Oracle Financials Information Discovery Plus: Fixed Assets

This chapter covers the following topics:


The Fixed Asset Manager can use the Oracle Financials Information Discovery Plus: Fixed Assets to search and filter assets, locations, and pending mass additions. Oracle Financials Information Discovery Plus: Fixed Assets empowers fixed asset managers and fixed asset accountants to optimize asset utilization, explore asset locations and assignments, and ease reconciliation of assets by providing powerful search and sophisticated available refinements capabilities. The operational efficiency and insight into the asset life cycle is greatly enhanced through key fixed asset metrics, drillable graphs, alerts, and tag clouds, enabling users to quickly identify problem areas and outstanding items that require intervention. Oracle Financials Information Discovery Plus: Fixed Assets allows users to efficiently navigate to the relevant Oracle Applications to take corrective action as necessary.

You can search using Fixed Assets pages and Information Discovery (EID) design tools. These pages are hosted in an EID environment, and called from new container pages in EBS. In Fixed Assets, the following pages enable search functions using Endeca Information Discovery integration:

This chapter provides product-specific details required to integrate Endeca Information Discovery (EID) with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 V7 for the Oracle Fixed Assets Information Discovery application. This supplements the information provided in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 (Doc ID: 2165363.1). You must read this document and make note of the requirements before you begin your installation.

Oracle Financials Information Discovery Plus: Fixed Assets User Interfaces

Asset Reconciliation Page

The Asset Reconciliation Page displays an overview and visibility into all asset accounts balances. Account balances for Oracle Assets and Oracle General Ledger display side by side making discrepancies easy to identify. The Asset Reconciliation page:

From the Assets Super User responsibility, navigate to the Asset Reconciliation page:

(N) Assets Information Discovery

the picture is described in the document text

Within the Asset Reconciliation page, you can highlight asset book and GL accounting discrepancies. This page displays reconciliation information between fixed asset accounts in SLA (Sub-Ledger Accounting) and in GL (General Ledger). The Fixed Asset Manager can quickly compare information between SLA and GL, investigate discrepancies and take required and corrective action. You can analyze data using asset metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The following describes the Asset Reconciliation page regions and components:

Region Components
Search The Search component allows you to submit keyword searches and provides type-ahead suggestions displaying attribute values that match the typed text. When you perform a search, the search term is added to the Selected Refinements component. As you type, you may be prompted to select a matching attribute value, or simply search for the entered text.
Bookmarks The Bookmarks component allows you to save a given navigation and component state so that you can return to it at a later time.
Selected Refinements The Selected Refinements component displays all values that you have selected to filter the data, and allows you to quickly make adjustments to the current refinement by removing items from the list or clearing all filters.
Available Refinements The Available Refinements component allows you to filter data based on the current available values or value ranges for selected attributes that are displayed within attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Assets Book

  • Asset Details

  • SLA Accounting Information

  • GL Accounting Information

Book Control (summarization bar) Book Control contains the following dimension values that spotlight items:
  • Ledger Name

  • Book

  • Currency

  • Current Period

Reconciliation (component container) Balances by Major Category (chart)
The Balances by Major Category chart displays the total account balances for asset cost accounts, accumulated depreciation accounts, CIP cost accounts, and clearing accounts by asset major category. You can change the category axis to SLA Account Description.
  • Sort Options

    • Major Category

    • Major Category by Subledger Balance (sum)

    • Major Category by General Ledger Balance (sum)

  • Group Dimensions (category axis)

    • Major Category

    • SLA Account Description

Untransferred Balances by Account Description
This chart displays the total untransferred balances to General Ledger by account description and assets major category. You can change the category axis to Account Line Type.
  • Sort Options

    • Account Description

    • Account Description by Untransferred Balance (sum)

  • Group Dimensions (category axis)

    • Account Description

    • Account Line Type Name

  • Color

    • (None)

    • Major Category

Accounting Information (tabbed component container)
Balances (tab)
Account Balances (results table)
The Account Balances results table displays account balances information.
Accounting Information (tabbed component container)
Details (tab)
Account Details (results table)
The Account Details results table displays accounting detail information.
  • Links

    • Details Icon - displays the Record Details window.

Asset Cost Page

The Asset Cost page displays an overview of asset cost and accumulated depreciation by category, and a reconciliation between Fixed Assets (FA) and General Ledger (GL) by account for both cost and accumulated depreciation. You can view asset cost metrics, asset cost charts, and results tables. The following is a display of the Asset Cost page.

From the Assets Super User responsibility, navigate to the Asset Cost page:

(N) Assets Information Discovery

the picture is described in the document text

Within the Asset Cost page, you can track asset costs and accumulated depreciation balance by major category. You can analyze data using asset metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The following describes the Asset Cost page regions and components:

Region Components
Search The Search component allows you to submit keyword searches and provides type-ahead suggestions displaying attribute values that match the typed text. When you perform a search, the search term is added to the Selected Refinements component. As you type, you may be prompted to select a matching attribute value, or simply search for the entered text.
Bookmarks The Bookmarks component allows you to save a given navigation and component state so that you can return to it at a later time.
Selected Refinements The Selected Refinements component displays all values that you have selected to filter the data, and allows you to quickly make adjustments to the current refinement by removing items from the list or clearing all filters.
Available Refinements The Available Refinements component allows you to filter data based on the current available values or value ranges for selected attributes that are displayed within attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Assets Book

  • Assets Details

  • Financial Details

  • Useful Life

  • Assignments

  • Sources

  • Lease

  • Warranty

Book Control (summarization bar) Book Control contains the following dimensions value spotlight items:
  • Ledger

  • Currency

  • Asset Book

  • Current Fiscal Year

  • Last Deprecation Run

  • Current Period

  • Period Open Date

Asset Amount and Count (summarization bar component container) Amount
  • Capitalized

  • Group

  • CIP

  • Expensed

    Note: All items are configured to calculate the total asset's cost by asset type and use the SumAmount custom view.

  • Capitalized

  • Group

  • CIP

  • Expensed

    Note: All items are configured to calculate the total asset's count by asset type, and use the SumCount custom view.

Asset Analysis (tabbed component container)
Accounts Reconciliation (tab)
Balances (chart)
The Balances chart displays the total account balances for asset cost accounts and accumulated depreciation accounts by asset major category. You can change the category axis to account code and account description.
  • Sort Options

    • Major Category

    • Major Category by Asset Cost (sum)

    • Major Category by Accumulated Depreciation (sum)

  • Group Dimensions (category axis)

    • Major Category

    • Account

    • Account Description

Asset Analysis (tabbed component container)
Cost Analysis (tab)
Asset Cost by Major Category (chart)
The chart displays asset cost across the major categories with the availability to drill down to Minor Category and Property Type.
  • Sort Options

    • Major Category

    • Major Category by Asset Cost (sum)

Asset Cost by Date Placed in Service (chart)
The chart displays asset cost by data placed in service (in years) with availability to drill down to Month then Day.
  • Sort Options

    • Date Placed in Service

    • Date Placed in Service by Asset Cost (sum)

Balance Reconciliation (component container) Balance Reconciliation (results table)
The Balance Reconciliation results table helps the asset manager to find any discrepancies in balances between fixed assets and general ledger, and also helps to speed the closing process.
  • Column Sets

    • Asset Cost Balance

    • Accumulated Depreciation Balance

  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

  • Links

    • Review Asset Balance Icon - link to the Account Balances page.

    • Review Accumulated Depreciation Balance icon - link to the Account Balances page.

    • Account - link to the Account Balances page.

      Note: You can select values from the column sets to filter your results. The selected values are added to the Selected Refinements component and can be removed.

Assets Information (tabbed component container) Addition Details (results table)
  • Column Sets

    • Financial Details

    • Asset Details

  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

    • Compare

      Note: You must select two or more lines to compare asset records.

  • Links

    • Details icon - select the details icon to view Record Details for the selected asset.

    • Update Asset Details - link to the Assets form to update asset details.

      Note: You can select values from the column sets to filter your results. The selected values are added to the Selected Refinements component and can be removed.

Source (results table)
  • Column Sets

  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

    • Compare

      Note: You must select two or more lines to compare asset records.

  • Links

    • Details icon - select the details icon to view Record Details for the selected asset.

    • Update Asset Details - link to the Assets form to update asset details.

      Note: You can select values from the column sets to filter your results. The selected values are added to the Selected Refinements component and can be removed.

Asset Aging Page

The Asset Aging page allows the fixed assets manager to search assets and displays aging assets and useful asset life information. You can view asset aging metrics, charts, and results tables. The following is a display of the Asset Aging page.

From the Assets Super User responsibility, navigate to the Asset Aging page:

(N) Assets Information Discovery > Asset Aging (tab)

the picture is described in the document text

Within the Asset Aging page, you can track asset aging and useful asset life information by category. You can analyze data using asset aging metrics, charts, graphs, and results tables. The following describes the Asset Aging page regions and components:

Region Components
Search The Search component allows you to submit keyword searches and provides type-ahead suggestions displaying attribute values that match the typed text. When you perform a search, the search term is added to the Selected Refinements component. As you type, you may be prompted to select a matching attribute value, or simply search for the entered text.
EBS Quick Links Use the EBS Quick Links component to link to quickly navigate to other EBS Information Discovery Extensions. This component provides a link to the Maintenance Work Request OA page.
Bookmarks The Bookmarks Component allows you to save a given navigation and component state so that you can return to it at a later time.
Selected Refinements The Selected Refinements component displays all values that you have selected to filter the data, and allows you to quickly make adjustments to the current refinement by removing items from the list or clearing all filters.
Available Refinements The Available Refinements component allows you to filter data based on the current available values or value ranges for selected attributes that are displayed within attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Assets Book

  • Useful Life

  • Asset Details

  • Financial Details

  • Accounts

  • Assignments

  • Sources

  • Lease

Top 10 Categories by Remaining Life (tag cloud container) Top 10 Categories by Remaining Life

Note: The Top 10 Categories by Remaining Life tag cloud component displays the top ten asset categories by remaining life. The categories display in relative sizes by frequency of occurrence.

  • Major Category view options:

    • Remaining Life in Years (sum)

    • Asset Cost (sum)

Asset Aging (component container) Asset Aging by Cost (chart)
The chart displays the aging buckets for assets (in years) and drills down to month aging.
  • Sort Options:

    • Year Aging

    • Year Aging by Asset Cost (sum)

Twelve Months Remaining Life (chart)

Note: The chart displays the count and the cost of assets that will complete their life within a year (asset life due in a year).

  • Sort Options:

    • Remaining Asset Life

    • Remaining Asset Life by Asset Cost (sum)

    • Remaining Asset Life by ASSET_ID (unique values)

Asset Information (component container) Asset Aging Information (results table)

Note: The Asset Aging Information table displays financial information for the asset's useful life.

  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

    • Compare

      Note: You must select two or more lines to compare asset records.

  • Links

    • Details icon - select the details icon to view Record Details for the selected asset.

    • Create Purchase Requisition icon - link to the Requisitions form to create new purchase requisitions.

      Note: You can select values from the column sets to filter your results. The selected values are added to the Selected Refinements component and can be removed.

Asset Location Page

The Asset Location page allows the fixed assets manager to search assets by location or by employees assigned to asset groups. You can view asset location metrics, charts, and results tables. The following is a display of the Asset Location page.

From the Assets Super User responsibility, navigate to the Asset Location page:

(N) Assets Information Discovery > Asset Location (tab)

the picture is described in the document text

Within the Asset Location page, you can select the ledger and asset book to check the location or assignment of a specific asset or group of assets. You can analyze data using asset location metrics, charts, graphs, and results tables. The following describes the Asset Location page regions and components:

Region Components
Search The Search component allows you to submit keyword searches and provides type-ahead suggestions displaying attribute values that match the typed text. When you perform a search, the search term is added to the Selected Refinements component. As you type, you may be prompted to select a matching attribute value, or simply search for the entered text.
Bookmarks The Bookmarks Component allows you to save a given navigation and component state so that you can return to it at a later time.
Selected Refinements The Selected Refinements component displays all values that you have selected to filter the data, and allows you to quickly make adjustments to the current refinement by removing items from the list or clearing all filters.
Available Refinements The Available Refinements component allows you to filter data based on the current available values or value ranges for selected attributes that are displayed within attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Assets Book

  • Assignments

  • Asset Details

  • Financial Details

  • Accounts

  • Useful Life

  • Sources

  • Lease

  • Warranty

Employees Assignment (summarization bar) The Employees Assignment summarization bar displays the number of assigned assets and unassigned assets to employees and contains the following metrics:
  • Assigned Assets

  • Unassigned Assets

Unassigned Assets (tag cloud) Unassigned Assets

Note: The Unassigned Assets tag cloud component displays the top unassigned assets by major category. You can drill down from the major category to the minor category by selecting a value within the tag cloud. Selections appear in the Selected Refinements component.

Locations (component container) Assets Count by Location (chart)

Note: The chart displays assets count by location segments.

  • Sort Options:

    • Location 1

    • Location 1 by Asset Number (unique values)

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • Location 1

    • Location 2

    • Location 3

    • Location 4

    • Location 5

    • Location 6

    • Location 7

Assets Categories by Location (chart)

Note: The chart displays the asset cost by major category and by location.

  • Sort Options:

    • Major Category

    • Major Category by Asset Number (unique values)

  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Major Category

    • Minor Category

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • Location 1

    • Location 2

    • Location 3

    • Location 4

    • Location 5

    • Location 6

    • Location 7

Results Table (tabbed component container) Assignment Details (results table)

Note: The Assignment Details results table displays assignment information.

  • Column Sets

    • Assignment Information

    • Financial Information

  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

    • Compare

      Note: You must select two or more lines to compare asset records.

  • Links

    • Details icon - select the details icon to view Record Details for the selected asset.

    • Asset Transfer icon - link to the Assets form to update assets.

      Note: You can select values from the column sets to filter your results. The selected values are added to the Selected Refinements component and can be removed.

Unassigned Assets (results table)

Note: The Unassigned Assets table displays assets not assigned to employees.

  • Column Sets

    • Assignment Information

    • Financial Information

  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

    • Compare

      Note: You must select two or more lines to compare asset records.

  • Links

    • Details icon - select the details icon to view Record Details for the selected asset.

    • Assign Employee icon - link to the Assets form to update assets.

      Note: You can select values from the column sets to filter your results. The selected values are added to the Selected Refinements component and can be removed.

Mass Transactions Page

The Mass Transactions page allows fixed assets accountants to easily find pending transactions and take required actions. You can view pending transaction metrics, charts, and results tables. The following is a display of the Mass Transactions page.

From the Assets Super User responsibility, navigate to the Mass Transactions page:

(N) Assets Information Discovery > Mass Transactions (tab)

the picture is described in the document text

Within the Mass Transactions page, you can track pending transactions and take required actions. You can analyze data using asset metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. The following describes the Mass Transactions page regions and components:

Region Components
Search The Search component allows you to submit keyword searches and provides type-ahead suggestions displaying attribute values that match the typed text. When you perform a search, the search term is added to the Selected Refinements component. As you type, you may be prompted to select a matching attribute value, or simply search for the entered text.
Bookmarks The Bookmarks Component allows you to save a given navigation and component state so that you can return to it at a later time.
Selected Refinements The Selected Refinements component displays all values that you have selected to filter the data, and allows you to quickly make adjustments to the current refinement by removing items from the list or clearing all filters.
Available Refinements The Available Refinements component allows you to filter data based on the current available values or value ranges for selected attributes that are displayed within attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Assets Book

  • Addition Details

  • Transactions Details

  • Asset Details

Pending Mass Additions (summarization bar) The Pending Mass Additions summary bar contains the following metrics:
  • Pending Additions Count

  • Pending Additions Total Cost

Mass Transactions Count (summarization bar) The Mass Transactions Count summarization bar contains the following metrics:
  • Mass Transfers

  • Mass Reclassifications

  • Mass Changes

  • Mass Revaluations

  • Mass Retirements

Pending Mass Additions Status by Count (tag cloud) Pending Mass Additions Status by Count (tag cloud)

Note: The Pending Mass Additions Status by Count tag cloud component displays the top pending mass additions status by category. The categories display in relative sizes by frequency of occurrence.

The tag cloud component is configured to display the following dimensions:
  • The pending assets interface lines status (Delete, Split, Merge, Add to Assets, Post), or

  • The Pending Assets Interface Lines Source Names (Payables, Enterprise Assets Managements, Web-ADI)

Mass Additions (tabbed component container)
Pending Mass Additions (tab)
Pending Mass Additions Status by Cost (chart)
The Pending Mass Additions Status by Cost chart displays the total sum of asset cost per each status type.
  • Sort Options

    • Transaction Status

    • Transaction Status by Cost (sum)

  • Group Dimensions (category axis)

    • Major Category

    • Account

    • Account Description

Pending Mass Additions by Date (chart)
The Pending Mass Additions by Date chart displays both the number and total cost of the pending additions per mass additions batch date.
  • Sort Options

    • Batch Date

    • Batch Date by Pending Additions Count (sum)

  • Dimensions (value axis)

    • Pending Additions Count (sum)

    • Pending Additions Total Cost (sum)

Pending Mass Transactions Details (tabbed component container)
Pending Mass Transactions (tab)
Pending Transactions by Record Type (chart)
The Pending Transactions by Record Type chart displays the number of pending transactions per record type.
  • Sort Options

    • Record Type

    • Record Type by Number of Transactions (sum)

  • Series Dimensions (color)

    • (none)

    • Record Type

Pending Mass Transaction by Type (chart)
The Pending Mass Transaction by Type chart displays the number of pending transactions per each transaction type.
  • Series Metrics (value axis)

    • Transfers Count (sum)

    • Changes Count (sum)

  • Dimensions (category axis)

    • Transfer Type

    • Change Type

Results Table component container Mass Addition Lines (results table)

Note: The Mass Additions Lines results table display when you select the Pending Mass Additions tab.

  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

    • Compare

      Note: You must select two or more lines to compare asset records.

  • Links

    • Details icon - select the details icon to view Record Details for the selected asset.

    • Prepare Mass Additions icon - link to the Find Mass Additions form to review, merge, split, post, and purge mass additions.

    • Post Mass Additions icon - link to submit the Post Mass Additions concurrent request.

    • Delete Mass Additions icon - link to submit the Delete Mass Additions concurrent request.

    Note: You can select values from the column sets to refine your results. The selected values are added to the Selected Refinements component and can be removed.

Pending Transaction Details (results table)

Note: The Mass Additions Lines results table display when you select the Pending Mass Transactions tab.

  • Column Sets

    • Pending Mass Transactions

    • Pending Transfers

    • Pending Changes

  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

    • Compare

      Note: You must select two or more lines to compare asset records.

  • Links

    • Details icon - select the details icon to view Record Details for the selected asset.

    • Run Mass Transfers icon - link to the Mass Transfers form to transfer a group of assets between general ledger expense accounts, employees, and locations.

    • Run Mass Reclassifications icon - link to the Mass Reclassifications form. Reclassify assets to update information, correct data entry errors, or when consolidating categories.

    • Run Mass Changes icon - link to the Run Mass Changes form to correct an error or update financial and depreciation information for a single asset or for multiple assets.

    • Run Mass Revaluations icon - link to the Mass Revaluations form.

    • Run Mass Retirement icon - link to the Mass Retirements form to retire a group of assets. You can also use this form to reinstate a mass retirement transaction.

    Note: You can select values from the column sets to refine your results. The selected values are added to the Selected Refinements component and can be removed.

Additions Pipeline Page

The Additions Pipeline page identifies all pending transactions that exist in Payables and Projects that affect asset costs. The Additions Pipeline page provides:

You can view pending transaction metrics, charts, and results tables. The following is a display of the Additions Pipeline page.

From the Assets Super User responsibility, navigate to the Additions Pipeline page:

(N) Assets Information Discovery > Additions Pipeline (tab)

the picture is described in the document text

Within the Additions Pipeline page, the Fixed Assets manager can check the additions pipeline using metrics, graphs, and results tables. The following describes the Additions Pipeline page regions and components:

Region Components
Search The Search component allows you to submit keyword searches and provides type-ahead suggestions displaying attribute values that match the typed text. When you perform a search, the search term is added to the Selected Refinements component. As you type, you may be prompted to select a matching attribute value, or simply search for the entered text.
Bookmarks The Bookmarks Component allows you to save a given navigation and component state so that you can return to it at a later time.
Selected Refinements The Selected Refinements component displays all values that you have selected to filter the data, and allows you to quickly make adjustments to the current refinement by removing items from the list or clearing all filters.
Available Refinements The Available Refinements component allows you to filter data based on the current available values or value ranges for selected attributes that are displayed within attribute groups. Expand the following attribute groups to view and select attribute names:
  • Ledger

  • Accounts

  • Invoice Details

  • Project Details

Ledger Details (summarization bar) The Ledger Details summary bar contains the following metrics:
  • Ledger Name

  • Operating Unit

  • Currency

  • Payables Invoices

  • Projects

Total Pending Additions by Account Description (component container) Total Pending Additions by Account Description (chart)
The Total Pending Additions by Account Description chart displays assets count by location segments.
  • Sort Options

    • GL Account Description

    • GL Account Description by Invoice Accounted Amount (sum)

    • GL Account Description by Current Accounted Asset Cost

Total Amounts (component container) Total Amounts (pivot table)
The Total Amounts table displays the total additions pipeline.
Pending Addition Details (tabbed component container)
Invoices (tab)
Invoices (results table)
The Invoices results table displays payable invoice details.
  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

Pending Addition Details (tabbed component container)
Projects (tab)
Pending Project Asset Lines (results table)
The Pending Project Asset Lines table displays project asset lines details.
  • View Options

    • Hide / Show Columns

    • Sort

    • Reset table to default

  • Actions

    • Print

    • Export

Oracle Fixed Assets Information Discovery Product Configuration

Setting Up Oracle Fixed Assets Information Discovery

The Oracle Fixed Assets Information Discovery product configuration setup must be completed after the installation and common configurations are completed as described in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 (Doc ID: 2165363.1).

Setup and Configuration Steps

To set up Oracle Fixed Assets Information Discovery, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Set Access Control by assigning UMX roles and updating access grants.

  2. Schedule Setup for Full Endeca Refresh

Access Control: Hide and Show EID Dashboards (User Interfaces) for Oracle Fixed Assets

As part of the Oracle E-Business Suite-EID integration for the Oracle Fixed Assets application, the following UMX Roles are provided:

UMX Role Internal Code Name
Fixed Assets Endeca Access Role UMX|FA_ACCESS_ROLE
Fixed Assets Manager Endeca Access Role UMX|FA_MGR_ACCESS_ROLE

You must add the new UMX roles 'Fixed Assets Endeca Access Role' (Internal Code Name: UMX|FA_ACCESS_ROLE) and Fixed Assets Manager Endeca Access Role (Internal Code Name: UMX|FA_MGR_ACCESS_ROLE) to enable Endeca menu items for the Fixed Assets Manager responsibility, or any other custom responsibility which is using the same menu. When these UMX roles are assigned to the Fixed Assets Manager responsibility, the menu item Assets Information Discovery appears.

If you want to use the Endeca-related roles with more than one responsibility, then you must have an additional grant with a security context corresponding to each responsibility. You can add grants for a given role as a separate process while you are adding the role to the responsibility.

Fixed Assets includes separate Permissions and Grants for each page. The following are the Fixed Assets Permission Sets and Grants.

Permission Sets Internal Code Name
Fixed Assets Manager Endeca Permission Set FA_ MGR_ENDECA_ACCESS_PS
Fixed Assets Endeca Permission Set FA_ENDECA_ACCESS_PS
Grants Internal Code Name
Fixed Assets Manager Endeca Access Grant FA MGR Endeca Access Grant
Fixed Assets Endeca Access Grant FA Endeca Access Grant

For assigning UMX roles and grants, refer to Appendic C in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 (Doc ID: 2165363.1).

Scheduling Setup for Full Endeca Upload or Refresh

The following data sets are included with the Oracle Fixed Assets application:

Data Domain Name Purpose
fa-asset Stores all assets information regarding asset cost, locations, and aging.
fa-masstrans Stores all pending mass transaction information.
fa-rec Stores all account balances from SLA and GL.
fa-clr Stores all additions pipeline information from Payables and Projects.

The initial data upload for Endeca Fixed Assets is complete when the Full graph is run as described in the Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.1 V7 (Doc ID: 2165363.1). Full refresh deletes all data from Endeca and repopulates it with a full data extract from the E-Business Suite system.

To schedule ETL on the Integrator Server

  1. Login to Integrator server using your Clover login.

  2. Click the Scheduling tab.

  3. Select the New Schedule link.

  4. Enter a Description for the scheduler.

  5. Select Periodic as the Type.

  6. Select by interval as the Periodicity.

  7. Enter a start date and time in the Not active before date/time field.

  8. Enter an end date and time in the Not active after date/time field.

  9. Enter a value in the Interval (minutes) field.

  10. Ensure you select the Fire misfired event as soon as possible check box.

  11. Select Start a graph from the Task Type list.

  12. Select the graph for schedule to run. I.e. FullLoadConfig.grf.

  13. Click Create to set the scheduler.

ETL Parameters for Fixed Assets

You can load data to the Oracle Fixed Assets Data Domain by running graphs provided by Oracle Fixed Assets.

To load data to the Oracle Fixed Assets data domain

  1. Using the URL for the EID Integrator Server, navigate to the Sandboxes page and expand the graph node under 'fa'.

  2. Graph to load data includes:

    • FullLoadConfig.grf: This graph loads meta data and data from all views to the “fa” data domain on the Endeca server.

    • IncrementalLoadConfig.grf: This graph updates mass additions information and should be scheduled to run periodically depending on business requirements (monthly, weekly, or daily).

Profile Options for Fixed Assets

There are no profile options in Oracle Fixed Assets Information Discovery.

Views and Joins for Fixed Assets

The following views are used by the ETL layer in Endeca to load Oracle Fixed Assets data to the Endeca Data Domain:

View Name Purpose
FA_EID_F_ASSET_V Loads assets data (aging, locations, and assignments)
FA_EID_F_MASS_TRANS_V Loads pending mass transaction data
FA_EID_REC_V Loads accounting data for asset accounts from SLA and GL
FA_EID_F_CLR Loads additions pipeline data from payables and projects

Menus for Endeca Fixed Assets

Oracle Fixed Assets integration includes the following new user menu function:

User Function Name Function Name
Assets Information Discovery FA_ENDECA_MAIN