Payroll Management

Payroll Definition

Consolidation Sets

Consolidation sets are the means by which you label payroll runs for further processing. This enables you to process the results from more than one payroll in a single action. You need only produce one tape per payment method for several payrolls, one set of reports and one set of costing for the whole set.

You can follow this procedure when scheduling additional runs. These are the runs you make in addition to your regular payroll runs; for example, to pay leavers. You can decide whether to consolidate an additional run with the regular run or switch it to a special set.

Consolidation sets are also used to label assignment sets when you use these for payroll processing. The same choices apply to assignment sets as to payrolls. You can accept the default consolidation set or select a new one when you set the run parameters in the Submit Requests window. You can also change the consolidation set after the run in the Update Payroll Run window.

Changes to a Consolidation Set

Consolidation sets facilitate the selective post-run processing of different payrolls. For example, after processing three payrolls in one consolidation set, you may want to select just one for immediate post-run processing. To do this, transfer the one you want to process to a new consolidation set.

You may also want to retry a payroll while continuing with prepayments for other payrolls whose status is Complete. This too would require a change of consolidation set for the first payroll.

See Assignment Sets

Period Types and Calendars

Since a payroll has only one pay frequency, you must define at least one payroll for each pay frequency you use. The following table shows the valid period types for pay frequency.

Period types and pay frequency table:

Payroll Period Types Periods per Year
Semi-Year 2
Quarter 4
Bi-Month 6
Calendar Month 12
Lunar Month 13
Semi-Month (not available for UK users) 24
Bi-Week 26
Ten-Day 36
Week 52

Note: For Norway and Swedish users: Only Bi-Month, Calendar Month, Bi-Week, and Week payroll period types are available.

For Spanish users: Only Calendar Month payroll period is available.

Assignment Sets

There are three uses of assignment sets in Oracle HRMS:

There are three ways to define the set:

Defining a Payroll

Use the Payroll window to define a payroll, including its calendar and valid payment methods.

To define a new payroll

  1. Set your effective date to a date early enough to handle any historical information you want to enter. Your effective date must be on or before the first period start date of the payroll calendar.

  2. Enter the payroll's name and select its period type from the list.

  3. Enter the end date of the payroll's first period, and the number of years for which the system should initially generate the payroll's calendar. You can increase this number later to generate additional years.

    Note: Be aware that some processes require the calendar to extend into the future. For example, the PTO Carry Over process requires payroll periods extending to the end of the new accrual term.

    When you enter the First Period End Date, make sure that the corresponding start date of the first period is after the start date of the payroll.

  4. In the Date Offset region, you can change the zero default to a negative or positive number of days before or after the period end date. For example, for a semi-monthly payroll, the Cut Off date can be 3 days before the period end date (-3), while the Scheduled Run and Check dates can be 5 and 7 days after this date, respectively. You can also set the Payslip offset to determine when employees can view payslip information.

    • The Check Date, sometimes called Pay Date, is the date of constructive receipt of pay, on which paychecks become negotiable.

    • The Scheduled Run Date is the date scheduled for the Regular run of this payroll each period.

    • The Cut Off date, included for your reference, is the final date for entering or changing payroll information before a run.

    • A payslip offset, reckoned from the completion date for your payroll processes is always a positive number to enable you to prevent employees from viewing payslips before the official payment date. For example, if the payroll processes complete on 15th May, and employees do not receive payment until 20th May, you can enter an offset of 5 to align the payslip date to the payment date.

      Note: Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and New Zealand users: You can set the payslip offset to determine when employees can view their payslip information.

    These offsets are the defaults for the calendar. You can manually make date changes in the calendar (such as when an offset date falls on a weekend or holiday, by choosing Period Dates).

  5. Select a default payment method for employees who have no valid personal payment method. You cannot select a method using magnetic tape because this requires information about employees' bank accounts.

  6. Select a default consolidation set for this payroll. One consolidation set is created automatically when you define your Business Group. Oracle Payroll users can create other consolidation sets for payroll processing.

  7. In the Costing region, you can enter information about the ledger and suspense account holding costing information for this payroll.

    The information you enter here depends on the setup of your Cost Allocation key flexfield.

    See: Setup of the Cost Allocation Key Flexfield, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

  8. Check the Negative Payment Allowed check box if you want the PrePayments process to include negative payments. If you leave the box unchecked, the PrePayments process ignores negative payments.

  9. Check the Multiple Assignment check box if you want an employee to receive a single payment, for multiple assignments carried out within your organization. However, if a PrePayments process, which runs prior to your effective processing date, already exists you cannot go back and change the Multiple Assignment check box. This box is only visible if the functionality is enabled for your localization.

    Note: If you check the Multiple Assignment check box, make sure it remains checked throughout your payroll processing. Oracle Payroll reports in error if some of your payroll processes support multiple assignment processing and others do not.

  10. If you are an Oracle Payroll user, enter the Statutory Information field to open the Statutory Information window.

    Your Oracle localization team may have created fields in this window.

    Note: The Statutory Information field is not visible if your HR:User Type profile option is set to HR User.

  11. If the Payslip Modeler is enabled for your localization, then you can set locking period for payslip modeling. This restricts users from making updates to payroll information while modeling their payslip during a mock payroll run during the specified period.

  12. Specify the number of days prior to and after a specified date when can you make changes for modeling the payslips.

    You can specify the Availability Rules whether to disable the functionality days after the period start and days prior to the End date or enable the functionality between the days from start and before the period end date.

    Note: You cannot make any changes beyond the days specified here for payslip modeling.

  13. For Korea users only: Click in the Further Payroll Information field and specify the exemption amounts.

    By default, the application uses the TRUNC function for tax calculations. Specify Yes if you want the application to use ROUND function instead of TRUNC function for tax calculations.

    Specify if you want to adjust the amounts for standard tax breaks.

    Specify if you want to enable reprioritization of pension related amounts as the last priority within the calculation category.

    For Japan users only:

    Click in the Further Payroll Information field and specify the following information

    • income tax dependent reference type

    • social insurance premium collection type

    • user defined year end adjustment formula

    • Hi Wp Monthly Remuneration Synchronous

    • Geppen Santei Process Date (MMDD)

    • Print Personal Number

  14. Save your work.

  15. Choose the Period Dates button to view the calendar generated for your payroll. In the Period Dates window:

    • You can view the default offset dates for every period, and you can manually override any of these dates in any record.

    • You can change the payroll's default Open status in any period to Closed to prevent further element entries. You can also reopen the period if necessary.

    Important: Use this feature with caution. When you perform certain important tasks in Oracle HRMS, the system may automatically create or delete element entries. These tasks include hiring and terminating people, and updating assignments. You cannot change any element entries that span a closed payroll period, and so you may be prevented from performing these tasks.

  16. Choose the Valid Payment Methods button to add valid payment methods for this payroll.

    In the Valid Payment Methods window, the default payment method for the payroll appears automatically. You can add other methods. First set your effective date to the date you want the method to become valid.

    Note: An employee assigned to this payroll can have any number of personal payment methods chosen from those you enter here for the payroll.

    See: Entering Payment Methods for an Employee Assignment in Oracle HRMS Workforce, Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

Payments and Distributions

Cash Management and Oracle Payroll

Oracle Cash Management manages and controls the enterprise cash cycle. The Cash Management auto reconciliation matches Oracle Payroll against bank statement lines if the transaction meets the following criteria:

Cash Management accesses a view of payments generated by Oracle Payroll and compares it against the information on the bank statement. This process generates error messages on mismatched transactions.

Each time a new payment method is created, the bank details transfer to Oracle Accounts Payable. When defining a payment method, you must enter the GL Cash Account field to work with Cash Management.

Important: Because payment method details are passed to Accounts Payable from Payroll, it is important to ensure that you are entering this information correctly. If you inadvertently enter incorrect details, you could end up with reconciliation issues later.

Cash Management is available only for the Payroll payment methods of checks/cheques and electronic fund transfers (such as NACHA in the U.S, Direct Deposit in India).

Important: If you want to use Cash Management fully, you must install Oracle Accounts Payable and Oracle Accounts Receivable due to the interdependency of the products. All accounting functions take place in Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable, and Cash Management provides the engine for reconciliation and forecast.

Online Payslip

The Payslip module enables self-service users to view their electronic payslip for a pay period. Users can select what pay period to view from a list of values showing the Pay Dates, or by clicking on the Next or Back button.

Note: All columns and fields in the Online Payslip function are display only.

The Payslip is generated from the user's assignments. If there are multiple paid assignments for a user, the user can select the required assignment. Once the user has logged into the application and clicks on the View Payslip option, the user sees an electronic version of their payslip based on their selected assignment and the last pay period that has been processed.

If Multiple Assignment Payments functionality has been enabled for your localization, you have the option of combining the checks for multiple assignments into one pay check. In this case, the online payslip will show the combined totals for all assignments.

Viewing Online Payslips as a Payroll Professional

Using the Payroll Professional responsibility you can select the Payslip Details link and search for a person. When you select a person from the list, their payslip will be displayed. You can also save a person in My List for future access, so you do not need to search for that person again.

In addition to displaying payslips for current employees, you can also display online payslips for ex-employees. To search for ex-employees, you use the Person Type field in the Advanced Search page and select the person type Ex-Employee.

For more information on the function parameter used to enable the Ex-Employee Search, see: Menu Function Parameter Descriptions, Oracle Self-Service Human Resources Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide.

Menu and Function Names

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions:

User Menu Name Function Name
Employee Self Service V5.1 Payslip V5.1
Payroll Professional Employee Search (with Ex-Employee Search enabled)

See: Defining Menus for SSHR, Oracle Self-Service Human Resources Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide


The workflow details for this module are listed below:

Workflow Process Display Name:

Not applicable

Configurable Workflow Attributes:

Not applicable

Configurable Tips and Instructions

Not applicable

Configurable FlexFields

Not applicable

Configurable Profile Options

Profile Configurable Level Values Default
HR:View Payslip From Date for WEB (MM/DD/YYY) User specification Date 01/01/1997

HR:View Payslip From Date for WEB

This profile option determines how many payroll periods a user can view in the online payslip. If the profile option is not set, an error message is displayed when the user attempts to view the online payslip.

HR: Mask Characters - South Africa only

You can use this profile option to set the number of characters or digits to display in numbers such as bank account or credit card numbers.

Configuration Options

To set up a payslip for your employees to view online.

See: Setting Up Payslip Information and Generating Payslips

To view an employee's statement of earnings.

See:Viewing Statement of Earnings, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide

Defining a Payment Method

Use the Organizational Payment Method window to define payment methods for your enterprise.

From this window, you:

To define a payment method

Supply a name and start date for your payment method

  1. Set your effective date so that it reflects the date when you want to begin using this payment method.

  2. Enter a name for the payment method, and select the payment method type.

    For a third-party payment method, always select the type Check/Cheque. The default currency for your business group appears automatically.

  3. If an alternative currency exists for your payment method, select it.

  4. If your payment method controls payments to a third party such as a benefits carrier or garnishment receiver, check the Third Party Payment box.

Enter the source bank details for your payment method

  1. Navigate to the Source Bank tab. The Country for your source bank account appears automatically.

  2. Enter the Bank Details field to open the Bank Details window. Enter information about the account from which your enterprise intends to make payments.

    If you are using Cash Management, include the following information:

    • Account Name

    • Account Type

    • Account Number

    • Bank Name: If this already exists, enter the name exactly as it appears in Accounts Payable.

    • Bank Branch: If this already exists, enter the name exactly as it appears in Accounts Payable.

    Italy Users: You can enter the Bank Name, Bank Location, Account Number, and Account Name. The IBAN Account displays by default.

    Ensure that you enter any additional bank details that are specific to your enterprise. For example, bank details for U.S. payment methods always require a transit code. The transit code, or transit routing number is the nine-digit number that identifies the financial institution. If the transit code is incorrect, the funds will not be posted to the account.

    South Africa Users: Enter the account holder's name and indicate whether the account holder relationship is joint, own, or third party.

    Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, and Sweden users: Enter the Bank Identifier Code (BIC) and International Bank Account Number (IBAN) in the Bank Identifier Code and the IBAN Number fields, respectively. Note that you must enter at least one of the account numbers, that is, either the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) or the Account Number. If you enter the Account Number, then the Bank Code and Branch Code fields are mandatory.

    Warning: Always review the account setup for Oracle Accounts Payable before you define the account in Oracle Payroll. The details for your Payroll account must exactly match the account details in Accounts Payable. Otherwise, Accounts Payable creates an extra account with marginally different details. This duplicate account introduces errors when you reconcile payments between Payroll and Accounts Payable.

Specify what type of payments to cost for this payment method

  1. Navigate to the Costing tab. Each check box indicates a particular type of payment. Check the boxes for each type of payment that you want to cost. When you subsequently run the Costing of Payment process, it costs each type of payment as you have indicated. The entries that you make for an individual check box can imply automatic checking of related boxes. Your choices are:

    • Cost Payment: Check this box to specify that you want to cost only uncleared payments for this payment method.

    • Cost Cleared Payment: Check this box to specify that you want to cost only cleared payments for this payment method. If you check this box, the Cost Payment box is also checked by default.

    • Cost Cleared Voided Payment only: Check this box to specify that you want to cost any voided payments that have also been cleared by Oracle Cash Management. If you check this box, the Cost Payment and Cost Cleared Payment boxes are also checked by default.

    • Exclude External/Manual Payment: Check this box to exclude any external/manual payments from costing. This exclusion is useful if you are using this payment method as a dummy payment method to cancel a previous payment, or if you are making a payment by cash. If you check this box, the Cost Payment box is also checked by default.

    • Transfer to GL: Check this box to specify that costed payments should transfer to General Ledger. If you check this box, the Cost Payment box is also checked by default.

Specify the GL accounts for this payment method

  1. Navigate to the General Ledger tab.

  2. Select Ledger to indicate the ledger to use if you intend to reconcile payments using Oracle Cash Management.

  3. Select the GL Control Account.

  4. Select GL Cash Account to indicate which cash account to use for the reconciliation of payments.

    The entry for Description appears automatically by default, depending on what you enter in the GL Cash Account details.

  5. Select the Cash Clearing Account.

  6. Select the Error Account.

    When you first specify the GL accounts for a bank account, these then become the default GL accounts for any other payment methods that use the same bank account. The defaults apply for all new payment methods using the bank account. They also apply retrospectively for any existing payment methods that were already using the same account. However, you can override these defaults by entering your preferred GL accounts on the General Ledger tab.

    At this point, check that your Payroll setup and Cash Management setup are fully integrated.

Confirm that you can reconcile payments in Cash Management

  1. Navigate to the Cash Management tab. You cannot change the information on this tab, but you can confirm that your GL accounts are correct.

  2. To confirm that Oracle Cash Management is operating with the same source bank account that you are using in Oracle Payroll, view the check box. If the box is checked, then Oracle Cash Management holds the bank account for this payment method, and you can reconcile payments knowing that you are using an identical account in Payroll, and in Cash Management.

    However, if the box is not checked, this indicates that Oracle Cash Management does not hold the details for your Payroll account. This may indicate that duplicate accounts exist and you should exercise caution when you reconcile your payments.

Enter further information for the payment method

  1. Enter further information to determine how to process this payment method. Click in the Further Information field to see the range of further information for your enterprise. For Japan users only: Enter the company code and company name. Select the delimiter type for the Direct Deposit file.

  2. For Norway users only: Enter values for the following fields to define the payment method level. (The same payment type supports the ISO20022 and older Telepay process).

    Field Description
    Initiating Party Name Enter the name of the known party.
    Sender ID Enter the initiating party ID. This unique organization identification is assigned by an institution using an identification scheme. Typically, this is the customer-ID in the debtor bank based on the Brønnøysundregistrene and their Central Coordinating Register of Legal Entities, or other identification arranged with the bank.
    Scheme Name Enter the code for the identification scheme as published in an external list. The options are BANK and CUST:
    • BANK: Debtor/creditor relates to a sub-level agreement under the main agreement (a bilateral agreement between a customer and a bank) regarding a special service or subsidiaries or divisions. When the scheme name is BANK, the Sender ID should have a Customer Service ID assigned by the bank.

    • CUST: Debtor/creditor relates to the main-agreement with the financial institution. When the scheme name is CUST, the sender ID should be the organization number of the initiating party.

    Batch Booking Indicate whether [the requestor] has requested a single entry per individual transaction or a batch entry for the sum of the amounts of all transactions within the group of a message. The options are:
    • No: Single Booking requested.

    • Yes: Batch Booking requested. This default value is Yes.

    Note: The Yes and No values are reflected in XML as true and false.

    Service Level Code The service level code specifies a pre-agreed upon service or level of service between the parties as published in an external service level code list. Select one of the following options:
    • NURG (Non-urgent Payment): Select as the default.

    • SDVA (Same Day Value): Intercompany only (not for salaries).

    • SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area)

    • URGP (Urgent Payment): Only suppliers (SUPP) but not for salaries.

    Payment File Format This field indicates which supported payment file format and process are in use. The supported processes are Telepay and ISO 20022.
    • Telepay: Indicates that the older file format and process, the Norwegian Payment Process, are in use. This is the default value if the field is blank. If this value is set, and you run the newer ISO20022 process, then an error occurs.

    • ISO20022: Indicates that the ISO 20022 file format and process are in use. If this value is set and you run the older Telepay process, the following error message appears: Bank file format processed is not according to specified set up on Payment method.

      Note: If you see this message, you must roll back the error process before running the new process.

    Payment Identification ID The payment identification ID is a reference assigned by a sending party to identify the payment information block within a message.
    Payment Method Select one of the following values to specify the payment type to use for transferring the funds:
    • CHK: Cheque

    • TRF: Credit Transfer. This default value is TRF.

    Debtor Name Enter the name of the debtor party.
    Debtor ID The debtor ID is a unique identifier assigned to a debtor organization by an institution using an identification scheme.

Setting Up a Global Statement of Earnings

Oracle HRMS enables you to view the online statement of earnings (SOE). To enable the correct display of values on your statement of earnings, you must complete each of these setup steps.

To set up the global statement of earnings:

  1. Create a user category through the lookup SOE_USER_CATEGORY.

    See: Creating User Types and Statuses, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

  2. Set the value of the user category that you created as the profile value for the profile PAY: Statement of Earnings User Category.

    See: User Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

  3. Add the predefined element sets for your earnings and deductions to the SOE Information EIT at the business group level.

    For Canadian and US users only: SOE Information functionality is not available for Canadian and US legislations.

    Swedish users only: Ensure that you have enabled your elements to display a code. You do this at the business group level by entering Extra Element Details for each element. When you select the EIT, you can make a further selection of Element Name, and specify a code for your selected element. This ensures that your SOE displays the element code in the earnings, deductions, and information regions.

    See: Business Group: Entering SOE Information

  4. Create an element set containing all the elements that you want to see displayed in the information region of the SOE.

    For South Africa only: The Information region has been renamed to Fringe Benefits and Other Non Payments region. You use the predefined ZA SOE Fringe Benefits and Other Non Payments element set to display information in that region. You enter this element set in the Elements 3 field when you define your SOE Information at business group level.

    The South African localization does not use balance attribution.

    Users should now restart the Apache server as instructed in the final step.

  5. Complete the SOE Detail Information EIT by adding the elements in your element set, and the SOE display balances to the EIT at the business group level.

    See: Business Group: Entering SOE Detail Information

  6. Link the predefined SOE balance attribute to your business group. The attribute name is likely to have a leading localization code followed by the stem _SOE_BALANCE_ATTRIBUTES.

  7. Define the attributes for your SOE balances.

  8. Restart the Apache server and then check the SOE to ensure that the SOE displays the requirements that you selected.

Viewing Statement of Earnings

Oracle Payroll enables you to view an employee's statement of earnings (pay advice) without having to run the Pay Advice report.

You do this using the Statement of Earnings window.

There are various ways to access statement of earnings information. The information displayed may vary depending on whether you have run the PrePayments process or just a payroll run.

The information displayed in the Statement of Earnings window reflects the information in the printed pay advice.

The payroll run generates four types of Statement of Earnings (SOE):

Canada only: The Payroll Run SOE displays one "Master Assignment Action" master record and multiple records with second and third layer run types.

If you are processing Multiple Assignment Payments, then the PrePayment Statement of Earnings displays consolidated earnings and deductions information. The header information displayed on the Statement of Earnings is obtained from the primary assignment; however, if this assignment is not processed, then the header information is taken from the first assignment processed in the PrePayment process.

To view the last payroll with PrePayments run against it

Perform one of the following:

To view the most recently run QuickPay results

  1. From the Assignment window, choose Others and select QuickPay.

  2. Choose View Results, and select Statement of Earnings from the View Results window.

To view the statement of earnings information without running PrePayments

See Viewing Assignment Process Results for an Assignment or Viewing Assignment Process Results for a Payroll Assignment.

Setting Up Payslip Information and Generating Payslips

You need to identify any additional information you want to appear on your payslips using payslip balances and elements. Once you have identified the information to archive and display, run your regular payment and archive processes and generate your payslip for printing or viewing online.

To set up your payslip

  1. Select the payslip balances and elements to be included in your payslips.

    See: Entering Payslip Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    For UK, Netherlands, and South Africa: Enter the information balances and elements through the following:

    See: Identifying Balances for the Payslip, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide and Identifying Elements for the Payslip, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    For Ireland: Enter the balances and elements information in the SOE Balances and SOE Elements windows.

    See: Selecting SOE Balances, Oracle HRMS for Ireland, Supplement and Selecting SOE Elements, Oracle HRMS for Ireland, Supplement

  2. For online payslips, enter self-service preference information to indicate how you want to view them. You can specify these settings at the organization, location, and person levels.

    See: Entering Self-Service Preference Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide, Location Extra Information Types, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide, and Person Extra Information Types, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

  3. Configure your online payslip to view through Oracle Self-Service.

    See: Online Payslip

    US, Canada, Mexico, and UAE only: Oracle Payroll uses an RTF template to produce the online payslip through XML Publisher. You can use the default template or create your own.

    See: Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide and Oracle XML Publisher Report Designer's Guide.

    For Ireland: To include the regular payment date of the payroll period in your online payslip, set the Visible property of the Regular Payment Date field to Yes.

  4. US, Canada, Mexico, and UAE only: Oracle Payroll provides the ability to customize the content of your employee payslips to suit your business needs. Prior to making any changes, however, you should review the default content to best determine what changes you require. See: Payslip Region Information, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)

    To change balances or include additional balances on the payslip:

    1. From the Total Compensation menu, select Basic and then Balance.

    2. Query for the element whose balance you want to add, and click Attribute.

    3. Click on a new row under Attribute, and choose the attribute you want to display from the list of values. This represents where the current balance will appear on the payslip.

    4. Choose a dimension from the list of values.

    5. To delete an entry, select the row and click Delete.

    6. Save your changes.

    Note: These changes do not take effect on the payslip until you rerun the Payroll Archiver Process for the affected payroll period.

Generating the Payslip

You must have completed the payroll runs, prepayments, and payment processes prior to generating the payslip.

  1. Run the archive process to gather the latest payroll information.

    See: Extracting Information to Appear on the Payslip

  2. You can view the payslip online through Self-Service.

  3. Print your payslips in the usual way. Users in the Netherlands and China, run the payslip report to produce a formatted report ready for printing and sending out to your employees.

    See: Printing the Payslip, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide

Running the Norwegian Bulk Payslip Report

You can generate the Norwegian Bulk Payslip Report for a single employee or by an assignment status. For example, you can generate separate reports for terminated employees and active employees if needed. The default is to generate the report for all the employees with the payroll selected.


To run the Norwegian Bulk Payslip Report

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. In the Name field, enter Norwegian Bulk Payslip Report.

  3. Enter the values for the following parameters:

    • Payroll: Select the payroll to be run for the report.

    • Consolidation Set

    • Assignment Status: Select the assignment status. The options are Active, All, or Terminated.

  4. Click OK, and then submit the request.

Extracting Information to Appear on the Payslip

You run the payslip archive process to extract and gather relevant information to appear on your employees' payslips. The archiver accesses the payslip information for the dates you select and copies the information across to storage archive tables, where it is picked up and converted into a format for printing and distributing to employees or for viewing online through the self service application.

Run this process after each payroll period to enable Self-Service. You must complete the payroll runs, prepayments, and payment processes before you can run the payslip archive process.

Netherlands, US, and Mexico only: If you are producing paper reports, use this process to view your current payslip.

Run the payslip archiver from the Submit Request window.

To run the payslip archiver

  1. Select your country's payslip archive process in the Name field.

    China and Netherlands: Select the Payslip Archiver.

    India: Select the Payroll Reports Archive (India).

    Ireland: Select the IE Legislative Reports Generator. See: Running the Legislative Reports Generator, Oracle HRMS for Ireland, Supplement

    Mexico: Select the Payroll Archiver. See: Managing the Payroll Archiver, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)

    South Africa: See: Pay Advice Generation - Self Service (South Africa), Oracle HRMS for South Africa, Supplement

    UK: See: Payslip Generation Self-Service, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide (UK)

    US and Canada Payroll: If required, you can set the PAY:Show Payslip with Zero Net Pay profile option to archive the payroll data and generate payslips for those employees receiving a net pay amount of zero.

    For US, see: Managing the Payroll Archive, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide (US)

    For Canada, see: Running the Canadian Payroll Archiver, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide (Canada)

  2. In the Parameters window, select a payroll name and consolidation set. This selects the employees for whom you want to run the report. When you select a payroll, the default consolidation set is displayed.

  3. Enter the start and end dates for the period of time you want the information extracted. You typically run this process for the same dates you ran your payroll.

  4. India: Select whether you want to mail individual payslip or view consolidated payslips in the Generate Payslip field.

  5. Choose Submit.

After running the Payroll Archiver, you can use the Payroll Actions Not Processed report to see what employees (and corresponding payroll processes) were not archived but did fall within the report's parameters.

Printing the Payslip

You can generate your payslips to be printed and distributed to your employees using a report that picks up the payroll information you extracted previously through the payslip archive process, and converts it into a formatted file ready for printing. The payslip consists of a header and a body section, with the information you enter in the Parameters window appearing on the header page and the payslip figures in the main body.

You run the payslip report from the Submit Request window.

To run the payslip report

  1. Select your country's payslip report in the Name field.

  2. In the Parameters window, enter the start and end dates for the period of time you want the report to cover. You run the report for the same period as the payslip information extracted by the payslip archiver.

  3. In the Parameters window, select a payroll, consolidation set and assignment set. This selects the employees for whom you want to run the report. Selecting a payroll overrides the consolidation set and processes the report only for the selected payroll. You can opt to select just a consolidation set, but cannot do the same with the assignment set.

  4. The Sort Order fields that appear on the header section of the payslip enable you to divide the payslips into areas of your choice. For example, the current defaults divide the payslips into Person Info 1(Employer), Organization and Full Name areas. You can change the default values that appear by selecting another item from the list of values, selecting information about Additional Employee Details, Address Details, Payroll Information and Employee Details.

  5. Choose the Submit button.

  6. Choose the View Output button to view or print the payslip report file.

Running the Norwegian Payment File Program

Use the Norwegian Payment File concurrent program to initiate a payment order. This program provides information to financial institutions about making payments including instructions about transferring a specified amount in a specified currency to a particular receiving account. Its use depends on an agreement between the bank and customer.

Important: The Norwegian Payment File concurrent program complies with the Customer Credit Transfer Initiation message standard (pain 001.001.03). The payment type NO Payment Process supports both the older Norwegian Payment Process (Telepay) and the ISO20022 process.

This program uses a magtape (magnetic transfer) process to generate two output files:

To run the Norwegian Payment File program

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. In the Name field, select Norwegian Payment File.

  3. Enter values for the following parameters:

    Parameter Description
    Payroll Select the payroll. All employees with a positive net pay and with the selected payroll will be picked up in the process.
    Consolidation Set The value for the Consolidation Set parameter appears after you select the payroll.
    Start Date Enter the Start Date of the process from which employees with payroll/pre-payments run to be picked up.
    Effective Date Enter the effective date.
    Payment Method Select the payment method. Employees with the payroll selected above and with the specified payment method (the personal payment method that is set at the employee level) attached will be included in the process.

    Note: The Payment Method must be of payment type NO Payment Process.

    Payment Date Enter the date on which the payments are to be processed.
    Category Select a payment category:
    • Salary: Salary Payment. Transaction is the payment of salaries. Set as the default value.

    • Pension: Pension payment.

    Assignment Set To generate the report for a set of employees under a legal employer, create an assignment set with the set of employees and run only for that set.
  4. Click OK, and submit the report.

Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting

Tax, Statutory Deductions, Involuntary Deductions, and Employer Contributions Information

Oracle HRMS supports the following statutory deductions:

Income Tax

An employee tax card indicates the amount of tax that the employer withholds from the employee's wages. You can use these tax cards:

You can upload tax cards to Oracle HRMS when your tax authority sends updated tax cards for an employee.

See: Uploading the Tax Card

Oracle Payroll supports the following types of earnings for income tax calculation:

See: Setting Up Income Tax

See: Setting Up Benefits in Kind

See: Setting Up Travel Expenses

You can pay all your employees simultaneously. Oracle HRMS generates a payment file to send to the employer's bank for electronic transfer of funds from the employer's bank account to the employees' accounts.

See: Setting Up Electronic File Transfer

Support Orders

Employers are responsible for making regular deductions from the salary of employees who incur support orders as wage attachments. Oracle Payroll enables you to manage these deductions and also make payments to the relevant third-party organization, such as the courts.

See: Setting Up Support Orders

Employer Contributions

You can calculate employer contributions to the national fund. Such contributions are based on salary and wages of employees.

See: Setting Up Employer Contributions

Setting Up Income Tax Deduction

Oracle HRMS supports the capture of the provincial tax office name and address as well as bank account details to enable the employer to transfer the tax deductions correctly.

Oracle HRMS also enables you to request and upload employee tax information from the tax authority. The application extracts the tax information for each employee assignment.

  1. Create your tax authority as a third-party Payee organization to whom you pay taxes.

    See: Organization Classifications

    See: Setting Up Norwegian Organizations

  2. In the Element Entries window, select the elements you have created to complete the information for the employee.

    See: Making Manual Element Entries

  3. Link the Tax element to your payroll.

    Note: You have the option to link the Tax Days Override element to the payroll if you need to prorate the tax days for employees having earning-periods that diverge from the payroll period. This case could be for the employees who join or leave some time during the payroll period, or employees going on or returning from absence-related leave.

    See: Defining Element Links

  4. Attach the Tax element to all employee assignments. Attach the Tax Card element to the employee's primary assignment only.

    Note: If you link the Tax Days Override element to the payroll in the previous step, then you attach the same element to the employees for whom you want to prorate the tax days. This is applicable for employees with table-based tax cards only. After attaching the element to the employee, you select this element in the Element Entries window. Next, you select the Earnings Period value and enter the Earnings Period Multiplier value for the employee through the Entry Values tab. The Norwegian withholding-tax rules specify these values depending on the earnings period of the employee. For example: For earning periods between 18-24 days, you can use the week table for 1/3 of the Tax Deduction Basis to calculate the tax and then multiply the calculated tax by three. Therefore, you select Week Table in the Earnings Period field. Also, you enter 3 in the Earnings Multiplier field.

  5. Upload the tax card details into your application.

    Note: Depending on updates from the tax authority, you may have to change or correct the tax information for a particular employee. To do this, you can update the tax information manually using the Tax Cards User Interface. Ensure you do this using datetrack in the update mode, else you could reset all tax balances and lose all previous tax information for the employee. The Tax Cards User Interface enables you to enter data for a tax card in both the Tax and Tax Card elements through the same page, which opens in a browser and performs various validations on the data you enter.

    Note: Once you upload the tax card information correctly, the application extracts the employee tax information and stores it in the available elements.

    See: Uploading the Tax Card

Uploading the Norwegian Tax Card

You run the tax card requisition process to create the XML file that the tax authority requires. You can then upload the completed electronic tax cards that your tax authority provides in the XML file format.

If an existing employee receives a new tax card during the tax year, you must update the existing tax card in Oracle HRMS.

Primary Employer Designation

On the RF-1211 tax card inbound file upload that tax authorities send to employers, the TABLE CARD FLAG provides information if more than one employer has requested tax table card information for the same person (meaning that the person has earnings from more than one employer). If a person is employed by more than one employer, only the primary employer is allowed to claim a table tax deduction for the related NI-number.

Employers have a legislative obligation to notify the tax authorities of whether or not they are the primary employer for an employee. Each employer needs to consult with their employees to determine who is the primary employer and therefore, eligible to claim the table tax deduction. By default, an employer is designated as primary for each of their employees. To change this designation for an employee:

  1. Navigate to the Element Entries window and then to the Entry Values window.

  2. Select the tax element associated with the employee.

  3. In the Primary Employment field, select No.

  4. Save

Note: A non-primary employer cannot use a table tax deduction and must capture this information and use only the percentage information provided for all tax calculations.

  1. To run the Norwegian eTaxCard Requisition:

    1. In the Submit Request window, select Norwegian eTaxCard Requisition as the Name.

    2. Enter the following parameters:

      • Legal Employer

      • Requesting Entity

      • Initial Report

    3. Click OK and Submit.

  2. To run the Norwegian eTaxCard Upload:

    1. In the Submit Request window, select Norwegian eTaxCard Upload.

    2. Enter the following parameters:

      • File Name

      • Effective Start Date

      • Batch Name

      • Batch Reference

    3. Click OK and Submit.

  3. To run the Tax Card Requisition concurrent process:

    Note: As of January 2018, NOV no longer accepts tax card requisitions in this format. Use the Norwegian eTaxCard requisition.

    1. Choose the Single Request option.

    2. Query the Norwegian Tax Card Requisition request in the Submit Request window.

    3. Enter the values for the following parameters:

      • Report Type

      • Start Date

      • Effective Date

    4. Submit the request.

    5. Close the window.

  4. To run the Tax Card Upload process:

    Note: As of January 2018, NOV no longer accepts tax card requisitions in this format. Use the Norwegian eTaxCard Upload.

    1. Convert the flat file that you receive from the Norwegian authorities to a text file with the extension .txt.

    2. Run the meta-mapper process, if you have not already done so, and place the converted file in a directory readable by the database. This is a system administration task.

      See: Running the Meta-Mapper

    3. Choose the Single Request option.

    4. Query the Norwegian Tax Card Upload request in the Submit Request window.

    5. Enter the values for the following parameters:

      • File Name

      • Effective Start Date

      • Batch Name

      • Batch Reference

    6. Submit the request.

    7. Close the window.

    8. Choose the Single Request option again.

    9. Query the Data Pump Engine request in the Submit Request window.

    10. Enter the values for the following parameters:

      • Batch Name

      • Validate

      • Action Parameter Group

    11. Submit the request.

    12. Close the window.

Uploading the Tax Table

Oracle HRMS enables you to upload the tax table for a new tax year.

The tax authority provides the electronic tax table in a fixed file format to the employer through a Web site. You upload the tax table information into the application.

To upload the tax table

  1. Choose the Single Request option.

  2. Query the Norwegian Tax Table Upload request in the Submit Request window.

  3. Enter the information for the following parameters:

    • Data File Name

      Note: You enter the name of the tax table file that you receive from the tax authority.

    • Effective Start Date

  4. Submit the request.

  5. Close the window.

Purging the Tax Table

You can purge old tax table records. You can also use the purge functionality to remove a tax table that you uploaded, for example a new table, for a wrong time period.

To purge the tax table

  1. Choose the Single Request option.

  2. Query the Norwegian Tax Table Purge request in the Submit Request window.

  3. Select the information for the following parameters:

    • Effective Start Date

    • Effective End Date

  4. Submit the request.

  5. Close the window.

Setting Up Employer Contributions

Oracle HRMS enables you to calculate the employer contributions to the national fund, based in part on employee's tax card information and the employer's industry type. If you need to process some assignments using the QuickPay functionality, then also you can calculate the employer contributions.

  1. Define the employer's industry type and applicable exemption limit at the organization level.

    See: Organizations Classifications

    See:Setting Up Norwegian Organizations

  2. Define the element you want to use for calculating employer contributions. See: Defining an Element

    Note: When defining the element for employer contribution, enable the secondary classification as Subject to Employer Contributions. Because the application processes this element during the Norwegian Payroll Run process, you must ensure you exclude this element from the Norwegian Employer Contribution Run process to avoid duplicate processing.

  3. Link the Employer Contribution Information element to your payroll. See: Defining Element Links

    Link the Employer Contribution Over 16 G element to your payroll only for the period when you require this element to be a part of the Norwegian Employer Contribution Run process.

    Note: When an employee is terminated, the Final Close date must be on or after the year end. This is to ensure that the assignment (which may be terminated before the end of the year) is still available for the calculation of Over 16G employer contributions. For the same reason, you must make an element entry of the Employer Contribution Over 16G Terminated Employee element in the assignment for the final processing at the year end.

  4. Run the reimbursement inbound file process before running the payroll.

  5. Run the Norwegian Payroll Run process. See: Starting a Payroll Run

  6. Run the Norwegian Employer Contribution Run process. See: Calculating the Employer Contribution Amount

Payroll Processing and Analysis

Process Part of a Payroll

Oracle Payroll enables you to run a payroll and conduct post-processing on a payroll that has completed successfully. You can also enter subsequent changes and corrections for a payroll that has not completed successfully.

Oracle Payroll makes use of the following concepts when implementing payroll procedures:

Assignment Sets

Occasions when you need to use assignment sets for the payroll run include:

To fulfil these requirements, you can select from a range of assignments:

Consolidation Sets

A consolidation set is a grouping of payrolls that simplify post-run processing and reporting. It enables you to produce a single set of reports, costing results, and other results for all payrolls in a consolidation set. When you run a payroll, make sure that you have named the consolidation set to which the payroll belongs.

Element and Distribution Sets

With a normal payroll run, you would want to include all elements, but for a long service award bonus you would want to include only the bonus element and the statutory elements. You first calculate gross pay for ascertaining the gross amount to transfer into the payroll account. Then you complete the gross to net calculation.

You can select element sets as follows:

Canada only: When creating a Run set, you need to explicitly add the Canadian Tax recurring element to your element set.

US only: When creating a Run set, you need to explicitly add the VERTEX recurring element to your element set.

The predefined elements for Oracle Payroll are processed for every payroll run in which they have been included. The deductions are recalculated using the period totals, the amount already paid in previous runs is deducted, leaving the remainder as the deduction for the new payroll run.


QuickPay enables you to carry out payroll processing for individual employees. You can use QuickPay to pay employees who are leaving and who require payment immediately. If an employee asks what their net pay will be this month, you can run QuickPay to find the answer, then roll it back to remove all results from the database.

QuickPay: Two Options for PrePayments:

Once the QuickPay run has a status of Complete, you have a choice of two options for post-run processing:

Troubleshooting QuickPay: Concurrent Manager

When you start the QuickPay process, the screen freezes, and you cannot delete or update the QuickPay definition until the process completes.

You may receive one of the following error messages:

Starting a Payroll Run

You start a payroll run in the Submit Requests window.

To run a payroll

  1. In the Name field, select the name of your payroll run process.

  2. In the Parameters window, which opens automatically, select the payroll.

  3. Select the default consolidation set name for the payroll, then select the current payroll period display.

  4. Select a new consolidation set for the run if required.

    Use the consolidation set to control post-run processing of the results.

  5. Select the payroll period for the run.

  6. Select an element set and assignment set if required.

    US only: Make sure that you have included the VERTEX seeded recurring element in your element set if you are using an element set.

  7. Select a run type.

  8. If your legislation supports Regular and Supplemental runs, then select R for a Regular run or S for a Supplemental run.

    India only: Select "Bonus" run type for paying bonus.

  9. You can optionally enter a message to appear on the statements of earnings for this run if your SOE is designed to support such a message.

  10. Choose Submit.

Calculating the Employer Contribution Amount

Run the Norwegian Employer Contribution Run process to calculate the employer contribution amount. You must run the Norwegian Employer Contribution Run after each run of the Norwegian Payroll Run for the same payroll and the same period. The Norwegian Employer Contribution Run always recalculates the full bimonthly period and only posts the difference from any previous runs (in the same bimonthly period). You run this process from the Submit Requests window.


To run the Employer Contribution process

  1. Select Norwegian Employer Contribution Run in the Name field.

  2. Select the payroll.

  3. Select the consolidation and element sets for this payroll.

  4. Select Yes if you are calculating the employer's contribution for salaries that fall under the Over 16G category.

  5. Choose OK.

  6. Click Submit.

Running the PrePayments Process

Run this process when you want to do one of the following:

Note: The Net Pay from each assignment is deposited into the payment method account for the primary assignment unless the primary assignment is not processed. If it is not processed and the secondary assignment does not have a personal payment method, the employee receives a cheque.

Additional Information: You cannot delete personal payment methods if a PrePayment process is run.

Canada only: The PrePayments process creates different results depending on the setting of the Payroll Archiver Level option, which is set at the business group level. If you set it to "Tax Group," PrePayments consolidates the payment for all GREs of an assignment (which must belong to the same tax group), and Cheque Writer/Deposit Advice generates only one cheque or deposit (this can happen only at the beginning of the year, after running the last payroll for the previous year and before running the first payroll of the current year). If you set it to "GRE," PrePayments creates separate payments for each GRE, and Cheque Writer/Deposit Advice generates a cheque or deposit advice for each GRE.

See: Entering Payroll Archiver Level Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

You run this process from the Submit Requests window.

To run the PrePayments process

  1. In the Name field, select PrePayments.

  2. In the Parameters window, select the name of the payroll or consolidation set to run the process for.

    When you select a payroll, the default consolidation set is displayed.

  3. Enter the start and end dates of the time span for the prepayments processing to cover.

    Note: If you specify the end date and not a start date, the process automatically uses the start date of the period for the end date you specified.

  4. If required, enter an override payment method. The method you select overrides all other payment methods for this processing.

  5. Choose OK.

  6. Choose Submit

Setting Up Electronic File Transfer (EFT)

You submit employee and payment details to the bank in the form of a bank transfer file.

  1. Record the available formula details for the payment method.

    Note: You can use the payment type NO Payment Process for direct bank credits and NO Money Order for payment through money orders.

    See:Defining a Payment Method

  2. Run the payroll process.

    See: Starting a Payroll Run

  3. Run the pre-payment process.

    See: Running the Pre-payment Process

  4. Submit the EFT request using the Submit Request window.

    See: Running the EFT Process

  5. View the output of the EFT file.

Running the EFT Process

Oracle HRMS provides the concurrent program Norwegian Payment Process to run the Electronic File Transfer process.

You run the Norwegian Payment Process from the Submit Request window.

To run the Payment Process

  1. Select the Norwegian Payment Output File in the Name field.

  2. In the Parameters window, enter the payment date.

  3. Enter the name of the magnetic file.

  4. Enter the name of the report file that you want to create for the EFT process.

  5. Enter the payroll name.

    Note: You can restrict the processing of assignments to the specified payroll on the effective date.

  6. Enter the assignment set.

  7. Enter the legal employer.

  8. Enter the AH Sequence number if you want to override the default number that comes from your previous payroll run.

  9. Enter the Sequence Control number if you want to override the default number that comes from your previous payroll run.

  10. Enter the name of the division for which you are generating the file.

  11. Enter the enterprise number for the legal employer.

  12. Enter the password for bank's use.

  13. Enter the new password for bank's use if the bank requests a new password or you want to change the existing password.

  14. Click Submit.

Running the Acknowledgement Process

Oracle HRMS provides the concurrent program Norwegian Payment Acknowledgement Reply. This concurrent program reads the acknowledgement reply file sent from the bank and creates a log file showing the status of all the payments made through the EFT process, indicating whether they have been accepted or rejected.

You run the Norwegian Payment Acknowledgement Reply process from the Submit Request window.

To run the Payment File Acknowledgement Reply process

  1. Select the Norwegian Payment Acknowledgement Reply process in the Name field.

  2. Enter the name of the magnetic file that the bank sends to the employer.

  3. Enter the effective date.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. View the log file through the Requests window to know the status of all the payments you make using the EFT process.

    Note: You need to run the payroll again for any employees whose payment attempt produces an error in the log file. You also run the EFT process again for these employees and send the corrected payment details to the bank.

RetroPay Processing

Overview of RetroPay Processing

Purpose of the RetroPay Process

Run the RetroPay process to ensure that your payroll run for the current period reflects any backdated payments or deductions. Backdated adjustments can occur when:

the picture is described in the document text

For example, at the start of the current pay period, this employee has a pay award backdated to pay period 1. The employee has not yet received any payments for this award. In the current pay period the employee is entitled to payments that represent the backdated amounts for:

You run your RetroPay process to ensure that the employee receives correct payment when you next run the payroll.

Period Earned is Distinct from Period Paid

the picture is described in the document text

When backdated payments occur, the accuracy of your subsequent payroll processing depends on distinguishing between:

the picture is described in the document text

For example, the taxation implications are different for:

The RetroPay Process Does Not Overwrite Your Historical Payment Records

the picture is described in the document text

You never overwrite historical payroll data when you run RetroPay. Although you recalculate all periods that have retroactive changes whenever you run a RetroPay, you never modify the stored results for these periods. Instead, you create one or more RetroPay entries to receive the process results.

Think of the RetroPay process as a calculator holding results in memory so that it can process a final set of results. The RetroPay process uses your historical results to calculate the changes for the current period. The results for your current period change, but your historical records remain unchanged.

Process RetroPay with Overlapping Periods

The RetroPay process recalculates payroll runs, balance adjustments and reversals from a particular date onwards, the start date of the recalculations. When you have retroactive changes overlapping another retroactive change, the application resets the start date to the earliest start date of the RetroPay processes and recalculates.

For example, you perform a RetroPay (RetroPay 1)for an assignment in period 3, with Payroll Runs being recalculated from a start date of period 1. In period 5, you perform another RetroPay (RetroPay 2) for the assignment with a start date of Period 3. The second RetroPay detects an overlap of RetroPays and sets the start date to the earliest start date.

In this case, the application sets the start date as Period 1. An overlapping override occurs to ensure that the balances are correct for the RetroPay process.

The processing of overlapping RetroPay results in an overall increase in time to process the RetroPay. If there are multiple overlaps, the increase in time is excessive.

the picture is described in the document text

When to Run the RetroPay Process

The RetroPay Process and the Payroll Cycle

the picture is described in the document text

It is important to run your RetroPay process at the correct point in the payroll cycle. Always run RetroPay immediately before you run a payroll, and, for greatest accuracy, as close to the cut-off date as possible. The cut-off date is the point at which all data entry for the payroll is complete.

The RetroPay Process Always Precedes a Payroll Run

the picture is described in the document text

The RetroPay process cannot occur after your payroll run. If you run your payroll and then discover further backdated adjustments you must hold them over until a later payroll period and run the RetroPay process in that subsequent payroll period.

Backdated Adjustments Are Always Paid in the First Open Payroll Period

the picture is described in the document text

When you run a RetroPay process in your current payroll period, any backdated adjustments are always paid in your current payroll period. So, a RetroPay process in period 5 calculates any backdated adjustments from periods 1 to 4, and marks them for payment in period 5.

You cannot stipulate that a RetroPay process in period 5 should withhold any resulting payments until a future pay period. For example, you cannot stipulate that a RetroPay run in period 5 should withhold payments until period 8.

If you want to use a future payroll period such as period 8 to make payments of backdated amounts for periods 1 to 4, then you must wait until period 8 before you run your RetroPay process.

Setting Up the Retro-Notifications Report

You use the Retro-Notifications report to identify any changes that have a retrospective effect for payrolls that you have already run. You can define the relevant types of change by setting up an event group to specify the changes. Follow these steps to set up the Retro-Notifications report:

To enable dynamic triggers

  1. Navigate to the Dynamic Triggers window.

  2. Enable any dynamic triggers that the application generates. It is important to enable these triggers to ensure your payroll processing updates each database table correctly. The recommended minimum list of triggers to enable for the Retro-Notifications report is as follows:

    Table Name Trigger Type

To define an event group

  1. Navigate to the Table Event Group window.

  2. Enter a name for your Event Group, for example, Retro-Notification Events.

  3. Select Retro as your event groups type.

  4. Save your entries.

  5. Select the events that will produce notification if retrospective changes occur. Specify the following information to identify the type of update and the database table to which it applies:

    • Update Type

    • Base Table Name

    • Column Name

    For example:

    Update Type Table Column Name
    DateTrack End Date PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F  
    DateTrack Insert PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F  
    DateTrack Delete PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F  

To enable the Incident Register

  1. Navigate to the Functional Area Maintenance window.

  2. Query the Incident Register and ensure that you have triggers defined.

  3. Decide whether to capture the triggers by legislation, business group, or payroll. Navigate to each tab to make your selection.

Setting Up Enhanced RetroPay with Component Usages and Element Time Spans

Standard RetroPay is the default RetroPay processing method for the Netherlands. It enables you to deal with any earnings changes made in the previous or current year, and any changes to tax and social insurance, impacting payroll calculations made in the current year. To carry out RetroPay processing, for every earnings element defined, you must set up two RetroPay elements, both with the skip rule Once Each Period assigned. These elements require the primary classifications Earnings, for changes in the previous year, and Retro Earnings, for changes in the current year. The same rule applies to imputed elements with the classifications Imputed Earnings and Retro Imputed Earnings. You set up RetroPay component usages to define how RetroPay will process the component. For each of these components you define an element time span to specify the start and end dates of the retro processing, and which RetroPay element applies for each time span.

Note: Each RetroPay element you create must have the skip rule, Once Each Period, assigned to it. Users in the Netherlands select a particular RetroPay method by running the concurrent program Enable Dutch RetroPay Method and selecting, either standard or replacement. The default entry is standard.

Only add assignments requiring RetroPay processing to the RetroPay set. The RetroPay process posts retro entries for each of the assignments in the RetroPay set. Note that these retro entries always include any changes to tax and SI information, even if there are no retrospective earnings entries.

Each pre-tax or pre_si and pre-tax deductions element processed by RetroPay must have a corresponding RetroPay element with a primary classification of Retro Pre-Tax Deduction or Retro Pre-SI and Pre-Tax Deduction. You must also define a RetroPay Component Usage and an Element Span Usage for the original element for each RetroPay method used, whether Standard or Replacement. All earnings elements require a corresponding RetroPay element and link.

For further information on the methods of RetroPay available for the Netherlands, see: RetroPay for the Netherlands, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide.

For further information on how to enable your RetroPay method of choice, see:Enabling the Method of RetroPay, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide.

For further information on how to override the Replacement RetroPay method for the Netherlands, see: Business Groups: Entering Dutch Business Group Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide.

Important: If you do not require the Replacement method of RetroPay, you do not have to enable the Standard method, as it is the default method.

Defining Retropay Earnings Elements

You enter element information in the Element window.

An example of defining an earnings element for Netherlands payroll appears in the notes below.

  1. Define your salary element with the primary classification of Earnings.

  2. Choose the Balance Feeds Control button. In the Balance Feed Control region select the appropriate element classifications from the list of values.

    Note: Netherlands users, for example, select the classifications SI Income Subject to Standard Tax: Earnings and Subject to Standard Tax: Earnings.

  3. Choose the Balance Feeds button to view the resulting balances feeding the element.

    Note: You must now set up two retropay elements with the skip rule Once Each Period assigned.

  4. Define the retropay element for the previous salary year, with the primary classification Earnings.

    Note: Netherlands users, in the Processing region, click on the Skip Rule and select NL_ONCE_EACH_PERIOD from the menu.

  5. Choose the Balance Feeds Control button. In the Balance Feed Control region select the appropriate element classifications from the list of values. Retropay elements for the previous year that are subject to tax must always be subclassified as subject to special tax, regardless of the tax category of the original earnings element. If an original earnings element is subject to standard tax, then the retropay element must be subject to special tax. This includes SI Income and SI Gross Salary elements that are subject to tax.

    Note: Netherlands users, for example, select the classifications SI Income Subject to Special Tax: Earnings and Subject to Special Tax: Earnings.

  6. Choose the Balance Feeds button to view the resulting balances feeding the element.

  7. Save your work.

  8. Define the retropay element for the current salary year, with the primary classification of Retro Earnings.

    Note: Netherlands users, in the Processing region, click on the Skip Rule and select NL_ONCE_EACH_PERIOD from the menu.

  9. Choose the Balance Feeds Control button. In the Balance Feed Control region select the appropriate element classifications from the list of values. Retropay elements for the current year, subject to tax, must always be subclassified the same as the tax category of the original earnings element. If an original earnings element is subject to standard tax, then the retropay element must be subject to standard tax also. This includes SI Income and SI Gross Salary elements that are subject to tax.

    Note: Netherlands users, for example, select the classifications SI Income Subject to Standard Tax: Earnings and Subject to Standard Tax: Earnings.

  10. Choose the Balance Feeds button to view the resulting balances feeding the element.

  11. Save your work.

  12. You can now set up your retropay components and element span usages.

Setting Up Retropay Component Usages

Retropay component usages assign the components to the salary elements you created, ensuring all the elements recalculate with the latest values.

  1. Query your defined salary element, in the Element window.

  2. Select the Recalculation tab, and check the Retro Components button.

  3. In the Retropay Components region of the Retropay Element window, choose the component field, and an appropriate component from the list of values.

    Note: Netherlands users select the Retro Component Standard, or Replacement as required.

  4. Select the Reprocess Type. If you select Static, then Retropay will not process any changes to the element when running the relevant component. Opting for the Reprocess Type ensures the element changes process.

    Note: Netherlands users select the Reprocess Type, Reprocess. Dutch Retropay processes the period of change, and not the nature of change, such as a correction or backdated change. As a result, the whole retro period reprocesses.

  5. Save your work.

  6. You can now enter the element time spans.

    Example of a standard retropay component set up for an earnings element
    Element Component Name Reprocess Type Comments
    User Defined Element Standard Reprocess Retro Earnings
    Example of a replacement retropay component set up for an earnings element
    Element Component Name Reprocess Type Replace Run Use Override Dates
    User Defined Element Replacement Reprocess Yes Yes

Setting Up Element Span Usages for Earnings Elements

The element time span usages defines the start and end dates for retropay processing. Most elements have the standard time span of Start of Current Year to End of Time already assigned, to cover any changes made in the current year. The exceptions for the Netherlands are standard taxable income and standard tax deduction, which include the timescales Start of Current Year to End of Previous Quarter, and Start of Current Quarter to End of Time, to cover student taxation. For each earnings element, or imputed earnings element with a defined retropay component usage, you must define two element span usages. These element span usages cover the earnings for both the current and the previous year, defining not only how far back processing should cover, but also up to where a particular retropay element carries forward the retro changes. You must define your retropay elements and components before defining the element time spans.

Set up the Element Span Usages in the Retropay Elements window.

  1. Query your defined salary element in the Element window.

  2. Select the Recalculation tab, and check the Retro Components button.

  3. In the Retropay Elements region, select the appropriate time spans from the From and To fields, to define the time period the retropay element is covering.

    Note: In the Time Spans fields, for each earnings element or imputed earnings element with a standard retropay component usage defined, you must define the element span usages for both the current and previous years. For example, for the retropay element, Retro Salary Previous Year, you define the time span from Start of Time to End of Previous Year. For each earnings, or imputed earnings element with a replacement retropay component defined, you must define the element span usage for the current year. You can set up a second time span to cover the previous year, if required.

  4. Select the retropay elements you created from the Retropay Element field.

  5. Save your work.

    Example of earnings element span definitions for both standard and replacement components
    Element Component Span From Span To Retropay Element
    User Defined Element Standard Start of Time End of Previous Year Retro Earnings Previous Year
    User Defined Element Standard Start of Current Year End of Time Retro Earnings Current Year
    User Defined Element Replacement Start of Current Year End of Time Retro Earnings Current Year
    User Defined Element Replacement Start of Time End of Previous Year Retro Earnings Previous Year

Setting Up Overlapping RetroPay Using Balance Adjustments

If you have overlapping periods for making retro payments, ensure that the Retro Overlap feature is enabled. This process recalculates from the latest reprocess date and uses Balance Adjustments. Follow these steps to set up the Retro Overlap feature :

To set up Retro Overlap using Balance Adjustments

  1. Run the corresponding concurrent program to enable the retro overlap feature for your localization, for e.g. Enable Retro Overlap for all UK Business Group.

  2. Set up all the Retro Element Types and associate them with their corresponding elements.

  3. Define a retro element for every element that feeds a balance. The Balance Adjustment process uses the retro entries created in future periods to do adjustments.

  4. Enable the 'Do Not Process' check box for any new retro elements used for retro balance adjustments.

Understanding the Sequence of Your RetroPay Activities

the picture is described in the document text

Follow this sequence to:

  1. Identify outstanding backdated adjustments

  2. Monitor and control the processing of backdated adjustments

  3. Include backdated adjustments in your next payroll run.

You can only run the Retro-Notifications report and view RetroPay status if you are using RetroPay by Element, or the version of RetroPay by Element sometimes referred to as Advanced or Enhanced RetroPay.

This sequence does not apply to RetroPay by Run and RetroPay (by Aggregate)

    Run the Retro-Notifications Report

  1. Run the Retro-Notifications report to identify any backdated changes that have not been included in a payroll run.

    You can save your summary of backdated changes into either an assignment set or an event group.

    Once you have identified the retrospective changes, you can then decide whether to include them in your RetroPay process.

    The Enhanced Retro-Notifications report uses the Payroll Events Model to identify what changes have occurred to your underlying data. If these changes correspond to the retrospective types of change that you want to be notified about, then these changes appear on the Retro-Notifications report.

    See: Setting Up Retro-Notification and RetroPay, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide

    See: Running the Retro-Notifications Report, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide

  2. View RetroPay Status and History

  3. Once you have identified unprocessed retrospective payments, you can determine how you want to process these changes.

    the picture is described in the document text

    The Retro-Notifications report identifies the assignments with backdated adjustments. If you defer, then the assignment is not included when you next run RetroPay.

    You can also include additional assignments that the Retro-Notifications report did not identify. This typically occurs when you discover additional backdated adjustments that were not known about when you ran the Retro-Notifications report.

    The following diagram shows the sequence of statuses for each RetroPay status:

    the picture is described in the document text

    Once RetroPay processing begins, the initial status changes to an intermediate status of Processing.

    You can query all retro assignments that are at the initial (outstanding) status, and all retro assignments at the final (completed) status.

    The following diagram shows what statuses are included when your query All Outstanding, and All Completed:

    the picture is described in the document text

    See: Viewing RetroPay Status and History

  4. Run the RetroPay Process

  5. You enable Oracle Payroll to make retrospective adjustments for the combination of changes identified on the Retro-Notifications report, and subsequently modified when viewing RetroPay status.

    See: Running Enhanced RetroPay

    See: Running RetroPay by Element, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide

    RetroPay by Element already enables you to distribute retrospective payments across individual elements.

    If you have Enhanced RetroPay you can decide whether each retrospective payment requires:

    • A full reprocessing in which you recalculate all amounts for the current payroll. This option is typical when you are processing backdated payments, or when you want to deduct tax for backdated amounts in the period when it was earned, rather than in the current payroll period.

    • A limited reprocessing in which you recalculate only some of the amounts for the current payroll. This option is typical when you are processing corrections, or when you want to deduct tax for retrospective changes in the current payroll period rather than in the period when it was earned.

    Components for RetroPay

    Oracle Payroll describes each different type of Enhanced RetroPay run as a component. For example, you could set up a component Earnings Correction for the element Basic Salary. A component always has:

    • A name (for example, Earnings Correction)

    • A reprocess type (Static, Partial, Reprocess) to determine how to process the component

    Element Spans for RetroPay

    You can also attach element spans to your selected element. An element span provides a start and end date for retrospective processing.

    See Setting Up Retro-Notification and RetroPay, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide

  6. Verify Your RetroPay Results

  7. When you have run the RetroPay process, verify your results and correct any errors.

  8. Run Your Payroll

  9. Finally, run your payroll to reflect the adjustments that you have made for the retrospective payments.

Viewing RetroPay Status and History

You use the RetroPay Status window to control how you want to process changes that have a retrospective impact. You typically find outstanding retrospective changes where changes are entered in Self-Service HRMS independently of Oracle Payroll.

Use the RetroPay Status window to:

You can still use the Retro-Notifications report to identify all outstanding retrospective changes that have not been applied, and group them into an assignment set ready for processing.

See: Running the Retro-Notifications Report, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide

However, the advantage of using the RetroPay Status window is that you can identify what you want to process, or exclude from processing, and then mark your selections for completion. Additionally if you have to create or update multiple retro assignments, you can do so using the Web ADI spreadsheet.

To search for assignments that have retrospective changes

  1. Select the search criteria for assignments that you want to view. If you do not select any criteria, then your search returns all assignments that have retrospective changes. You can search for any of these criteria:

    Name: Specify a name, or search for all names.

    Assignment Number: Specify an assignment or search for all assignments.

    Recalculation Date: Use this start date and end date to determine the period for retrospective changes.

    Status: Select the status that you want to identify.

    • All Completed. This status displays all assignments with retrospective implications that are already processed.

    • All Outstanding. This status displays all assignments with retrospective implications that are not yet processed.

    • Awaiting Processing. This status indicates that this assignment has cleared for processing and that the processing will occur in the next payroll run.

    • Completed. This status indicates that this assignment has now been processed.

    • Completed – Deferred Forever. This status indicates that the retro assignments created by the system are deferred forever. The action of the retro assignment (RETRO_ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID) is to changed to –1. The retro assignments are not processed in the future nor reported with the new status.

    • Deferred. This status indicates that an assignment was scheduled for processing, but that the processing was deferred and will not occur until you change the status.

    • Processing. This status indicates that an assignment is being processed.

    Recalculation Reason: This criterion indicates why retrospective processing is necessary and enables you to search particular categories of retrospective change to process them independently of other retrospective changes.

  2. Click Go when you have selected all your search criteria.

To change the status of an assignment

You typically change the status of an assignment when you want to defer processing that was previously scheduled, or to indicate that you have already processed this change even though it was automatically scheduled.

  1. Select the assignment that you want to change.

  2. Select the new status for the assignment from the Change Status list of values.

  3. Click Change Status.

To view the elements included on each assignment

  1. Select the assignment name in the Name column.

  2. View the elements for this assignment, and the Recalculation Reason for each element.

To update or delete elements for each assignment

  1. Select the assignment name.

  2. Click Update to add an element to the assignment.

  3. Click Delete to remove an element from the assignment.

To confirm that your specified requests have been processed

  1. Query the individual assignment, but leave the status field blank.

  2. Alternatively, query all assignments with a status of All Completed or All Outstanding and check the details for your individual assignment.

To create multiple retro lines

  1. Select the Create Retro Lines button.

  2. A spreadsheet opens.

  3. In the spreadsheet that appears, enter new records with a status of Awaiting Processing or Deferred.

  4. Click on Upload. You can select Commit All Rows or Each Row option, if you want the application to validate all records and commit or validate each record prior to uploading the details to the database. If you select Each Row option, then all successful records will be uploaded and error records will not be uploaded. Only on successful validation, the application makes changes to the database.

    If you select the Upload All Rows or Each Row, then the application does not validate the details prior to uploading.

To update the multiple retro lines

  1. Query the assignments with Awaiting Processing or Deferred.

  2. Click on Download to Spreadsheet check box and click Go

  3. In the spreadsheet that opens, you can update the status. You cannot modify any employee or assignment information but can only change the status of the assignment or you can delete the retro entry or update the reprocess date of the retro entry.

    Note: In the Entry Delete/ Update column, ensure to select the applicable value if there are any entry changes made. If you do not select any value the application does not make any changes to the database.

  4. Click on Upload. You can select Commit All Rows or Each Row option, if you want the application to validate all records and commit or validate each record prior to uploading the details to the database. If you select the Each Row option, then all successful records will be uploaded and error records will not be uploaded. Only on successful validation, the application makes changes to the database.

    If you select the Upload All Rows or Each Row, then the application does not validate the details prior to uploading.

Running the Retro-Notifications Report (Enhanced and Enhanced PDF)

Use this report to

This information is particularly useful when changes with retrospective impact are entered in Self Service HRMS independently of the Payroll department.

The Retro-Notifications report does not perform any RetroPay processing. It only identifies element entries that have changed. You must still run your RetroPay process separately to process these changes. When you produce the assignment set, or event group, you can decide whether to:

You can use the RetroPay Status window to schedule automatic processing.

You run the Retro-Notifications (Enhanced) report from the Submit Processes and Reports window.

To run the Retro-Notifications (Enhanced) report

  1. Select the payroll. You can only run this report for a single payroll

  2. If you want to see the retro-notifications for a particular event group, select an overriding event group.

  3. If you are running the PDF-enabled version of this report, select a template for your PDF output.

  4. Select OK, and submit.

Running Enhanced RetroPay

Use the Enhanced RetroPay process to distribute backdated amounts or corrections that you have identified from the Retro-Notifications report.

You run the Enhanced RetroPay process from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Enhanced RetroPay process

  1. Enter an effective date to indicate the date from which you want to create the retrospective elements for Enhanced RetroPay process.

  2. Select the payroll.

  3. If you want to create retrospective entries in a different pay period other than effective date, enter an entry creation date. The application creates retrospective entries in the pay period in which the Entry Creation Date occurs.

    If you leave this field blank, the application creates the default retrospective entries as of Effective Date.

  4. Click Submit

Running Quick RetroPay

Run Quick RetroPay to process any retrospective payments for a single assignment. You run the Quick RetroPay process from the Submit Requests window.

Note: It is not mandatory to run the Retro-Notifications Report for QuickRetropay process.

To run the Quick RetroPay process

  1. Enter a date on which you want to create the derived retro element entries. This is mandatory.

  2. Select the assignment number of the assignment for which you want to run the backdated change. This is mandatory.

  3. Enter an earliest date from which you want to reprocess the assignment backdated changes. If you do not specify any date, then the application calculates it internally. This is optional.

  4. If you want the retro-notifications for a particular event group, select an overriding event group.

  5. Click Submit.

Payroll Reporting

Payroll, Deduction, and Payment Reporting Overview

You can run the following payroll, deduction, and payment reports:

Additional Information: The following reports are obsolete and have been replaced by a-melding reporting effective from January 2015:

You generate the payroll reports after running the required payroll processes. Running reports is basically a two-step process that requires:

  1. Archiving the relevant data for the report.

  2. Running the report request.

After archiving the report data once, you can run the same report again without re-archiving. The application searches for the most recent archived data. For an up-to-date report, always perform both steps.

Related Topics

Absences Report, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

Running the Archiving for Pay Related Processes

Running the Report for Pay Related Processes

Archiving and Reporting Processes

Running the Archiving for Pay Related Processes

For an overview of the archiving process, see: Payroll, Deduction, and Payment Reporting Overview

To run an archiving process

  1. Choose the Request Set option.

  2. Query the appropriate archive request in the Submit Request Set window.

  3. Enter the parameters required for the archive program.

    Note: Most processes allow you to save the results of this archive for future use by selecting Yes in the Archive Option field.

  4. Submit the request.

  5. Close the window.

Running the Report for Pay Related Processes

For an overview of the reporting process, see: Payroll, Deduction, and Payment Reporting Overview

To run the report

  1. Choose the Request Set option.

  2. Query the relevant report request (audit or EFT) in the Submit Request Set window.

  3. Enter the request parameters.

  4. Submit the request.

  5. Close the window.

Running the Norwegian A-Melding Reports

The Norwegian a-melding reporting scheme is a coordinated digital reporting of income, employment and tax deduction details. This reporting scheme is used by those who have a reporting obligation (primarily employers) to the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV), Statistics Norway, and the Norwegian Tax Administration.

Note: The a-melding reporting includes the employer's contributions and payroll withholding tax.

The a-notice scheme has a mandatory main form and an XML attachment that features most of the information. The file attachment must conform to the approved file format.

Oracle HRMS for Norway provides the following a-melding concurrent programs and reports:

For more information on setting up and using the Norwegian A-Melding Report, see My Oracle Support Knowledge <Document 1911096.1>, Norwegian A-Melding Report effective from 2015.

Norwegian A-Melding Archive

This Norwegian A-Melding Archive report archives all information to be reported. To run this program:

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. In the Name field, enter Norwegian A-Melding Archive.

  3. Enter values for the following parameters:

    • Report End Date. Select the calendar month to be reported.

    • Legal Employer

    • XML_VERSION: Select the valid XML version for your reporting period.

    • Assignment Set

    • Submission Type: Select Original or Replacement. If the submission type is Replacement, the report includes a list of prior requests.

    • Replacement ID

    • Override Replacement ID

    • Report Content

    • Response Language

  4. Click OK and submit the report.

Norwegian A-Melding Data Validation

The Norwegian A-Melding Data Validation program validates the reported data before transferring it to Altinn. To run this program:

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. In the Name field, enter Norwegian A-Melding Data Validation.

  3. Enter the values for the following parameters:

    • Request ID: Select the Norwegian A-Melding Archive request ID run earlier.

    • Local Unit

  4. Click OK and submit the report.

Norwegian A-Melding XML Report

The Norwegian A-Melding XML Report generates the XML output that can be submitted to Altinn as an attachment. To run this program:

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. In the Name field, enter Norwegian A-Melding XML Report.

  3. Enter the values for the following parameters:

    • Template Name

    • Request ID: Select the Norwegian A-Melding Archive request ID that you ran earlier.

  4. Click OK and submit the report.

Running the Norwegian Annual Statement Report

Run the Norwegian Annual Statement Report to generate an employee's annual summary of pay and tax deducted, including holiday pay basis.

To run this report

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. In the Name field, enter Norwegian Annual Statement Report.

  3. Enter values for the following parameters:

    • Template Name

    • Generator Request ID: From the list of request IDs, select a valid request ID for which the report will be generated.

    • Employee Number: When you enter an employee number, the report will be generated only for a single employee in the legal entity. If the field is blank, then the report will be generated for all the employees in the legal entity.

    • Sort Option

  4. Click OK, and then submit the report.

Running the Norwegian Annual Statement of Reported Income Archive

Run the Norwegian Annual Statement of Reported Income Archive to archive all information to be reported.

To run this report

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. In the Name field, enter Norwegian Annual Statement of Reported Income Archive.

  3. Enter values for the following parameters:

    • Reporting Date

    • Legal Employer

    • Assignment Set ID

  4. Click OK, and submit the report.

Running the Norwegian Annual Statement of Reported Income XML File

Run the Norwegian Annual Statement of Reported Income XML File to generate a report in the rich-text format (RTF).

To run this report

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. In the Name field, enter Norwegian Annual Statement of Reported Income Archive.

  3. Enter values for the following parameters:

    • Template Name

    • Generator Request ID: From the list of request IDs, select a valid request ID for which the report will be generated.

    • Employee Number: When you enter an employee number, the report will be generated only for a single employee in the legal entity. If the field is blank, then the report will be generated for all the employees in the legal entity.

    • Sort Option

  4. Click OK, and submit the report.

Advance Pay

Advance Pay Process

The Advance Pay process enables you to pay employees in advance for holidays or other events. The process performs payroll runs for the periods to be advanced, using all date effective information in place, and stores the final net figure as the amount to be advanced.

You can always represent Advance Pay as a single consolidated amount. However, if your legislation has the Advance Pay by Element process enabled, then you can also calculate and display the total amount of Advance Pay for constituent elements in the overall total.

Note: If you do have the choice of using both the Advance Pay process and the Advance Pay by Element process you should note that these processes cannot be overlapped, That is you cannot:

The advance pay period is the period of the holiday or event for which the advance payment is being made. More accurately, it is the total number of payroll periods covering the event. Regular payroll processing continues for the employee during the advance pay period. The amount advanced is progressively recovered in each regular payroll run, and the following actions are also carried out as appropriate:

You can make advance payments for any pay period types, but the most likely ones are weekly or biweekly. You set the maximum number of periods that can be advanced when you define the payroll.

Setting Up Advance Pay for Individual Assignments

To set up advance pay for single assignments

  1. Select the assignment to receive the payment and navigate to the Advance Pay window.

    The arrears check box appears checked if the assignment is linked to an arrears payroll.

  2. In the From field, select the start date of the holiday or other event for which you are making the advance payment. Oracle Payroll replaces the date you enter by the first date of the pay period in which it falls.

    At the same time the Payment Date field displays the date for making the advance payment to the employee. This date defaults to the last day of the pay period immediately preceding the start of the advance pay period. You can manually alter this date to the last day of the preceding pay period if you require.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • In the Periods field, enter the number of pay periods covering the advance pay period.

    • In the To field, select the end date of the advance. The system automatically replaces the date you enter by the last date of the pay period in which it falls.

  4. Check the Defer check box if you want any net payment amounts to be deferred to the pay period following the recovery of the advance. If you do not check Defer, such payments will be made in the pay period they are earned according to the normal payment method for the assignment.

  5. Save the entries you have made.

    The Advance region now displays the period for which the Advance Payment element is entered for the assignment. For arrears payrolls this is one period later than the event period. For other payrolls this period is the same as the event period.

Setting Up Advance Pay for Batch Assignments

To set up advance pay for batch assignments

  1. In the Name field select Advance Pay Batch Setup. Then enter the parameters field to open the Parameters window.

  2. Select the payroll for which you want to run the process, then the advance start period, then the advance end period. These are the first and last pay periods of the advance pay period.

    The advance end period list displays the maximum number of pay periods that can be advanced for the payroll you select.

  3. Select Yes or No to flag whether you want to defer any net payments that accrue during the advance pay period.

  4. Select the assignment set for which you want to run the process.

  5. Select the payment date for the advance. This date defaults to the last day of the pay period immediately preceding the start of the advance pay period. You can move this date back by one pay period if required.

  6. Select Yes for BEE transfer if you want the batches that the process creates to be transferred to the database automatically. Select No if you want to transfer the batches manually.

  7. Enter a unique header name for your batch process. This name is used as a base header name for each BEE batch created. For each batch, the system appends an underscore and an incrementing number, for example, _1, _2.

    This is a mandatory field whether you select Yes or No in the BEE Transfer field.

  8. Save your entries.

Running the Advance Pay Listing Report

This report gives information about the advance pay periods for employees due to receive advance pay. The report can be used to detect whether there are assignments with Advance Pay entries during a particular payroll period.

The report lists the following information:

You run this report in the Submit Requests window.

To run the Advance Pay Listing

  1. In the Name field select Advance Pay. Then enter the parameters field to open the Parameters window.

  2. In the Summary Version field select No for the full version of the listing, or Yes for the summary version only.

  3. Enter a date range for the period in which you want to see information.

  4. You can restrict the information to a particular payroll by entering the payroll name. If you leave the Payroll field blank, the report shows information for the whole Business Group.

  5. If you want to produce this report in Portable Document Format (PDF), select a template.

  6. Choose the Submit button.

Running Advance Pay

Use the Advance Pay process window to run the Advance Pay process.

To run the Advance Pay process

  1. In the Name field select Advance Pay. Then enter the parameters field to open the Parameters window.

  2. Select the payroll for whose assignments you are running the process.

  3. Enter the effective date of the process. This should be the date on which you intend to pay the advance.

  4. Select an element set if you want to exclude items from the calculation. For example, you may want to exclude some pay elements, such as expenses, from the Advance Pay run.

  5. Choose the Submit button.

Running the Advance Pay Process

Use the Advance Pay process to pay employees in advance for holidays or other events.

You may need to do each of the following to run the Advance Pay process.

  1. Set Up Advance Pay for Individual Assignments (if applicable).

  2. Set Up Advance Pay for Batch Assignments (if applicable).

  3. Run the Advance Pay Listing Report

  4. Run the Advance Pay Process

  5. View the results of the Advance Pay process

Running Advance Pay by Element

You run the Advance Pay by Element process from the Submit Requests window. This process may not be available for all legislations.

To run the Advance Pay by Element process

  1. In the Name field, select Advance Pay by Element. The Parameters window displays automatically and you can provide details as follows:

    • Select the Payroll for which you want to run Advance Pay by Element.

    • Enter the Effective Date of the payroll.

    • Enter the Advance End Date - this is the date at which you want the Advance Pay processing to terminate.

    • Select the Assignment Set to which the Advance Pay by Element calculation applies.

    • Select an Element Set Name if you want to specify that Advance Pay processing should only apply to some elements on this assignment. Otherwise, leave this entry blank if you want to process all the elements for this assignment.

  2. Choose the Submit button

Viewing the Results of the Advance Pay Process

You can view the results of the Advance Pay in the Advance Pay window.

To view the results of the Advance Pay process