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Oracle® Argus Insight Cognos Installation Guide,
Release 6.0
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6 Cognos

The chapter describes steps to configure and work on the Cognos 8 environment.

6.1 Configuring the Cognos 8 Environment

Before attempting to configure the environment, verify that you have installed all required hardware and software. For more information, see the Hardware and Software Requirements section.


You must configure the Cognos 8 environment in the order shown in this document.

6.1.1 Configuring IIS on the Cognos 8 Server


If you are using Microsoft Windows 2008 on Cognos 8 Server, refer to the embedded document for details on configuring IIS 7.0.

Double-click on the icon displayed in this note to open the document. Alternatively, you can also right-click the icon and click Save Embedded File to Disk... to save the document locally.

After configuring IIS 7.0 as per the steps listed in the embedded document, see Section 6.1.2, "Configuring the Java Database Components (JDBC) in the Cognos 8 Environment" for the next steps to be followed.

If you are using Microsoft Windows 2003 on the Cognos 8 Server, use the following procedure to configure IIS 6.0:

  1. On the Cognos 8 Server, select Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  2. When the Internet Information Services window opens, expand the control tree item corresponding to the Web Service Extensions and configure the settings, as shown in the right pane.

    Surrounding text describes iism.gif.
  3. Select Web Sites > Default Web Site and right click to open the popup menu.

  4. Select New > Virtual Directory . . . from the menu.

    Surrounding text describes iis1.gif.
  5. When the system opens the following dialog box, click Next>.

    Surrounding text describes vdc1.gif.
  6. When the system opens the following dialog box, enter the alias for the Web virtual directory in the Alias field. Click Next>.

    Surrounding text describes vdc2.gif.
  7. When the system opens the following dialog box:

    Surrounding text describes vdc3.gif.
    1. Click Browse and navigate to the following directory:

      <Cognos Installation Path on Web Server>\Cognos\c8\webcontent

    2. Select the appropriate directory and click OK.

    3. Click Next.

  8. When the system opens the following dialog box:

    Surrounding text describes vdc4.gif.
    1. Click the Read and Run scripts checkboxes.

    2. Verify that the other checkboxes are clear.

    3. Click Next.

  9. When the system opens the following dialog box, click Finish.

    Surrounding text describes vdc5.gif.
  10. The Internet Information Services window appears.

  11. In the left pane of the Internet Information Services window, right-click the COGNOS8 item.

  12. From the context menu that appears, select New > Virtual Directory.

  13. When the system opens the following dialog box, click Next.

    Surrounding text describes vdc6.gif.
  14. Enter the Alias for the for the Web virtual directory in the Alias field. Click Next.

    Surrounding text describes vdc7.gif.
  15. When the system opens the following dialog box:

    Surrounding text describes vdc8.gif.
    1. Click Browse to select the location that has content for publishing.

    2. Navigate to the following location:

      <Cognos Installation Path on Web Server>\Cognos\c8\cgi-bin

    3. Click OK to return to the dialog box and click Next.

  16. When the system opens the following dialog box:

    Surrounding text describes vdc9.gif.
    1. Check the Read, Run scripts (such as ASP), and Execute (such as ISAPI application or CGI) check boxes.

    2. Verify that all other check boxes are clear.

    3. Click Next.

  17. When the system opens the following dialog box, click Finish.

    Surrounding text describes vdc10.gif.
  18. When the system redisplays the Internet Information Services window, click Close.

    Select Start>Run>iisreset and click OK to reset the IIS.

6.1.2 Configuring the Java Database Components (JDBC) in the Cognos 8 Environment

Use the following procedure to configure the JDBC in the Cognos 8 environment.

  1. Copy the Classes12. zip file from the Oracle installation path C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\jdbc\lib” to the following location on the Cognos 8 environment:

    <Cognos Installation Path>\c8\webapps\p2pd\web-inf\lib


    If you are using the Oracle 11g Client, copy the ojdbc14.jar file from the following location:


  2. In the Cognos 8 environment, rename the copied file to Classes12.jar.

6.1.3 Authentication Settings for Cubes and Report Writer

Copy the PR.asp file from the following location on the Argus Insight Web Server:

\\<Argus Insight Installation Path>ArgusInsight\ASP\Reports to the following path on the Cognos 8 Server:

\\<Cognos 8 Installation>Cognos\c8\cgi-bin

6.1.4 Configuring Custom Java Authentication

Use the following procedure to configure custom Java authentication.

  1. Copy the CAM_AAA_JDBC_PowerReports.jar file from the following location

    \\<Cognos 8 Server>\<Argus Insight Installation Path>\Java Authentication\JDBC_PowerReports

    to this location on the Cognos8 Server:

    \\<Cognos 8 InstallationPath>\ c8\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib

  2. Copy the file from this location:

    \\<Cognos 8 Server>\<Argus Insight Installation Path>\Java Authentication\JDBC_PowerReports

    to this location on the Cognos8 Server:

    \\<Cognos 8 Installation Path>\c8\Configuration

  3. Open the file in Notepad.

    Modify the existing values of the parameters in the file as shown in the following table.

    Parameter Value to Enter
    Server Enter the IP address or the name of the Database Server.
    SID Enter the instance name of the Argus Insight datamart.
    Port Enter the database port number.

  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Copy the file from this location:

    \\<Cognos 8 Server Name>\<Argus Insight Installation Path>\Cognos 8\Contentstore

    to this location on the Cognos 8 Server:

    <Cognos 8 Installation Path>\C8\Deployment

6.2 Configuring the Cognos 8 Environment

Use the following procedure to configure the Cognos 8 environment.

  1. Select Start > Programs > IBM Cognos 8 > IBM Cognos Configuration to open the IBM Cognos Configuration window.


    The windows that are displayed during the Cognos 8 configuration are labeled as either IBM Cognos 8 or Cognos 8. Both labels refer to the same Cognos configuration.

    Surrounding text describes cc1.gif.
  2. Select the Environment group in the control tree.

    Surrounding text describes cc2.gif.
  3. Verify that the values of the environment attributes in the right pane are set as shown in the following table:

    Item Value
    Sort Buffer Size in MB 16
    Gateway URI http://localhost:80/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi
    Dispatcher URI for Gateway http://localhost:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch/ext
    Controller URI for gateway http://localhost:80/cognos8/controllerServer
    External dispatcher URI http://localhost:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch
    Internal dispatcher URI http://localhost:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch
    Content Manager URIs http://localhost:9300/p2pd/servlet
    Dispatcher URI for external applications http://localhost:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch

  4. In the control tree, select the Logging sub-group under the Environment group.

    Surrounding text describes cc3.gif.
  5. Verify that the items in the right pane display the following values. Modify the values if they are not as specified below:

    Item Value
    Local Log Server Port Number 9362
    Enable TCP False
    Local Log Server worker Thread 10

  6. In the control tree, select Security > Authentication > Cognos.

    Surrounding text describes cc4.gif.
  7. Verify that the item in the right pane displays the following value. Modify the value if it is not set, as shown below:

    • Item: Allow anonymous access?

    • Value: True

  8. In the left pane, click IBM Cognos Application Firewall to change the value of Enable CAF validation? to False.

    Surrounding text describes cc5.gif.
  9. In the control tree, select Data Access > Content Manager.

  10. Right-click the Content Store item in the left pane. Select Delete from the popup menu.

    Surrounding text describes cc6.gif.
  11. When the system opens the following dialog box, click Yes.

    Surrounding text describes cc7.gif.
  12. Go to Data Access>Content Manager and right-click Content Store and select New Resource > Database.

    Surrounding text describes cc8.gif.
  13. When the system opens the New Resource Database dialog box:

    • Type CNTSTORE in the Name field. This is the name of the database resource.

    • Select Oracle database from the Type drop-down list.

    • Click OK.

      Surrounding text describes cc9.gif.
  14. When the system opens the IBM Cognos Configuration window:

    Surrounding text describes cc10.gif.
    • In the right pane, enter the value for the Database Server and port Number as:

      <Database Server Name>:1521


      Database Server Name is the name of the server where your content store database is stored.

    • Select User ID and password item, and click the icon that appears next to it.

  15. When the system opens the following dialog box:

    Surrounding text describes cc11.gif.
    • Type the User ID for the content store database user in the User ID field.

    • Type the password for the content store database user in the Password field.

    • For verification, re-enter the password in the Confirm password field.

    • Click OK.


      The contents store database user is created in the Cognos content store database. This user is given grants of Connect, Resource and DBA. The character set of the Cognos content store database should only be UTF.

      Make sure that the content store database entry is added in the TNSNames.ora file on the Cognos 8 server.

  16. When the system opens the IBM Cognos Configuration window, enter the database instance name for the Cognos 8 repository in the Service Name field.

    Surrounding text describes cc12.gif.

6.2.1 Creating Namespace for Argus Insight Authentication

Use the following procedure to create the Namespace for Argus Insight authentication.

  1. In the IBM Cognos Configuration window, right-click on Authentication under Security, and select New Resource>Namespace.

    Surrounding text describes cc13.gif.
  2. When the system opens the New Resource – Namespace dialog box:

    • Type PowerReports in the Name field.

    • Type Custom Java Provider in the Type field.

    • Click OK.

      Surrounding text describes cc14.gif.
  3. When the system opens the PowerReports - Namespace - Resource Properties screen:

    Surrounding text describes cc15.gif.
    • Enter the values (case sensitive) for the items as shown in the following table:

      Item Value
      Namespace ID PowerReports
      Java class name JDBCPowerReports

    • Click the Save icon in the IBM Cognos Configuration window toolbar to save the configuration settings.

  4. When the system opens the following dialog box, click Close.

    Surrounding text describes cc16.gif.
  5. Click the Start icon in the IBM Cognos Configuration screen to run the Cognos 8 service.

    Surrounding text describes cc17.gif.
  6. If the system displays the following message, click OK to continue.

    Surrounding text describes cc18.gif.
  7. Ignore the warning if it appears due to mail server connection failure, as shown in the following dialog box.

    Surrounding text describes cc19.gif.
  8. Click Continue to ignore the Mail Server Connection Warning displayed above. If the warning(s) appear due to reasons other than mail server connection failure, please check your configuration again.

  9. Click Close to exit.

  10. Click File>Exit to exit from the IBM Cognos 8 configuration.

6.3 Importing the Content Repository

Use the following procedure to import the content repository to the database.

  1. Log on to the IBM Cognos 8 Server as an Admin user.

  2. Start Internet Explorer.

  3. Enter the URL in the following format and press Enter: http://< Cognos 8 Server>/cognos8

  4. When the system opens the following window, click Administer IBM Cognos Content.

    Surrounding text describes cogconf1.gif.


    If your security settings on the server do not permit you to view the Cognos connection, add the site URL (http://<Cognos 8 Server>/cognos8) to the list of local intranet sites.

  5. When the system opens the IBM Cognos Administration screen, click the Configuration tab.

    Surrounding text describes cogconf2.gif.
  6. When the system opens the Data Source Connection window, click Content Administration.

    Surrounding text describes cogconf3.gif.
  7. When the system opens the Content Administration window, click the New Import icon.

    Surrounding text describes cogconf5.gif.
  8. When the system opens the following window, click Next.

    Surrounding text describes cogconf6.gif.
  9. When the system opens the following window, type password in the Password field and click OK.

    Surrounding text describes cogconf8.gif.
  10. When the system opens the following window, click Next>.

    Surrounding text describes cogconf9.gif.
  11. When the system opens the following window, click the Name checkbox to select all the checkboxes in this category.

    Surrounding text describes cogconf10.gif.
  12. When the system opens the following window, click Next>.

    Surrounding text describes cogconf11.gif.
  13. When the system opens the following window, verify that your settings are the same as the setting shown in the following illustration. Click Next>.

    Surrounding text describes cogconf12.gif.
  14. When the system opens the next window, verify that your settings are the same as those shown in the following illustration. Click Next>.

    Surrounding text describes cogconf13.gif.
  15. When the system opens the following window, click Next>.

    Surrounding text describes cogconf14.gif.
  16. When the system opens the following window, click Finish.

    Surrounding text describes cogconf15.gif.
  17. When the system opens the following window, click the Upgrade all report specifications to the latest version radio button and click Run.

    Surrounding text describes cogconf17.gif.
  18. When the system opens the following window, click OK.

    Surrounding text describes cogconf18.gif.
  19. Verify the import as follows:

    1. Click More corresponding to the newly imported ContentStore.

    2. Click View run history to view the deployment history.

    3. Verify that the Status column displays the status as Succeeded.

    4. Click Close to exit.

  20. The repository import is complete.