Award Information

Award Information

The real-time data provided in Oracle iSupplier Portal allows you to communicate procure-to-pay information with the buying company while viewing the award flow.

Using award information, you can acknowledge awards, make change requests to awards, split shipments, or cancel awards. You can also view IDVs and the revision history of a purchasing document.

Note: The change requests, split shipments, and cancel awards features are available only for commercial awards.

This section includes the following topics:


When you enter an award in Oracle Purchasing, the award details are available to you in Oracle iSupplier Portal. The View Awards page display the most recent 25 awards (use the Previous and Next links to view additional awards). Oracle iSupplier Portal enables you to track your awards throughout the entire procure-to-pay flow.

The awards section includes:

Accessing Awards:

The View Awards page is the central page from which you access and process your awards.

To access an award for further processing:

  1. From the iSupplier Portal Home

    page, click the Awards tab.

  2. From the View menu, choose the award to display:

    • All Awards

    • Awards to Acknowledge

    • Awards Pending Supplier Change

    Click Advanced Search to further refine your search. You also have the option to export the displayed data.

On the resulting View Awards page, select the awards to process. Depending on the status and the type of document you selected, you can choose the following actions from the available list of values:

The table below describes the different actions possible in commercial and CLM documents.

Document Type Action
Commercial Acknowledge
Request Change
Request Cancellation
View Change History
CLM documents Acknowledge
View Change History
View Modifications

Viewing Awards

You can view details of an award such as terms and conditions, lines, shipments, and attachments from the Award Details page.

To view the details of an award:

  1. Click the Award Number link to access the award to view.

The View Award Details page shows you detailed information about the award, including both header and line information. The Award Information section shows general information about the award, terms and conditions, Ship-To Address, and Bill-To Address, and other ship-to (non-complex work orders), work location (for complex-work orders) and bill-to information.

In the Summary region, you can view the

By selecting options from the Actions menu, you can

The Summary region on the View Details page for a complex work PO displays different information.

The Actions menu options include:

The Award Details section shows CLIN/SLIN line specific information. Click Show to see the receiving, invoicing and payment information for a particular line, or pay item information for a complex work line.

Click Export to export the award information to an MS Excel sheet.


You can view and print Portable Document Format (PDF) versions of awards, including IDVs. If your buying company has implemented Oracle Procurement Contracts, you can also print the contract terms or clauses that the buying company has defined on the purchasing documents.

To print awards:

  1. Access the award.

  2. Select View PDF from the Actions menu, and click Go.

  3. On the prompt window, you can choose to open the document immediately, or save it locally for later printing.

Note: The printable pdf format is based on the SFxx forms specified on the award for CLM documents only.

Acknowledging Awards

When creating an award, buying companies can request acknowledgment of the award. If so, you will receive a notification requiring your response. The award may include a date by which you need to acknowledge or sign it.

You acknowledge awards to communicate to the buying company that you have received, reviewed the details of, and accept or reject an award. You can also communicate changes, if you are using a commercial document, to the award during acknowledgment.

You can either acknowledge the award online, or accept or reject the award using the notification. The notification does not allow shipment level acknowledgment, which must be entered online. When you respond, the award is automatically updated, and a notice is sent to the buyer.

You can submit acknowledgments for an entire award, or for individual shipments. For example, if you can fulfill only part of an award, accept the shipments you can fulfill, and reject the others (note that shipment level acknowledgement cannot be performed using the acknowledgement notification).

If the award is set to be acknowledged at the document and shipment levels, you can also indicate change requests during acknowledgment. For example, if you cannot fulfill a shipment on the given date, but can fulfill it a few days later, you can communicate a date change request instead of rejecting the shipment line.

For complex work awards, you can acknowledge pay items.

Note: The value of the need-by date is defaulted to the promised date field on supplier acceptance in the acknowledgment process.

To acknowledge awards:

  1. Select the award you wish to acknowledge and choose Acknowledge from the Select Order list of values.

  2. On the Acknowledge page, you can accept or reject an entire award, or you can accept or reject individual shipment.

    Note: Individual shipment level acceptance/rejection is available only for commercial documents.

  3. To accept/reject an individual line's shipment or pay item, click Show for the line.

  4. For the shipment/pay item, select Accept or Reject from the Action menu. If rejecting a shipment or pay item, provide a reason.

  5. Click Submit.

Acknowledging pay items If the terms for a complex-work award terms require "document or shipment" acknowledgement, you can accept/reject at the pay item level. To accept/reject an individual pay item, click Show for that line. Select Accept or Reject from the Action menu at the end of the line (if you reject the pay item, you must also provide a reason). If you either accept or reject all the pay items, the award status changes to acknowledged.

You can also change a pay item during the acknowledgement phase. To change a pay item, modify the appropriate field, select Change from the Action menu, provide a reason, and click Submit. Pay item changes are immediately submitted to the buyer for acknowledgement even if the rest of the award is only partially acknowledged. If the buyer rejects the change, the award status reverts back to Requires Acknowledgement.

Signing Awards

If your buying company has implemented Oracle Procurement Contracts, your buyer may ask that you electronically sign a purchasing document while acknowledging it. Legally binding purchasing documents must be signed by both the buyer and supplier.

After you sign the document, your buyer will be notified. The award will be ready for execution after both the buyer and supplier have electronically signed the purchasing document.

Note: If your buyer asks that you electronically sign a purchasing document, you cannot respond at a specific shipment level, you have to accept or reject the entire award.

To sign a award:

  1. Click the Awards tab. Search for and select the award with a status of Requires Signature, and then click Acknowledge.

  2. On the Acknowledge page, click Sign Document.

  3. Click any attachments you would like to view to review the attachments for terms and conditions.

  4. Click Accept or Reject.

  5. On the Notification Signing page, enter your username and password and click Submit.

  6. You will receive confirmation that your award has been acknowledged.

Submitting Change Requests

Note: The Change Requests functionality is available only for commercial awards.

Oracle iSupplier Portal enables you to request changes to awards when modifications are needed to fulfill an award. You can make changes during and after acknowledgment. You can change a single award, or, depending on the change you need to make, you can update multiple change orders at the same time.

To submit a single change request:

  1. Click the Awards tab, and then click Awards in the task bar below the tabs.

  2. On the View Awards page, search for and select the award for which you wish to request changes.

  3. Select the award and Click Request Changes.

  4. On the Request Changes page, enter your changes.

  5. You can request changes to the following values :

    • Price/Price Breaks on Blanket Agreements

    • Supplier Item

    • Supplier Order Reference Number

  6. In the reason text box, enter a reason for your change request.

  7. If you wish to request changes to shipments or pay items, click Show. You can request changes to

    • Price/Price Breaks on Blanket Agreements

    • Quantity Ordered

    • Promised Date

    • Supplier Order Line

    • Note that you can also enter change request information in the Additional Change Request text box.

  8. Enter the changed values as appropriate.

  9. Enter a reason for your change.

  10. Select the appropriate action.

  11. Click Submit.

Changing complex-work awards

If this is a complex-work award you can only change the supplier item at the line level. If progress payments are treated as delivery, price updates are only allowed at the pay item level (any changes roll up to the line level). If pay items are considered contract financing, then price updates at both the line level and pay item level are allowed.

To update multiple awards simultaneously:

Many times, you may need to make the same change to a group of awards. Depending on the type of change you need to make, you may be able to update multiple awards simultaneously. You can perform multiple changes to standard awards, IDVs, and releases.

For award lines, you can change:

For award shipments, you can change:

To update multiple awards:

  1. On the Awards page, click Multiple PO Change.

    Note: The Multiple PO Change page displays only commercial documents.

  2. You can search for shipments to acknowledge or change by selecting

    • Overdue Shipments

    • Shipments Dues in One Week

    • Shipments Requiring Acknowledgments

    • All Shipments

    from the View menu and clicking Go.

  3. You search for a group of awards, click the Lines tab and use the advanced search option to identify the group of awards you wish to change.

  4. If you wish to change the same attribute for multiple awards to the same value:

    1. Enter the new value in the Default Value field.

    2. Select the appropriate awards.

    3. Click Apply Default Values.

  5. If you wish to update multiple award attributes to different values, enter the new values directly into the fields in the Lines table.

  6. Enter a short text explanation for the change in the Reason field.

  7. Click Apply.

Change Requests for Services

Suppliers can request changes to the price for service lines and create new service schedules by splitting an existing schedule.

To view change award history:

This view enables you to view the history of change requests submitted on a document, and the corresponding buyer response.

  1. Click the Orders tab, and then click Awards in the task bar below the tabs.

  2. Search for and select an award, and then click View Change History.

  3. View the change award history details on the Award Change Order History page.

  4. Click OK to return to the Awards page.

Splitting Shipments and Pay Items

Note: The Splitting Shipments and Pay Items functionality is available only for commercial transactions.

You can request to split a shipment. For example, if you can only partially ship the quantity ordered for the given date, you can enter a split shipment change request. This request will let the buyer know the number of items you can deliver and what date you will deliver them.

To request to split a shipment:

  1. Click the Orders tab, and then click Awards in the task bar below the tabs.

  2. Search for and select an award, and then click Request Changes.

  3. On the Request Changes page, click Show to display shipment details.

  4. Click the split icon on the desired shipment line. (Another row is added for your split shipment).

  5. In the Quantity Ordered field of the first shipment line, enter a new quantity.

  6. In the Quantity Ordered field of the second shipment line, enter the new quantity.

  7. Change the Promised Date.

  8. Enter the Supplier Order Line.

  9. Enter a reason for splitting.

  10. Select an action for change.

  11. Click Submit.

    Note: You can split a shipment as many times as needed. To create more shipment lines, click the split icon.

Splitting Pay Items for Complex Work awards

The pay items for a complex-work award are stored at the line details level the same way as shipment information. Therefore, you can use the instructions above to split an existing pay item to create a new payment schedule. A new pay item is created with a price of 0 and quantity or 0. You can modify the following fields:

Using Work Confirmations

Over the course of a complex work project, various pay items defined for the contract come due. To notify a buyer that a pay item needs to be processed for a completed unit of work, you can create a work confirmation. For partially funded CLM awards, you can create work confirmations to the extent of the funded amount specified on the award.

To create a work confirmation:

  1. Access the award.

  2. On the Award Details page, select Create Work Confirmation from the Actions menu and click Go.

  3. From the View menu, select either

    • Pay Items Due This Week

    • Pay Items Due This Month

    • All Pay Items

  4. You can also enter and track the progress of the complex work using the following fields:

    • Previously Requested / Delivered

    • Previous Progress %

    • Current Requested / Delivered

    • Material Stored

      Note: The Material Stored field allows the supplier to request a payment for material which has been purchased and stored on site for use. Using the work confirmation, the supplier can enter the requested amount based on work actually completed, and has an option for requesting payment for material purchased but not yet consumed in work.

    • Current Progress %

    • Total Requested / Delivered

    • Total Progress %

      You can enter / update the values of the Current Progress % and Total Progress % fileds, they will be recalculated.

  5. Click Go.

  6. On the Create Work Confirmation page, select one or more pay items and click Next.

  7. Enter a work confirmation ID.

  8. If this work confirmation reflects a particular span of time, optionally enter performance period dates.

  9. Accept the default or enter a value for Requested/Delivered. .

  10. Update the Progress Percentage column, if appropriate.

  11. Click Save to keep a draft work confirmation in the system. You can return tot he draft later for make further updates or submit it. When you have finished defining your work confirmation, click Submit. Once you click Submit, the approver is notified of the work confirmation and must approve it.

To view/update existing work confirmations:

You can view or update existing work confirmations.

  1. From the Awards tab, click the Work Confirmations subtab.

  2. From the View menu, select either

    • Last 25 Work Confirmations

    • Draft Work Confirmations

    • Rejected Work Confirmations

    • All Work Confirmations

  3. The search results show the progress of the complex work award using the following columns:

    • Previous Requested

    • Previous Delivered

    • Current Requested

    • Current Delivered

    • Total Progress %

  4. Click the work confirmation number to access and view the work confirmation.

    You can select the work confirmation and click Update if you need to make changes to confirmation or address any issues with a rejected confirmation. You can modify details of a rejected work confirmation as well as add additional items.

    If the confirmation has a status of Processing, Rejected, or Pending Approval, you can select the confirmation and delete it.

Note: Work Confirmations may be created by supplier users in iSupplier Portal, by buyers in the Buyer Work Center in Purchasing, or by iProcurement users in iProcurement.

Canceling Orders or Shipments

Note: The canceling orders or shipments functionality is available only for commercial documents.

You can submit cancellation requests for an entire order or a particular shipment. You can also submit changes and cancellations at the same time.

  1. Click the Orders tab, and then click Awards in the task bar below the tabs.

  2. Search for and select an award, and then click Request Cancellation.

  3. On the Request Cancellation page, click Submit.

    Note: To cancel a few shipments, but not the entire award, click Show in the Award Details section, and then select Cancel from the Action list of values (on the shipment line you want to cancel). Enter a cancellation reason, and then click Submit.

Managing Deliverables

If your buying company has implemented Oracle Procurement Contracts, you may have deliverables assigned to you. Deliverables are tasks to be completed to achieve a certain outcome or business objective, and may be used to track projects for compliance reasons and risk reduction.

For example, your buyer may ask that you send a monthly status report detailing the status of a certain shipment. In this case, your buyer will create a deliverable called Send Status Report, and assign the deliverable to you. You will see the Send Status Report deliverable in the notifications section of the iSupplier Portal home page, and can manage the deliverable from there, or through the View Order Details page. You may attach your status report to the deliverable and change the status of the deliverable.

To manage deliverables:

  1. Click the Orders tab, and then click Awards in the task bar below the tabs.

  2. Select the award number of the award that includes deliverable(s) you would like to manage.

  3. On the View Order Details page, select Manage Deliverables from the Actions menu, and click Go.

  4. On the Deliverables page, click the pencil icon on the deliverable you would like to update.

  5. Update and add attachments to the deliverable as necessary, and then change its status to Submitted.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. You will receive confirmation that your deliverable has been updated. Your buyer will also receive notification that the status of the deliverable has been updated.

Work Orders

Note: The Work Orders functionality is available only for commercial transactions.

Using work awards, buyers and suppliers can monitor outside processing from third parties whose Work In Process (WIP) status and delivery tracking information is critical to their supply chain process flow. Outside processing activities are the activities of the third-party suppliers who provide services needed to complete the final product or maintenance activity.

To view work awards, click the Orders tab, and then click Work Orders in the task bar directly below the tabs. Using the search criteria, you can view details of the awards, schedules, WIP details, operations instructions, components, and component instructions by selecting the links provided. You can also reschedule an award.


Supplier IDVs are purchase IDVs you have made with the buying company. On the Supplier Agreements page, you can review the details of those IDVs, and the corresponding releases (awards) that have been created for a particular IDV.

To view IDVs, click the Orders tab, and then IDVs in the task bar directly below the tabs. Use the search criteria to get a summarized list of IDVs. For each agreement, you can select to view the releases created to date for that agreement. You can export details from any page.

Editing IDVs

Buying organizations can provide suppliers with the ability to author their own content online, either via bulk file upload or on-line authoring. The industry standard formats supported in the upload mode include OAG XML, cXML, CIF and text file. Suppliers can upload and modify their catalog and buyers only need to approve the upload or change requests. Content provided by the supplier is subject to the buyer's approval before it is made available to the requesters.

Note: Supplier authoring is not available for CLM IDVs.

To edit a catalog information:

  1. Use the Simple or Advanced Search feature to search for and select the blanket award IDV. You can search based on various criteria such as Award Number, Global, Effective-From Date, Effective-To Date, Issuing Office Address, and Award Effective Date.

  2. On the Award: IDVs page, click the award number link in the header.

  3. On the Order: IDVs Details page, select Edit Agreement from the Actions menu, then the Go button. The catalog authoring page displays for you to start creating or modifying a catalog.

  4. After you submit the change, the buyer will receive a notification. The buyer can now approve the change through a notification or through the pending change page.

Using Modifications

In the case of large-scale procurement, where there are a mixture of materials and services on the same contract, the administration of that contract can be cumbersome. Major contracts may have several contract administrators assigned to them who generate thousands of modifications over the life of the contract. A modification is a Procurement Instrument used in the post-award process for making a change to the award. When creating a modification, the application assigns a unique supplemental numbering sequence that is assigned to the unprocessed Award, Order or Agreement Modification, for tracking purposes.

Use the Modifications tab to view details of modifications and the change history of your documents.

Note: The conformed copy is not updated with the information from the Modification until the Modification is fully approved.

To use modifications:

  1. Use the simple or advanced search feature to access a modification. You can search on various criteria such as Modification Number, Award Number, and Buyer.

  2. The search results that display include the Modification Number, Description, Organization, Supplier, Supplier Site, Award Number, Modification Effective Date, Amount, Currency, Status, and Buyer.

  3. Click the Modification Number link to view further details of the modification. The details that display include General Information such as changed amount, changed amount without options, changed funded amount, award number, supplier, supplier site, address, created by, award administrator, operating unit, modification signed and effective dates, modification execution status, modification authority, authority text, and justification. In addition, you can view details of terms and conditions, and federal office addresses - the Issuing Office, COTR Office, Requesting Office, and the Property Administration addresses. The Modifications Details section displays details of:

    • Award

    • CLIN/SLIN line

    • Information

    • Options

    • Type

    • Item/Job

    • Description

    • Contract Type

    • UOM

    • Quantity

    • Price

    • Amount

    • Funded Amount

  4. Select the modification and select the appropriate action to view change history, view PDF, or sign document.

  5. Click the Line Details icon to view additional details of the line. The details that display include additional item information, pricing information for amount based lines and inspection information

  6. To export the document to MS Excel, click Export.

Revision History

The Award Revision History page enables you to search for details on the revision history of an award.

Using the search criteria, you can get a summarized list of revised awards. You may choose to compare each revised award to the original award, the previous award, or last signed award (if the revised award has been signed). You can also view all changes made to the award.

  1. From the iSupplier Portal Home page, click the Awards tab, and then click the Purchase History subtab.

  2. Enter search criteria to identify the award(s) you wish to inspect. Click Go.

  3. From the Award Revision History page, for any particular version, you can compare it to its previous version, compare it to the original award, or you can generate a detailed listing of all changes to the award.


Viewing requests for quotes (RFQs) enables you to select possible negotiations to participate in with the buying company.

To view RFQs, click the Orders tab, and then click RFQ in the task bar directly below the tabs. Enter search criteria in the search fields and click Go. The RFQ Summary page provides the details of all RFQs created by the buying company in its ERP application. Click any of the links on the RFQ Summary page to get more details about the RFQ.

Viewing Time Cards

Contractors can record hours worked using timecards to receive payments for services rendered. You may access these time cards if the Timecards task appears under the Orders Tab. You will be able to view timecard information and check the amount of time confirmed by the hiring manager.

To view timecards, click the Orders tab, and then click Timecards in the task bar directly below the tabs. Use the search criteria to get a summarized list of timecards. Click View Timecard to get more details about the timecard. You can export details from any page.