Setting Up

This topic discusses the setup tasks required for Oracle MES for Process Manufacturing.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Setting Up Profile Options

During implementation, set a value for selected profile options to specify how your Oracle MES for Process Manufacturing application controls access to and processes data. The System Administrator sets user profile options at one or more of the following levels: Site, Application, Responsibility, and User.

GMO: Control Batch Recording

Enables generation of the Control Batch Record in MES for Process Manufacturing. Values include:

Recommended Change Level: Can only be set to Yes once by the concurrent program.

GMO: Device Integration Mode

Sets device as enabled or mandated. Values include:

Recommended Change Levels: Site, Organization

GMO: Device Measure Response Component for Dispense

Identifies the dispensing scale device message component that corresponds to the measurement data element. Values include:

Options: Provided manually as part of device response setup.

Recommended Change Levels: Site, Organization

GMO: Device UOM Response Component for Dispense

Identifies the dispensing scale device message component that corresponds to the unit of measure data element. Values include:

Options: Provided manually as part of device response setup.

Recommended Change Level: Site, Organization

GMO: Device Read Timeout (Seconds)

Sets the wait time for the application from an integrated device before returning window control to the user. Values include:

Options: Provided manually (default is 10).

Recommended Change Level: Site

GMO: Label Print Mode

Sets label printing mode. Values include:

Recommended Change Level: Site

GMO: MES for Process Manufacturing is Enabled

Enables MES for Process Manufacturing:

Recommended Change Level: Can only be set to Yes once by the concurrent program.

FND:Validation Level

Controls whether accelerated validation is enforced for the Oracle E-Business Suite. Values include:

This profile option is set only at the Site level.

Caution: If using the Touch Screen interface, the setting for this profile needs to be set to None to display the list of values when performing searches. The default value is Error.

FND:Disable Inline Attachments

Determines whether the Inline Attachments feature is enabled or disabled at the Site or Application level. Valid values include:

Note: The value of the Inline Attachment Enabled property set on the attachment region item overrides this profile option value.

Caution: This profile must be set to True to use the MES Operator Workbench shortcut link for viewing batch details. The default is True.

Related Topics

Setting User Profile Options, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide Documentation Set

Profile Categories, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide Documentation Set

Enabling Oracle MES for Process Manufacturing

Enable Oracle MES for Process Manufacturing by running the Enable MES Functionality concurrent program. This setup is done during application implementation.

To enable the Oracle MES for Process Manufacturing application

  1. Navigate to the MES for Process Manufacturing Administrator responsibility.

  2. Choose Run from Request.

  3. Select Single Request.

  4. Select OK.

  5. Select Enable MES Operations Functionality for the request Name.

  6. Select OK.

  7. Submit the request to run the concurrent program.

  8. Verify success by determining that the GMO: MES for Process Manufacturing is Enabled profile option is set to Yes.

Enabling Control Batch Record

Enable Control Batch Record (CBR) by running the Enable Control Batch Record concurrent program. The concurrent program is run before creating batches.

To run the Enable Control Batch Record concurrent program

  1. Navigate to the MES for Process Manufacturing Administrator responsibility.

  2. Choose Run from Request.

  3. Select Single Request.

  4. Select OK.

  5. Select Enable Control Batch Record for the request Name.

  6. Select OK.

  7. Submit the request to run the concurrent program.

    Verify success by determining that the GMO: Control Batch Recording profile option is set to Yes.

Setting Up Document Numbering

Document numbers are unique identifiers (IDs) for transactions. Dispensing and the reverse dispensing functions use the document numbering feature to assign a unique material dispense number and material reverse dispense number.

Assign numbers to the documents manually or automatically. If you use automatic number assignment, then the documents are numbered sequentially. Manual number assignment is useful when you are using preprinted forms or when document numbers are generated by another system.

Important: You cannot set up document numbering at the organization level. Document numbering is global.

The document numbering procedure includes:

Creating and Deleting a Document Numbering Rule

Creating a document numbering rule includes selecting a context organization, transaction type, and assignment type.

To create a document numbering rule

  1. Navigate to the Create Document Numbering window.

  2. Search and select Dispense or Dispense Reversal as the Transaction.

  3. Enter the Organization.

  4. Select Assignment Type, choices are:

    • Automatic - Proceed to the next step.

    • Manual - No additional entries are required.

  5. Enter Start With as the starting document number. For example, enter 10.

  6. Enter the desired Increment between document numbers.

    For example, if you enter 1, then the numbering sequence is 1, 2, 3, and so forth. If you enter 10 then the numbering sequence is 10, 20, 30, and so forth.

  7. Enter the Length of digits for the document number. Use positive numbers ranging between 1 and 10..

  8. Select Zero Padding, choices are:

    • No to display document numbers as 1, 12, and so on.

    • Yes to display document numbers as 01, 0012, and so on.

  9. Enter a Prefix.

  10. Enter a Suffix.

  11. Enter a Separator to display after the prefix and before the suffix. For example, enter #

    The Format Example displays as you enter the values in the different fields. For example, PRE#0000000010#SUF

To delete an existing document numbering rule

  1. Navigate to the Document Numbering window.

  2. Select a document numbering rule.

  3. Click Delete.

Updating a Document Numbering Rule

Modify the assignment type, length, zero padding setting, and other values of the document numbering rule.

To update a document numbering rule

  1. Navigate to the Document Numbering window.

  2. Search and select a document number.

  3. Select Update.

  4. Modify the applicable values in the Assignment Type, Zero Padding, Start With, Increment, Length, Prefix, Suffix, and Separator fields.

  5. Select Apply.

Searching for a Document Numbering Rule

Search for existing document numbering rules from the Document Numbering window. Update or delete an existing document numbering rule.

To search for document numbers

  1. Navigate to the Document Numbering window.

  2. Enter any of the following to narrow your search:

    • Search and select an organization by Organization code or Organization Name.

    • Search and select a recipe by the Transaction type such as Dispense or Dispense Reversal.

  3. Select Go. The results of the search appear.

Setting Up Dispensing

Define the dispensing setup to dispense material. Dispensable items in a formula are required to be dispensed prior to consumption when a batch that uses the formula is created. Dispense items that are reservable, recipe-enabled, active, and inactive.

The dispensing setup procedure for an item, item and its associated organization, or for a combination of item, organization, and recipe includes:

Creating a Dispensing Setup Rule

Creating a dispensing setup rule includes indicating a unit of measure (UOM), tolerance type and limits, and adding instructions for the item dispensing operation.

To create a dispensing setup rule

  1. Navigate to the Create Dispensing Setup window.

  2. Search and select an Organization by code or Organization Name.

  3. Search and select a Recipe by name or Recipe Description. If there are several recipe versions, then select the version when it is requested.

  4. Search and select a recipe-enabled Item by name. Required.

    Note: Define the dispensing setup for item, item-organization, or a combination of item, organization, and recipe. The combination of item, organization and recipe is the most restrictive option.

  5. Search and select Dispense Unit of Measure by Dispense UOM Class. Required.

    Note: The Dispense quantity unit of measure must be convertible to the item's primary UOM. It is independent of other item-assigned UOMs such as those assigned to the secondary quantity, reservation quantity, batch quantity, and formula quantity.

  6. Select Tolerance Type:

    • Percentage

    • Quantity

      The tolerance limit is applied to the planned quantity and not the reserved quantity. If the dispense quantity is lower than the lower tolerance value, then it is treated as partial dispense.

  7. Enter Upper Tolerance. Depending on the tolerance type selected, this is either a percentage of the desired dispense quantity or an actual quantity not to exceed.

  8. Enter Lower Tolerance. Leave this field blank for zero tolerance.

  9. Select Yes for Dispense Required to enforce dispensing. The batch enforces dispensing at the batch material line level.

  10. Enter Start Date. Required.

  11. Enter End Date.

  12. Click Apply.

  13. Click Create Instructions to add an instruction set to the dispensing setup.

  14. Obtain electronic signatures for the dispensing setup, if e-record events are enabled.

    Note: Enable the business event to obtain electronic signatures for a dispensing setup rule.

    Important: You cannot manually transact material that requires dispensing.

Updating a Dispensing Setup Rule

Update a dispensing setup rule from the Dispensing Setup window. Modify the tolerance type and tolerance limits and also add instruction sets to the dispensing setup.

To update a dispensing setup rule

  1. Navigate to the Dispensing Setup window.

  2. Select a dispensing setup from the list of setups available in the search results.

  3. Select Update.

  4. Modify Dispense Required, Tolerance Type, Upper Tolerance, Lower Tolerance, and UOM.

  5. Select Update Instructions to update the instruction sets.

Searching for a Dispensing Setup Rule

Search for existing dispensing setup rules from the Dispensing Setup window. Update or delete an existing setup rule.

To search for dispensing setup rules

  1. Navigate to the Dispensing Setup window.

  2. Enter any of the following to narrow your search:

    • Search and select an organization by Organization code or Organization Name.

    • Search and select a recipe by the Recipe name or Recipe Description.

    • Search and select an item by the Item name or Item Description. The list displays all recipe-enabled items.

  3. Select Go.

  4. Select Show Details to view the dispensing setup details with the associated instructions.

    Update an existing setup or manage the dispense instructions.

Setting Up a Device and Label Printing

Following are the steps performed in Oracle MES for Process Manufacturing to use the device integration capability of Oracle Warehouse Management System:

To integrate a mobile device

  1. In the Administrator responsibility, choose Setup.

  2. Select Define. Define a new device, or select from the available devices in the list of values.

  3. Select Enabled to configure device reading.

  4. Set the default Output Method for this device to WMS API.

  5. Set Device Type to Scale for dispensing, or to Manufacturing Equipment for process parameters.

  6. Specify the subinventory for each device.

    For Scales, select the subinventory where dispensing is performed. This is the same selection made for the batch material consumption subinventory. Enter Level as the Subinventory.

  7. Assign a message template to the device.

  8. Assign the device to the OPM business event—for example, Process Parameter Event or Process Dispensing Event: Choose Assign Devices from Setup.

    Note: The organization must be Warehouse Control System-enabled. Device integration is only supported in OPM for the Process Parameter and Process Dispensing business events.

  9. Select Save.

To define request and response directives in Warehouse Management

  1. Request a directive for the OPM business event.

    Directives specify the data field sequences for the communication messages between Oracle Applications and the device.

  2. Define message templates.

    Message templates specify the data field sequences for the communication messages between the device and Oracle Applications.

  3. Map device response to the message component codes —for example: Weight UOM Code, Quality, or Batch.

  4. Navigate to the Define Devices window and assign the message template defined for the device.

    Caution: Automatic Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) device types can result in an error. Valid options include Scales and Manufacturing Equipment.

To set up label printing

  1. Navigate to Label Printing.

  2. Define a printer.

  3. Associate a label type to the business flow at the site level. Label types are:

    • Process Dispensing associates to:

      • Dispense Palette

      • Process Dispense Material

      • Process Material

    • Process Production associates to Process Product

    • Process Quality associates to Process Sample

  4. Assign a printer to each label type.

  5. Create a label format or use the default format shipped.

    An XML file is generated with instructions to print a label of specified format to the printer label when you perform a transaction. The XML file is deposited in the specified directory. The third party label printing software retrieves this XML file and prints the label.

Setting Up Nonconformance Tracking

Unexpected events can occur that have direct impact on the manufacturing process and the quality of finished goods. Nonconformances must be tracked and recorded in the batch record and used for analysis by the quality departments for Corrective Action and Preventive Action. To document a complete record of a manufacturing batch, evidence of nonconformance must be included in the control batch record, along with appropriate details of when the nonconformance occurred, the phase of the batch in which it occurred, details of the incident or observation, level of criticality, and the required follow up and signatures by the operators and supervisors. MES for Process Manufacturing tracks all the manufacturing nonconformances caused by item substitutions, resource substitutions, and dynamic operator observations such as a power interruption or machine failure. Notification of nonconformance may be routed electronically to the reviewers and approvers with the nonconformance details such as electronic signature information logged in the control batch record electronic document.

Copy the seeded nonconformance collection plan to the inventory organizations to log nonconformance events for the production batches.

The following process-specific collection elements must be part of the copied collection plan:

Collection Element Description
Organization Process Plant
Batch No Batch Number
Material Material
Lot Lot
UOM Unit of Measure
Qty Quantity
Step No Batch Step Number
Operation Operation Number with the description associated to it
Activity Activity Number with the description associated to it
Resource Resource with the description associated to it
Process Parameter Resource Process Parameter

To set up nonconformance tracking in Oracle Quality

  1. Navigate to the Copy Collection Plan window in Oracle Quality. See: Data Collection Using the Quality Workbench, Oracle Quality User's Guide

  2. Search for the Template Nonconformance Master Plan (Nonconformance only) collection plan. See: Finding a Collection Plan, Oracle Quality User's Guide

  3. Initialize a copy process by selecting the target organizations.

  4. Make all necessary additions or deletions to customize the collection plan.

    Note: Go to the Collection Plan window to add or delete collection elements from the collection plan.

  5. Enable the Process Manufacturing Transaction.

  6. Select Enable Deferred E-Signature to enable the inclusion of the nonconformance in the Control Batch Record.

  7. Repeat the process for all organizations where the nonconformance is tracked.

Related Topics

Nonconformance Management, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Recording Nonconformances, Oracle Quality User's Guide