Publishing Data

This chapter covers the following topics:

Production Scheduling Published Reports Overview

You can publish data from Production Scheduling in any of the following formats:

CSV File Reports

CSV files can be read into an ETL tool of your choice for transformation in preparation for import into other systems. When you publish in .csv file format, you can generate one or more of the following reports:

HTML Dispatch Report

HTML file format generates an HTML Dispatch Report that can be published directly to the shop floor.

Oracle E-Business Suite Integration

Oracle E-Business Suite Integration file format generates XML files, which are used to release orders to E-Business Suite.

XML File Reports

The standard XML files, which are exported out of Production Scheduling, are:

XML files can be compressed when publishing, which reduces the size of the files created.

HTML Dispatch Report Overview

This section discusses:

Publishing Options

You can send production schedule data to the production line using the HTML Dispatch Report. This report eliminates the need to create custom reports and distribute them manually. Any production schedule that has been generated can be dispatched to a specific directory and posted online. Production personnel can access then the HTML Dispatch Report to determine which scheduled operations are in the queue for a specific date range.

When you publish the HTML Dispatch Report, you specify a start date and a publishing horizon. The start date is the first day that you want to publish scheduled operations for resources in your supply chain. The publishing horizon is the length of the HTML Dispatch Report in days. The publishing horizon determines the size of the report, according to your requirements. You can select publishing options to specify what data should be published in the HTML Dispatch Report. The following publishing options determine the level of data that is published on the resource details page:

Publishing Option Data Published
Operation Description A description of the operation that runs on the specific resource.
Start Time The operation start time from the data model.
End Time The operation end time from the data model.
Item The item that is produced using this specific operation.
Item Description A description of the item that is produced using this specific operation.
Quantity The quantity of the item produced by this specific operation.
Work Order Number Pegged work orders for this specific operation, indicating the work order that requires this operation.
Demand Number Pegged demands for this specific operation, indicating customer demands that require this operation.
Demand Due Date The due date for the customer demand.
Customer Name The name of the customer who is requesting the item produced by this operation.
Customer Number The customer code for the customer who is requesting the item produced by this operation.

Index Page

After the production schedule data has been published to the HTML Dispatch Report, open index.html file to display scheduled resources that are required for the current day. The report contains each resource that is required for the current schedule and a description of each resource. Resources are organized by the resource categories defined in the data model. The index page is dynamically generated when you publish the HTML Dispatch Report. You can define the location of the index page when you configure system options during initial system configuration. You must publish the HTML Dispatch Report for each schedule that you generate or after you make manual scheduling changes and re-solve the schedule.

Viewing Detailed Resource Information From Index Page

To view detailed resource information from the index page, click a resource link. The detail resource page displays detailed duration, item, quantity, pegging, and customer data for each operation that runs on that specific resource. Using this information, your production personnel can view an accurate schedule of production activities for a specific scheduling horizon, enabling them to meet the scheduled demands more efficiently.

Publishing Schedules

This section provides an overview of publish profiles, an example of a publish horizon, and describes how to:

Publish Profiles Overview

Before you can publish a schedule, you need a publish profile and you must approve the schedule that you want to publish. Basic publishing profiles are provided with Production Scheduling; however, you may want to create personalized profiles that are more suited to your specific requirements.

When creating a publish profile, you determine general options such as the publish horizon, the format in which the data is to be published, and the output directory. Your data selection is based on the selected format. Data selection options are individual reports, if the output is to be compressed, or report headings.

As part of the Publish process, you have the ability to publish the Production Scheduling model, or selected objects of the data model, in XML format. For example, you can publish changeover rules, groups, crews, machines, tools, operations, and so on. This is useful when Production Scheduling is the system of record for any data that is not available in the ERP system. The next time that a model is imported into Production Scheduling, integration processes can be extended to reference the various data model elements that were exported from the previous scheduling session, which could amend to the new model prior to import.

When creating a publish profile, use the Model tab to define which data objects to publish. When the Publish Process is called, whether in batch or interactively, the selected data is exported to a user-named XML file. Interactively, the published model is based off of the approved schedule. Because the schedule publish process batch file points to a named scenario, you can export the model from any given scenario that may or may not be the approved schedule.

Example of a Publish Horizon

For example, assume the following three operations are part of a routing to make item A. A publish timefence of 2 days is in place. This diagram illustrates the scenario:

the picture is described in the document text

Publish timefence with pegging

The following logic indicates the data that is published when a timefence is being utilized:

Creating a Publishing Profile

To create a publishing profile:

  1. Access the Production Scheduling desktop.

  2. From the File menu, select Publish.

  3. In the Publish window, click Add. The New Profile dialog appears.

  4. Complete these fields on the General tab:

    General Tab Field Description
    Profile Name Enter a unique name for the profile. When you publish a schedule, you are asked to select a profile. The profile that you select will follow the criteria you define in this procedure.
    Publish Horizon Enter the number of hours, days, or weeks for the profile. The publish timefence within a publish profile specifies a period of time in which data is published from Production Scheduling.
    See "Example of a Publish Horizon," Publishing Data, Production Scheduling.
    Format Select CSV , HTML , or XML. This is the format in which your data is published.
    Output directory Specify the directory where the publish data file output is saved. You can enter the location of the directory or click Browse to select a directory location.
    Script Specify a script that is initiated after the data is published. You can explicitly specify the location of the script or click Browse to select a script. This field is optional.
  5. Click Apply and then OK.

  6. Select the Data Selection tab.

  7. The options available in the Data Selection tab are based on the Format option you selected on the General tab. Set theses options as needed.

    See "Selecting Reports," Publishing Data, Production Scheduling.

    • If you selected XML, select the reports that you want to publish, and select Compress Output if you want to compress the output report.

      The output is compressed into a GZIP file and .gz is appended to the file name. For example, if you compress the Production Schedule report, the file is ProductionSchedule.xml.gz.

    • If you selected CSV, select the reports that you want to publish.

    • If you selected HTML, perform the following:

      • Check the work order types included in your report. Available options are Production, Maintenance, and EAM.

      • Select the dispatch report columns you wanted to appear in the Dispatch Report. Columns in the Selected Columns list are displayed on your report. To move an Available Column to the Selected Column, select the column name and click >>. To rearrange column order in the Selected Column, select the column name and use the Move Up and Move Down arrows.

      • To display coproducts and byproducts in your report, check the Display Coproducts/Byproducts option.

  8. Click Apply and then OK.

  9. Select the Model tab and complete these fields:

    Model Tab Field Description
    Export Model Check this option to export the selected data elements when you publish this profile.
    File Name Enter the export data file name. This file is exported to the Output directory defined in the General tab.
    Model Data Selection (check boxes) Check the data elements that you want to publish.

Selecting Reports

If you select CVS as the Format in the General tab, you can define the CVS reports you want published from the Data Selection tab.

To define the CVS reports published:

  1. From the Publish window, select the Data Selection tab.

  2. Check the reports you want published. The following options are available:

    • Operations Report

    • Resource Schedule

    • Demand Fulfillment

    • KPIs

  3. Click OK.

See "Creating a Publishing Profile," Publishing Data, Production Scheduling.

Operations Report

The Operations Report provides the actual start time, end time, and quantity of each item that is produced or consumed for each scheduled operation.

The Operation report is saved in the OperationsSchedule.csv file in the Output directory defined in the General tab.

Resource Schedule Report

The Resource Schedule produces a report which includes machine and crew information that is published according to the time fence that is selected.

The Resource Schedule is saved in the ResourceSchedule.csv file in the Output directory defined in the General tab.

Demand Fulfillment Report

The Demand Fulfillment report publishes detailed pegging information for each Demand line item. This report includes the name of the customer, quantity of the desired item, available and requested dates.

The Demand Fulfillment report is saved in the DemandPegging.csv file in the Output directory defined in the General tab.

Key Performance Indicators Report

You can publish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to a .csv file by selecting Publish from the File menu, and selecting the CVS Production Schedule profile name or by defining a CVS file format publish profile. The KPIs report provides information about KPIs, including fill rate, stock outs, inventory turns, substitutions, resource utilization and throughput is exported.

The KPIs are saved in the KPI.csv file in the Output directory defined in the General tab.

HTML Dispatch Report

HTML file format generates an HTML Dispatch Report that can be published directly to the shop floor.

Shop floor personnel can use the dispatch list to organize production tasks for the day. The scope of the data that is published to the dispatch list is configurable and can be adjusted depending on the level of schedule data required on the shop floor. Once schedule information is dispatched to the shop floor, it is available to view on any network workstation with a Web browser.

You can define the data published in the HTML Dispatch report by modifying the profile's Data Selection settings.

To modify the Dispatch Report output:

  1. Click Publish from the toolbar, or select Publish from the File menu.

  2. Select HTML Dispatch Report from the Profile Name list, and click Properties. The Edit Profile windows appears.

  3. Click the General tab to modify to general parameters for the profile and define the Output directory where your report is published.

  4. Click the Data Selection tab and set the following options as needed:

    • Check the work order types included in your report. Available options are Production, Maintenance, and EAM.

    • Select the dispatch report columns you wanted to appear in the Dispatch Report. Columns in the Selected Columns list are displayed on your report. To move an Available Column to the Selected Column, select the column name and click >>. To rearrange column order in the Selected Column, select the column name and use the Move Up and Move Down arrows.

    • To display coproducts and byproducts in your report, check the Display Coproducts/Byproducts option.

  5. Click the Model tab to export the XML model file. Check Export Model option, enter the XML File Name, and check the model data to be exported from the Model Data Selection region.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Publish. The report is published to the location defined in the Edit Profile - General tab.

The dispatch list index page is a centralized portal for shop floor personnel to view operation, item, work order, demand, and customer information for specific resources in order to plan daily production tasks. The dispatch list homepage is organized by machine, crew, and tool resources. Shop floor personnel can click a resource link to view detailed schedule information for that resource, depending on the scope of data determined prior to the publishing process.

The following schedule data can be published to the shop floor and are defined by the Selected Columns set in the Edit Profile - Data Selection tab mentioned above:

Category Data
Operations Operation ID, Description, Start Time, End Time
Items Item, Item Description, Quantity
Work Orders Work Order Number
Demand Demand Number, Demand Due Date, Demand Item, Demand Quantity
Customer Customer Name, Customer Number

You can choose what headings you want in the report by selecting the check box in the profile's Data Selection window. Production Scheduling enables you to dispatch scheduling information to the shop floor efficiently without the need to write custom reports during the implementation phase. A Web-based dispatch list can be published and deployed to a Web server in your enterprise for shop floor personnel to use.

Work Order Schedule Report

Work Order Schedule report contains all the necessary information on work orders that you have scheduled.

The Work Order Schedule report is saved as an .xml file in the location that you specify when you create the publish profile.

Approving a Schedule

The schedule you want to publish must be approved before it is published.

To approve a schedule:

  1. Access the Production Scheduling desktop.

  2. Right-click the scenario whose schedule you want to publish.

  3. Select Approve from the available options.

    The green check mark beside the word Approved is set in a small box when the schedule is approved.

Publishing a Schedule Using Publish Profiles

Note: You must approve the schedule before it can be published.

To publish a schedule:

  1. In the Model Workspace, right-click the scenario that you want to publish.

  2. Select Approve.

    You cannot publish a schedule until it is approved.

  3. From the File menu, select Publish.

    The schedule is publish to the Output directory location displayed in the Publish window.

  4. In the Publish window, select a profile.

  5. Click Publish.

  6. To view the schedule data, access the output directory location and open the appropriate file.

Editing an Existing Publishing Profile

To edit an existing profile:

  1. From the File menu, select Publish.

  2. In the Publish window, select the profile that you want to edit.

  3. Click Properties.

  4. In the Edit Profile window, modify the profile properties.

  5. Click Apply, and then click OK.

Deleting a Publishing Profile

To delete a publishing profile:

  1. From the File menu, select Publish.

  2. In the Publish window, select the profile that you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. Click OK when prompted to delete the profile.

  5. Click OK to close the Publish window.

Publishing a Schedule to Oracle E-Business Suite

You can publish a schedule to the planning server and to Oracle Applications Manufacturing modules using the Publish process. After the schedule has been solved, you can publish the results to the E-Business Suite. The schedule must be approved before it is published to Oracle E-Business Suite.

To publish a schedule to Oracle E-Business Suite:

  1. Right-click the schedule you want to approve for publishing.

  2. Click Approve.

    The schedule name appears in bold in the Production Scheduling model workspace.

  3. From the File menu, select Publish.

  4. From the publishing profile list, select Release Schedule.

  5. Click Publish.

    The schedule, including the sequenced planned orders, jobs, scheduled resource, and specific changeovers, are published to the planning server and automatically released to E-Business Suite.

Publishing Schedule to cMRO and eAM

The production schedule for maintenance organizations that use cMRO or Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) can be published using the Release Schedule publish profile. You can selectively release work orders once they have been scheduled back into the cMRO and eAM systems with updated dates reflecting the actual schedule and firm status you define.

Note: For Enterprise Asset Management work orders are always treated as "firm" in source. Production Scheduling just updates scheduled times and resource assignment.

To publish schedule to cMRO and eAM:

  1. Right-click the schedule you want to approve for publishing and select Approve.

  2. Right-click the schedule, and select Edit Work Order Release.

  3. Select the work orders you want to release.

  4. Select the Publish icon from the toolbar, or select Publish from the File menu.

  5. Select Release Schedule from the Profile Name list and click Publish. Only the selected work orders are released.