Oracle Rapid Planning Installation Guide


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System Requirements

About this Document
Client Requirements
Software Requirements for the Servers
Hardware Architecture
Hardware Requirements for the Servers
Network Requirements


Performing Pre-Configuration Setup

Initial Configuration

Creating the Engine Domain
Creating the User Interface Domain
Starting the Engine Admin Server
Starting the User Interface Admin Server
Configuring the JDBC Data Source for the Engine Domain
Configuring the JDBC Data Source for the User Interface Domain
Deploying the Rapid Planning Administration Application in the User Interface Domain
Setting the Initial Configuration for the Rapid Planning User Interface and Engine
Creating the Managed Servers
Deploying and Starting the Engine Application
Deploying and Starting the User Interface Application

Managed Servers

Adding Managed Servers
Starting Managed Servers
Closing a Plan on Managed Servers
Stopping Managed Servers
Deleting Managed Servers


Copying and Extracting the ZIP Files
Redeploying the Engine Application
Redeploying the User Interface Application
Cleanup Oracle Rapid Planning Engine Output (Binary) Files

Properties, Scripts, Backups, and Troubleshooting

Updating Configuration Data in the File
Configuring the Engine Domain Using Scripts
Creating Managed Servers Using Scripts
Managing the Managed Servers Using Scripts
Backing Up Files
