People Management


Person Extra Information Types

You can define as many Extra Information Types as you require to hold information about people. There are also some predefined person EITs such as :

The following information types are used by the IRASLine Archive and validation process.

For information about IRAS year-end processing, see: Running the IRASLine Archive Process

Note: You must set the IR8S Applicable flag to Yes to include this employee when you run the IR8S File process.

Important: If an employee has been rehired or if the employee has multiple assignments under different legal entities within the same year, the application reports these details under the latest legal entity with the primary assignment.

To find out how to enter extra information, see: Entering Extra Information, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

Assignment Extra Information Types

You can define as many Extra Information Types as you require to hold information about assignments. There are also some predefined assignment EITs. These are:

For details on how to enter extra information, see: Entering Extra Information, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide.

For details about the IRASLine Archive Process, see: Running the IRASLine Archive Process.

Entering a New Person (People Window)

Use the People window to enter and maintain basic personal information for all person types, including employees.

Note: You can also use one of the template windows such as Entering Employees or Maintaining Employees to enter new people.

The minimum information to enter for all categories of people is name and action type. In addition, for employees you must enter gender, employee number, if your enterprise uses manual number entry and date of birth (for assignment to a payroll). For information about the mandatory information that you must enter in the other tabbed regions in the Person window, see:

Entering Additional Personal Information (Person Window)

To enter a new person

  1. Set your effective date to the appropriate date for adding the person to the system. If you are entering an employee, this should be his or her hire date.

  2. Enter the person's name and other details in the Name region.

    Only the last name is required.

    • You can use the Title field to enter a title such as Mrs. or Doctor for the person.

    • You can use the Prefix field to enter the first part of the person's name, such as van der. In the case of someone whose last name is van der Zee, this enables you to sort by the last word of the name, that is Zee. If the whole name van der Zee is entered in the Last Name field, the name is sorted under van.

    • You can use the Suffix field to hold part of the last name, such as Junior or II. This enables the suffix to be reported on separately, as required in some government-mandated reports.

  3. In the US, you must select the gender, Male, Female or Unknown Gender, from the list. In the UK, if you are entering an employee you must enter their gender.

  4. Select an action type, for example Create Applicant, in the Action field and select a person type from the list of values. The person type you select displays immediately in the Person Type for Action field. If only one user person type exists for the action type, it displays automatically.

    You create user person types in the Person Types window. If you want to change a person type to another person type with the same system person type you must use the Person Type Usage window.

    Entering Employee Information

    Enter the following information if the person is an employee. Otherwise, proceed to step 6.

    1. If necessary, change the Latest Start Date field.

      • The Latest Start Date field displays your effective date.

      • For employees who have previously worked for your enterprise, the Date First Hired field displays the start date of your employee's earliest, previous period of service. This date must be on or before the start date of the earliest period of service.

      If the latest start date and the date first hired are the same, when you amend the latest start date, the date first hired is set to the same date.

      If you amend the latest start date to earlier than the date first hired, the date first hired is set to the same date.

      Entering Identification Information

      Enter the person's identification information in the Identification region:

      1. Enter the National Registration Identity Card (NRIC) number for Singaporean nationals or the Foreign Identity Number (FIN) for non-nationals.

      2. If the first character of the NRIC number is S or T (indicating a Singaporean citizen), select the colour of the card (blue or pink).

      3. If your enterprise uses manual number entry, use the Employee or Applicant fields to enter an employee or applicant number. If your enterprise uses automatic number generation, the employee or applicant number automatically displays when you save your entries in this window.

        Entering Personal Details

        Enter details for the person as required in the Personal tabbed region:

        1. To assign an employee to a payroll, you must enter his or her date of birth.

        2. Enter additional birth information into the Town of Birth, Region of Birth and Country of Birth fields.

        3. If the Work Telephone field is displayed, enter the person's work telephone number. Otherwise, use the Phone Numbers window to enter this information.

        4. In the Status field, select the person's marital status.

        5. Select the employee's nationality.

        6. In the Registered Disabled field, you can select whether your employee or applicant is:

          • registered disabled

            • not registered disabled

            • partially disabled

            • fully disabled

            Note: Note: Whether employees are fully or partially disabled affects benefits eligibility calculations.

          See: Entering Additional Personal Information

        What Next?

        You can enter additional information for people in the tabbed regions, including the additional mandatory personal information required in Singapore. See: Entering Additional Personal Information

        You must also enter extra information for an employee. This information is required for month-end and year-end processing in Singapore. See: Personal Extra Information Types for a list of the EITs that Singapore uses.

Entering Additional Personal Information (People Window)

You can enter additional information for people in the tabbed regions of the People window described in the following steps.

Note: The Background Information, Medical Information and Rehire Information tabbed regions appear only if your system administrator has enabled them for you.

It is mandatory to enter a legal name, work permit type, and Community Fund category. All other personal information in the tabbed regions is optional.

To enter office information for a new hire, an existing employee, or contingent worker

  1. Click the Office Details tabbed region.

  2. Enter the office number for this office.

  3. Enter the internal location of this office.

  4. Enter the office identifier for internal mail.

  5. Enter the person's email address.

  6. In the Mail To field, select Home or Office to indicate the person's preferred mail destination.

To enter information for an applicant

  1. Click the Applicant tabbed region.

  2. Click the Applicant tabbed region.

  3. If the applicant's resume is on file, check the Exists check box.

  4. If the applicant's resume is on file, select the date indicating when the resume was last updated.

  5. Select a final date a file is to be maintained for this applicant.

To enter information concerning the background check for a person

  1. Click the Background tabbed region.

  2. Check whether the employee's background check has been performed.

  3. Select the date the background check was performed.

To enter rehire recommendation information for an applicant who was a former employee or contingent worker

  1. Click the Rehire tabbed region.

  2. Check whether the former manager has recommended the applicant for rehire.

  3. Select the reason for this recommendation.

To enter further name information

  1. Click the Further Name tabbed region.

  2. Enter one or more honors/degrees (BA, MBA or JD, for example) that the person has earned.

  3. Enter the name (perhaps a nickname) by which the person prefers to be known.

  4. If the person was previously known by a different name, enter the previous last name.

To enter medical information for a person

  1. Click the Medical tabbed region.

  2. Select the person's blood type.

  3. Select the date of this employee's last medical test.

  4. Enter the name of the physician who performed this test.

To enter other information for a person

  1. Click the Other tabbed region.

  2. Select the type of schedule in the Availability/Schedule field; for example, the days of the week your employee works.

  3. Enter the person's current full time/part time availability to work with your company.

  4. Select the language the person prefers for correspondence.

    For example, select German if the person prefers to correspond or receive company information such as terms of pension plan in German.

    Note: The Correspondence Language list includes languages in the FND_LANGUAGES table. This table contains the languages that Oracle National Language Support Runtime Library (Oracle NLSRTL) supports. Check with your System Administrator for information on NLSRTL supported languages.

  5. If the person has died, enter the date of death.

    If you enter the termination reason of deceased and the actual termination date on the Terminate window and date of death has not been entered, it is set to the employee's termination date.

  6. Select the current status of the student, if your employee is a student.

  7. In the Date Last Verified field, you can enter the date the person last checked this personal information for accuracy.

  8. Check the Military Service check box if the person is employed in a military service in some capacity.

    The value of this field can impact benefits calculations.

  9. Check the Second Passport Exists check box if the person possesses multiple passports.

To enter legal name information

  1. Click the Legal Name tabbed region.

  2. Enter the employee's legal name. This name identifies the employee to the tax authority for CPF reporting. It is mandatory for all employees.

To enter passport information

  1. Click the Passport tabbed region.

  2. Enter the passport details.

To enter work permit information

  1. Click the Work Authority tabbed region.

  2. Select the person's employment status in the Permit Type field. This is mandatory for all employees, even if the person is a Singapore citizen.

  3. Enter further details depending on the permit type that you entered. You can record the permit category, only if you have selected S Pass as the Permit Type.

  4. Optionally enter values for the employer and employee CPF rates in the ER/EE CPF Rate field for calculating CPF.

  5. Enter the dates when the permit was issued, expired, and cancelled as applicable.

To enter CPF and tax information

  1. Click the CPF/Tax tabbed region.

  2. Enter the person's CPF and tax details and, for married female employees, you can enter their husband's income tax number.

    The CPF category determines how an employee's CPF contributions are calculated. If you select CPF Excluded, no CPF payments will be calculated for this employee.

    For employees covered by the 1984 Frozen CPF scheme, select one of the following categories:

    • Public Sector Pensionable / Statutory Board

    • Public Sector Non Pensionable / Ministeries

    • Public Sector Pensionable / Ministeries

    • Public Sector Non Pensionable / Statutory Board

    Adjust the CPF predefined formulas like Employer CPF Ordinary Earnings, Employer CPF Additional Earnings, Employee CPF Ordinary Earnings and Employee CPF Additional earnings by using the CPF Contributions element from the Element window.

  3. Select the Payees ID Type to identify an employee and for IRAS reporting.

To enter ethnic information

  1. Click the Ethnic Origin tabbed region.

  2. Select the person's race.

  3. Select the Community Fund category to which the person contributes. This information is mandatory for all employees. The information is used to calculate the employee's Community Fund contributions.

  4. Enter the MBF/MDK contributions in the MBMF Fund (MBF/MDK) Split fields.

    To give a split between the funds, for example, of $2:$1 enter 2 and 1 in the fields. To give a split of 2:0, enter 2 and 0 in the fields.

    Note: You must enter values in both fields: otherwise, Oracle HRMS derives the default split defined for the earning category.

  5. Select the person's religion.

    Additional Information: contribute to multiple community funds using the multiple predefined elements.

    Record the primary community fund information by entering the Community Fund information in the Ethnic Origin tab. If you have to contribute to multiple community funds, you can record using the Element Entry window.

    For example , if the Primary Community Fund is CDAC and secondary Community Fund is MBF, perform this step:

    • Attach Community Fund element in the Person > Assignment

    • Attach MBMF Community Fund as the secondary Community Fund in the Element Entry window

    If the Primary Community Fund is MBF and secondary Community Fund is CDAC, then

    • Attach Community Fund element in the Person > Assignment

    • Attach CDAC Fund for second Community Fund in the Element Entry window

To enter benefits information

  1. Click the Benefits tabbed region.

    Note: If necessary, you can add the Benefits Tab to the People window. Query the BEN_MANAGER menu in the Menus window and add the HR View Benefits function to the menu.

  2. Enter a benefit group for your employee or applicant. Benefit groups are used to determine a person's eligibility for a plan or for setting benefit rates. For example, benefit groups can be used for mergers and acquisitions where eligibility is complicated. They can also be used where a person is grandfathered into a very old plan.

  3. Enter what kind of tobacco your employee uses, if any. For example, cigarettes, pipe, cigar or chewing. This is used within benefits to determine the eligibility and rates for particular plans.

  4. Enter medical plan number. This is the policy or group plan number of an externally provided medical plan. This is used to determine eligibility to participate in some plans.

  5. Enter the adoption date, if the employee whose record you are updating has adopted a child. This information, with the child's date of birth, is used to determine whether a dependant is covered by a plan. You can only enter the adoption date if you have entered a date of birth for the person. The adoption date must be greater or equal to the date of birth.

  6. Enter the date you received the death certificate, if your employee has died. You can only enter this once you have entered the date of death in the Other Information region. The receipt of the death certificate must be after or equal to the date of death.

  7. Enter an adjusted service date for your employee. This date is used within benefits, in place of the date first hired, to determine the length of service for eligibility, enrollment and rates. The adjusted service date may be used to credit service for former employers, grand-fathered benefits or in the case of mergers and acquisitions.

  8. Change the date first hired for your employee. For employees who have previously worked for your enterprise, the Date First Hired field displays the start date of your employee's earliest, previous period of service. This date must be on or before the start date of the earliest period of service.

  9. Check the Other Coverage checkbox, if your employee or applicant has externally provided coverage. This determines a person eligibility for certain plans.

  10. Check the Voluntary Service checkbox, if your employee or applicant is volunteering, for example as a missionary. This determines eligibility to continue or receive coverage from certain plans.

    What Next?

    You must enter extra information for a person's IRAS returns using Person EITs. See: Person Extra Information Types.

Entering Additional Assignment Details (Assignment Window)

Once you have set up basic assignment details, you can enter additional information--such as supervisor details, special ceiling progression points, and salary information--in the tabbed regions of the Assignment window. The tabbed regions that appear in the Assignment window vary according to person type and localization.

Note: For countries other than the US or UK, your Oracle localization team may have created additional fields in a tabbed region to hold legislatively required additional information.

To enter salary information for an employee

Use the Salary page to enter a proposed salary change for an employee, associate this change with a performance review, and accept or revise the change later. To administer an employee's salary in this way, you first assign the employee to a salary basis in the Salary Information region.

  1. Choose the Salary Information tabbed region.

  2. Select a salary basis for the employee.

  3. You can also enter the frequency of salary and performance reviews.

    Note: When you change salary basis for an assignment, the application end dates the existing proposal and creates a new salary proposal. The new proposal updates the salary element entry automatically. When you remove a salary basis from an assignment, the application end dates the existing salary element entry, enabling you to manually create a new salary element entry effective from the date of the salary basis change.

    For more information about salary administration, see: Salary Administration, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

To enter supplier information for a contingent worker

You use the Supplier tabbed region to record information about the supplier providing the contingent worker to your enterprise. The procedure depends on whether you are using Oracle Services Procurement to provide purchase order information for contingent worker assignments.

If you are not using Oracle Services Procurement

  1. Choose the Supplier tabbed region.

  2. Select the names of the supplier and the supplier site for the contingent worker.

  3. Enter supplier IDs for the contingent worker and the assignment, if available. These values identify the worker and the assignment to the supplier.

If you are using Oracle Services Procurement:

  1. Choose the Supplier tabbed region.

  2. Select a purchase order number for this assignment.

  3. If only one purchase order line exists, it appears in the Purchase Order Line field. Otherwise, select a purchase order line. Note that the Purchase Order Line field is enabled only when you select a purchase order.

  4. Information from the purchase order appears automatically in the Supplier Name and Supplier Site fields. If the purchase order line includes a job value, it replaces any value in the Job field.

  5. Enter supplier IDs for the contingent worker and the assignment, if available. These values identify the worker and the assignment to the supplier.

To enter supervisor information for an employee or contingent worker

  1. Choose the Supervisor tabbed region.

  2. Select the name and number of the worker's personal supervisor. If you use assignment-based supervisor hierarchies, select the supervisor's assignment number.

    You can select a contingent worker as a supervisor only if the HR: Expand Role of Contingent Worker user profile option is set to Yes.

    You can select a supervisor from another Business Group if the HR:Cross Business Group user profile option is set to Yes at your site.

    Note: The application does not update this information. Use organization and position hierarchies to show management reporting lines.

To enter probation period and notice information for an employee

The probation period defaults from the employee's position.

  1. Choose the Probation and Notice Period tabbed region.

  2. Amend the default probation period for your employee's assignment, if required.

  3. Enter the notice period for the assignment, if required.

To enter standard conditions information for an employee or contingent worker

The standard work day information (apart from the Hourly/Salaried field) defaults from the position. If standard conditions are not defined for the position, they default from the organization or Business Group.

  1. Choose the Standard Conditions tabbed region.

  2. Amend the standard work day information for your employee or contingent worker assignment, if required.

  3. 3. This step is for employees only. For benefit administration, enter whether the assignment is hourly or salaried. If you are in the US, benefits are often based on whether a person is paid hourly or receives a salary.

    Note: If you are setting up benefits based on salaried or hourly pay you must set up the Hourly/Salaried field in addition to the Pay Basis. The Pay Basis identifies how pay is quoted within Salary Administration and enables an employee to have their pay quoted as hourly, but be paid a salary. Therefore, for benefits, you need to set up whether your employee is paid hourly or receives a salary.

To enter Singaporean statutory information

  1. Choose the Statutory Information tabbed region and click in the field to display the Singaporean Information flexfield segment.

  2. Select the legal entity to which this employee belongs.

    Note: If payroll actions exist for an assignment you cannot change legal employers for that assignment. You must process all payroll actions to change legal employers.

To enter primary or secondary assignment and miscellaneous information for an employee or contingent worker

  1. Choose the Miscellaneous tabbed region.

  2. Enter the internal address details (such as the floor or office number), if required. The system adds the details to the location address.

  3. Select a reason for adding or changing the assignment, if required. You define valid reasons as values for the lookup types Reason for Change to Employee Assignment (EMP_ASSIGN_REASON) for employees and Contingent Worker Assignment Reasons (CWK_ASSIGN_REASON) for contingent workers.

  4. Select the Manager box if the assignment is at manager level and you want to include this worker in the Organization Hierarchy Report as a manager. (You can select Manager for a contingent worker assignment only if the HR: Expand Role of Contingent Worker user profile option is set to Yes.)

  5. By default, the first assignment entered is the primary assignment, and the Primary box is automatically checked. If you are now entering a secondary assignment, you must ensure that the Primary box is unchecked.

    Check the Primary check box to update a secondary assignment to Primary.

    See: Changing Primary Assignments, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

  6. If you use Oracle Services Procurement to provide purchase order information for contingent worker assignments, the purchase order line may include the projected assignment end date. In this case, the date appears in the Projected Assignment End field. Otherwise, enter the projected end date of the assignment.

To enter special ceiling information for an employee

A special ceiling progression point is the highest point to which the Increment Progression Points process can automatically progress the employee.

  1. Choose the Special Ceiling tabbed region.

  2. Enter a special ceiling only if the employee is assigned to a grade, and if a grade scale is defined for this grade. This special ceiling overrides the ceiling defined for the grade scale.

To enter a billing title for an employee or contingent worker (Oracle Projects only)

  1. Choose the Project Information tabbed region.

    Note: The Project Information tabbed region displays only if you have installed Oracle Projects.

  2. Enter a billing title. The information you enter in the Billing Title field serves as the default title on project customer invoices. You can override this information using Project Accounting.

  3. Enter a project title.

To enter grade ladder information for an employee

You must enter grade ladder information to use the Grade/Step Progression process.

  1. Choose the Grade Ladder tabbed region.

  2. Select the grade ladder for this assignment. If you selected a grade for this assignment previously, all the grade ladders that use that grade are available. If you have not selected a grade, all the active grade ladders in your enterprise are available.

To enter bargaining unit and union membership information for an employee

  1. Choose the Bargaining Unit tabbed region.

  2. Enter a bargaining unit code for your employee's assignment. This is usually the legally recognized collective negotiating organization.

    Note: You set up your different bargaining units as values for the Lookup type BARGAINING_UNIT_CODE

  3. Select whether the employee associated with the assignment is a member of a union.

To enter employment terms for an employee

  1. Choose the Employment Terms tabbed region.

  2. Select the contract to be referenced by the assignment. The list of contracts is limited to those entered for the employee that have start dates on or before the assignment start date.

  3. Select the agreement grade structure for the collective agreement. A window shows the grade factors for that grade structure.

  4. Enter values for the grade factors. Or, choose the Combinations button and enter search criteria for one or more grade factors to display the reference grades that meet those criteria.

    If you enter values directly into the grade factor fields, they must correspond to an existing reference grade unless the Override Allowed check box in the Agreement Grades window is checked.

    Note: Any new combinations of values that you enter are unavailable for reuse with other assignments. To reuse a combination, you must define it as a reference grade in the Agreement Grades window.

Contact Information

Contact Information Overview

Oracle HRMS enables you to record the ways in which you communicate with the people in your enterprise and the people whom they have a relationship with, such as an employee's partner.

Entering People as Contacts

You enter people as contact records to identify:

Entering Contact Information

Entering contact information includes entering contact details for the people in your enterprise, such as their home address. As an employer, you need to record contact details so that you can contact people either by email, phone, fax or post, and for reporting purposes. For example, in the Netherlands you must record a person's house number for social insurance reporting.

Entering Addresses (Address Window)

You can enter as many addresses as necessary for each person, using the Address window.

Note: You cannot enter or update address information in the Address window for a contact who is also an employee or contingent worker. Instead, update the relevant employee or contingent worker record.

To enter an address for a person

  1. Select a national address style and click in the Address field.

    If a local address style exists for your country, it is displayed as the default. Otherwise, the international style is displayed.

    Finnish Users: To display the postal code and post office on the same row in line with the Finnish Address standard, the application displays them in the same field, separated by a space. If you are not using Finnish postal codes upload functionality, you must enter postal codes and post offices manually. See: Entering Postal Codes, Oracle HRMS for Finland Supplement

    Dutch Users: When you record foreign addresses, ensure you use the Dutch International address style. This address style enables you to report the address in the wage report in the required format.

    US and Canadian users: There is a choice of US address style and International address style if you have Vertex geocode data installed. If you are not maintaining DTW4 data and do not want to enforce the strict tax validation, then you can disable this using the HR:Enable DTW4 Defaults profile option.

    Singapore Users: When you record addresses for local employees, ensure you use the Singapore (Formatted) address style. This address style enables you to report the Primary address in the IRAS reports in the required format.

    Note: You can change existing address styles or create new ones if required. See: Changing Default National Address Styles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

    A window opens with the address format for the country you select.

  2. Enter your address information in this window.

    Note: India Users:If the city is Delhi, New Delhi, Mumbai, Bombay, Kolkata, Calcutta, Chennai, or Madras, the application sets the metro status to Yes, else it is set to No.

    Note: Use the Phone Numbers window instead of this window to record telephone numbers otherwise you will be maintaining two lists of numbers.

    Kuwaiti users: You must select the Governorate (Muhafazat) for payroll processing.

    UK users: If you enter the employee's address, then the first line is mandatory and the remaining lines are optional. If you enter the post code, then you must also enter the first line of the employee's address. If you enter the country in the first line, then you must enter the employee's address.

    See: Adding Telephone Information, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

    Russian users: Ensure you enter the zip code for the Residential address category so that the code appears in statutory reports.

  3. Choose the OK button. This returns you to the Address window.

  4. Select an address type, such as home, or weekend, or business. You can only have one address of each type at any time.

    Singapore Users: If you use company quarters, be sure to choose this address type, so it appears in the A8A report.

  5. Check the Primary checkbox to identify the person's main address. Otherwise, leave blank. By default, the first address you enter is the Primary address.

    Only one address at any time can be a person's Primary address.

    Singapore Users: If you use the Singapore (Formatted) address, you must enter the block number or address number, the street name, and the postal code values within the address to ensure that the IRAS process validates correctly. If you enter the Unit Number, you must enter the Level (Floor) number in the XXX-XXXXX format.

  6. Save your work.

To update the primary address

  1. Enter an end date for the existing primary address.

    Do not save.

  2. Create the new primary address starting the next day and check the Primary Checkbox.

    Note: An employee must always have a primary address, but you cannot enter more than one primary address for the same time period.

  3. Save the new primary address.

To change from an international to a local address style

  1. To change from a global (international) address style to a local address style, choose Change Global Style to Local. This button appears only when the current style is international.

    The Personal Address Information window appears showing the new address structure. Values in fields common to both styles appear in the new structure.

    If you choose Change Global Style to Local when there is no local style, Oracle HRMS displays an explanatory message and the style remains unchanged.

  2. Complete the address definition, as appropriate.

  3. Choose OK.

  4. Save your work.