Oracle iProcurement Information Discovery Plus

This chapter covers the following topics:


Oracle iProcurement Information Discovery Plus integration lets you search and filter information. You can search all catalogs in a particular store, and view recent requisitions and notifications.

Oracle iProcurement Information Discovery Plus helps requesters to view or perform their regular activities from the home page itself without excessive navigation.

The Feedback tab enables requesters to provide feedback or suggestions to buyers. The feedback or suggestions can be about an item or a supplier or anything which the requester wants to communicate with the buyer. The buyer can access the feedback or suggestions given by requester and provide comments. It helps buyers refine the catalogs based on the requester's suggestions. Buyers also take necessary steps to address the requester's feedback or suggestions. Requesters can track the status on each suggestions. This improves the communication between requesters and buyers. Requesters can communicate the plan for the item or service to buyer well in advance to start sourcing negotiations. Feedback can be accessed by the buyer through the Procurement Command Center.

You can search using Oracle iProcurement Information Discovery Plus pages and Endeca Information Discovery (EID) design tools. These pages are hosted in an EID environment, and called from container pages in EBS. In Oracle iProcurement Information Discovery Plus, the Shopping Stores Home page enables search functions using Endeca Information Discovery integration. This region in the Home page lets you search for all catalogs in a particular store or browse through the hierarchy of categories within the catalog to locate items and services.

Oracle iProcurement Information Discovery User Plus Interface and Integration

Oracle iProcurement Information Discovery Plus User Interface

The Shopping Stores Home page enables you to search for all catalogs in a particular store or browse through the hierarchy of categories within the catalog to locate items and services. The page displays information and data graphically and in tabular format.

The Shopping Stores Home page contains filtering components that you can use to search, navigate and filter the data displayed in other components:

In the casual user homepage, the search box, My Requsition table, Progress Metrics, Purchasing News and Frequently Requested Items are shown. For power users, a more robust homepage is displayed where the key features include a clickable metric panel for user requisition status, progress metric, My Requisition table, and a tag cloud for top categories requested. In addition, metrics and charts such as Order Processing Time provide insight related to employee driven procurement.

the picture is described in the document text

Region Components
Tip Displays the date on which data was last refreshed.
What do you need to buy today? The search box enables you to enter multi-word keyword search without hiding any text. When you click the search icon without entering a keyword, the application shows the contents of the last searched results.
This homepage has a broad search-box. It is a Universal Search box which is used to search items. Universal Search shows local catalog items, smartforms, information templates and punchout items. Users do not need to know which store to visit. Universal Search allows employees to immediately search for their desired item without having to first choose the appropriate catalog. All catalog content is queried including catalogs hosted by punch-out suppliers. The search displays results from every eligible source regardless of where data is hosted, and search results are displayed with remarkable speed. It is a single comprehensive search to quickly find items while retaining content restrictions, which means that the employees can only see relevant content.
Need more details? Click here for the advanced view
Too much detail? Click here for simple view
Click this link to navigate to the power user homepage, which displays comprehensive information. This option is secured by function security so you control who can use this option.
This is a toggle and if you are in the power user view, then you can click on the Too much detail? Click here for simple view to navigate windows.
My Request Statuses As a power user, you can view the following metrics:
  • Incomplete Requisitions - shows the number of requisitions which are in Incomplete status.

  • Requisitions Approved - shows the number of requisitions which are in Approved Status

  • Placed on RFQ - shows the number of requisition lines which are Placed on RFQ

  • Placed on Purchase Order - shows the number of requisition lines which are Placed on PO.

  • Purchase Orders Processed - shows the number of Purchase Orders approved for the requisition

  • Shipments Received - shows the number of shipments fully received.

Click any metric to refresh the page per the selected refinement.
The My Requisitions Region – Result Lists displays the following details:
  • Header tab

    • Number - Locked

    • Authorization Status - Locked

    • Description

    • Preparer

    • Amount

    • Functional Currency

    • Type

    • Creation Date

    • Approved Date

  • Line tab

  • Requester

    • Number - Locked

    • Status - Locked

    • Line Number

    • Line Type

    • Item Number

    • Item Revision

    • Item Description

    • Category

    • Need-by-Date

    • Unit Price

    • Quantity

    • UOM

    • Line Amount in Foreign Currency

    • Foreign Currency

    • Line Amount in Functional Currency

    • Functional Currency

    • Buyer

Progress This metric displays details of the progress and also alerts the requester where the requester needs to initiate or follow up or do some activity on the requisitions. It shows the following details:
  • Pending Approvals - shows the number of requisitions which are in In Process Status. Click the metric to view the relevant details in a popup window. You can view the following details:

    • Requisition Number

    • Requisition Description

    • Pending Approver – In case of Parallel approvers, displays all parallel approvers.

    • Approval Waiting Time

  • Rejected Requisitions - shows the number of requisitions which are in Rejected Status. Click the metric to view the relevant details in a popup window. You can view the following details:

    • Requisition Number

    • Requisition Description

    • Approver who rejected the requisition

    • Reason for rejection (available only to power users)

  • Shipment Delay - shows the number of open shipments with need-by-date in the past. Click the metric to view the relevant details in a popup window. You can view the following details:

    • Requisition Number

    • Requisition Line Number

    • Requisition Description

    • Actual Need By Date (available only to power users)

    • Order Number

    • Number of Days Delayed

  • Requisition Lines Returned - shows the number of requisition lines which are returned by the buyer. Click the metric to view the relevant details in a popup window. You can view the following details:

    • Requisition Number

    • Requisition Line Number

    • Requisition Description

Order Processing Cycle Time This metric, available only to power users, displays the following details:
  • Approval Catalog Items - this is the average number of hours taken between requisition submissions for approval and final approval.

  • Approval Contains NCR Items - this is the average number of hours taken between requisition submissions for approval and final approval for requisitions which contain at least one Non catalog request.

    Note: Requisition consists of at least one Non- Catalog Request as well

  • To Order Catalog Items - this is the average number of hours taken between approved requisition and an approved PO.

  • To Order Contains NCR Items - this is the average number of hours taken between approved requisition and an approved PO for orders which contain at least one requisition line without agreement.

    Note: POs consists of at least one requisition line without agreement reference

Note: If the value of a metric is zero, then the application automatically hides it.

My Requisitions The My Requisitions region displays all your requisitions, including the Requisition number, Description (up to 60 characters), Total (USD), Status, and Express Receive. It also enables you to copy or change your requisition.
  • Click on the Requisition Number to view the requisition page.

  • If you are using the simple view, then the status of the document shows the final approver name if the status is Approved, and shows the pending approver name if the status is In- Process. The status displays on the right side of the same row as the requisition number.

  • If you use the simple view, then the region also displays the total amount of requisition in functional currency on the right side of the same row as the requisition header description.

The details you can view are:
  • Headers tab - displays the details of the header including the Requisition, Authorization Status, Description, Preparer, Amount, Functional Currency, Type Lookup Code, and Approved Date.

  • Lines Tab - displays the details of lines including the Requisition, Description, Line Number, Line Type, Item Name, Item Revision, and Shopping Category.

  • Buyer Notes tab - Requesters are exposed to buyer activity related to requested items or services with the help of Buyer Notes. Buyer Notes enable buyers to assign and track tasks to completion. This region displays the details of the buyer notes including the Target Date, Action Type, Description, Status, Assignee, Requisition, Requisition Line Number, and Days remaining.

    Note: You must have a license for Oracle Procurement Command Center to use the Buyer Notes feature.

Note: If you create a new requisition, the confirmation messaage displays the average time taken for a requisition to be approved in the last one month, the average time taken for a requisition containing at leaast one non catalog request to be approved in last one month, the average time taken for a requisition to order approval in the last one month, and the average time taken for a requisition to order approval where atleast one of the line is not referenced to agreement in last one month.

Purchasing News This region can have organizations purchasing polices or any documentation related to purchasing, or any alerts which your organization wants to convey to requesters. Buying organizations can use this region to enter information in rich text format and use the flexibility to configure this region based on your business needs.
Frequently Requested Items You can view the top 10 Frequently Requested Items in Carousel View or Table view. The Carousel View displays in descending order, which means that the ten items most frequently requested by you will be displayed first. The frequently requested items are shown for a specific user. The details you can view are:
  • Item - click the Item Description to view the item details page.

  • Price

  • View Price Break – click this link to view the price break for the item. This option is only visible when there is a price-break available to an item or service.

  • Internal Item Number

  • Item Rating and Review Count- click this link to navigate to the reviews and ratings tab in the Item Details page

  • Content Type - If a Punchout is Mandatory or Optional, it is specified in the Content Type. It can also be for Catalog Items,Punch-out Items,Smart-forms and Information Template. The terminology for these content types is:

    • Local Content Zone will be Catalog Items and Services

    • Smartform will be Smart Form

    • Information Content Zone will be Information Content

    • Punchout Content Item (Mandatory) will be Purchase Items from Supplier Store

    • Punchout Content Item (Optional) will be Item details at Supplier Store

    • Punchout Content Item (None) will be Supplier Catalog Item

    • Punchout Content Zone will be Shop from Supplier Store

  • Supplier

  • Supplier Location

  • Supplier Contract

  • Supplier Rating - You can also see the reviews count along with Supplier Ratings

You can use this to quickly select items and specify the quantity required, add items to cart, and add items to favorites.
You can view these items in a Grid/List View or a Carousel View using the toggle. You can also print and export these results. You can also compare items by selecting two or more items and click Compare. Click the link on any of the items to select it and view the item details. You can view the Item Details tab and click on Ratings or Review to view the Reviews and Ratings tab.
Click on Item Description to view the Item Details page that displays the following information and relevant icon descriptors:
  • Price

  • Quantity – you can edit this information

  • Add to Cart button – click this to add the item to the cart

  • Add to Favorites button – click this to add the item to your favorites

  • Attachments – this displays any attachments

  • Item Details table displays:

    • Shopping Category

    • Supplier

    • Supplier Site

    • Supplier Item

    • Supplier Part Auxiliary ID

    • Internal Item Number

    • Item Revision

    • Source

    • Manufacturer

    • Manufacturer Item

    • Availability

    • Lead Time

    • UNSPSC Code

    • Key Attributes - display the appropriate icon descriptors as defined for your organization.

    • US NIGP

    • UNSPSC Commodity

    • DUNS

    • Item Ratings

    • Supplier Ratings - You can also see the reviews count along with Supplier Ratings

    • Reviews

    • Additional Information

    • Price Breaks – this region displays the following information:

      • Deliver To

      • Quantity

      • Price

      • Discount (%)

      • Effective From

      • Effective To

  • Icon descriptors:

    Organizations can provide icon indicators to indicate the preferential attribute for better user experience. Preference indicator icons appear in search results along with items. Requesters can make better shopping decisions by noticing preference indicators for suppliers and items. For example: First Source Supplier, Green Supplier, and so on. Guided Buying, utilizing preference indicator items, helps requesters procure items and services from the best possible suppliers.

    • Preferred Supplier

    • Eco Friendly Supplier

    • Green Supplier

    • Off-Contract Item

    • Over-Priced Item

Click on Ratings and Reviews to view the Ratings and Reviews tab. The Ratings and Reviews tab enables requesters to get recommendations on the best products / services to buy that match requester's need. Organizations greatly value feedback and rating others provide on the products which they have already bought. This enables the user community to provide feedback about item/services to the procurement department (Buyer) to tell them that they have negotiated pricing for the goods & services. Buyers can access the review comments and ratings via the Procurement Command Center to know the review trends are positive or negative. The Ratings and Reviews tab displays the following information:
  • Submit a Review – click this button if you have purchased the item and would like to post a review. A pop-up window displays, where you can enter details of your review and submit it. This is the pop up where user (as a reviewer) can provide the Item review and Supplier review. If there is no supplier available for the item, then supplier rating and supplier review region will not be shown. Once a review is submitted, an FYI Notification is sent to users who have subscribed for this item.

    Note: You can also write a review from the My Receipts at a Glance region of the Receiving page. When you provide a review, it is mandatory to give a rating. It is also mandatory to enter either a review title or a review comment.

    The Review popup has two regions Item Region and Supplier Region. Both regions have ratings, review title, review comments and a Do you own this item field, which has the values Purchased at work, Not Purchased, or For Personal Use.

  • Submit a Query – click this button if you want to get more information about the item or the supplier. A pop-up window displays where you can enter your query and submit it.

  • Item Ratings – the horizontal bar chart displays cumulative ratings provided by users for the item. If you click on the individual rating, then the reviews region displays only those items with the rating you selected.

  • Supplier Rating – the horizontal bar chart displays cumulative ratings provides by users for the supplier. If you click on the individual rating, then the reviews region displays only those suppliers with the rating you selected. If there is no supplier for an item (inventory item without supplier), then supplier ratings will not be shown.

  • Average Item Rating – displays the average item rating.

  • Average Supplier Rating – displays the average supplier rating

  • Users have requested this item – displays the number of times users have requested the item.

  • Do you want to be notified when people submit Reviews for this Item/Supplier – select Yes or No to choose if you want to be notified when other people submit reviews for the item or the supplier. You can subscribe to individual review or query. If you have not subscribed at header level and only for individual review/query, then only when the particular review/query is answered, you will be notified.

  • Show - choose the reviews you want to view using the list of values available.

  • Review – displays the reviews for the item. Click a review to view details of the review. Users can respond to a query posted or provide additional comments. Users can raise a question or clarification. Any user who has the access to this item can respond to a query. Notification will be sent on every update of Review/Query to the subscribed users. Ratings and reviews can be accessed by buyers through the Procurement Command Center.

Top Categories This tag cloud region for seeing the top categories requested is available only to power users and shows the top 3 categories requested by requester.
User Metrics Indirect Spend Tab - displays the following charts:
  • Requisition Spend Status - this is a stacked bar chart showing the number of requisitions in each status. For example, the requestor can view how many requisitions are in a buyer's pool, how many orders are created and so on. If the requisition line is linked to an order, then the status can be Order Created. If the requisition is in the pool, then it can be:

    • In-Pool Urgent – if the urgent flag is checked

    • In-Pool - late – if the need-by-date is in the past

    • In-Pool – Waiting in buyer's pool.

  • Requisition Analysis - this is a pie-chart that shows requisition amount or record count in value axis by Request type (Non-Catalog Request, Catalog Items and Contractor Request), buyer, category, requisition number and Ship-to.

Procurement Status Tab - displays the following charts:
  • Record Count by Shopping Category - this shows how the procurement cycle time is calculated at each requisition-line by subtracting the Req Approval date from PO Approval date, and then this time is averaged across the categories, and expressed as a stacked horizontal bar-chart – Buyer, Category (default), Ship-to.

  • Procurement Cycle Time - this chart is based on Requisitions Lines with reference to On-contract Vs Off-Contract. For example, requester can see in a particular month how many On-Contract vs Off Contract Items were requested. Similarly, with regard to category if considerable amount of spend happens on a particular category, for example, Hardware.Computers, and it shows all these spend happened on Off Contract, requester can pro-actively provide the feedback to buyer that this item is requested for X value in last 3 months and no contract is available. This enables the buying organization to negotiate with the vendor and get a best price.

Available Refinements You can further refine your search results based on the following:
  • Quick Refinements

    • Requisition Number - If you want to search for particular requisition then click on requisition on available refinements, a search box is shown. You can search for a requisition with that search box.

    • Requisition Status

    • Requester

    • Urgent Requisitions

    • Requisition Amount (range filter)

    • Buyer

    • Supplier

    • Supplier Site

    • Catalog Type

  • Requisitions Header

    • Requisition Number

    • Requisition Status

    • Requisition Amount (range filter)

    • Requisition Type (internal / purchase)

    • Preparer

    • Approved Date

  • Requisitions Line

    • Requisition Line Type (Goods / Services)

    • Requisition Item Number

    • Req Item Rev

    • Requisition Line Description

    • Requisition Category

    • UOM

    • Price

    • Line Amount (Foreign Currency)

    • Line Amount (Functional Currency)

    • Qty Delivered

    • Cancel Flag

    • Requisition Need By Date (Range Filter)

    • Requisition Line Currency

    • Requisition Project Name

    • Requisition Task Name

    • Requisition Ship To Location

    • Requisition Destination Type

    • Requester

    • Cancel Date

    • Qty Received

    • Catalog Type

    • Matching Basis

    • Urgent Requisitions

    • Source document type

    • Suggested Buyer

    • Supplier

    • Supplier Site

    • Requisition Expenditure Type

    • RFQ Required

    • BPA /CPA

    • BPA Number

    • Placed on RFQ

    • Placed on PO

    • PO Document Number

    • PO Status

    • Shipment Delayed

    • Overdue Flag

  • Buyer Managed Action Items

    • Requisition Number

    • Requisition Line Number

    • Action Entity type

    • Action Types

    • Action Assignee

    • Action Status

    • Action Target Date (range)

    • Days Remaining

Search Results Page

The search results page displays the following details:

Region Components
Tip Displays the date on which data was last refreshed.
Search The Search component allows you to submit keyword searches and provides type-ahead suggestions displaying attribute values that match the typed text. This type ahead search can be configured to display only the relevant content to users. You can see search results while typing. The application suggests matching search criteria from all contents. When you perform a search, the search term is added to the Selected Refinements component. As you type, you may be prompted to select a matching attribute value, or simply search for the entered text. For example, when a user searches for 'Tablet', all relevant matching options are displayed up front where it matches. You can select the choices directly from the suggested options.
Selected Refinements The Selected Refinements component displays all values that you have selected to filter data, and allows you to quickly make adjustments to the current refinement by removing items or clearing all filters from the list. You can configure the filters and refinements. You can add and remove filters in any sequence. The filters display the total count.
Bookmarks icon The Bookmarks component enables you to save your multi criteria search, allowing you to save a given navigation and component state and return to it at a later time.
Available Refinements The Available Refinements component allows you to filter data based on the currently available values or value ranges for selected attributes that are displayed within attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Shopping Category

  • Content Type

    Content Type - The terminology for content types is:

    • Local Content Zone will be Catalog Items and Services

    • Smartform will be Smart Form

    • Information Content Zone will be Information Content

    • Punchout Content Item (Mandatory) will be Purchase Items from Supplier Store

    • Punchout Content Item (Optional) will be Item details at Supplier Store

    • Punchout Content Item (None) will be Supplier Catalog Item

    • Punchout Content Zone will be Shop from Supplier Store

  • Supplier Contract

  • Supplier

  • Supplier Location

  • Supplier Part Number

  • Manufacturer

  • Manufacturer Part Number

  • Price

Results This region displays the results of your search. You can view the results in a carousel view if you prefer that.
You can select items and specify the quantity required, add items to cart, add items to favorites, and add items to compare. If a Punchout is Mandatory or Optional, it is specified in the Record Type. You can also print and export these search results.
Additionally, you can select two or more items and click Compare from the Action list of values. You can also print or export these results.
For more details see: EBS Results Grid
Supplier Hosted Catalogs and Smart Forms Use this to view details such as Content Name, Content Type, Supplier, Description, Supplier Site, Unit of Measure, Price, Currency, Supplier Part Name, Manufacturer, Manufacturer Part Number, and Keywords.
You can also print these details.
Shopping Cart You can save an unlimited number of shopping carts in progress. This enables you to save selected items and return later to add more items and check out.
Compare View You use this popup to compare items.

Oracle iProcurement Information Discovery Plus Product Configuration

Oracle iProcurement Information Discovery Plus Product Configuration

Once you have completed installation and common configurations as described in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 document (Doc ID: 2165363.1), you must complete the Oracle iProcurement Information Discovery Plus product configuration setup as detailed in this section.

Setting Up Oracle iProcurement Information Discovery Plus Product Configuration

To set up Oracle iProcurement Information Discovery Plus Product Configuration, complete the following steps:

  1. Grant the ICX_ENDECA_ACCESS_ROLE ((ICX Endeca Access Role) to the predefined iProcurement responsibility (FND_RESP|ICX|SELF_SERVICE_PURCHASING_5|STANDARD).

    See: Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Security for more information on how to assign roles.

    See: Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 document (Doc ID: 2165363.1) for more information on roles in Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery.

  2. Run the Populate Endeca Metadata for iProcurement concurrent program.

    See: Populating Endeca Metadata for iProcurement

  3. Run the Full Load Configuration Graph.

    See: Running the Full Load Configuration Graph

  4. Schedule the set up for Incremental Endeca Refresh.

    See: Setting Up the Scheduler to Load Incremental Graphs

  5. Additionally, if your organization uses descriptors to provide more information about an item or services, you define icon based descriptors. Icon Descriptor will be defined as like any other descriptor. The icon indicator flag is used to differentiate an icon descriptor with normal descriptors. Few icon descriptors are predefined in the application, however, you can define your own names and the number of icon descriptors.

    Organizations use descriptors to provide more information about an item or services. Apart from text based descriptors to define the more information about an item or services, you can also use icon based descriptors. This helps the requesters to easily search and identity the desired item with the help of icon descriptors. Also requesters can view the items in the order of Promotion Factor. For each of the icon descriptors, a promotion factor is entered. Based on ranking of promotion factor, items in search results are displayed. Icon descriptor and Promotion factor are dependent. You can define a Promotion Factor only when the Icon indicator is set to Yes.

    You can also enter the Promotion Factor. You can enter a promotion factor for each of the icon descriptors. As an administrator, you can add the descriptors as part of available refinements. For example, a user can filter the items with Icon Descriptors such Preferred Suppliers, Green Supplier etc. Available refinements is configurable. You add the Icon descriptor and Promotion factor in the Base Descriptor tab of the Schema window using the Catalog Administrator in iProcurement Catalog Administration Responsibility. By default, the Icon Indicator is set to Yes, and the Promotion Factor is predefined as 0.1. Configuring the Icon Descriptor helps the requesters to easily search and identity the desired item with the help of icon descriptors. The application, then, displays items in search results based on the ranking of the promotion factor. When multiple icon descriptors are tied to same item, the application computes the total promotion factor (cumulative of all icon descriptor's Promotion Factors tied to an item) and shows the search results accordingly.

Populating Endeca Metadata for Oracle iProcurement Information Discovery Plus

Use the Populate Endeca Metadata for iProcurement concurrent program, available under purchasing responsibility, to synchronize the available Endeca metadata. Run this concurrent program before running the full load graph. Whenever you make setup changes such as descriptor setup changes and/or content zone setup changes, you must run the full load again. If your setup changes occur daily, it is recommended that you schedule this concurrent program to run every day (1 hour before the full load graph run). After you successfully run this concurrent program, you can schedule to run the full load graph. For example, you can schedule the concurrent program to run every night at 1:00AM and then schedule the full load graph to run daily at 2:00AM.

You run this concurrent process from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Populate Endeca Metadata for iProcurement process

  1. Select Populate Endeca Metadata for iProcurement in the Name field.

  2. Ensure the Save all Output Files check box is selected.

  3. Click Submit.

Running the Full Load Configuration Graph

As a catalog administrator, if you need to make any changes to the descriptor setup or content zone setup, the changes will not be synchronized to the endeca server by running the incremental graph. For these changes to get reflected in the endeca server, you need to run the FullLoadConfig graph. Before you run the full load complete the following steps:

  1. Run the Populate Endeca Metadata for iProcurement concurrent program. This ensures that the FND metadata table is populated with the latest setup details.

  2. Run the FullLoadConfig graph from the Integrator. You can also submit the ETL using the concurrent program Run Clover ETL Graphs and schedule it for regular intervals. Once you complete the above two steps, the data in endeca server will be up-to-date.

    Note: If you have not made any changes to the configuration like descriptor setup or content zone setup, then you do not need to run the FullLoad Config graph, and running incremental load suffices.

To run the Full Load Configuration Graph

  1. Login to Integrator server using your Clover login.

  2. Click the Scheduling tab.

  3. Select the New Schedule link.

  4. Enter a Description for the scheduler, for example, iProcurement Incremental Load Scheduler.

  5. Select Periodic as the Type.

  6. Select by interval as the Periodicity.

  7. Enter a start date and time in the Not active before date/time field.

  8. Enter an end date and time in the Not active after date/time field.

  9. Enter a value in the Interval (minutes) field.

  10. Ensure you select the Fire misfired event as soon as possible check box.

  11. Select Execute graph from the Task Type list.

  12. Select icx-iproc from the Sandbox list.

  13. Select graph/FullLoadConfig.grf from the Graph list.

  14. Click Create to set the scheduler.

Setting Up the Scheduler to Load Incremental Graphs

Once the Full graph is run in accordance with the Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 document (Doc ID: 2165363.1), initial data load for Oracle iProcurement Information Discovery Plus is complete. For incremental refresh, you must determine how often the Endeca data should be refreshed from EBS depending upon your organizational requirements. Oracle recommends that you keep this near real time. As the data is updated in the EBS, you need to ensure it is updated in the Endeca MDEX server. You set up the Scheduler to load incremental graphs depending on when you update catalog information. For example, if you update catalog information frequently, you might choose to set the scheduler to load the incremental graph once in every 3 hours, or, if you do not update catalog information too frequently, you can set the scheduler to run once in a day. To keep the data in the Endeca server up-to-date, do one of the following:

To Schedule ETL on Integrator Server

  1. Login to Integrator server using your Clover login.

  2. Click the Scheduling tab.

  3. Select the New Schedule link.

  4. Enter a Description for the scheduler, for example, iProcurement Incremental Load Scheduler.

  5. Select Periodic as the Type.

  6. Select by interval as the Periodicity.

  7. Enter a start date and time in the Not active before date/time field.

  8. Enter an end date and time in the Not active after date/time field.

  9. Enter a value in the Interval (minutes) field.

  10. Ensure you select the Fire misfired event as soon as possible check box.

  11. Select Start a graph from the Task Type list.

  12. Select icx-iproc from the Sandbox list.

  13. Select graph/IncrementalLoadConfig.grf from the Graph list.

  14. Click Create to set the scheduler.