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Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Add-On Component Development Guide
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Document Information


1.   Introduction to the Development Environment for GlassFish Server Add-On Components

2.  Writing HK2 Components

3.  Extending the Administration Console

Administration Console Architecture

Implementing a Console Provider

About Administration Console Templates

About Integration Points

Specifying the ID of an Add-On Component

Adding Functionality to the Administration Console

Adding a Node to the Navigation Tree

Creating a JavaServer Faces Page for Your Node

Adding Tabs to a Page

Creating JavaServer Faces Pages for Your Tabs

Adding a Task to the Common Tasks Page

Creating a JavaServer Faces Page for Your Task

Adding a Task Group to the Common Tasks Page

Creating a JavaServer Faces Page for Your Task Group

Adding Content to a Page

Creating a JavaServer Faces Page for Your Page Content

Adding a Page to the Administration Console

Adding Internationalization Support

Changing the Theme or Brand of the Administration Console

Creating an Integration Point Type

To Create an Integration Point Type

4.  Extending the asadmin Utility

5.  Adding Monitoring Capabilities

6.  Adding Configuration Data for a Component

7.  Adding Container Capabilities

8.  Creating a Session Persistence Module

9.  Packaging, Integrating, and Delivering an Add-On Component

A.  Integration Point Reference


About Integration Points

The integration points for your add-on component are the individual Administration Console user interface features that your add-on component will extend. You can implement the following kinds of integration points:

Specify all the integration points in a file named console-config.xml. In the example, this file is in the directory project/src/main/resources/META-INF/admingui/. The following sections describe how to create this file.

In addition, create JavaServer Faces pages that contain JSF code fragments to implement the integration points. In the example, these files are in the directory project/src/main/resources/. The content of these files depends on the integration point you are implementing. The following sections describe how to create these JavaServer Faces pages.

For reference information on integration points, see Appendix A, Integration Point Reference.