Oracle Outsourced Manufacturing for Discrete Industries Plus

This chapter covers the following topics:


You can use Oracle Outsourced Manufacturing For Discrete Industries Plus to search and filter open subcontract orders, delayed subcontract orders, impacted customer orders, open replenishments, delayed replenishments, on-hand and in-transit inventory values, component consumption adjustments, quality rejects, rejected value, uninvoiced assemblies, and components. Using the Outsourced Manufacturing For Discrete Industries Plus Dashboard, you can review and analyze data using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), performance evaluation metrics, charts, graphs, and tables.

You can search using the Outsourced Manufacturing For Discrete Industries Plus Dashboard utilizing Endeca Information Discovery (EID) design tools. This page is hosted in an EID environment, and called from new container pages in EBS. In Oracle Subcontracting, the following Outsourced Manufacturing For Discrete Industries Plus Dashboard enables search functions using Endeca Information Discovery integration:

This chapter provides product-specific details required to integrate Endeca Information Discovery (EID) with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 V7. This supplements the information provided in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 (Doc ID: 2165363.1). You must read this document and make note of the requirements before you begin your installation.

Oracle Outsourced Manufacturing For Discrete Industries Plus User Interface

Outsourced Manufacturing For Discrete Industries Plus Dashboard

The Outsourced Manufacturing For Discrete Industries Plus Dashboard for Oracle Subcontracting lets you monitor the health of your outsourcing process by searching for and displaying outsourced manufacturing information. Using Available Refinements, you can search on Organization Details, Subcontract Order Details, Replenishment Details, Component Details, Consumption Details, and Quality Details. You can view subcontracting metrics, charts, tag clouds, and transaction results tables. The following is a display of the Outsourced Manufacturing For Discrete Industries Plus Dashboard.

From the Subcontracting Super User responsibility, navigate to the Outsourced Manufacturing For Discrete Industries Plus Dashboard:

(N) Subcontracting > Outsourced Manufacturing Information Dashboard

(N) Subcontracting > Workbench > Dashboard (tab)

the picture is described in the document text

The following describes the Outsourced Manufacturing For Discrete Industries Plus Dashboard regions and components:

Region Components
Search The Search component allows you to submit keyword searches and provides type-ahead suggestions displaying attribute values that match the typed text. When you perform a search, the search term is added to the Selected Refinements component. As you type, you may be prompted to select a matching attribute value, or simply search for the entered text.
Selected Refinements The Selected Refinements component displays all values that you have selected to filter data, and allows you to quickly make adjustments to the current refinement by removing items or clearing all filters from the list.
Bookmarks The Bookmarks component allows you to save a given navigation and component state and return to it at a later time.
Available Refinements You can use the Available Refinements component to filter data using attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Subcontract Order Details

  • Subcontract Order Quantity and Price

  • Subcontract Order Dates

  • Organization Details

  • Replenishment Details

  • Replenishments Quantity and Price

  • Replenishment Dates

  • Component Details

  • Component Price and Quantity

  • Consumption Details

  • Consumption Quantity

  • Quality Details

  • Quality Quantity and Price

  • Quality Dates

Summarization Bar

Note: The Metric Components are color coded to highlight warnings and health:

- Red: Critical warning state

- Yellow: Warning

- Gray: Normal

- Green: Good

  • Open Subcontract Orders

  • Delayed Subcontract Orders

  • Impacted Customers

  • Open Replenishments

  • Delayed Replenishments

  • On Hand Value At MP

  • In Transit Value

  • Subcontract Orders with Quantity

  • Subcontract Orders with Rejections

  • Rejected Assemblies

  • Uninvoiced Replenishments

  • Uninvoiced Assemblies

  • Delayed Subcontract Orders

Component Adjustment Reason (tag cloud component) Top Ten Component Adjustment Reason Tag Cloud Component

Note: The Component Adjustment Reason tag cloud component displays the top ten Component Adjustment Reasons by frequency of occurrence.

Subcontracting Order Insights (tabbed component container)
Subcontract Order (tab)
Subcontract Order Allocations (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Subcontract Allocations

    • Subcontract Allocations by Subcontract Order (count distinct)

  • Series Dimension (color)

    • (none)

    • MP Organization Code

    • Component Category Name

    • Assembly Category Name

    • Is Customer Order Associated

Subcontract Orders Schedule Status (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Subcontract Order Schedule Status

    • Subcontract Order Schedule Status by Subcontract Order (count distinct)

  • Series Dimension (color)

    • Is Customer Order Associated

    • MP Organization Code

    • OEM Organization Code

    • Assembly Name

    • Customer Sales Order

Subcontract Order Pending Value (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Assembly Name

    • Assembly Name by Pending Order Value (sum)

  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Assembly Category Name

    • Assembly Name

    • OEM Organization Code

    • MP Organization Code

Subcontracting Order Insights (tabbed component container)
Replenishments (tab)
Replenishment Allocations (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • RSO Allocations

    • RSO Allocations by RSO Number (count distinct)

  • Series Dimension (color)

    • Component Category Name

    • OEM Organization Code

    • MP Organization Code

    • Assembly Category Name

Replenishments Schedule Status (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Shipments Schedule Status

    • Shipments Schedule Status by RSO Number (count distinct)

  • Series Dimension (color)

    • OEM Organization Code

    • MP Organization Code

    • Component Category Name

    • Is Customer Order Associated

    • Dropship PO Supplier

Subcontracting Order Insights (tabbed component container)
Inventory (tab)
Component Value (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • MP Organization Code

    • MP Organization Code by On Hand Value at MP (sum)

    • MP Organization Code by In Transit Value (sum)

  • Series Dimension (color)

    • OEM Organization Code

    • Component Category Name

Component Details (cross tab)
  • Column Sets

    • Component Overview

    • Component Quantity and Price Details

Subcontracting Order Insights (tabbed component container)
Consumptions (tab)
Consumption Overview (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Subcontract Adjustment Reason

    • Subcontract Adjustment Reason by Adjustment Value (sum)

  • Series Dimension (color)

    • OEM Organization Code

    • Component Category Name

Consumption Details (cross tab)
  • Column Sets

    • Adjustment Details

    • Adjustment Quantity

Subcontracting Order Insights (tabbed component container)
Financials (tab)
Uninvoiced Replenishments (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Component Category Name

    • Component Category Name by Uninvoiced Replenishment (sum)

  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Component Category Name

    • OEM Organization Code

    • MP Organization Code

Uninvoiced Assemblies (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • Assembly Name

    • Assembly Name by Uninvoiced Assemblies (sum)

  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Assembly Category Name

      • Assembly Name

    • OEM Organization Code

    • MP Organization Code

Subcontracting Order Insights (tabbed component container)
Quality (tab)
Reject Reasons (chart)
  • Sort Options

    • MP Organization Code

    • MP Organization Code by Rejected Assemblies (sum)

  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • MP Organization Code

    • OEM Organization Code

    • Assembly Category Name

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Rejection Reason

Quality Details (cross tab)
  • Column Sets

    • Subcontract Order Details

    • Quality Inspection

Subcontract Order Search Results (tabbed component container)
Subcontract Order Details (tab)
Subcontract Order Details (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Subcontract Order Details

    • Work Order Details

    • Customer Sales Order Details

    • Assembly Details

    • Organization Details

    • Subcontract Quantities and Price

Subcontract Order Search Results (tabbed component container)
Replenishment Details (tab)
Replenishment Details (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • RSO Details

    • RSO Quantities and Price

    • Organization Details

    • Dropship Details

Subcontract Order Search Results (tabbed component container)
Component Details (tab)
Component Details (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Component Details

    • Component Quantities and Prices

Oracle Outsourced Manufacturing For Discrete Industries Plus Product Configuration

Setting Up Oracle Outsourced Manufacturing for Discrete Industries Plus

The Oracle Outsourced Manufacturing For Discrete Industries Plus application configuration and setup must be completed after the installation and common configurations are completed as described in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 (Doc ID: 2165363.1).

Setup and Configuration Steps

To set up Oracle Outsourced Manufacturing for Discrete Industries Plus, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Set Access Control by assigning UMX roles and updating access grants.

  2. Load Outsourced Manufacturing (Subcontracting) data to the Endeca Data Domain by running graphs provided by Subcontracting.

  3. Schedule Setup for Full Endeca Refresh.

Access Control: Hide and Show EID Dashboards (User Interfaces) for Oracle Outsourced Manufacturing For Discrete Industries Plus

As part of the Oracle E-Business Suite-EID integration for the Oracle Outsourced Manufacturing For Discrete Industries Plus application, the following UMX Role is provided:

UMX Role Internal Code Name
Subcontracting Endeca Access Role UMX|JMF_SHIKYU_ENDECA_ACCESS_ROLE

You must add the new UMX role 'Subcontracting Endeca Access Role' (Internal Code Name: UMX|JMF_SHIKYU_ENDECA_ACCESS_ROLE) to enable Endeca menus for the Subcontracting Super User responsibility (or any other custom responsibility which is using the same menu). You must assign this UMX role to the responsibility. When this UMX role is assigned to the Subcontracting Super User responsibility, the Endeca Search page appears.

If you want to use the Endeca-related role with more than one responsibility, then you must have an additional grant with a security context corresponding to each responsibility. You can add grants for a given role as a separate process instead of while you are adding the role to the responsibility.

Permission Set Internal Code Name
Subcontracting Endeca Permission Set JMF_SHIKYU_ENDECA_ACCESS_PS

Complete the following steps to enable Endeca Menus in Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS):

  1. Assign a UMX Role to the Responsibility.


For assigning UMX Roles and Grants, refer to Appendix C in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 (Doc ID: 2165363.1).

Loading Outsourced Manufacturing Data into the Endeca Data Domain

Clover ETL within Endeca queries Subcontracting Views and does a full data load to the Subcontracting data domain in Endeca. After the first data load, full data load or incremental data load can be performed periodically. Incremental data load will update all the records in Endeca Subcontracting data domain which were updated in EBS after the last load. After the data has been loaded in the data domain, it can be queried and shown in the Subcontracting pages.

Subcontracting Data Sources in the Subcontracting Data Domain

The following data source is defined in the Subcontracting data domain in Endeca and is used to query data for Subcontracting page. The data source includes:

Setting Up the Scheduler for Endeca Full Refresh

The initial data upload for Endeca Search is complete when the Full graph is run as described in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 (Doc ID: 2165363.1). Full refresh deletes all data from Endeca and repopulates it with a full data extract from the E-Business Suite system. For incremental refresh, you should determine how often the Endeca data should be refreshed from E-Business Suite depending on your organizational requirements.

To schedule ETL on the Integrator Server

  1. Login to Integrator server using your Clover login.

  2. Click the Scheduling tab.

  3. Select the New Schedule link.

  4. Enter a Description for the scheduler.

  5. Select Periodic as the Type.

  6. Select by interval as the Periodicity.

  7. Enter a start date and time in the Not active before date/time field.

  8. Enter an end date and time in the Not active after date/time field.

  9. Enter a value in the Interval (minutes) field.

  10. Ensure you select the Fire misfired event as soon as possible check box.

  11. Select Start a graph from the Task Type list.

  12. Select the graph for schedule to run. I.e. Full.grf/incremental.grf.

  13. Click Create to set the scheduler.

ETL Parameters for Outsourced Manufacturing For Discrete Industries Plus

You can load data to the JMF data domain by running graphs provided by Subcontracting.

To load data to the JMF data domain

  1. Using the URL for the EID Integrator Server, navigate to the Sandboxes page and expand the graph node under Subcontracting.

  2. Graphs to load data include:

    • FullLoadConfig.grf: This graph loads all Subcontracting data.

      Note: Data deleted in EBS (Subcontracting) will not be removed from Endeca by running Incremental Graph. You must run Full.grf graph to remove all the data from Endeca and reload everything.

    • IncrementalLoadConfig.grf: This graph loads changed Subcontracting data.

      Note: If you are loading data for the first time, then run FullLoadConfig.grf only. You can run other graphs according to your requirements. Run IncrementalLoadConfig.grf periodically. You can set up this graph from the Scheduling tab.

Views and Joins for Outsourced Manufacturing For Discrete Industries Plus

The following views are used by the ETL layer in Endeca to load Subcontracting data to the Endeca data domain:

View Name Purpose
JMF_EID_SUBCONDET_V Loads subcontracting order and replenishments data.
JMF_EID_SUBCONADJ_V Loads adjustments data.
JMF_EID_SUBCONQUALITY_V Loads quality inspection data.

Menus for Endeca Outsourced Manufacturing For Discrete Industries Plus

Oracle Outsourced Manufacturing For Discrete Industries Plus integration includes nine new user menu functions as follows:

User Function Name Function Name
Subcontracting Endeca Home Page JMF_SHIKYU_ENDECA_HOME