated only if user provides a GL Date range)
END_RUNNING_TOTAL_CR Credit running total from the GL Date To to the end date of the last period
Account Analysis Report Journal Entry Information Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
GL Date GL_DATE Journal entry GL date
Transaction Created by CREATED_BY User who created the subledger transaction
Creation Date CREATION_DATE Journal entry creation date
Last Update Date LAST_UPDATE_DATE Last date journal entry updated
GL Transfer Date GL_TRANSFER_DATE Date journal entry transferred to General Ledger
Reference Date REFERENCE_DATE Journal entry legal reporting date
Completed Date COMPLETED_DATE Journal entry completion date
Transaction Number TRANSACTION_NUMBER Subledger transaction number
Transaction Date TRANSACTION_DATE Subledger transaction date
Accounting Sequence Name ACCOUNTING_SEQUENCE_NAME Sequence name used to number the journal entry at creation or posting
Accounting Sequence Version ACCOUNTING_SEQUENCE_VERSION Sequence version used to number the journal entry at creation or posting
Accounting Sequence Number ACCOUNTING_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number assigned to the journal entry at creation or posting
Reporting Sequence Name REPORTING_SEQUENCE_NAME Sequence name used to number the journal entry at period closing
Reporting Sequence Version REPORTING_SEQUENCE_VERSION Sequence version used to number the journal entry at period closing
Reporting Sequence Number REPORTING_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number assigned to the journal entry at period closing
Document Sequence Category DOCUMENT_CATEGORY Document category assigned to the subledger transaction
Document Sequence Name DOCUMENT_SEQUENCE_NAME Sequence name used to number the subledger transaction
Document Sequence Number DOCUMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number assigned to the subledger transaction
Application Id APPLICATION_ID Internal identifier of the application owning the journal entry
Application Name APPLICATION_NAME Application name owning the journal entry
Header Id HEADER_ID Journal entry internal identifier
Header Description HEADER_DESCRIPTION Journal entry description
Fund Status Value FUND_STATUS Fund reservation status for the journal entry
Journal Category Name JE_CATEGORY_NAME Journal entry category
Journal Source Name JE_SOURCE_NAME Journal entry source
Event Id EVENT_ID Internal identifier of accounting event that originated the journal entry
Event Date EVENT_DATE Date of the accounting event that originated the journal entry
Event Number EVENT_NUMBER Number of the accounting event that originated the journal entry
Event Class Code EVENT_CLASS_CODE Event class code of the accounting event that originated the journal entry
Event Class Name EVENT_CLASS_NAME Event class name of the accounting event that originated the journal entry
Event Type Code EVENT_TYPE_CODE Event type code of the accounting event that originated the journal entry
Event Type Name EVENT_TYPE_NAME Event type name of the accounting event that originated the journal entry
User Transaction Identifier Name USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_1 (to 10) Additional transaction information for identifying the transaction
User Transaction Identifier Value USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_1 (to 10) Additional transaction information for identifying the transaction
Batch Name GL_BATCH_NAME General Ledger batch name that includes the journal entry
Posted Date POSTED_DATE Date journal entry posted to General Ledger
GL Journal Name GL_JE_NAME Journal entry name; name for subledger journal entries taken from corresponding General Ledger journal entry
GL Line Number GL_LINE_NUMBER Sequence name used to number the journal in General Ledger at creation
Line Number LINE_NUMBER Sequence number assigned to the journal in General Ledger at creation
Accounting Class Code ACCOUNTING_CLASS_CODE Accounting class code assigned to the subledger journal entry line
Accounting Class ACCOUNTING_CLASS_NAME Accounting class assigned to the subledger journal entry line
Line Description LINE_DESCRIPTION Journal entry line description
Entered Currency ENTERED_CURRENCY Journal entry currency
Conversion Rate CONVERSION_RATE Transaction conversion rate
Conversion Rate Date CONVERSION _RATE_DATE Transaction conversion rate date
Conversion Rate Type Code CONVERSION _RATE_TYPE_CODE Transaction conversion rate type code
Conversion Rate Type CONVERSION_RATE_TYPE Transaction conversion rate type
Entered Debit ENTERED_DR Entered debit for journal entry line
Entered Credit ENTERED_CR Entered credit for journal entry line
Unrounded Accounted Debit UNROUNDED_ACCOUNTED_DR Accounted debit before rounding
Unrounded Accounted Credit UNROUNDED_ACCOUNTED_CR Accounted credit before rounding
Accounted Debit ACCOUNTED_DR Journal entry line accounted debit
Accounted Credit ACCOUNTED_CR Journal entry line accounted credit
Statistical Amount STATISTICAL_AMOUNT Journal entry line statistical amount
Reconciliation Reference RECONCILIATION_REFERENCE Reference used for reconciliation purposes
Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Context column for the journal entry lines descriptive flexfield
Attribute 1 (to 10) ATTRIBUTE1 (to 10) Attribute columns for the journal entry lines descriptive flexfield
Third Party Type PARTY_TYPE_CODE Third party type indicator: C for Customer; S for Supplier
Third Party Type PARTY_TYPE Party Type: Customer or Supplier
Third Party Number PARTY_NUMBER Third party number for journal entry line
Third Party Name PARTY_NAME Third party name for journal entry line
Third Party Taxpayer Id PARTY_TAXPAYER_ID Third party taxpayer identifier for journal entry line
Third Party Tax Registration Number PARTY_TAX_REGISTRATION_NUMBER Third party tax registration number for journal entry line
Third Party Site Number PARTY_SITE_NUMBER Third party site number for journal entry line
Third Party Site Name PARTY_SITE_NAME Third party site name for journal entry line
Third Party Site Tax Registration Number PARTY__SITE_TAX_REGISTRATION_NUMBER Third party tax registration number for journal entry line

Third Party Balances Report

The Third Party Balances Report displays balance and account activity information for suppliers and customers. It retrieves the following information:

Third Party Balances Report Parameters

Third Party Balances Report Selection Parameters
Parameter Token Required Valid Values
Ledger /Ledger Set P_LEDGER Yes All ledgers and ledger sets included in the access sets identified by the profile options GL: Data Access Set and SLA: Additional Data Access Set
Journal Entry Source P_JE_SOURCE No All journal entry sources associated with subledger applications that use third party control accounts
Can be changed only if the SLA: Allow Reports Journal Source Override profile options is enabled
See: SLA: Allow Reports Journal Source Override
Legal Entity P_LEGAL_ENTITY No All legal entities assigned to ledgers in the ledger set
Period [From, To]   Yes  
From P_PERIOD_FROM   All periods for the accounting calendar and period type associated with the selected ledger or ledger set
To P_PERIOD_TO   All periods from the accounting calendar equal to or after the From period up to the end of the fiscal year
GL Date [From, To]   No Specifies a General Ledger range inside the period range. Journal entry lines with GL dates between the start date of the Period From and the GL Date From are summarized. Journal entries with GL dates between the GL Date To and the end date of the Period To are summarized.
From P_GL_DATE_FROM   Any date in the Period From
To P_GL_DATE_TO   Any date in the Period To, later than or equal to the From date
Balance Side P_BALANCE_SIDE No
  • Debit

  • Credit

A balance is included in the report only if the net period ending balance (period beginning balance + period net activity) has the side provided by the user.
Balance Amount [From, To]   No; requires Balance Side Allowed only if a ledger is provided. A balance is included in the report only if the period ending balance (period beginning balance + period net activity) is within the amount range; used in conjunction with Balance Side.
To P_BALANCE_AMOUNT_TO   Any value greater than or equal to the From value
Third Party Type P_PARTY_TYPE No Values include Customer, Supplier, and All.
Third Party Name P_PARTY_NAME No All customers or all suppliers based on the third party type
Third Party Site P_PARTY_SITE No; requires Third Party Name All third party sites for the supplier or customer identified by third party name
Third Party Number [From, To]   No  
From P_PARTY_NUMBER_FROM   All customer or all supplier numbers based on the third party type
To P_PARTY_NUMBER_TO   Any customer or supplier numbers greater than or equal to the From value
Balancing Segment [From, To]   No  
From P_BALANCING_SEGMENT_FROM   All balancing segment values (BSV) tied to legal entities assigned to ledgers in the access set identified by the profile options GL: Data Access Set and SLA: Additional Data Access Set
To P_BALANCING_SEGMENT_TO   All BSVs greater than or equal to the From value that meet the above criteria
Natural Account Segment [From, To]   No  
From P_ACCOUNT_SEGMENT_FROM   All enabled natural account values from the ledger or ledger set's chart of accounts
To P_ACCOUNT_SEGMENT_TO   Any enabled natural account value from the ledger or ledger set's chart of accounts greater than or equal to the From value
Accounting Flexfield [From, To]   No  
From P_ACCOUNTING_FLEXFIELD _FROM Yes All enabled accounting code combinations from the ledger or ledger set's chart of accounts
To P_ACCOUNTING_FLEXFIELD_ TO Yes Any enabled accounting code combination from the ledger or ledger set's chart of accounts greater than or equal to the From value
Include Zero Amount Balances P_INCLUDE_ZERO_AMOUNT_BALANCES No Yes or No; controls whether third party and third party sites with period beginning balance equal to zero and no period activity are included in the report
Include User Transaction Identifiers P_INCLUDE_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIERS No Yes or No; controls whether the report retrieves user transaction identifiers names and values
Include Tax Details P_INCLUDE_TAX DETAILS No Yes or No; controls whether the report retrieves tax details for the journal entry lines
Include Legal Entity Information P_INCLUDE_LEGAL_ENTITY_INFO No Legal Entity: Company information is retrieved from the legal entity to which the balancing segment value of the line is assigned; Establishment: Company information is retrieved from the establishment to which the balancing segment value of the line is assigned; None: No company information is retrieved.

Third Party Balances Report Data Elements

Note: Not all data elements have a corresponding field on the seeded report templates.

Third Party Balances Report Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag)
Ledger Id LEDGER_ID Internal identifier of ledger owning the journal entry
Ledger Short Name LEDGER_SHORT_NAME Short name of ledger owning the journal entry
Ledger Description LEDGER_DESCRIPTION Description of ledger owning the journal entry
Ledger Name LEDGER_NAME Name of ledger owning the journal entry
Ledger Currency LEDGER_CURRENCY Currency of ledger owning the journal entry
Third Party Type PARTY_TYPE_CODE Third party type indicator: C for Customer; S for supplier
Third Party Type PARTY_TYPE Party type: Customer or Supplier
Third Party Id PARTY_ID Third party internal identifier for journal entry line
Third Party Number PARTY_NUMBER Third party number for journal entry line
Third Party Name PARTY_NAME Third party name for journal entry line
Third Party Taxpayer Id PARTY_TYPE_TAXPAYER_ID Third party taxpayer identifier for journal entry line
Third Party Tax Registration Number PARTY_TAX_REGISTRATION_NUMBER Third party tax registration number for journal entry line
Third Party Address Line 1 PARTY_ADDRESS_1 Third party address line 1
Third Party Address Line 2 PARTY_ADDRESS_2 Third party address line 2
Third Party Address Line 3 PARTY_ADDRESS_3 Third party address line 3
Third Party Address Line 4 PARTY_ADDRESS_4 Third party address line 4
Third Party City PARTY_CITY Third party city
Third Party Postal Code PARTY_ZIP_CODE Third party postal code
Third Party State PARTY_STATE Third party state
Third Party Province PARTY_PROVINCE Third party province
Third Party Country PARTY_COUNTRY Third party country
Third Party County PARTY_COUNTY Third party county
Third Party Site Id PARTY_SITE_ID Third party site internal identifier for journal entry line
Third Party Site Number PARTY_SITE_NUMBER Third party site number for journal entry line
Third Party Site Name PARTY_SITE_NAME Third party site name for journal entry line
Third Party Site Tax Registration Number PARTY__SITE_TAX_REGISTRATION_NUMBER Third party site taxpayer identifier for journal entry line
Third Party Site Address Line 1 PARTY_SITE_ADDRESS_LINE_1 Third party site address line 1
Third Party Site Address Line 2 PARTY_SITE_ADDRESS_LINE_2 Third party site address line 2
Third Party Site Address Line 3 PARTY_SITE_ADDRESS_LINE_3 Third party site address line 3
Third Party Site Address Line 4 PARTY_SITE_ADDRESS_LINE_4 Third party site address line 4
Third Party Site City PARTY_SITE_CITY Third party site city
Third Party Site Postal Code PARTY_SITE_ZIP_CODE Third party site postal code
Third Party Site State PARTY_SITE_STATE Third party site state
Third Party Site Province PARTY_SITE_PROVINCE Third party site province
Third Party Site Country PARTY_SITE_COUNTRY Third party site country
Third Party Site County PARTY_SITE_COUNTY Third party site county
Application Id APPLICATION_ID Internal identifier of the application owning the journal entry
Application Name APPLICATION_NAME Application name owning the journal entry
Journal Source Name JE_SOURCE_NAME Journal entry source
Period Year PERIOD_YEAR Journal entry fiscal year
Period Number PERIOD_NUMBER Position of the period in the fiscal year
Period Name PERIOD_NAME Journal entry accounting period name
Period Start Date PERIOD_START_DATE First date of accounting period
Period End Date PERIOD_END_DATE Last date of accounting period
Beginning Balance Dr BEGIN_BALANCE_DR Beginning balance, debit
Beginning Balance Cr BEGIN_BALANCE_CR Beginning balance, credit
Period Activity Dr PERIOD_NET_DR Period activity, debit
Period Activity Cr PERIOD_NET_CR Period activity, credit
Beginning Draft Balance Dr BEGIN_DRAFT_BALANCE_DR Beginning draft balance, debit
Beginning Draft Balance Cr BEGIN_DRAFT_BALANCE_CR Beginning draft balance, credit
Period Draft Activity Dr PERIOD_DRAFT_NET_DR Period draft activity, debit
Period Draft Activity Cr PERIOD_DRAFT_NET_CR Period draft activity, credit
Code Combination Id CODE_COMBINATION_ID Accounting code combination internal identifier for the journal entry line
Accounting Code Combination ACCOUNTING_CODE_COMBINATION (concatenated values) Concatenated values of the accounting code combination for the journal entry line
Code Combination Description CODE_COMBINATION_DESCRIPTION (concatenated descriptions) Concatenated descriptions of the accounting code combination for the journal entry line
Balancing Segment BALANCING_SEGMENT Journal entry line balancing segment
Balancing Segment Description BALANCING_SEGMENT_DESCRIPTION Journal entry line balancing segment description
Natural Account NATURAL_ACCOUNT Journal entry line natural account segment values
Natural Account Description NATURAL_ACCOUNT_DESCRIPTION Journal entry line natural account segment values
Cost Center COST_CENTER Journal entry line cost center segment values
Cost Center Description COST_CENTER_DESCRIPTION Journal entry line cost center segment description
Management Segment MANAGEMENT_SEGMENT Journal entry line management segment value
Management Segment Description MANAGEMENT_SEGMENT_DESCRIPTION Journal entry line management segment description
Inter-company Segment INTERCOMPANY_SEGMENT Journal entry line intercompany segment value
Inter-company Segment Description INTERCOMPANY_SEGMENT_DESCRIPTION Journal entry line intercompany segment description
Segment 1 (to 30) SEGMENT1 (to 30) Journal entry lines individual Accounting Flexfield segment values
Begin Running Total Dr (Populated only if user provides a GL Date range) BEGIN_RUNNING_TOTAL_DR Debit running total from the start date of the first period to the GL Date From
Begin Running Total Cr
(Populated only if user provides a GL Date range)
BEGIN_RUNNING_TOTAL_CR Credit running total from the start date of the first period to the GL Date From
End Running Total Dr
(Populated only if user provides a GL Date range)
END_RUNNING_TOTAL_DR Debit running total from the GL Date To to the end date of the last period
End Running Total Cr
(Populated only if user provides a GL Date range)
END_RUNNING_TOTAL_CR Credit running total from the GL Date To to the end date of the last period
Third Party Balances Report Journal Entry Header and Line Information
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Source
GL Date GL_DATE Journal entry header accounting date
Transaction Created by CREATED_BY User who created transaction
Creation Date CREATION_DATE Journal entry creation date
Last Update Date LAST_UPDATE_DATE Last date journal entry updated
GL Transfer Date GL_TRANSFER_DATE Date journal entry transferred to General Ledger
Reference Date REFERENCE_DATE Journal entry legal reporting date
Completed Date COMPLETED_DATE Journal entry completion date
Transaction Number TRANSACTION_NUMBER Subledger transaction number
Transaction Date TRANSACTION_DATE Subledger transaction date
Accounting Sequence Name ACCOUNTING_SEQUENCE_NAME Sequence name used to number the journal entry at creation or posting
Accounting Sequence Version ACCOUNTING_SEQUENCE_VERSION Sequence version used to number the journal entry at creation or posting
Accounting Sequence Number ACCOUNTING_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number assigned to the journal entry at creation or posting
Reporting Sequence Name REPORTING_SEQUENCE_NAME Sequence name used to number the journal entry at period closing
Reporting Sequence Version REPORTING_SEQUENCE_VERSION Sequence version used to number the journal entry at period closing
Reporting Sequence Number REPORTING_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number assigned to the journal entry at period closing
Document Sequence Name DOCUMENT_SEQUENCE_NAME Sequence name used to number the subledger transaction
Document Sequence Number DOCUMENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number assigned to the subledger transaction
Header Id HEADER_ID Journal entry internal identifier
Header Description HEADER_DESCRIPTION Journal entry description
Fund Status Value FUND_STATUS Fund reservation status for the journal entry
Journal Category Name JE_CATEGORY_NAME Journal entry category
Event Id EVENT_ID Internal identifier of the accounting event that originated the journal entry
Event Date EVENT_DATE Date of the accounting event that originated the journal entry
Event Number EVENT_NUMBER Number of the accounting event that originated the journal entry
Event Class Code EVENT_CLASS_CODE Event class code of the accounting event that originated the journal entry
Event Class Name EVENT_CLASS_NAME Event class name of the accounting event that originated the journal entry
Event Type Code EVENT_TYPE_CODE Event type code of the accounting event that originated the journal entry
Event Type Name EVENT_TYPE_NAME Event type name of the accounting event that originated the journal entry
User Transaction Identifier Name USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_1 (to 10) Additional transaction information for identifying the transaction
User Transaction Identifier Value USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_1 (to 10) Additional transaction information for identifying the transaction
Journal Entry Status JOURNAL_ENTRY_STATUS Subledger journal entry status: Draft, Final, and Enter
Transfer to GL Status TRANSFER_TO_GL_STATUS Indicates whether journal entry transferred to General Ledger
GL Batch Status GL_BATCH_STATUS Status of batch that includes the journal entry: Unposted or Posted
Posted Date POSTED_DATE Date journal entry posted to General Ledger
Line Number LINE_NUMBER Sequence number assigned to the journal in General Ledger at creation
Accounting Class Code ACCOUNTING_CLASS_CODE Accounting class code assigned to the subledger journal entry line
Accounting Class ACCOUNTING_CLASS_NAME Accounting class assigned to the subledger journal entry line
Line Description LINE_DESCRIPTION Journal entry line description
Entered Currency ENTERED_CURRENCY Journal entry currency
Conversion Rate CONVERSION_RATE Transaction conversion rate
Conversion Rate Date CONVERSION _RATE_DATE Transaction conversion rate date
Conversion Rate Type Code CONVERSION _RATE_TYPE_CODE Transaction conversion type code of rate
Conversion Rate Type CONVERSION_RATE_TYPE Transaction conversion rate type
Entered Debit ENTERED_DR Entered debit for journal entry line
Entered Credit ENTERED_CR Entered credit for journal entry line
Unrounded Accounted Debit UNROUNDED_ACCOUNTED_DR Accounted debit before rounding
Unrounded Accounted Credit UNROUNDED_ACCOUNTED_CR Accounted credit before rounding
Accounted Debit ACCOUNTED_DR Journal entry line accounted debit
Accounted Credit ACCOUNTED_CR Journal entry line accounted credit
Statistical Amount STATISTICAL_AMOUNT Journal entry line statistical amount
Reconciliation Reference RECONCILIATION_REFERENCE Reference used for reconciliation purposes
Attribute Category ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Context column for the journal entry lines descriptive flexfield
Attribute 1 (to 10) ATTRIBUTE1 (to 10) Attribute columns for the journal entry lines descriptive flexfield

Multiperiod Accounting Reports

This section describes the following multiperiod Accounting reports:

Multiperiod Accounting and Accrual Reversal Report Data Elements

For information on submission parameters, seeCreate Accounting Program.

Note: Not all data elements have a corresponding field on the seeded multiperiod and accrual reversal report templates.

Multiperiod Accounting and Accrual Reversal Report Level Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Source Application SOURCE_APPLICATION Source Application value from Create Accounting request parameter
Application APPLICATION Subledger Application value from Create Accounting request parameter
End Date END_DATE End Date value from Create Accounting request parameter; processes only those events with event dates on or before the end date
Process Category PROCESS_CATEGORY Process Category value from Create Accounting request parameter; restricts the events for accounting to a particular process category
Accounting Report Level ACCOUNTING_REPORT_LEVEL Accounting Report Level value from Create Accounting request parameter
Create Accounting CREATE_ACCOUNTING Create Accounting value from Create Accounting request parameter; determines whether to create subledger journal entries
Errors Only ERRORS_ONLY Errors Only value from Create Accounting request parameter; limits the creation of accounting to those events which previously failed accounting
Transfer to General Ledger TRANSFER_TO_GENERAL_LEDGER Transfer to General Ledger value from Create Accounting request parameter; determines whether to transfer the subledger journal entries to General Ledger
Post in General Ledger POST_IN_GENERAL_LEDGER Post in General Ledger value from Create Accounting request parameter; determines whether to post subledger journal entries in General Ledger
General Ledger Batch Name GENERAL_LEDGER_BATCH_NAME General Ledger Batch Name value from Create Accounting request parameter; user-entered batch name that appears on the transferred General Ledger subledger journal entries
Multiperiod Accounting and Accrual Reversal Report Journal Entry Summary Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Event Class EVENT_CLASS Accounting event class name of the subledger journal entries used to group journal entries
Number of Documents NUMBER_OF_DOCUMENTS Number of documents processed for the event class
Ledger LEDGER Ledger name of processed journal entries
Type JOURNAL_ENTRY_TYPE Journal entry type:
  • Multiperiod Accrual

  • Recognition

  • Accrual

  • Accrual Reversal

Processed JOURNAL_ENTRIES_PROCESSED Number of journal entries processed for each type
In Error JOURNAL_ENTRIES_IN_ERROR Number of journal entries with errors
Multiperiod Accounting and Accrual Reversal Report Transfer to General Ledger Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Ledger LEDGER Ledger for which entries are transferred
Type JOURNAL_ENTRY_TYPE Journal entry type:
  • Multiperiod Accrual

  • Recognition

  • Accrual

  • Accrual Reversal

Count JOURNAL_ENTRIES_TRANSFERRED Number of journal entries transferred to General Ledger
Multiperiod Accounting and Accrual Reversal Report General Error Data Elements
Data Source Element Template Field Description
Error Number G_ERROR_NUMBER Error code of the accounting program error
Error Message G_ERROR_MESSAGE Error description
Multiperiod Accounting and Accrual Reversal Report Event Level Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Event Class EVENT_CLASS Accounting event class name of the subledger journal entries
Event Type EVENT_TYPE Accounting event type of the subledger journal entries
Event Number EVENT_NUMBER User-oriented number to identify the events of a document
Event Date EVENT_DATE Event date of the event
<User Trx Identifier Prompt XX> USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_PROMPT_XX Prompt values based upon setup in the Accounting Methods Builder (AMB) of Event Class Attribute User Transaction Identifiers. All identifiers set up are displayed.
<User Trx Identifier Value XX> USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_XX User transaction identifier XX value
Multiperiod Accounting and Accrual Reversal Report Journal Header Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Ledger LEDGER Accrual journal entry ledger name
GL Date GL_DATE Accrual journal entry General Ledger date
Ledger Currency LEDGER_CURRENCY Accrual journal entry ledger currency
Application Accounting Definition APPLICATION_ACCOUNTING_DEFINITION Application accounting definition name used to create accrual journal entry
Application Accounting Definition Version AAD_VERSION Application accounting definition version of accrual journal entry
Journal Entry Description JOURNAL_ENTRY_DESCRIPTION Accrual journal entry description
Type JOURNAL_ENTRY_TYPE Journal entry type:
  • Multiperiod Accrual

  • Recognition

  • Accrual

  • Accrual Reversal

Journal Entry Status JOURNAL_ENTRY_STATUS Accrual journal entry status
Accounting Sequence Name ACCOUNTING_SEQUENCE_NAME Sequence name used to number the journal entry at completion time
Accounting Sequence Version ACCOUNTING_SEQUENCE_VERSION Sequence version used to number the journal entry at completion time
Accounting Sequence Number ACCOUNTING_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequential number assigned to the journal entry at completion time
Multiperiod Accounting and Accrual Reversal Report Journal Entry Line Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Line Number LINE_NUMBER Accrual journal entry line number
Account ACCOUNT Accrual journal entry line account
Currency CURRENCY Transaction line entered currency code
Entered Debit ENTERED_DEBIT Transaction line currency debit amount
Entered Credit ENTERED_CREDIT Transaction line currency credit amount
Accounted Debit ACCOUNTED_DEBIT Ledger currency debit amount
Accounted Credit ACCOUNTED_CREDIT Ledger currency credit amount
Multiperiod Accounting and Accrual Accounting Report Error Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Line Number LINE_NUMBER Error line number
Error Number ERROR_NUMBER Accounting program error code
Error Message ERROR_MESSAGE Error description

Multiperiod Accounting Report (Detail) Data Elements

Multiperiod Accounting Report (Detail) Report Level Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Application APPLICATION Subledger Application value from Complete Multiperiod Accounting request parameter
End Date END_DATE End Date value from Complete Multiperiod Accounting request parameter
Process Category PROCESS_CATEGORY Process Category value from Complete Multiperiod Accounting request parameter
Errors Only ERRORS_ONLY Errors Only value from Complete Multiperiod Accounting request parameter
Transfer to General Ledger TRANSFER_TO_GENERAL_LEDGER Transfer to General Ledger value from Complete Multiperiod Accounting request parameter
Post in General Ledger POST_IN_GENERAL_LEDGER Post in General Ledger value from Complete Multiperiod Accounting request parameter
General Ledger Batch Name GENERAL_LEDGER_BATCH_NAME General Ledger Batch Name value from Complete Multiperiod Accounting request parameter
Multiperiod Accounting Report (Detail) Journal Entry Summary Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Event Class EVENT_CLASS Accounting event class name of the subledger journal entries used to group journal entries
Number of Documents NUMBER_OF_DOCUMENTS Number of documents processed for the event class
Ledger LEDGER Processed journal entries ledger name
Type JOURNAL_ENTRY_TYPE Journal entry type:
  • Recognition

  • Accrual Reversal

Processed JOURNAL_ENTRIES_PROCESSED Number of journal entries processed for each type
In Error JOURNAL_ENTRIES_IN_ERROR Number of journal entries with errors
Multiperiod Accounting Report (Detail) Transfer to General Ledger Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Ledger LEDGER Ledger for which entries are transferred
Type JOURNAL_ENTRY_TYPE Type of journal entry:
  • Recognition

  • Accrual Reversal

Count JOURNAL_ENTRIES_TRANSFERRED Number of journal entries transferred to General Ledger
Multiperiod Accounting Report (Detail) General Error Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Error Number G_ERROR_NUMBER Program error code
Error Message G_ERROR_MESSAGE Error description
Multiperiod Accounting Report (Detail) Event Level Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Event Class EVENT_CLASS Accounting event class name of the subledger journal entries
Event Type EVENT_TYPE Accounting event type of the subledger journal entries
Event Number EVENT_NUMBER Number to identify the events of a document
Event Date EVENT_DATE Date of the event
<User Trx Identifier Prompt XX> USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_PROMPT_XX Prompt values based upon setup in the Accounting Methods Builder (AMB) of Event Class Attribute User Transaction Identifiers. All identifiers set up are displayed.
<User Trx Identifier Value XX> USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_XX Value for the user transaction identifier XX
Multiperiod Accounting Report (Detail) Journal Entry Header Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Ledger LEDGER Journal entry ledger name
GL Date GL_DATE Journal entry General Ledger date
Ledger Currency LEDGER_CURRENCY Journal entry ledger currency
Application Accounting Definition APPLICATION_ACCOUNTING_DEFINITION Application accounting definition name used to create journal entry
Application Accounting Definition Version AAD_VERSION Application accounting definition version
Description DESCRIPTION Journal entry description
Type JOURNAL_ENTRY_TYPE Journal entry type:
  • Recognition

  • Accrual Reversal

Journal Entry Status JOURNAL_ENTRY_STATUS Journal entry status
Accounting Sequence Name ACCOUNTING_SEQUENCE_NAME Sequence name used to number the journal entry at completion time
Accounting Sequence Version ACCOUNTING_SEQUENCE_VERSION Sequence version used to number the journal entry at completion time
Accounting Sequence Number ACCOUNTING_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequential number assigned to the journal entry at completion time
Multiperiod Accounting Report (Detail) Journal Entry Line Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Line Number LINE_NUMBER Journal entry line number
Account ACCOUNT Journal entry line account
Currency CURRENCY Journal entry line entered currency code
Entered Debit ENTERED_DEBIT Journal entry line entered currency debit amount
Entered Credit ENTERED_CREDIT Journal line entered currency credit amount
Accounted Debit ACCOUNTED_DEBIT Ledger currency debit amount
Accounted Credit ACCOUNTED_CREDIT Ledger currency credit amount
Multiperiod Accounting Report (Detail) Error Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Line Number LINE_NUMBER Error line number
Error Number ERROR_NUMBER Accounting program error code
Error Message ERROR_MESSAGE Error description

Multiperiod Accounting Report (Summary) Data Elements

Multiperiod Accounting Report (Summary) Report Level Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Application APPLICATION Subledger Application value from Complete Multiperiod Accounting request parameter
End Date END_DATE End Date value from Complete Multiperiod Accounting request parameter
Process Category PROCESS_CATEGORY Process Category value from Complete Multiperiod Accounting request parameter
Errors Only ERRORS_ONLY Errors Only value from Complete Multiperiod Accounting request parameter
Transfer to General Ledger TRANSFER_TO_GENERAL_LEDGER Transfer to General Ledger value from Complete Multiperiod Accounting request parameter
Post in General Ledger POST_IN_GENERAL_LEDGER Post in General Ledger value from Complete Multiperiod Accounting request parameter
General Ledger Batch Name GENERAL_LEDGER_BATCH_NAME General Ledger Batch Name value from Complete Multiperiod Accounting request parameter
Multiperiod Accounting Report (Summary) Journal Entry Summary Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Event Class EVENT_CLASS Accounting event class name of the subledger journal entries used to group journal entries
Number of Documents NUMBER_OF_DOCUMENTS Number of documents processed for the event class
Ledger LEDGER Processed journal entries ledger name
Type JOURNAL_ENTRY_TYPE Journal entry type:
  • Recognition

  • Accrual Reversal

Processed JOURNAL_ENTRIES_PROCESSED Number of journal entries processed for each type
In Error JOURNAL_ENTRIES_IN_ERROR Number of journal entries with errors
Multiperiod Accounting Report (Summary) Transfer to General Ledger Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Ledger LEDGER Ledger for which entries are transferred
Type JOURNAL_ENTRY_TYPE Journal entry type:
  • Recognition

  • Accrual Reversal

Count JOURNAL_ENTRIES_TRANSFERRED Number of journal entries transferred to General Ledger
Multiperiod Accounting Report (Summary) General Error Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Error Number G_ERROR_NUMBER Accounting program error code
Error Message G_ERROR_MESSAGE Error description
Multiperiod Accounting Report (Summary) Journal Entry Header Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Ledger LEDGER Journal entry ledger
GL Date GL_DATE Journal entry General Ledger date
Ledger Currency LEDGER_CURRENCY Journal entry ledger currency
Application Accounting Definition APPLICATION_ACCOUNTING_DEFINITION Application accounting definition name used to create journal entry
Application Accounting Definition Version AAD_VERSION Application accounting definition version
Description DESCRIPTION Journal entry description
Type JOURNAL_ENTRY_TYPE Journal entry type:
  • Recognition

  • Accrual Reversal

Journal Entry Status JOURNAL_ENTRY_STATUS Journal entry status
Multiperiod Accounting Report (Summary) Journal Entry Line Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Line Number LINE_NUMBER Journal entry line number
Account ACCOUNT Journal entry line account
Currency CURRENCY Journal entry line entered currency code
Entered Debit ENTERED_DEBIT Journal entry line entered currency debit amount
Entered Credit ENTERED_CREDIT Journal entry line currency credit amount
Accounted Debit ACCOUNTED_DEBIT Ledger currency debit amount
Accounted Credit ACCOUNTED_CREDIT Ledger currency credit amount
Multiperiod Accounting Report (Summary) Error Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Line Number LINE_NUMBER Error line number
Error Number ERROR_NUMBER Accounting program error code
Error Message ERROR_MESSAGE Error description

Subledger Period Close Exceptions Report

The Subledger Period Close Exceptions Report lists all accounting events and journal entries that fail period close validation. It is automatically submitted by General Ledger when closing a GL period if there are unprocessed accounting events or untransferred journal entries.

You can also generate the Subledger Period Close Exceptions Report through a concurrent request as follows:

Subledger Period Close Exceptions Report Parameters

Subledger Period Close Exceptions Report Parameters
Parameter Required Valid Values
Ledger /Ledger Set Yes All ledgers and ledger sets included in the access set identified by the profile options GL: Data Access Set and SLA: Additional Access Set
Period From Yes All periods from the accounting calendar associated with the selected ledger or ledger set
Period To Yes All periods from the accounting calendar equal to or coming after the From period up to the end of the fiscal year
Journal Source No All General Ledger journal sources registered with Subledger Accounting
Event Class No; enabled only when a concurrent request is submitted for a specific journal source All event classes enabled for the application associated with the journal source
Journal Category No; enabled only when a concurrent request is submitted for a journal source All journal categories used by Subledger Accounting

Subledger Period Close Exceptions Report Data Elements

Note: Not all data elements have a corresponding field on the seeded subledger period close exceptions report templates.

Subledger Period Close Exceptions Report Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Event Date EVENT_DATE Event date; if journal entry exists, journal entry GL date
Transaction Created by CREATED_BY User who submitted the Subledger Accounting program
Creation Date CREATION_DATE Event creation date; if journal entry exists, journal entry creation date
Last Update Date LAST_UPDATE_DATE Last date event updated; if journal entry exists, last date journal entry updated
User Name USER_NAME In case of events, name of user who created the event; in case of journal entries, name of user who created the journal entries
Transaction Number TRANSACTION_NUMBER Subledger transaction number
Transaction Date TRANSACTION_DATE Subledger transaction date
Application Id APPLICATION_ID Internal identifier of the application owning the journal entry or accounting event
Ledger ID LEDGER_ID Internal identifier of the ledger owning the journal entry or accounting event
Ledger Short Name LEDGER_SHORT_NAME Short name of the ledger owning the journal entry or accounting event
Ledger Description LEDGER_DESCRIPTION Description of the ledger owning the subledger journal entry
Ledger Name LEDGER_NAME Name of the ledger owning the subledger journal entry or accounting event
Ledger Currency LEDGER_CURRENCY Currency of the ledger owning the subledger journal entry or accounting event
Status PRINT_STATUS Accounting event status if no journal entries exist
If journal entry exists: if it is accounted in final mode, status of the General Ledger transfer status code; otherwise status of the journal entry
On Hold Flag ON_HOLD_FLAG Indicates whether event is on hold; Y for Yes, N for No
On Hold ON_HOLD_FLAG Values are Yes or No.
Journal Category Name JOURNAL_CATEGORY_NAME Journal category name associated with the event class of the event
  USER_JE_CATEGORY_NAME Journal category name associated with the event class of the event in user's language
Journal Source Name JOURNAL_SOURCE Journal source associated with the application owning the journal entry
  USER_JE_SOURCE Journal source associated with the application owning the journal entry in user's language
Event Id EVENT_ID Accounting event internal identifier
Event Date ACCOUNTING_DATE Event date of the accounting event; if journal entry exists, accounting date of the journal entry
Event Number EVENT_NUMBER Accounting event number
Event Class Code EVENT_CLASS_CODE Event class code of the accounting event
Event Class Name EVENT_CLASS_NAME Event class name of the accounting event
Event Type Code EVENT_TYPE_CODE Event type code of the accounting event
Event Type Name EVENT_TYPE_NAME Event type name of the accounting event
User Transaction Identifier Name USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_1 (to 10) User transaction identifiers column names attached to the event class of the accounting event
User Transaction Identifier Value USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_1 (to 10) User transaction identifiers values attached to the event class of the accounting event
Balance Type BALANCE_TYPE Valid only for journal entries and not for events; balance type of the journal entry. Possible values include Actual, Budget, and Encumbrance.
Balance Type Code BALANCE_TYPE_CODE A for Actual, B for Budget, and E for Encumbrance

Subledger Accounting Rules Detail Listing Report

The Subledger Accounting Rules Detail Listing Report lets youbiew setup details for a subledger accounting method.

The report can be submitted from individual subledger applications or from Oracle General Ledger. In addition, the report can be submitted for custom applications registered within Oracle Financial Accounting Hub.

Note: This report is not available by default with the standard request groups. You must attach this report to the required request group in the System Administrator responsibility.

Subledger Accounting Rules Detail Listing Report Parameters

Subledger Accounting Rules Detail Listing Report Parameters
Parameter Required Valid Values
Owner Type Yes A valid E-Business Suite user.
Subledger Accounting Method Yes The list of values shows the Subledger Accounting Method names that are Enabled. The value set is based on the value selected in the Owner Type.
Application Yes Application Name attached to the responsibility from where the report is submitted.
Event Class No; enabled only when a concurrent request is submitted for a specific journal source All event classes enabled for the application associated with the journal source
Event Type No; enabled only when a concurrent request is submitted for a specific journal source Event type code of the accounting event

Subledger Accounting Rules Detail Listing Report Data Element

Note: Not all data elements have a corresponding field on the seeded subledger accounting rules detail listing report templates.

Subledger Accounting Rules Detail Listing Report Data Elements
Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Description
Owner Type CREATED_BY User who submitted the Subledger Accounting program
Application APPLICATION_ID Internal identifier of the application owning the journal entry or accounting event
Event Class Code EVENT_CLASS_CODE Event class code of the accounting event
Event Type EVENT_TYPE_CODE Event type code of the accounting event

The report output comprises of header, subheader and appendix. You can now use the new report to easily review the following setup details: