Oracle Discrete Manufacturing Information Discovery Plus

This chapter covers the following topics:


Oracle Discrete Manufacturing Information Discovery Plus enables you to search and view dashboard metrics related to job status, job delays, component and resource shortage, quantity of scraps, and rejects. You can use the Oracle Information Discovery Discrete Work Order Search page to view and analyze the data using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), performance evaluation metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. Oracle Discrete Manufacturing Information Discovery Plus Work Order Search provides:

This chapter provides product-specific details required to integrate Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 V7 for the Oracle Discrete Manufacturing application. This supplements the information provided in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 (Doc ID: 2165363.1). You must read this document and make note of the requirements before you begin your installation.

Oracle Projects Manufacturing

You can use Oracle Project Manufacturing to get a 360 degree view of Project Supplier Chain activities. It allows you to analyze Oracle Projects and Oracle Project Manufacturing data from different dimensions.

As a Project Manager or a Supervisor, you can search for a project using project number, project name, or project description and other project attributes. You can then access the details for a project from the list of projects that matched your search criteria. Based on the Project search result, you can view all the project information and drill down to review additional details for the project including budgets, expenditures, project status, RFQ, quotation, requisitions, purchase orders, blanket POs, manufacturing plans, WIP jobs, onhand balances, sales orders, onhand values, and line schedules. You can review and analyze data using key Performance Indicators (KPIs), performance evaluation metrics, charts, graphs, and tables.

You can search using Oracle Project Manufacturing pages and Endeca Information Discovery (EID) design tools. These pages are hosted in an EID environment, and called from new container pages in EBS.

This chapter provides product-specific details required to integrate Endeca Information Discovery (EID) with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 V7 for the Oracle Project Manufacturing for Oracle the Endeca application. This supplements the information provided in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 (Doc ID: 2165363.1). You must read this document and make note of the requirements before you begin your installation.

Oracle Discrete Manufacturing Information Discovery Plus User Interface

Discrete Work Order Search User Interface

Use the Discrete Work Order Search page to search and view dashboard metrics related to job status, job delays, component and resource shortage, quantity of scraps, and rejects. The page displays information and data graphically and in tabular format. The following graphic displays a partial view of the Discrete Work Order Search page.

From the MES Supervisor responsibility, navigate to the Discrete Work Order Search page:

(N) MES Supervisor > Endeca Discrete Work Order Information Discovery

the picture is described in the document text

Within the Discrete Work Order Search page, you can search and filter work order information. You can analyze the data and review work order and production metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The following describes the Discrete Work Order Search page regions and components:

Region Components
Alerts Alerts are provided that guide users to critical actions that need to be taken to address time sensitive issues.
Search The Search component allows you to submit keyword searches and provides type-ahead suggestions displaying attribute values that match the typed text. When you perform a search, the search term is added to the Selected Refinements component. As you type, you may be prompted to select a matching attribute value, or simply search for the entered text.
Selected Refinements The Selected Refinements component displays all values that you have selected to filter data, and allows you to quickly make adjustments to the current refinement by removing items or clearing all filters from the list.
Bookmarks The Bookmarks component allows you to save a given navigation and component state and return to it at a later time.
Available Refinements You can use the Available Refinements component to filter data using attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Work Order Details

  • Work Order Quantities

  • Work Order Dates

  • Discrete Job (descriptive flexfield attributes)

  • Sales Order Details

  • Bill Details

  • Routing Details

  • Project Details

  • Operation Details

  • Operation Quantity

  • Operation Dates

  • Operation Information (descriptive flexfield attributes)

  • OSP Details

  • OSP Quantity

  • OSP Dates

  • Component Details

  • Component Quantity

  • Component Date

  • Resource Details

  • Resource Quantity

  • Resource Dates

  • Exception Details

  • Exception Dates

  • Assembly Serial Number

  • Serial Numbers (descriptive flexfield attributes)

  • Serial Attributes (descriptive flexfield attributes)

Production Metrics (summarization bar)

Note: The Metrics Components are color coded to highlight warnings and health:

- Red: Critical warning state

- Yellow: Warning

- Grey: Normal

- Green: Good

  • Released Work Orders

  • Unreleased Work Orders

  • Completed Work Orders

  • Work Orders on Hold

  • Cancelled Work Orders

  • Expedited Work Orders

  • Customer Count

  • Delayed Work Orders

  • Delayed Operations

  • Delayed OSP Operations

  • Sales Orders Overdue

  • Open Exceptions

  • Components Shortage

  • Resources Shortage

  • Scraps (percentage)

  • Rejects (percentage)

  • Work Order-less Transactions

Exception Reasons (tag cloud) Top Ten Exception Reasons Tag Cloud Component

Note: The Exception Reasons component displays the top ten exception reasons by frequency of occurrence.

Work Order Insights (tabbed container component)
Overview (tab)
Work Order Overview (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Job Status

    • Job Status by Job (unique values)

  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Status

    • Assembly Base Model

    • Assembly

    • Customer

    • Department

    • Job Class

    • Job Early Start Days

    • Job Early Completion Days

    • Job Type

    • Project Name

    • Scheduled Start Date

    • Scheduled Completion Date

    • Scheduled Ship Date

    • Ship Date Approach Risk Days

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Organization Name

    • Assembly Base Model

    • Job Expedited

    • Status

Operations Overview (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Department

    • Department by ORG_JOB_OP (unique values)

  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Department

    • Assembly Base Model

    • Department Description

    • Operation Code

    • Operation Step

    • Resource

    • Resource Description

    • Scheduled Operation Start Date

    • Scheduled Operation Completion Date

    • Shopfloor Status

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Operation Step

    • Job Status

    • Operation Code

    • Operation Early Start Days

    • Operation Early Completion Days

    • Resource

    • Shopfloor Status

Work Order Insights (tabbed container component)
Exceptions (tab)
Exceptions Count by Exception Type (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Exception Type

    • Exception Type by Exception ID (unique values)

  • Dimensions

    • Exception Type

    • Exception Reason

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Exception Status

    • Assembly

    • Customer

    • Exception Reason

    • Job Type

    • Organization Name

    • Project Name

Impacted Jobs Details (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Assembly

    • Assembly by Impacted Job (unique values)

  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Assembly

    • Customer

    • Department

    • Job Type

    • Project Name

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Exception Reason

Work Order Insights (tabbed component container)
Delays (tab)
Work Order Delays (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Organization Name

    • Organization Name by Job (unique values)

  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Organization Name

    • Assembly

    • Customer

    • Department

    • Job Class

    • Job Type

    • Job Start Delay Days

    • Job Completion Delay Days

    • Operation Code

    • Operation Start Delay Days

    • Operation Completion Delay Days

    • Project Name

    • Ship Date Passed Days

    • Status

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Job Delays Days

    • Job Start Delay Days

    • Job Completion Delay Days

    • Operation Start Delay Days

    • Operation Completion Delay Days

    • Ship Date Passed Days

Work Order Delay Details (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Assembly

    • Assembly by Org Job Op (unique values)

  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Assembly

    • Customer

    • Department

    • Job

    • Job Class

    • Job Type

    • Job Start Delay Days

    • Job Completion Delay Days

    • Operation Start Delay Days

    • Operation Completion Delay Days

    • Organization Name

    • Resource Description

    • Project Name

    • Status

    • Ship Date Passed Days

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Operation Delay Days

    • Job Start Delay Days

    • Job Completion Delay Days

    • Operation Start Delay Days

    • Operation Completion Delay Days

    • Ship Date Passed Days

Work Order Insights (tabbed component container)
Outside Processing (tab)
Outside Processing Suppliers (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • OSP Supplier

    • OSP Supplier by Org Job Op (unique values)

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Assembly

    • Exception Reason

    • Exception Status

    • Exception Type

    • Operation Delay Days

    • Operation Start Delay Days

    • Operation Completion Delay Days

    • Scheduled Operation Start Date

    • Scheduled Operation Completion Date

Outside Processing Details (cross tab)
  • Column Sets

    • Operation Details

    • Purchase Order Details

    • Operation Dates

    • Operation Quantities

Work Order Insights (tabbed component container)
Component Shortage (tab)
Component Shortage (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Job

    • Job by Component Shortage Quantity (sum)

  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Job

    • Component

    • Assembly

    • Customer

    • Job Type

    • Organization Name

    • Project Name

Component Shortage Details (cross tab)
  • Column Sets

    • Component Details

    • Component Quantities

Work Order Insights (tabbed component container)
Resource Shortage (tab)
Resource Shortage (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Job

    • Job by Resource Shortage (sum)

  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Job

    • Assembly

    • Customer

    • Job Type

    • Organization Name

    • Project Name

    • Resource

Resource Shortage Details (cross tab)
  • Column Sets

    • Resource Details

    • Resource Quantities

Work Order Insights (tabbed component container)
Scrap (tab)
Scrap by Reason (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Scrap Reason

    • Scrap Reason by Scrapped Quantity (sum)

  • Series Dimension (color)

    • (none)

    • Organization Name

    • Assembly

    • Job

    • Job Class

    • Job Type

    • Project Name

    • Sales Order

Scrap Details (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Assembly

    • Assembly by Scrapped Quantity (sum)

  • Series Dimension (color)

    • (none)

    • Organization Name

    • Job

    • Job Class

    • Job Type

    • Project Name

    • Sales Order

    • Status

Work Order Insights (tabbed component container)
Rejects (tab)
Reject by Reason (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Reject Reason

    • Reject Reason by Rejected Quantity (sum)

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Organization Name

    • Assembly

    • Job

    • Job Class

    • Job Type

    • Project Name

    • Sales Order

Reject Details (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Assembly

    • Assembly by Rejected Quantity (sum)

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Organization Name

    • Job

    • Job Class

    • Job Type

    • Sales Order

    • Project Name

Work Order Insights (tabbed component container)
Yield (tab)
Yield (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Job

    • Job by Yield (average)

  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Job

    • Assembly

    • Customer

Yield Details (cross tab)
  • Column Sets

    • Work Order Details

    • Work Order Quantities

Work Order Insights (tabbed component container)
Cost Variance (tab)
Cost Variance (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Job

    • Job by TLTotalVariance (sum)

  • Dimensions (value axis)

    • TL Variance Percent

    • PL Variance Percent

Cost Variance Details (cross tab)
  • Column Sets

    • Work Order Details

    • This Level Variance Details

    • Previous Level Variance Details

Work Order Details (tabbed component container)
Work Orders (tab)
Work Orders (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Work Order Details

    • Work Order Dates

    • Work Order History

    • Bill Details

    • Routing Details

    • Project Details

    • Sales Order Details

    • Job Note

    • Actions

  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

Work Order Details (tabbed component container)
Operations (tab)
Operations (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Operation Details

    • Operation Quantities

    • Operation Dates

    • Work Order Details

    • Shopfloor Status

    • Actions

  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

Work Order Details (tabbed component container)
Assembly Serial Numbers (tab)
Operations (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Assembly Details

    • Assembly Serial Number Details

    • Actions

  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

Work Order Details (tabbed component container)
Components (tab)
Components (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Component Details

    • Component Quantities

    • Supply Details

    • Actions

  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

Work Order Details(tabbed component container)
Resources (tab)
Resources (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Resource Details

    • Resource Quantities

    • Resource Scheduling

    • Resource Costing

    • OSP Details

    • Actions

  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

Work Order Details (tabbed component container)
Exceptions (tab)
Exceptions (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Exception Details

    • Exception Notes

    • Actions

  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

Work Order-Less Details (tabbed component container)
Transactions (tab)
Transactions (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Transaction Details

    • Bill Details

    • Project Details

    • Sales Order Details

    • Actions

  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

Work Order-Less Details (tabbed component container)
Assembly Serial Numbers (tab)
Assembly Serial Numbers (results table)
  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

Work Order-Less Details (tabbed component container)
Components (tab)
Components (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Component Details

    • Actions

  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

Work Order-Less Details (tabbed component container)
Resources (tab)
Resources (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Resource Details

    • Resource Costing

  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

Oracle Project Manufacturing - Overview Page

Use the Overview page to see an overview of projects and tasks exception and overdue reports.

From the Manufacturing and Distribution Manager responsibility, navigate to the Overview page:

the picture is described in the document text

Region Components
Alerts Use alerts to direct you attention to any potential issues or risks that might arise.
Search Box Use this to enter search criteria.
Filters Use filters to refine the displayed data to only include records that have attribute values within a specified range.
Bookmarks Use this to bookmark or save filters and searches.
Guided Navigation Use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using the attributes available.
Project Manufacturing Metrics Displays current statistics on selected:
  • Projects

  • Work Orders

  • Requisitions

  • Purchase Orders

  • Sales Orders

Schedule Exception Metrics Displays current statistics on:
  • Sales Orders

  • Work Orders

  • Procurement Activities

Overdue Metrics Displays current statistics on:
  • Sales Orders

  • Work Orders

  • Procurement Activities

Project Status Displays the top 10 project statuses.
Exceptions Displays the following tabs:
  • Exception Summary

  • Overdue Sales Orders

  • Schedule Exception Sales Order

  • Overdue WIP Jobs

  • Schedule Exception WIP Jobs

  • Overdue Procurement Activities

  • Schedule Exception Procurement Activities

Project Information, Expenditures and Commitments Displays the following tabs:
  • Projects

  • Tasks

  • Expenditures

  • Committments

Oracle Project Manufacturing - Work Orders Page

Use the Work Orders page to see an overview of project related WIP jobs.

From the Manufacturing and Distribution Manager responsibility, navigate to the Work Orders page:

the picture is described in the document text

Region Components
Alerts Use alerts to direct you attention to any potential issues or risks that might arise.
Search Box Use this to enter search criteria.
Filters Use filters to refine the displayed data to only include records that have attribute values within a specified range.
Bookmarks Use this to bookmark or save filters and searches.
Guided Navigation Use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using the attributes available.
Work Orders Insights Displays job counts by project number and job status in a graphical format.
Work Orders Displays the following tabs:
  • Work Orders

  • Operations

  • Components

  • Line Schedules

Oracle Project Manufacturing - Procurement Page

Use the Procurement page to see an overview of project related purchase orders, requisitions, quotations, blanket releases and RFQs.

From the Manufacturing and Distribution Manager responsibility, navigate to the Procurement page:

the picture is described in the document text

Region Components
Alerts Use alerts to direct you attention to any potential issues or risks that might arise.
Search Box Use this to enter search criteria.
Filters Use filters to refine the displayed data to only include records that have attribute values within a specified range.
Bookmarks Use this to bookmark or save filters and searches.
Guided Navigation Use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using the attributes available.
Purchase Orders Insights Displays PO Amount by currency and project number and job status in a graphical format.
Requisitions Insights Displays requisition total by currency and project number.
Purchase Orders Displays the following tabs:
  • PO Headers

  • PO Lines

  • PO Shipments

  • PO Distributions

Requisitions Displays the following tabs:
  • Requisition Headers

  • Requisition Lines

  • Requisition Distributions

Other Procurement Activities Displays the following tabs:
  • Quotations

  • Blanket Releases

  • RFQs

Oracle Project Manufacturing - Cost Activities Page

Use the Cost Activities page to see an overview of project cost summary and details.

From the Manufacturing and Distribution Manager responsibility, navigate to the Cost Activities page:

the picture is described in the document text

Region Components
Alerts Use alerts to direct you attention to any potential issues or risks that might arise.
Search Box Use this to enter search criteria.
Filters Use filters to refine the displayed data to only include records that have attribute values within a specified range.
Bookmarks Use this to bookmark or save filters and searches.
Guided Navigation Use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using the attributes available.
Project Cost Insights Displays total amount by project number and cost source in a graphical format.
Project Cost Summary Displays details such as Project Number, Cost Source, Currency Code, Material Cost, Material Overhead Cost, Resource Cost, Outside Processing Cost, Overhead Cost, Transaction Variances and Total Amount.
Cost Detail Displays the following tabs:
  • WIP Value Summary

  • WIP Variances

  • Purchase Price Variances

  • Sales Order Issues

  • Project Level Cost Variances

  • Onhand Values

Oracle Projects Manufacturing - Inventory Page

Use the Inventory page to see an overview of on-hand balance and values.

From the Manufacturing and Distribution Manager responsibility, navigate to the Inventory page:

the picture is described in the document text

Region Components
Alerts Use alerts to direct you attention to any potential issues or risks that might arise.
Search Box Use this to enter search criteria.
Filters Use filters to refine the displayed data to only include records that have attribute values within a specified range.
Bookmarks Use this to bookmark or save filters and searches.
Guided Navigation Use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using the attributes available.
Inventory Onhand Balances Insights Displays total onhand quantity by item number and locator in a graphical format.
Inventory Onhand Values Insights Displays total onhand value by item number and cost group name in a graphical format.
Onhand Details Displays the following tabs:
  • Onhand Balances

  • Onhand Values

Oracle Project Manufacturing - Sales Orders Page

Use the Sales Orders page to see an overview of project related sales orders.

From the Manufacturing and Distribution Manager responsibility, navigate to the Sales Orders page:

the picture is described in the document text

Region Components
Alerts Use alerts to direct you attention to any potential issues or risks that might arise.
Search Box Use this to enter search criteria.
Filters Use filters to refine the displayed data to only include records that have attribute values within a specified range.
Bookmarks Use this to bookmark or save filters and searches.
Guided Navigation Use the Guided Navigation component to filter data using the attributes available.
Sales Orders Amounts Insights Displays order amount by order currency and project number in a graphical format.
Sales Orders Customer Insights Displays sales orders by customer number and project number in a graphical format.
Sales Orders Displays details such as Project Name, Task Number, Order Number, Order Line Number, Customer PO Number, Order Category, Order Type, Item Number, Item Description, Unit Number, Freight Terms, Payment Terms, Customer Number, Customer Name, Order Date, Request Date, Cancelled, Ship-to-Location, Ship Method, Ship Priority, Allow Partial Ship, Bill-to-Location, Order Amount, Order Currency, and Tax Exempt Flag.

Oracle Discrete Manufacturing Information Discovery Plus Product Configuration

Setting Up Oracle Discrete Manufacturing Information Discovery Plus

This document provides product-specific details required to integrate Endeca Information Discovery (EID) with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 for the Oracle Discrete Manufacturing application. This supplements the information provided in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 (Doc ID: 2165363.1). You must read this document and make note of the requirements before you begin your installation.

Setup and Configuration Steps

To set up Oracle Discrete Manufacturing Information Discovery Plus, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Set Access Control by assigning UMX roles and updating access grants.

  2. Load Work Order data to the Endeca Data Domain by running graphs provided by the Oracle Discrete Work Order application.

  3. Run Concurrent Processes for Oracle Discrete Work Order.

Access Control: Hide and Show EID Dashboards (User Interfaces) for Oracle Discrete Manufacturing Information Discovery Plus

As part of the Oracle E-Business Suite-EID integration for the Oracle Discrete Work Order application, the following UMX Role is provided:

UMX Role Internal Code Name
WIP Endeca Discrete Work Order Discoverer UMX|WIP_ENDECA_SEARCH

You must add the new UMX role 'WIP Endeca Discrete Work Order Discoverer' (Internal Code Name: UMX|WIP_ENDECA_SEARCH) to enable Endeca menu items for the responsibility, or any other custom responsibility which is using the same menu. When this UMX role is assigned to the responsibility, the menu items appear.

The page name on the Endeca search interface must be the same as the function name. In order to access the Endeca pages for Discrete Work Order, either of the following approaches must be followed, depending on your requirements:

For assigning UMX Roles and Grants, refer to Appendix C in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 (Doc ID: 2165363.1).

Scheduling Setup for Full Endeca Upload or Refresh

Once the full graph is run in accordance with Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 (Doc ID: 2165363.1), attribute configuration is loaded for all seeded attributes and the initial data load for Discrete Work Order Search is complete.

Daily full refresh is required to reflect and synchronize any data deletions against existing Work Orders in EBS systems, or to periodically remove Work Orders with ' Closed' status from the Endeca data domain. Full refresh deletes all data from Endeca and repopulates it with a full data extract from the E-Business Suite system. Out-of-the box ETL filters closed work orders for data ingest into the Endeca data domain.

Customers can choose an appropriate time of day to run daily full refresh. This can be daily or nightly when there is no work order transaction activity, or once new jobs for the day are loaded to the application.

Note: Ensure that you run the gather schema statistics concurrent program for the schemas (WIP, INV, PO, BOM, PJM) before running the FullLoadConfig.grf

For incremental refresh, you must determine how often the Endeca data should be refreshed from EBS depending upon your organizational requirements. Oracle recommends that you keep this near real time while considering system load and performance. Discrete Work Order information such as work order header, operations, components, resources, exceptions, move transactions, and so on, is updated in the EBS system continuously. The status of work orders and operations are also updated in the EBS system throughout the day. Updates should be synchronized with the Endeca data domain with minimal lag, providing near real time shop floor status and data snapshots for analysis and actions throughout the day.

Important: Patch 16184293:R12.WIP.C contains indexes that are dependent on Last_Update_Date and is a separate (stand-alone) patch. For better performance for incremental load, it is critical that you apply patch 16184293:R12.WIP.C.

To Schedule ETL on the Integrator Server

  1. Login to Integrator server using your Clover login.

  2. Click the Scheduling tab.

  3. Select the New Schedule link.

  4. Enter a Description for the schedule.

  5. Select Periodic as the Type.

  6. Select by interval as the Periodicity.

  7. Enter a start date and time in the Not active before date/time field.

  8. Enter an end date and time in the Not active after date/time field.

  9. Enter a value in the Interval (minutes) field.

  10. Ensure you select the Fire misfired event as soon as possible check box.

  11. Select Start a graph from the Task Type list.

  12. Specify the Sandbox as 'wip-dwo'

  13. Specify the Graph as 'graph/IncrementalLoadConfig.grf'

  14. Click Create to set the scheduler.

ETL Parameters for Oracle Discrete Manufacturing Information Discovery Plus

You can load data to the Oracle Discrete Work Order data domain by running graphs provided by the Oracle Discrete Work Order application.

To load data to the Oracle Work Order Search data domain

  1. Using the URL for the EID Integrator Server, navigate to the Sandboxes page and expand the graph node under csf-parts.

  2. Graphs to load data include:

    Graph Name Description
    FullLoadConfig.grf This graph loads meta data and data from all views. It resets all records in the csf-parts data domain, and then loads data. Run this graph to load data for the Work Orders page. This graph will load data for part orders and debrief.
    IncrementalLoadConfig.grf This graph performs incremental load for part orders and debrief. Only those records that were updated subsequent to the last load are loaded. Note: Data deleted in EBS (Work Orders) will not be removed from Endeca by running Incremental Graph. You must run FullLoadConfig.grf graph to remove all the data from Endeca and then reload all data. Full refresh deletes all data from Endeca and repopulates it with a full data extract from the E-Business Suite system.

    Important: Patch 16184293:R12.WIP.C contains indexes that are dependent on Last_Update_Date and is a separate (stand-alone) patch. For better performance for incremental load, it is critical that you apply patch 16184293:R12.WIP.C.

    Note: Data deleted in EBS (Work Orders) will not be removed from Endeca by running Incremental Graph. You must run FullLoadConfig.grf graph to remove all the data from Endeca and then reload all data. Full refresh deletes all data from Endeca and repopulates it with a full data extract from the E-Business Suite system.

    ##### Endeca Server Specifics ######
    ##### Data Store Specifics ######
    ##### EBS FND Table Specifics #####
    ### Misc ########
    ##### Sample Load View view_config.xml Location #####

Views and Joins for Oracle Discrete Manufacturing Information Discovery Plus

The following views are used by the ETL layer in Endeca to load Oracle Discrete Work Order data to the Endeca data domain:

Full Load View
View Name Purpose
WIP_DWO_ENDECA_V Loads discrete work order information during full load.
Incremental Load Views
View Name Purpose
WIP_ENDECA_INCR_COST_V Loads work order cost information during incremental load.
WIP_ENDECA_INCR_EXCEP_V Loads work order exceptions information during incremental load.
WIP_ENDECA_INCR_NONE_V Loads additional work order information not captured in other views during incremental load.
WIP_ENDECA_INCR_OPER_V Loads work order operation information during incremental load.
WIP_ENDECA_INCR_RES_V Loads work order resources information during incremental load.
WIP_ENDECA_INCR_SCRJ_V Loads work order scrap and rejects information during incremental load.

Concurrent Processes for Oracle Discrete Manufacturing Information Discovery Plus

Concurrent Process Description
Discrete Job Shortage Calculation You must run this concurrent program before running the full load graph daily or nightly.
Gather Schema Statistics You must run this concurrent program for the following schemas: WIP, INV, PO, BOM, PJM

Note: You must run this concurrent program before executing the full load graph for the first time, and then schedule it to run weekly thereafter.

Note: You must run this concurrent program before executing the full load graph for the first time, and then schedule it to run weekly thereafter.

Menus for Oracle Discrete Manufacturing Information Discovery Plus

Oracle Discrete Work Order integration includes the following user menu:

User Menu Name Internal Name
Endeca Discrete Work Order Information Discovery WIP_WS_MAIN

Oracle Project Manufacturing Product Configuration


Complete the Oracle Project Manufacturing product configuration after the installation and common configurations are completed as described in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 (Doc ID: 2165363.1).

Setting Up Oracle Project Manufacturing

  1. Add the PJM Endeca Inquiry Role (UMX|PJM_ENDECA_INQUIRY_ROLE) to any predefined Oracle Project Manufacturing responsibility or to any custom Project Manufacturing responsibility. Update the Grant PJM Endeca Inquiry Grant (PJM_ENDECA_INQUIRY_GRANT) and the Permission Set PJM Endeca Inquiry Permission Set (PJM_ENDECA_INQUIRY_PS).

    See: Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Security for more information on how to assign roles.

    See: Appendix C: Adding Roles to Responsibilities and Setting Security Context in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 (Doc ID: 2165363.1).

  2. Run the Full Graph to complete the initial data load for Oracle Depot Repair Information Discovery.

    See: Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 (Doc ID: 2165363.1).

  3. Run the Full Load Graph.

    See: Running the Full Load Graph

  4. Set up the Scheduler.

    See: Setting Up the Scheduler to Load Incremental Graphs

Running the Full Load Graph

Once you have run the full load graph in accordance with Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 (Doc ID: 2165363.1), attribute configuration is loaded for all seeded attributes. Additionally, you need to run the following full data loads as follows:

To run a full Endeca Refresh on the Integrator Server

  1. Login to Integrator server using your Clover login.

  2. Click the Scheduling tab.

  3. Select the New Schedule link.

  4. Enter a Description for the scheduler, for example, Project Manufacturing Full Load Scheduler.

  5. Select Periodic as the Type.

  6. Select by interval as the Periodicity.

  7. Enter a start date and time in the Not active before date/time field.

  8. Enter an end date and time in the Not active after date/time field.

  9. Enter a value in the Interval (minutes) field.

  10. Ensure you select the Fire misfired event as soon as possible check box.

  11. Select Execute graph from the Task Type list.

  12. Select pjm-inq from the Sandbox list.

  13. Select graph/FullLoadConfig.grf from the Graph list.

  14. Click Create to set the scheduler.

Setting Up the Scheduler to Load Incremental Graphs

Once you have run the full load graph in accordance with Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 (Doc ID: 2165363.1), attribute configuration is loaded for all seeded attributes. For incremental refresh, you must determine how often the Endeca data should be refreshed from EBS depending upon your organizational requirements. Oracle recommends that you keep this near real time. As the data is updated in the EBS, you need to ensure it is updated in the endeca MDEX server. You set up the Scheduler to load incremental graphs depending on the volume of information requiring update.

To set up the scheduler

  1. Login to Integrator server using your Clover login.

  2. Click the Scheduling tab.

  3. Select the New Schedule link.

  4. Enter a Description for the scheduler, for example, Project Manufacturing Incremental Load Scheduler.

  5. Select Periodic as the Type.

  6. Select by interval as the Periodicity.

  7. Enter a start date and time in the Not active before date/time field.

  8. Enter an end date and time in the Not active after date/time field.

  9. Enter a value in the Interval (minutes) field.

  10. Ensure you select the Fire misfired event as soon as possible check box.

  11. Select Execute graph from the Task Type list.

  12. Select pjm-inq from the Sandbox list.

  13. Select graph/IncroadConfig.grf from the Graph list.

  14. Click Create to set the scheduler.

Views and Joins in Oracle Project Manufacturing

The following views are used by the ETL layer in Oracle Endeca to load and display Oracle Project Manufacturing for Oracle Endeca data to the Oracle Endeca data store: