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System Administration Guide: Basic Administration
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Document Information


1.  Oracle Solaris Management Tools (Road Map)

2.  Working With the Solaris Management Console (Tasks)

3.  Working With the Oracle Java Web Console (Tasks)

4.  Managing User Accounts and Groups (Overview)

5.  Managing User Accounts and Groups (Tasks)

6.  Managing Client-Server Support (Overview)

7.  Managing Diskless Clients (Tasks)

8.  Introduction to Shutting Down and Booting a System

9.  Shutting Down and Booting a System (Overview)

10.  Shutting Down a System (Tasks)

11.  Modifying Oracle Solaris Boot Behavior (Tasks)

12.  Booting an Oracle Solaris System (Tasks)

13.  Managing the Oracle Solaris Boot Archives (Tasks)

14.  Troubleshooting Booting an Oracle Solaris System (Tasks)

15.  x86: GRUB Based Booting (Reference)

16.  x86: Booting a System That Does Not Implement GRUB (Tasks)

17.  Working With the Oracle Solaris Auto Registration regadm Command (Tasks)

18.  Managing Services (Overview)

19.  Managing Services (Tasks)

20.  Managing Software (Overview)

21.  Managing Software With Oracle Solaris System Administration Tools (Tasks)

22.  Managing Software by Using Oracle Solaris Package Commands (Tasks)

23.  Managing Patches

A.  SMF Services


Numbers and Symbols

























account information for My Oracle Support, how to obtain, How Your Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 System Is Registered
account information for Sun Online account, how to obtain, How Your Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 System Is Registered
active menu.lst file, location of, x86: How to Modify Boot Behavior by Editing the menu.lst File
a package, example of, How to Add Software Packages (pkgadd)
a package from a mounted CD (example of), How to Add Software Packages (pkgadd)
diskless client OS services (how to), How to Add OS Services for Diskless Client Support
multiple versions of a package, Guidelines for Removing Packages (pkgrm)
packages (prerequisites), Key Points for Adding Software Packages (pkgadd)
packages from a spool directory (example of), How to Add Software Packages to a Spool Directory (pkgadd)
packages from remote package server (example of), How to Add Software Packages (pkgadd)
packages to a spool directory (example of), How to Check the Integrity of Installed Software Packages (pkgchk)
packages with administration files, Using an Administration File
run control script (how to), How to Add a Run Control Script
user initialization files, Customizing a User's Work Environment
adding and removing packages and patches
restrictions on
zones, Restrictions on Adding and Removing Software Packages and Patches for Solaris Releases That Are Not Zones Aware
adding GRUB menu entries, findroot command, x86: How to Add GRUB Menu Entries That Use the findroot Command
adding missing ARCH=all packages (example of), How to Locate and Install Missing ARCH=all Packages
administering GRUB, reference, x86: Administering the GRUB Bootloader
administration file, keyword, Guidelines for Removing Packages (pkgrm)
aging user passwords
Where User Account and Group Information Is Stored
Administering Passwords
Using Password Aging
aliases, user login names vs., User (Login) Names
appliances, definition, Description of an Appliance
application access, Oracle Java Web Console, Access to Applications in the Oracle Java Web Console
application access to remote systems, Oracle Java Web Console, Application Access to Remote Systems
application privileges, Oracle Java Web Console, Application Privileges
ARCH=all packages, how to add missing, diskless client troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Diskless Client Problems
booting the failsafe archive
GRUB, How to Boot an x86 Based System in Failsafe Mode
audit events, Oracle Java Web Console, Configuring the Oracle Java Web Console
auditing implementation, Oracle Java Web Console, Configuring the Oracle Java Web Console
authenticating by specifying named support credentials, Oracle Solaris Auto Registration, Authenticating a User by Specifying Named Support Credentials
authenticating with My Oracle Support
specifying named support credentials
auto registration, How Your Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 System Is Registered
authentication failed, troubleshooting issues with auto registration, Authentication Failed
authTypes tag, Oracle Java Web Console, Specifying Authorizations With the authTypes Tag
auto registration
clearing configuration information, How to Clear the Current Auto Registration Configuration
configuration information, Displaying the Current Auto Registration Configuration
configuring properties, Configuring Auto Registration Properties
Auto Registration
data transmittal
service tags, When and How Service Tag Data Is Transmitted
auto registration
dry run function, How to Display Registration Information About Products Not Yet Registered
enabling SMF services, How to Enable the Auto Registration SMF Service
how it works, How the Auto Registration Process Works
how to obtain information, Obtaining Information About Currently Registered Products
HTTP proxy and port
configuring, How to Configure HTTP Proxy and Port Settings
HTTP proxy authentication, How to Configure HTTP Proxy Authentication Settings
providing named support credentials, Authenticating a User by Specifying Named Support Credentials
providing support credentials, How Your Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 System Is Registered
regadm command, When to Use the regadm Command-Line Interface
requirements, Requirements for Using the regadm Command
registering anonymously
example, How to Register Your System by Using the regadm Command
troubleshooting issues with, Troubleshooting Auto Registration Issues
using the Oracle Solaris Auto Registration feature, Oracle Solaris Auto Registration (Overview)
auto registration CLI, regadm command, How to Register Your System by Using the regadm Command
auto registration issues
authentication failed
error messages, Authentication Failed
automounting, user home directories, User's Work Environment