Manufacturing Operations Center Catalog

Overview of the MOC Catalog

The Manufacturing Operations Center Catalog provides the Plant Manager Dashboard, Facilities Manager Dashboard, and Ad hoc Dashboard with performance areas related to manufacturing operations. It uses the ISA-95 (Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society) structure to integrate Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and shop floor manufacturing equipment and systems transactions. This combination enables the catalog to provide operational analytics visibility. The catalog uses data from multiple sources and builds a logical data model providing industry-rich operational metrics to be analyzed by multiple dimensions and hierarchies. The manufacturing performance areas include the following:

Performance Areas Description
Agility Responsiveness Used to analyze flexibility related measures by system, plant, item, time and equipment.
Batch Analyzer Used to analyze usage and production variance and other work order related measures by system, item, plant and time.
Equipment Attributes Data Attributes associated to equipment entities.
Equipment Down Time Analysis Used to analyze the downtime duration of equipment.
Equipment Scrap Analysis Used to analyze the scrap quantity reported for the equipment at different points of time.
Manufacturing Asset Performance Used to analyze overall equipment effectiveness and production loss analysis by system, plant, item, time, and equipment.
Plant Maintenance Used to analyze maintenance related downtime measures by system, time, and equipment.
Production Performance Used to analyze operation cycle time and its components of run, down, and idle time contributing to cycle time.
Quality Used to analyze first pass yield, scrap, reject, and rework measures by system, plant, time, and equipment.
Schedule Adherence Used to analyze production to performance and backlog related measures by system, plant, item, time, and equipment.
Service Level Used to analyze manufacturing performance relative to pegged sales orders shipped using request and promise dates by system, plant, item and time.
Sustainability Performance This performance area contains metrics that measures sustainability performance of manufacturing and non-manufacturing companies. It contains metrics that a company can use to monitor and reduce energy consumption, its cost, and associated Green House Gas emissions.
Production Sustainability Performance Used to analyze sustainability performance of production organizations. Contains normalized sustainability metrics by production activity.
Equipment Sustainability Analysis used to analyze sustainability characteristics of manufacturing equipments. Contains metrics that contextualizes manufacturing activity and consumption data.
Ad hoc Analysis It is used to analyze electricity consumption, pressure, and temperature for an entity and specific time -period.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The MOC Catalog provides KPIs based on the analytics layer of Oracle Business Intelligence. These KPIs are industry-rich metrics used in managing the plant operations. Since these metrics are available on the metadata-driven Oracle Business Intelligence tool, you can personalize and modify existing reports and the Plant Manager and Facilities Manager Dashboards. It also enables flexibility to add new and modify existing KPIs in the catalog.

Performance Area: Batch Analyzer
KPI Description
Work Order Quantity variance Variance of actual produced quantity compared to the planned production quantity in units.
Work Order Quantity variance % Variance of actual produced quantity compared to the planned production quantity in percentage.
Work in Progress Planned Quantity WIP Planned Quantity for OPM batches. The quantity that is planned during the release of process batch for production.
Material Usage Variance Cost of variance of actual usage quantity compared to the planned usage quantity for components
Resource Usage Variance Cost of variance of actual usage quantity compared to the planned usage quantity for resources
Work order or Batch Cycle Time (Hours) Cycle time between start and end of a work order or batch
First Time Quality % Ratio of the total production that is good the first time without any rejection or scrap
PPM on completed Work Orders Parts per Million - estimated rejected and scrapped quantity for every million units of production.
Work Order Planned Start Date Work Order Planned Start Date
Work Order Planned Completion Date Work Order Planned Completion Date
Work Order Actual Start Date Work Order Actual Start Date
Work Order Actual Completion Date Work Order Actual Completion Date
Work Order Actual Completion Quantity Work Order Actual completed quantity without reject or scrap
Work Order Planned Completion Quantity Work Order Planned Completion Quantity
Work Order Planned Material Usage Quantity Planned material usage quantity for the work order
Work Order Actual Material Usage Quantity Actual material usage quantity for the work order
Work Order Planned Resource Usage Quantity Planned resource usage quantity for the work order
Work Order Actual Resource Usage Quantity Actual resource usage quantity for the work order
Work Order First Time Good Quantity Work Order Output Quantity that has not been reworked or scrapped
Work Order Total Rejected Quantity Work Order Total Rejected Quantity which includes rework and scrap
Production Material Consumed Scrap Quantity Planned Scrap quantity based on scrap factor associated with ingredients in process batches
Performance Area: Service Levels
KPI Description
Manufacturing Performance to scheduled ship date Percentage of work orders that were completed on or before scheduled ship date of the pegged SO line
Manufacturing Performance to request date Percentage of work orders that were completed on or before request date of the pegged SO line
Manufacturing Performance to promise date Percentage of work orders that were completed on or before promise date of the pegged SO line
Sales Order Number Sales Order Number
Sales Order Line Number Sales Order Line Number
Customer Customer Name
Sales Order Ship Date Sales Order Ship Date
Sales Order Request Date Sales Order Request Date
Sales Order Promise Date Sales Order Promise Date
Performance Area: Manufacturing Asset Performance
KPI Description
Equipment Calendar Time (Hours) Work Hours Based on Site Calendar
Equipment Scheduled Time (Hours) Scheduled Availability Time based on Equipment Shift Availability
Production Loss - Planned (Hours) Planned equipment downtime (down for maintenance or other reasons) in Hours
Production Loss - Planned (Value) Cost of Planned equipment downtime (down for maintenance or other reasons) in terms of resource cost
Production Loss - Planned (%) Cost of Planned equipment downtime (down for maintenance or other reasons) in percentage terms of %
Actual Down Time (Hours) Unplanned Equipment Down time
Actual Available Time (Hours Actual Available time for the equipment after accounting for planned and unplanned downtimes
Production Loss due to Unplanned Downtime (Hours) Unplanned equipment downtime (down because of breakdown or other reasons) in Hours
Production Loss due to Unplanned Downtime (Value) Unplanned equipment downtime (down because of breakdown or the reasons) in terms of resource cost
Production Loss due to Unplanned Downtime (%) Unplanned equipment downtime (down because of breakdown or other reasons) in percentage terms
Machine Availability Ratio Actual time for which equipment was available for operation divided by calendar time based on the site calendar
Actual Run time (Hours) Equipment Run Time
Production Loss due to Other Reasons (Hours) Unplanned Equipment Production Loss in Hours due to reasons other than downtime, efficiency or bad quality (lack of demand or material)
Production Loss due to Other Reasons (Value) Unplanned Equipment Production Loss in cost terms due to reasons other than downtime, efficiency or bad quality (lack of demand or material)
Production Loss due to Other Reasons (%) Unplanned Equipment Production Loss in percentage terms due to reasons other than downtime, efficiency or bad quality (lack of demand or material)
Machine Efficiency Actual rate of production compared to the ideal rate of production
Effective Run Time (Hours) Effective Equipment Run time after taking machine efficiency into account
Performance Ratio Ratio of effective run time to actual available time
Production Loss due to Efficiency (Hours) Unplanned Equipment Production Loss in Hours Due to Machine inefficiency when compared to ideal rate of production
Production Loss due to Efficiency in % Unplanned Equipment Production Loss in cost terms Due to Machine inefficiency when compared to ideal rate of production
Production Loss due to Efficiency (Value) Unplanned Equipment Production Loss in percentage terms Due to Machine inefficiency when compared to ideal rate of production
Equipment Output Quantity Total Equipment output quantity including good and bad quantities
Equipment Standard Rate Equipment Standard production rate in units per hour
Equipment First Time Good Quantity Equipment Output Quantity that has not been reworked or scrapped
First Pass Yield Percentage of the total production that is good the first time itself without any rejection or scrap
Overall effective run time (Hours) Effective Run Time after deducting for bad quality
Production Loss due to Bad Quality (%) Unplanned Equipment Production Loss in Hours due to bad quality
Production Loss due to Bad Quality (Hours) Unplanned Equipment Production Loss in cost terms due to bad quality
Production loss due to Bad Quality (Value) Unplanned Equipment Production Loss in percentage terms due to bad quality
Equipment Standard Efficiency Standard efficiency of the equipment in Percentage
Equipment Standard Utilization Standard Utilization of Equipment in Percentage
Resource Standard Efficiency Standard efficiency of the Resource in Percentage
Resource Standard Utilization Standard Utilization of Resource in Percentage
Overall Equipment Effectiveness Overall Equipment Effectiveness
Performance Area: Schedule Adherence
KPI Description
Performance to schedule % Actual production compared to Scheduled production
Production to Schedule linearity (Actual vs Schedule) Applies to Lean Difference between actual and scheduled production measured on a linearity scale of 1
Shift Scheduled Production Production Scheduled for the current shift
Shift Actual Production Actual Production for the current shift
Total Production $ (Production Reporting) The cost value of total production
Remaining Shift Time (Hours) Remaining hours of production for current shift
Work remaining for the Shift Cost value of Open Work orders meant to be produced in the given shift
Production Backlog Value Cost value of Open Work orders meant to be produced in the given period
Production Backlog Hours The number of hours required to complete the remaining backlog production for the period
Actual Completion Quantity Actual completed quantity without reject or scrap
Equipment Scheduled Quantity Planned completion quantity for the equipment
Equipment Standard Rate Equipment Standard production rate in units per hour
Performance Area: Plant Maintenance
KPI Description
Equipment Downtime % Equipment Downtime Compared to Equipment Scheduled Time
Equipment Scheduled Time (Hours) Scheduled Availability Time based on Equipment Shift Availability
Performance Area: Quality
KPI Description
First Pass Yield Percentage of the total production that is good the first time itself without rejection or scrap
Bad Output % Percentage of the total production that is rejected
Scrap % Percentage of the total production that is scrapped
Rework % Percentage of the total production that is reworked
Equipment First Time Good Quantity Equipment Output Quantity that has not been reworked or scrapped
Equipment Output Quantity Total Equipment output quantity including good and bad quantities
Equipment Scrapped Quantity Equipment Scrapped Quantity
Equipment Reworked Quantity Equipment Reworked Quantity
Equipment Rejected Quantity Equipment Rejected Quantity
Performance Area: Agility and Responsiveness
KPI Description
Flexibility Ratio The ratio of actual daily production to the average daily production
Actual Completion Quantity Completed quantity from the equipment without rework or scrap
Performance Area: Work Order
KPI Description
Work Order Schedule Number Work Order Schedule Number
Work Order Status Work Order Status
Work Order Type Work Order Type
Performance Area: Production Performance
KPI Description
Average Cycle Time Average Cycle time for an Equipment to process a Work Order Operation in a Shift
Cycle Time Cycle Time for an Equipment to process a Work Order Operation in a Shift
Down Time during Cycle Down Time during Cycle
Idle Time during Cycle Idle Time during Cycle
Run Time during Cycle Run Time during Cycle
Performance Area: Sustainability Performance
KPI Description
Sustainability Aspect Sustainability Aspect is a generic name used for continuous inputs consumed by companies in order to be able to operate and create goods or services. Common examples of sustainability aspect are electricity, gas, oil, water, helium etc. Sustainability aspects always have associated costs for companies and are often source of harmful emissions to environment. Companies usually monitor consumption of sustainability aspects and make efforts to minimize them for efficiency and environmental concerns. Sustainability aspect must be used along with other KPIs for creating a query in OBIEE answers, in order to constraint the result of the query to the sustainability aspect of interest.
Consumption Actual sustainability aspect consumed by an entity. For instance, an electric meter measures electricity consumption readings of the entity. The meter readings are collected for a specified time frequency and transferred to MOC, which then calculates the consumption on an hourly basis. Consumption can be rolled up from an hour to a shift, day, month, and year.
Planned Consumption Planned sustainability aspect consumed by an entity. For instance, electricity planned to be consumed is entered in MOC and can be rolled up to a quarter or a year.
Consumption (Last Year) Actual sustainability aspect consumed by an entity in a specified period of the previous year.
Consumption % Change (Plan) Percentage deviation of actual from planned electricity consumption and is calculated as Actual Electricity Usage - Planned Electricity Usage x 100/ Planned Electricity Usage
Consumption % Change (Last Year) Percentage deviation of actual consumption in a specific period of the current year from that of the last year and is calculated as Consumption % Change (Last Year) = (Actual Consumption - Last Year’s Actual Consumption) x 100/ Last Year’s Actual Consumption.
Production Output Production output for an equipment, production line, area, floor, or a department expressed in the Primary UOM of the product. The production output higher than equipment level is calculated as the sum of the output of all work orders for a specific product.
Production Output Value Value of the production output for an equipment, production line, area, floor, or a department.
Consumption Per Unit Area Actual consumption of an entity normalized by total area of that entity. This is calculated as Consumption per Unit Area = Actual Consumption of Entity/Effective Surface Area of Entity
Consumption Per Person Actual consumption of an entity normalized by total number of persons of that entity. This is calculated as Consumption per Person = Consumption of Entity/Number of Persons.
Consumption per Unit Area (Last Year) Actual consumption of an entity normalized by total area of that entity in a specified period of the previous year.
Consumption per Person (Last Year) Actual consumption of an entity normalized by total persons of the entity in a specified period of the previous year.
Emission Actual emissions based on actual sustainability consumption.
Planned Emission Planned emissions based on sustainability aspect consumption. It is calculated at every level in the entity hierarchy where data is available. This is calculated as Emission = Emission Factor x Planned Consumption.
Emissions (Last Year) Emission (Last Year) Emissions based on sustainability aspect consumed by an entity in a specified period of the previous year.
Emission % Change (Plan) Percentage deviation of actual from planned emissions and is calculated as Emission % Change (Plan) = (Actual Emission - Planned Emission) x 100/ Planned Emission.
Emission % Change (Last Year) Percentage deviation of actual emission in a specific period of the current year from that of the last year and is calculated as Emission % Change (Last Year) = (Actual Emission - Last Year’s Actual Emission) x 100/ Last Year’s Actual Emission.
Emission per Unit Area Actual emission of an entity normalized by total area of that entity. This is calculated as Emission per Unit Area = Actual Emission of Entity/Effective Surface Area.
Planned Emission per Unit Area Planned emission of an entity normalized by total area of that entity. This is calculated as Emission per Unit Area = Planned Emission of Entity/Effective Surface Area.
Emission per Person Actual emission of an entity normalized by total persons of that entity. This is calculated as Emission per Person = Emission of Entity/Number of Persons.
Planned Emission per Person Planned emission of an entity normalized by total persons of that entity. This is calculated as Emission per Person = Emission of Entity/Number of Persons.
Emission per Unit Area (Last Year) Actual emission of an entity normalized by total area of that entity in a specified period of the previous year.
Emission per Person (Last Year) Actual emission of an entity normalized by total persons of the entity in a specified period of the previous year.
Cost Cost of the actual sustainability aspect consumed by an entity.
Planned Cost Cost of the actual sustainability aspect planned to be consumed by an entity.
Cost (Last Year) Cost of the actual sustainability aspect consumed by an entity in a specified period of the previous year.
Cost % Change (Plan) Percentage deviation of the actual Cost from Planned cost and is calculated as Cost % Change (Plan) = (Cost- Planned Cost) x 100/ Planned Cost.
Cost % Change (Last Year) Percentage deviation of actual cost in a specific period of the current year from that of the last year and is calculated as Cost % Change (Last Year) = (Cost - Last Year’s Cost) x 100/ Last Year’s Cost.
Planned Cost per Unit Area Planned cost of sustainability aspect to be consumed by an entity normalized by total area of that entity. This is calculated as Planned Cost per Unit Area = Planned Cost of Entity/Effective Surface Area.
Cost per Unit Area Cost of sustainability aspect consumed by an entity normalized by total area of that entity. This is calculated as Cost per Unit Area = Cost of Entity/Effective Surface Area.
Planned Cost per Person Planned cost of sustainability aspect to be consumed by an entity normalized by total number of persons of that entity. This is calculated as Planned Cost per Person = Planned Cost of Entity/Number of Persons.
Cost per Person Cost of sustainability aspect consumed by an entity normalized by total number of persons of that entity. This is calculated as Cost per Person = Cost of Entity/Number of Persons.
Cost per Unit Area (Last Year) Cost of sustainability aspect consumed by an entity normalized by total area of that entity in a specified period of the previous year.
Cost per Person (Last Year) Cost of sustainability aspect consumed by an entity normalized by total number of persons of that entity in a specified period of the previous year.
Total Consumption By Direct Usage Actual sustainability aspect consumed by an entity for production purposes. For example, conveyor, robot, assembly station, automated storage/retrieval system, air compressor, and industrial lighting etc.
Total Consumption By Indirect Usage Actual sustainability aspect consumed by an entity for functions other than production, such as research and development, sales and marketing etc. For example, air compressor, equipment, maintenance equipment, and lighting.
Overall Consumption Actual sustainability aspect consumed by an entity by direct and indirect usages.
Performance Area: Production Sustainability Performance
KPI Description
Consumption Per Production Output Actual sustainability aspect consumed by an entity for the production of one unit of production output. This is calculated as Consumption Measurements for Production of a Product in a Period/Units Manufactured in Period.
Consumption Per Production Value Actual sustainability aspect consumed by an entity for the production of the value of one unit of production output. This is calculated as Consumption Measurements for Production of a Product in a Period/Value of Units Manufactured in Period.
Emission Per Production Output Emission based on actual sustainability aspect consumed by an entity for the production of one unit of production output. This is calculated as Emission Measurements for Production of a Product in a Period/Units Manufactured in Period.
Emission Per Production Value Emissions based on actual sustainability aspect consumed by an entity for the production of the value of one unit of production output. This is calculated as Emission Measurements for Production of a Product in a Period/Value of Units Manufactured in Period.
Cost Per Production Output Cost of actual sustainability aspect consumed by an entity for the production of one unit of production output. This is calculated as Cost of Sustainability Aspect Consumed for Production of a Product in a Period/Units Manufactured in Period.
Cost Per Production Value Cost of actual sustainability aspect consumed by an entity for the production of the value of one unit of production output. This is calculated as Cost of Sustainability Aspect Consumed for Production of a Product in a Period/Value of Units Manufactured in Period.
Performance Area: Equipment Sustainability Analysis
KPI Description
Total Consumption (TC) Sum of Value Added Consumption and Non Value Added Consumption.
Value Added Consumption (VAC) Actual sustainability aspect consumed by an entity in the RUN status. This is applicable to production entities only.
Non Value Added Consumption Actual sustainability aspect consumed by an entity in the IDLE, DOWN, or OFF statuses. This is applicable to production entities only.
Value Added Consumption% Percentage of the Value Added Consumption per the Total consumption for an entity. This can be calculated as (VAC X 100) / TC.


The KPIs in the performance areas can be analyzed by the dimensions seeded in the MOC Catalog. Each of the following dimension folders contain the dimensions, hierarchies and attributes to analyze the KPIs

Oracle Business Intelligence (BI)

The MOC Catalog is based on the analytics layer of the Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) platform from Oracle Fusion Middleware. The catalog uses this technology to organize data to analyze and provide the metrics required for measuring in the your business. The catalog interface consists of the Oracle BI Presentation Services and the MOC application. The interface is organized into pages with the following components:

Related Topics

Using the MOC Catalog

Overview of Oracle BI for End Users, Oracle Business Intelligence Answers, Delivers, and Interactive Dashboards User Guide

Performing Common Tasks in Oracle BI, Oracle Business Intelligence Answers, Delivers, and Interactive Dashboards User Guide

Using the Oracle BI My Account Page, Oracle Business Intelligence Answers, Delivers, and Interactive Dashboards User Guide

Using the MOC Catalog

More than eighty KPIs are grouped in the Manufacturing Hub Catalog selection pane. These provide an aggregate level analysis on KPIs and enable you to drill down to detailed analysis.

To select catalog data for reporting

  1. Navigate to the MOC Catalog and select the Answers link.

    The Answers page contains two panes. The selection pane contains the Manufacturing Hub Catalog columns you select. The display workspace shows the columns selected for the request.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. In the Selection pane, expand the specific columns for the areas you want on your report.

    Columns indicate the columns of data that your request will return.

  3. Select details in the performance areas you want displayed on the report.

    Choices selected appear in the display workspace in the Criteria tabbed region.

    the picture is described in the document text

    The Criteria tab is used to view or change the columns and filters for the request. You can specify the order in which the results display, column subtotals, formatting, formulas. For each selection you can format the column data using the following:

    • Value Format to override default settings such as font type and size

    • Edit Formula to change the formula for the column.

    See: Using Column Formatting Functions in Oracle BI Answers, Oracle Business Intelligence Answers, Delivers, and Interactive Dashboards User Guide

  4. You have the option to control the output display by creating a filter. Choose the Create/Edit Filter icon to create a filter expression to display as a CASE statement.

    You can save this filter for other reports. See: Editing the Formula of a Column, Oracle Business Intelligence Answers, Delivers, and Interactive Dashboards User Guide

  5. Select Display Results or the Results tabbed regions to display your report.

    the picture is described in the document text

    You can choose several different display views, and combine views and arrange them for display on the Plant Manager, Facilities Manager, and Ad hoc Dashboards.

  6. To combine the results of multiple requests, choose Select Combine with Similar Requests.