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Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Application Development Guide
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Part I Development Tasks and Tools

1.  Setting Up a Development Environment

2.  Class Loaders

3.  Debugging Applications

Part II Developing Applications and Application Components

4.  Securing Applications

5.  Developing Web Services

6.  Using the Java Persistence API

7.  Developing Web Applications

8.  Using Enterprise JavaBeans Technology

9.  Using Container-Managed Persistence

10.  Developing Java Clients

11.  Developing Connectors

12.  Developing Lifecycle Listeners

13.  Developing OSGi-enabled Java EE Applications

Part III Using Services and APIs

14.  Using the JDBC API for Database Access

15.  Using the Transaction Service

Handling Transactions with Databases

Using JDBC Transaction Isolation Levels

Using Non-Transactional Connections

Handling Transactions with Enterprise Beans

Flat Transactions

Global and Local Transactions

Commit Options

Bean-Level Container-Managed Transaction Timeouts

Handling Transactions with the Java Message Service

Transactions and Non-Persistent Messages

Using the ConfigurableTransactionSupport Interface

The Transaction Manager, the Transaction Synchronization Registry, and UserTransaction

16.  Using the Java Naming and Directory Interface

17.  Using the Java Message Service

18.  Using the JavaMail API


Handling Transactions with Databases

The following topics are addressed here:

Using JDBC Transaction Isolation Levels

Not all database vendors support all transaction isolation levels available in the JDBC API. The GlassFish Server permits specifying any isolation level your database supports. The following table defines transaction isolation levels.

Table 15-1 Transaction Isolation Levels

Transaction Isolation Level
getTransactionIsolation Return Value
Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads can occur.
Dirty reads are prevented; non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.
Dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are prevented; phantom reads can occur.
Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads are prevented.

By default, the transaction isolation level is undefined (empty), and the JDBC driver's default isolation level is used. You can specify the transaction isolation level in the following ways:

Note that you cannot call setTransactionIsolation during a transaction.

You can set the default transaction isolation level for a JDBC connection pool. For details, see To Create a JDBC Connection Pool in Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Administration Guide.

To verify that a level is supported by your database management system, test your database programmatically using the supportsTransactionIsolationLevel method in java.sql.DatabaseMetaData, as shown in the following example:

InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (DataSource)
Connection con = ds.getConnection();
DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
if (dbmd.supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE)
{ Connection.setTransactionIsolation(TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE); }

For more information about these isolation levels and what they mean, see the JDBC API specification.

Setting or resetting the transaction isolation level for every getConnection call can degrade performance. So by default the isolation level is not guaranteed.

Applications that change the transaction isolation level on a pooled connection programmatically risk polluting the JDBC connection pool, which can lead to errors. If an application changes the isolation level, enabling the is-isolation-level-guaranteed setting in the pool can minimize such errors.

You can guarantee the transaction isolation level in the following ways:

Using Non-Transactional Connections

You can specify a non-transactional database connection in any of these ways:

Typically, a connection is enlisted in the context of the transaction in which a getConnection call is invoked. However, a non-transactional connection is not enlisted in a transaction context even if a transaction is in progress.

The main advantage of using non-transactional connections is that the overhead incurred in enlisting and delisting connections in transaction contexts is avoided. However, use such connections carefully. For example, if a non-transactional connection is used to query the database while a transaction is in progress that modifies the database, the query retrieves the unmodified data in the database. This is because the in-progress transaction hasn’t committed. For another example, if a non-transactional connection modifies the database and a transaction that is running simultaneously rolls back, the changes made by the non-transactional connection are not rolled back.

Here is a typical use case for a non-transactional connection: a component that is updating a database in a transaction context spanning over several iterations of a loop can refresh cached data by using a non-transactional connection to read data before the transaction commits.