Compensation and Benefits Management

General Compensation Structures

Predefined Elements

The following table shows the predefined elements for payroll runs.

Predefined Elements
Element Name Description
GOSI This is a recurring element that is attached to each assignment and initiates GOSI processing. It has a formula attached to it, which returns the calculated values to the indirect elements.
Employer GOSI Hazards This is a non-recurring element that contains the value of the employer's liability for GOSI Hazards.
Employer GOSI Annuities This is a non-recurring element that contains the value of the employer's liability for GOSI Annuities.
Employer GOSI Subsidy This is a non-recurring element that contains the value of the additional employer's liability for GOSI Annuities.
Employee GOSI Annuties This is a non-recurring element that contains the value of the employee's liability for GOSI Annuities.
GOSI Reference Salary This is a non-recurring element that contains the value of the employee's reference salary for GOSI deductions.
Employee GOSI Arrears This is a non-recurring element that contains the value of the employee's outstanding GOSI liability.
Employee GOSI Arrears Payment This is a non-recurring element and contains the value of the employee's payment to reduce the GOSI arrears.
GOSI Reference Salary Adjustment This is a non-recurring element and contains the value of the salary adjustment for GOSI.
Setup GOSI Reference Salary Use this non-recurring element if you want to specify a pay value as the base for calculating GOSI deductions throughout the year. Otherwise the payroll run calculates GOSI deductions using the formula attached to the GRE.
Group Decision Information Use it to capture the Group Decision number.
PPA Non-recurring indirect element triggered by GOSI/PPA element depending on the organization classification set at the organization level. This element triggers the PPA related calculations by calling the SA_PPA_CALCULATION formula.
Setup PPA Reference Salary Non-recurring direct element that contains the employee's contributory salary for the current year.
PPA Reference Salary Adjustment Non-recurring direct element to modify the reference salary anytime in between the year, since you can set up the Setup PPA Reference Salary element only once a year, during the start of the year.
PPA Reference Salary Non-recurring indirect element that displays the value for the reference salary (contributory salary).
Employee PPA Annuities Non-recurring indirect element that displays the value for the employee PPA contributions.
Employer PPA Annuities Non-recurring indirect element that displays the value for the employer PPA contributions.
Employee PPA Arrears Non-recurring indirect element that stores the excess amount in case the PPA annuities value for a particular payroll period is more than the net payment during the payroll run.
Employee PPA Arrears Payment Non-recurring direct element that you must attach to pay the arrears.
Employer PPA Hazards Non-recurring indirect element that displays the value for the employer occupational hazards contributions.

The following table shows the two predefined element sets for earnings and deductions. You can use these element sets to view the information in SOE report.

Predefined Element Sets
Element Set Name Description
SA_SOE_EARNINGS_ELEMENTS Use this element set to hold the earnings elements.
SA_SOE_DEDUCTIONS_ELEMENTS Use this element set to hold the deductions elements.

Survey of the Classifications

The survey of the classifications identifies:

Primary Classifications

Primary element classifications are supplied as startup data, and you cannot delete or update them as they are designed to meet legislative requirements.

List of Primary Classification:
Classification Meaning
Information Information elements can be used to represent information items that are not used in payroll processing. They can also be set up to hold information for use in other elements, and to trigger the processing of other elements, for example, loan details.
Earnings Earnings elements represent most payments made to an employee. These payments are usually subject to deductions of tax and Social Insurance, and are normally processed in the regular payroll run each period.
Absence Absence elements represent the absence.
Supplemental Earnings Supplemental Earnings element includes special earnings paid in addition to the earnings for time worked.
Taxable Benefits Taxable Benefits elements represent the taxable benefits.
Pre-Statutory Deductions Pre-Statutory Deductions elements represent the deductions that are applicable before the statutory deductions.
Statutory Deductions Statutory Deductions elements are for mandatory GOSI deductions.
Direct Payment Direct Payment elements are for expenses or loans made through the payroll that are not subject to tax. They are included in gross or net pay balances.
Employer Charges Employer Charges element represent payments such as contribution made to any statutory bodies by the employer for the employee.
Involuntary Deductions Involuntary Deductions elements are compulsory deductions.
Voluntary Deductions Voluntary Deductions are those deductions that the employee authorizes the employer to make on their behalf.

Primary Classification Processing Priorities and Cost Types

The following table shows the default processing priority and costing details for the primary classifications supplied.

Primary Classification Priority Range Default Priority Cost Type
Information 0-12000 500 Debit
Earnings 1001-2000 1500 Debit
Absence 2001-3000 2500 Debit
Supplemental Earnings 3001-4000 3500 Debit
Taxable Benefits 4001-5000 4500 Debit
Pre-Statutory Deductions 5001-6000 5500 Credit
Statutory Deductions 6001-7000 6500 Credit
Direct Payment 7001-8000 7500 Debit
Employer Charges 8001-9000 8500 Debit
Involuntary Deductions 9001-10000 9500 Credit
Voluntary Deductions 10001-11000 10500 Credit

Predefined Secondary Element Classifications

This table shows the predefined secondary classifications supplied. You cannot update or delete these predefined classifications.

An element is automatically given any default secondary classifications defined for its primary classification.

Element Classifications:
Primary Classification Secondary Classification Default
Information Subject to GOSI: Information N/A
Earnings Subject to GOSI: Earnings N/A
Absence Subject to GOSI: Absence N/A
Supplemental Earnings Subject to GOSI: Supplemental Earnings N/A
Taxable Benefits Subject to GOSI: Taxable Benefits N/A
Pre-Statutory Deductions Subject to GOSI: Pre-Statutory Deductions N/A

Other Payroll Earnings and Deductions

Payroll Balances

Balances show the positive or negative accumulation of particular values over periods of time. They are fed either by the direct run results (that is, Pay Values) of elements processed in the payroll run, or by input values. For example, in North American installations, the input value Hours of the element Time Entry Wages feeds the balance Regular Hours Worked.

Balance Dimensions and Levels

Balances exist for various time dimensions, such as current run, period to date, month, quarter to date, and year to date.

Balances also exist at different levels, such as assignment level or person level. Balances for individual employee assignments are at the assignment level (in North America, they can be at the assignment level within a GRE). If your enterprise permits employees to hold more than one assignment at the same time, you can hold balances at the person level. For example, a person level Gross Earnings balance is the sum of an employee's assignment level Gross Earnings balances.

Choosing Elements To Feed a Balance

You can select elements to feed a balance in three ways:

Note: Secondary classifications are not used in the North American versions of Oracle Payroll at this time.

You can choose any number of classifications or any number of elements to feed a balance. However you cannot use a mixture of classifications and individual elements to feed a balance. When you select an element or classification as a balance feed, you specify whether the run results (or input values) should add to or subtract from the balance.

Startup and User Defined Balances

The balances and balance feeds for the elements supplied with Oracle Payroll are present in the system when you receive it. For North American users, when you initiate earnings types, deductions and other items that process in the payroll run, the system generates the appropriate balances and balance feeds together with the necessary elements.

You can define any additional balances your enterprise requires. For example, you may require a Pensionable Earnings balance for a pension plan your enterprise offers employees.

Primary Balances

Important: You cannot have two or more elements with the same primary balance. This setup will cause incorrect elements to show up on reports or Statement of Earnings when the process uses balance reporting architecture.

You define primary balance using the following navigation:

Payroll Balance Dimensions

Oracle HRMS provides the following predefined balance dimensions.

Standard Dimensions

The following table provides the balance dimensions that you can use to sum values for single assignments:

Balance Dimensions
Database Item Suffix Description
_ASG_MONTH_NO_LEAVERS Since the start of the month to date for the employees who are neither joiners nor leavers.
_ASG_MONTH_NEW_JOINERS Since the start of the month to date for the employees who are new joiners.
_ASG_MONTH_LEAVERS Since the start of the month to date for the employees who are leavers.
_ASG_TU_MONTH_NO_LEAVERS Since the start of the month to date for the employees who are neither joiners nor leavers within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_ASG_TU_MONTH_NEW_JOINERS Since the start of the month to date for the new joiners within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_ASG_TU_MONTH_LEAVERS Since the start of the month to date, who are leavers within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_ASG_TU_ITD Since the start of the month to date for the assignment within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_ASG_TU_PTD Since the start of the processing period to date for the assignment within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_ASG_TU_MONTH Since the start of the calendar month to date for the assignment within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_ASG_TU_QTD Since the start of the calendar quarter to date for the assignment within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_ASG_TU_YTD Since the start of the calendar year to date for the assignment within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_ASG_TU_FQTD Since the start of the fiscal quarter to date for the assignment within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_ASG_TU_FYTD Since the start of the fiscal year to date for the assignment within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_PER_TU_ITD Since the start of the month to date for a person within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_PER_TU_PTD Since the start of the processing period to date for a person within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_PER_TU_MONTH Since the start of the month to date for the person within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_PER_TU_QTD Since the start of the calendar quarter to date for the person within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_PER_TU_YTD Since the start of the calendar year to date for the person within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_PER_TU_FQTD Since the start of the fiscal quarter to date for the person within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_PER_TU_FYTD Since the start of the fiscal year to date for the person within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_PER_TU_TQTD Since the start of the statutory quarter to date for the person within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_PER_TU_TYTD Since the start of the statutory year to date within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_ASG_TU_TQTD Since the start of the statutory quarter to date for the assignment within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_ASG_TU_TYTD Since the start of the statutory year to date for the assignment within the tax unit (Legal Employer).
_ASG_RUN during one payroll run
_ASG_ITD Since the start of the assignment Inception to date.
_ASG_PTD Since the start of the assignment Processing Period To Date
_ASG_MONTH Since the start of the assignment calendar month to date.
_ASG_QTD Since the start of the assignment calendar quarter to date.
_ASG_YTD Since the start of the assignment calendar year to date.
_ASG_TQTD Since the start of the assignment tax quarter to date.
_ASG_TYTD Since the start of the assignment tax year to date.
_ASG_FQTD Since the start of the assignment fiscal quarter to date.
_ASG_FYTD Since the start of the assignment fiscal year to date
_PER_ITD Since the start of the person inception to date.
_PER_PTD Since the start of the person processing period to date.
_PER_MONTH Since the start of the person calendar month to date.
_PER_QTD Since the start of the person calendar quarter to date.
_PER_YTD Since the start of the person calendar year to date.
_PER_TQTD Since the start of the person tax quarter to date.
_PER_TYTD Since the start of the person tax year to date.
_PER_FQTD Since the start of the person fiscal quarter to date
_PER_FYTD Since the start of the person fiscal year to date.
_ENTRY_ITD Since the start of the element entry inception to date
_ENTRY_PTD Since the start of the element entry processing period to date.
_ENTRY_MONTH Since the start of the element entry calendar month to date.
_ENTRY_QTD Since the start of the element entry calendar quarter to date.
_ENTRY_YTD Since the start of the element entry calendar year to date.

A special dimension which aggregates results from payroll runs that have been picked up in a particular pre-payments run.

Payments Dimensions
Database Item Suffix Description
_PAYMENTS For a set of payroll runs.

General Office of Social Insurance Deductions

Oracle Payroll provides the elements, balances, formulas, and other components required to process GOSI deductions. When the payroll run encounters an entry of the GOSI element, it runs the predefined formula SA_GOSI_CALCULATION. This formula processes GOSI Annuities and GOSI Hazards if you have specified these deductions for your employees (on the GOSI Details tab of the Assignment window).

If an employee has an entry of the Setup GOSI Reference Salary element, the formula uses this element's pay value as the base for calculating the GOSI deductions, subject to any adjustment entered on the GOSI Reference Salary Adjustment element.

If there is no entry of the Setup GOSI Reference Salary element, the formula uses the base value returned by the GOSI Reference formula, if you have written this formula and attached it to your GRE.

Note: This formula must return the variable, GOSI_REFERENCE.

If you do not define a GOSI Reference formula, Oracle Payroll calculates the GOSI base from the elements having the secondary classification Subject to GOSI.

If there are no elements with this secondary classification, Oracle Payroll calculates the GOSI deductions on the lower limit of the base value provided for the GOSI deductions.

GOSI Processing

GOSI payroll processing assesses the employee's total earnings. If an employee's earnings exceeds Employee GOSI Annuities, then GOSI calculations automatically process and deduct from the employee's earnings. However, if the employee's earnings are less than the Employee GOSI Annuities, then the employer pays on behalf of the employee, and this accrues as arrears for the employee.

Public Pension Agency Deductions

Oracle Payroll provides the elements, balances, formulas, and other components required to process PPA deductions. When the payroll run encounters an entry of the PPA element, it runs the predefined formula SA_PPA_CALCULATION. This formula processes PPA Annuities and PPA Hazards if you have specified these deductions for your employees (on the GOSI/PPA Details tab of the Assignment window). If an employee has an entry of the Setup PPA Reference Salary element, the formula uses this element's pay value as the base for calculating the PPA deductions, subject to any adjustment entered on the PPA Reference Salary Adjustment element.

If there is no entry of the Setup PPA Reference Salary element, then the formula uses the base value returned by the PPA Reference formula, if you have written this formula and attached it to your GRE/Legal Entity. If you do not define a PPA Reference formula, then Oracle Payroll calculates the PPA base from the elements having the secondary classification Subject to PPA. If there are no elements with this secondary classification, then Oracle Payroll calculates the PPA deductions on the lower limit of the base value provided for the PPA deductions.

PPA Processing

PPA payroll processing assesses the employee's total earnings. If an employee's earnings exceed Employee PPA Annuities, then PPA calculations automatically process and deduct from the employee's earnings. However, if the employee's earnings are less than the Employee PPA Annuities, then the employer pays on behalf of the employee, and this accrues as arrears for the employee.

Setting up GOSI Processing

Setting Up GOSI Processing

Oracle HRMS enables you to process General Office of Social Insurance (GOSI) contributions for employees using predefined GOSI elements.

Before you start to process GOSI contributions, you need to do the following:.

To set up GOSI processing

  1. Define the GOSI address as a location within the application. See: Setting Up Locations , Oracle Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

  2. Create an external organization for the General Office of Social Insurance (GOSI). See:Business Groups: Entering Saudi GOSI Office

  3. Enter GOSI details of the legal entities in your enterprise. See GREs/Legal Entities: Entering Saudi GOSI Details

  4. Link the predefined elements GOSI, Setup GOSI Reference Salary, and GOSI Reference Salary Adjustment. You can also link other user defined elements.

    See: Predefined Elements

    See: Defining Element Links, Oracle Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

  5. Link the formula SA_GOSI_CALCULATION to GOSI element in the Formula Result Rules window.

    See: Defining Formula Processing and Result Rules, Oracle FastFormula User Guide

  6. Optionally write a formula to return a base value for the calculation of GOSI deductions. This formula must return the variable GOSI_REFERENCE. You can override this formula for some or all employees by entering a pay value for the Setup GOSI Reference Salary element. For more information on writing formulas, See: Writing or Editing a Formula, Oracle FastFormula User Guide

  7. If you have created your own formula with a return variable GOSI_REFERENCE, attach your formula at the GRE level. See: GREs/Legal Entities: Entering GOSI Reference Formula

  8. Optionally use the Subject to GOSI secondary classification to classify the elements that form the base for GOSI deductions. Oracle Payroll uses these elements to calculate the base once each year in January if you have not defined a GOSI Reference Formula, nor entered a pay value in the Setup GOSI Reference Salary element for an employee.

Enrolling an Employee for GOSI Deductions

You can enroll an employee assignment to General Office of Social Insurance (GOSI) deductions using the Element Entries window.

To enroll an employee assignment for GOSI deductions

  1. Set your effective date to the date on which you want the GOSI deductions to come into effect.

    Note: For New Hires, this should normally be the hire date. Deductions begin in the payroll period. This payroll run retrospectively calculates employee and employer deductions for GOSI.

  2. Choose New Record to enter a new element entry.

  3. Select the element GOSI to initiate the GOSI processing. You can enter costing information and a reason for entering this element for the assignment. The element has no input values.

  4. Choose New Record and select the element Setup GOSI Reference Salary if you want to specify a base value for calculating GOSI deductions. If you do not enter this element for the employee, the payroll run calculates the GOSI base using the GOSI Reference formula attached to the GRE.

  5. Enter costing information and a reason, if required. See:Data Costed at the Element Entry Level., Oracle Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

  6. To enter a pay value for the element Setup GOSI Reference Salary, choose the Entry Values button to open the Entry Values window. In the pay value field, enter the base value for the GOSI calculations to use in the current year.

  7. In the Element Entries window, choose New Record and select the element GOSI Reference Salary Adjustment if you want to change the base value for GOSI calculations.

  8. Choose the Entry Values button to open the Entry Values window.

  9. Enter an amount in the Pay Value field, for the element GOSI Reference Salary Adjustment. You can use this amount to adjust the base value for GOSI deductions. This value can be a positive or negative. For example, suppose you have set the pay value for the element Setup GOSI Reference Salary as 1000 (thousand dinar). If you want to decrease or increase the base for the GOSI deductions by 100 (hundred dinar) in the current pay period only, enter +100 or -100 in the pay value field for the element GOSI Reference Salary Adjustment.

  10. Save the Element Entry details.

Setting up PPA Processing

Setting up PPA Processing

Oracle HRMS enables you to process Public Pension Agency (PPA) contributions for employees using the predefined PPA elements.

To set up PPA processing

  1. Create the PPA organization. See: Creating Public Pension Agency Organization

  2. Define PPA office. See: Business Groups: Defining PPA Office

  3. Enter PPA office details of the legal entities in your enterprise. See GREs/Legal Entities: Entering PPA Office Details.

  4. Link the predefined elements PPA, Setup PPA Reference Salary, and PPA Reference Salary Adjustment. You can also link other user defined elements. See: Predefined Elements and Defining Element Links, Oracle Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

  5. Link the formula SA_PPA_CALCULATION to PPA element in the Formula Result Rules window. See: Defining Formula Processing and Result Rules, Oracle FastFormula User Guide

  6. Optionally write a formula to return a base value for the calculation of PPA deductions. This formula must return the variable PPA_REFERENCE. You can override this formula for some or all employees by entering a pay value for the Setup PPA Reference Salary element. For more information on writing formulas, See: Writing or Editing a Formula, Oracle FastFormula User Guide

  7. If you have created your own formula with a return variable PPA_REFERENCE, then attach your formula at the GRE/Legal Entity level. See: GREs/Legal Entity: Entering PPA Office Details

  8. Optionally use the Subject to PPA secondary classification to classify the elements that form the base for PPA deductions. Oracle Payroll uses these elements to calculate the base once each year in January if you have not defined a PPA reference formula, nor entered a pay value in the Setup PPA Reference Salary element for an employee.

Absence Management

Absence Categories for Saudi Government Sector

Oracle HRMS provides a convenient way to maintain information about the various absence types your enterprise recognizes. To facilitate reporting and analysis of employee absences, you can distinguish between absence types and absence categories. An absence category is a group of related absence types. The following list contains the predefined absence categories available for Saudi government sector absences. You can extend the following list of predefined categories and define your own absence types, as required:

Setting up Public Sector Absences

Oracle HRMS enables you to record the absence information for public sector employees to receive the applicable absence benefits.

To set up public sector absences

  1. Create information element for each absence category; for example, Accompaniment Leave element for Saudi Accompaniment Leave absence category.

  2. Create element links for the elements that you create.

  3. Create absence type and select applicable predefined Saudi government sector absence category from the list. While defining the absence type, specify the element in the Associated Element field to link it with the absence.

  4. For absences with accruals such as annual leave, create an accrual plan and specify the accrual band for the absence

  5. Create a formula that the application triggers for your absence to do the payroll calculations, for example, SA_ABSENCE_FORMULA. The application uses the formula that you create to perform all the payroll calculations and return the results to applicable absence category element. You can use the sample formula text to create your formula:

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Start_Date (date),
    End_Date (date)
    Max_Carryover = 36
    /* Calculations to be defined here */
  6. Create formula results for your absence formula and pass on the results to the user defined absence element and other payroll elements for pay calculations.

  7. Create a new element with classification as Absence for all the absences that would hold the results returned from the formula, for example, Marriage Leave Formula element. For employees with age 50 years and above, create a separate element using the same steps as discussed in this topic and define the accrual plan for it with carryover days as 120.

  8. Create required balances and attach the balance feeds to the Absence elements and other elements as required.

  9. Record the absence information for an employee using the Absence window. See Entering Absences, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide.

  10. Enter additional information for each of these absences using the Further Information field:

    • Enter the absence location for the following absences

      • Cultural activity leave

      • Sports activity leave

      • Social activity leave

    • Enter the Edda leave reason for Edda leave.

  11. If you want to skip the validation for number of days inside and outside of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, then select Saudi Days Exception as the absence reason to override the days validation for the following absence categories:

    • Death Leave

    • Marriage Leave

    • Dialysis Leave

    • Emergency Leave

    • Edda Leave

    • Extended Maternity Leave

    • Maternity/Paternity Leave

    • Serious Sickness Leave

    • Sick Leave

    • Relief Work Leave

    • Pilgrimage Leave

    • Literature Activity Leave

    • Social Activity Leave

    • Sports Activity Leave

    • Cultural Activity Leave