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Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Application Development Guide
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Document Information


Part I Development Tasks and Tools

1.  Setting Up a Development Environment

2.  Class Loaders

3.  Debugging Applications

Part II Developing Applications and Application Components

4.  Securing Applications

Security Goals

GlassFish Server Specific Security Features

Container Security

Declarative Security

Application Level Security

Component Level Security

Programmatic Security

Roles, Principals, and Principal to Role Mapping

Realm Configuration

Supported Realms

How to Configure a Realm

How to Set a Realm for an Application or Module

Creating a Custom Realm

JACC Support

Pluggable Audit Module Support

Configuring an Audit Module

The AuditModule Class

The server.policy File

Default Permissions

System Properties

Changing Permissions for an Application

Enabling and Disabling the Security Manager

Configuring Message Security for Web Services

Message Security Providers

Message Security Responsibilities

Application Developer Responsibilities

Application Deployer Responsibilities

System Administrator Responsibilities

Application-Specific Message Protection

Using a Signature to Enable Message Protection for All Methods

Configuring Message Protection for a Specific Method Based on Digital Signatures

Understanding and Running the Sample Application

To Set Up the Sample Application

To Run the Sample Application

Programmatic Login

Programmatic Login Precautions

Granting Programmatic Login Permission

The ProgrammaticLogin Class

User Authentication for Single Sign-on

Adding Authentication Mechanisms to the Servlet Container

The GlassFish Server and JSR 196

Writing a Server Authentication Module

Sample Server Authentication Module

Compiling and Installing a Server Authentication Module

Configuring a Server Authentication Module

Binding a Server Authentication Module to Your Application

5.  Developing Web Services

6.  Using the Java Persistence API

7.  Developing Web Applications

8.  Using Enterprise JavaBeans Technology

9.  Using Container-Managed Persistence

10.  Developing Java Clients

11.  Developing Connectors

12.  Developing Lifecycle Listeners

13.  Developing OSGi-enabled Java EE Applications

Part III Using Services and APIs

14.  Using the JDBC API for Database Access

15.  Using the Transaction Service

16.  Using the Java Naming and Directory Interface

17.  Using the Java Message Service

18.  Using the JavaMail API


Pluggable Audit Module Support

Audit modules collect and store information on incoming requests (servlets, EJB components) and outgoing responses. You can create a custom audit module.

The following topics are addressed here:

For additional information about audit modules, see Audit Callbacks.

Configuring an Audit Module

To configure an audit module, you can perform one of the following tasks:

The AuditModule Class

You can create a custom audit module by implementing a class that extends

For Javadoc tool pages relevant to audit modules, go to and click on the package.

The AuditModule class provides default “no-op” implementations for each of the following methods, which your custom class can override.

public void init(Properties props)

The preceding method is invoked during server startup when the audit module is initially loaded. The props argument contains the properties defined for this module. The module can do any initialization it needs in this method. If the method returns without throwing an exception, the GlassFish Server assumes the module realm is ready to service audit requests. If an exception is thrown, the module is disabled.

public void authentication(String user, String realm, boolean success)

This method is invoked when an authentication request has been processed by a realm for the given user. The success flag indicates whether the authorization was granted or denied.

public void webInvocation(String user, HttpServletRequest req, String type, boolean success)

This method is invoked when a web container call has been processed by authorization. The success flag indicates whether the authorization was granted or denied. The req object is the standard HttpServletRequest object for this request. The type string is one of hasUserDataPermission or hasResourcePermission (see JSR 115).

public void ejbInvocation(String user, String ejb, String method, boolean success)

This method is invoked when an EJB container call has been processed by authorization. The success flag indicates whether the authorization was granted or denied. The ejb and method strings describe the EJB component and its method that is being invoked.

public void webServiceInvocation(String uri, String endpoint, boolean success)

This method is invoked during validation of a web service request in which the endpoint is a servlet. The uri is the URL representation of the web service endpoint. The endpoint is the name of the endpoint representation. The success flag indicates whether the authorization was granted or denied.

public void ejbAsWebServiceInvocation(String endpoint, boolean success)

This method is invoked during validation of a web service request in which the endpoint is a stateless session bean. The endpoint is the name of the endpoint representation. The success flag indicates whether the authorization was granted or denied.