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STREAMS Programming Guide
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Part I Application Programming Interface

1.  Overview of STREAMS

2.  STREAMS Application-Level Components

3.  STREAMS Application-Level Mechanisms

4.  Application Access to the STREAMS Driver and Module Interfaces

5.  STREAMS Administration

6.  Pipes and Queues

Part II Kernel Interface

7.  STREAMS Framework - Kernel Level

8.  STREAMS Kernel-Level Mechanisms

9.  STREAMS Drivers

10.  STREAMS Modules

11.  Configuring STREAMS Drivers and Modules

12.  Multithreaded STREAMS

13.  STREAMS Multiplex Drivers

Part III Advanced Topics

14.  Debugging STREAMS-based Applications

Kernel Debug Printing

STREAMS Error and Trace Logging

Kernel Examination Tools

crash Command

adb Command

kadb Command

Part IV Appendixes

A.  Message Types

B.  Kernel Utility Interface Summary

C.  STREAMS-Based Terminal Subsystem




Kernel Examination Tools

Use crash, adb, and kadb(1M) to examine the kernel.

crash Command

crash examines kernel structures interactively. It can be used on a system dump and on an active system.

Note - crash has reached EOL and is not supported in the Solaris 9 operating environment. For information about how to transition from crash to mdb, see the Solaris Modular Debugger Guide.

The following crash functions are related to STREAMS:

adb Command

adb is an interactive general-purpose debugger. It can be used to examine files and provides a controlled environment for the execution of programs. It has no support built in for any STREAMS functionality.

Note - adb has reached EOL and is not supported in the Solaris 9 operating environment. For information about how to transition from adb to mdb, see the Solaris Modular Debugger Guide.

kadb Command

kadb(1M) is an interactive debugger with a user interface similar to adb(1), but it runs in the same virtual address space as the program begin debugged. It also has no specific STREAMS support.