Updating Existing Configurations

This chapter covers the following topics:

Updating Existing Configurations

If you are using match, and you change any of the following setups on your model, you will need to run the CTO Update Config and Optional Processing Request Set to ensure that your existing configurations are updated to reflect the changes.

If you are not using match, you can choose to run this program if you want the setups applied to configurations on existing sales order lines.

The Update Existing Configured Items and optional processing programs' request set automatically creates configuration data in all necessary organizations for existing configurations. If specified, it also calculates the lead time, cost, and purchase price for the newly upgraded items.

The following table describes when to use this program and how the program creates data. The item attribute column refers to the item attribute Create Configured Item, BOM. See Model Items, Bills, and Routing for more information.

Updating Existing Configurations
Item Attribute Sourcing Change Match Run Program Reason Program Behavior
1 Y Y Yes Create data based on newly setup multiple sources or OSS and for future matches. The program will create data based on the item attribute for all canned configurations having open orders, whose base models have multiple sources or OSS setup.
1 Y N Depends Customers do not need to run program if match is off and they do not want to use the newly setup multiple sources or OSS on existing open order lines. They should run it if they want to apply the multiple sources or OSS on existing orders. If Run, the program will create data based on the item attribute, for all configurations on open order lines whose base models have multiple sources or OSS setup.
1 N Y No Customer chose to set profile to 1 even though match is on.  
1 N N No Not needed.  
2 Y Y Yes Create data based on newly setup multiple sources or OSS and for future matches. The program will create data based on the item attribute for all canned configurations having open orders, whose base models have multiple sources or OSS setup.
2 Y N Depends Customers need to run this program only if they want to use the newly setup multiple sources, OSS, shipment transaction flows or global procurement on existing open order lines. If Run, the program will create items for all existing configurations on open order lines in all organizations where the model exists. It will perform purchase price and list price rollup in all organizations where the item gets created by this program. **The program will create BOMs and routings for all configurations on open order lines whose base models have multiple sources or OSS setup.
2 N Y Yes To create items everywhere. Customer may have set profile to 2 because they want to use global procurement or transaction flows. The program will create items everywhere for all configurations on open order lines. It will perform purchase price and list price rollup in all organizations where the item gets created by this program. **BOM and routings will not be created because multiple sources or OSS are not setup.
2 N N Depends Customers need to run this program only if they want to use the newly setup shipment transaction flows or global procurement on existing open order lines. If Run, the program will create items for all existing configurations on open order lines in all organizations where the model exists. It will perform purchase price and list price rollup in all organizations where the item gets created by this program. **BOM & routings will not be created since multiple sources or OSS are not setup.
3 Y Y Yes Customer chose to create data everywhere The program will create data everywhere for all canned configurations. **
3 N Y Yes Customer chose to create data everywhere The program will create data everywhere for all canned configurations. **
3 Y N Depends Customers need to run the program only if they want to use the newly setup multiple sources, OSS, shipment transaction flows or global procurement on existing open order lines. If Run, the program will create items for all existing configurations on open order lines in all organizations where the model exists. It will perform purchase price and list price rollup in all organizations where the item gets created by this program. **The program will create BOMs and routings in all organizations where the model BOMs and routings exist for all configurations on open order lines.
3 N N Depends Customers need to run the program only if they want to use the newly setup shipment transaction flows or global procurement on existing open order lines. If Run, the program will create items for all existing configurations on open order lines in all organizations where the model exists. It will perform purchase price and list price rollup in all organizations where the item gets created by this program. **The program will create BOMs and routings in all organizations where the model BOMs and routings exist for all configurations on open order lines.

Note: It is recommended that you use the Update Configurations and Optional Processing concurrent request (Available under BOM, ATO) if you intend to calculate lead times cost or purchase prices of newly upgraded items. The update existing configurations program by itself (Available under BOM, others) should only be used if you do not want to calculate lead time/cost or purchase price of the newly upgraded items.

Update Existing Configurations

The Update Existing Configurations concurrent program has the following parameters:

Using Update Existing Configurations

You can use the Update Existing Configurations concurrent program to update all existing models, all models in an item category, or a single configuration item. This program will create all items and items data. This program also creates new sourcing for the items, but in a new assignment set, CTO Update Configurations, seeded for the purpose of this program. Once all items have been created, subrequests are launched for the AutoCreate BOMs Across Organizations program. One subrequest is launched per 100 items. These sub programs create BOMs and routings, and perform flow calculations for the items created by the parent program. The program also replaces the sourcing in MRP: Default Assignment Set with new sourcing created by the earlier program in the new seeded assignment set, if BOM creation succeeds.

Note: It is possible that items may be created in new organizations, and the subprograms could fail the BOM creation process. This is why sourcing is not updated until BOM creation succeeds.


Category Set

The Category set which includes the upgrade category described later. Enabled only if Item Category is specified in Item.

Item Category

Define a new Item Category for the purposes of this program and put all models to be upgraded in this category before running the program. The program processes all configurations of these models and their child models. If you choose to put only top level models in the category, configurations of child models are automatically processed, even if they are not assigned to the category, if they are part of the same order line as the top parent or if they are canned for matching. However, order lines for the child configuration item itself will not processed. Parent models of the model in the category (if any) will not be processed if they are not assigned to the category. Hence, you are recommended to put all models related to each other in this category to avoid having inconsistent data being processed. After the program processes the models successfully, they will be automatically removed from the category. If the same model needs to be processed again due to a new feature being enabled, it should be put in the category again. You should not use an existing category for this program, because at the end of the program all item assigned to this category will be removed from the category. Enabled only if Item Category is specified in Item.

Configuration Item

This option processes a specified configuration item only. Select the configuration item with the Configuration item parameter.

Sourcing Charges

If sourcing has changed on any of the models specified in the Items parameter, select Yes. Defining Option Specific Sourcing is considered a sourcing change. If sourcing has not changed on any models, select No. If this parameter is selected as No, the concurrent program processes only configuration items with the Configured Item, BOM creation attribute set to Based on Model or Item Based on Model, BOM Based on Sourcing. If this parameter is set to Yes, all configuration items are processed. If sourcing (or OSS) has changed, this parameter must be set to Yes, otherwise you could end up with configuration data created in organizations that do not match the configuration item sourcing.

Note: If you change the sourcing, and supply is already created for a sales order based on old sourcing, the existing sales orders may have supply created in the wrong organization. The next plan run should indicate excess supply in that organization.

Process Non-Matchable Models

Select No if you do not want to use newly setup features on existing order lines. This option is available only for models that have the Enable Configuration Matching attribute set to No. Open order lines for models that have this attribute set to Standard match or Custom match are always upgraded.

Upgrade Mode

Select Update Items to create items, BOMs, and routings in additional organizations based on the sourcing changes and the setting of the Configured Item, BOM creation attribute. This will not update ATP attributes.

Select Update ATP attributes to update only the ATP attributes on the selected configuration items. If the profile INV:Capable to Promise is set to Based on Planning Output, and match is enabled, run this program in ATP attributes mode for all of your existing configurations.

Select Update Items and Update ATP Attributes to create the item, BOMs and routings, and update the ATP attributes on all existing instances of the selected configuration item.

Note: It is recommended that you update all models in batches by putting them in the category one batch at a time. This improves performance and avoids redundant processing.

Note: This process will update both autocreated and preconfigured items.

Details of Data Created and Updated By This Program

The program creates the following data:

Update Existing Configurations and Optional Processing Request Set

A seeded request set, CTO Update Configuration and Optional Processing Request Set, is available to execute the Update Existing Configurations batch program, and some or all of the optional processing batch programs together. The request set includes the following programs:

Note: Execute this request set with the parameter Perform Cost Rollup set to Yes, to have the costs roll up, while upgrading the configured items. Running the request Update Existing Configurations alone does not perform a cost rollup to the configured items while upgrading.

Sourcing rules

Sourcing rules are deleted and re-created for each item that is processed. New sourcing is created based on the new sourcing defined for the model and the value of item attribute Create Configured item, BOM. The program does not recreate sourcing for the following items:

Configuration items in match tables that are not linked on open sales order lines and have item attribute set to Based on Sourcing or Items Based on Model, BOMs and Routings Based on Sourcing (if match is being used).

Note: When a match is found for such an item, the AutoCreate Configurations program creates the data and sourcing based on the model sourcing. Match during ATP is not possible for such items; however, the recommended attribute setting if Match is being used with PDS ATP is Based on Model.

Item creation

Items are created in the organizations required based on the new sourcing defined for the model and the value of item attribute Create Configured item, BOM, if it does not already exist. If the item is an autocreated item in all organizations, it inherits item attributes from the model item in that organization. If the item is a preconfigured item in at least one organization, it inherits item attributes either from the model item in that organization, or from the preconfigured item, based on the item attribute control level. If the item is a pre-configured item in more than one organization, any one organization is randomly selected to inherit the item attributes.

BOM and Routing Creation

BOMs and routings are created in the organizations required based on the new sourcing defined for the model and the value of item attribute Create Configured item, BOM, if it does not already exist. The program does not check for dropped components on the BOM in existing organizations. If there are dropped components in the new organizations where the BOM is created, all open order lines to which this configuration item is linked are put on hold. Dropped components effectivity is checked based on:

The program creates data for the following items (depending on the parameters selected):

This includes preconfigured items in the matched tables and matched on open order lines.

The program does not create data for the following type of items:

Data is not created for a particular item for the following type of errors:

Note: If any items fail correct the issue and resubmit the item for processing by adding it to the assignment set again. Or you can process them directly.

Before Running Update Existing Configuration

It is recommended that you make setup changes to a subset of models rather than trying to change them all at once. Perform the following steps for the items you are changing before running the Update Existing Configuration concurrent program: