C H A P T E R  2

Replacing Disk Drives

This chapter contains information and procedures for servicing the Sun Blade 6000 disk module hardware, including component removal and replacement procedures.

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

Replacing a Disk Drive

On occasion, a disk drive might fail. The status of the drive is indicated by its LEDs, as shown in TABLE 2-1.

TABLE 2-1   Drive Status LED Indicators
LED Name Description
HDD Activity LED (green) This LED has three states:
  • On: Power is on and disk is present.

  • Off: Disk is offline or absent.

  • Blinking: Irregular blinking means normal disk activity. Steady, slow blink means a RAID volume is rebuilding on this disk.

HDD Fault and Locate LED (amber) This LED has four states:
  • On: Disk fault. Service action required.

  • Off: Normal operation.

  • Slow blink: Disk failure predicted.

  • Fast blink: Locate function activated.

Ready-to-Remove LED (blue)
  • Not used.

A single disk failure does not cause a data failure when disks are configured as a mirrored RAID  volume. When there is no hot spare assigned to the mirror, the failed disk can be hot-swapped. When the new disk is inserted, the contents are automatically rebuilt from the rest of the array with no need to reconfigure the RAID parameters.

If the mirror was configured with a hot spare, the mirror is automatically rebuilt with the hot spare.

caution icon

Caution - Possible data loss: You can remove the failed disk while the mirror is rebuilding to the hot spare, but you must not insert a new disk in its place until the rebuilding of the mirror is completed. While data is being rebuilt, the green LED on the remaining drives will blink slowly. The rebuild process can take a number of hours for large mirrors.

procedure icon  To Replace a Disk Drive

The Sun Blade 6000 Disk Module disks can be replaced by users:

  1. Observe the amber Fault LEDs on the faces of the disks to identify the defective disk.

  2. Execute the software commands appropriate to the software that you are using to prepare the hard drive for removal.

  3. Press the button on the face of the disk to release the spring-loaded securing latch. See FIGURE 2-1 and FIGURE 2-2.

  4. Grasp the securing latch and remove the disk from the drive bay.

    Disks in the Sun Blade 6000 Disk Module are hot-pluggable, so you can remove a disk either when the disk module is installed in the chassis or when it is out of the chassis. See FIGURE 2-1 and FIGURE 2-2.

    hot surface icon

    Caution - Slots should always contain either a disk drive or a filler in order to maintain adequate air flow. Do not operate the system with slots that are empty. Always insert a filler when you remove a hard drive from a slot.

    FIGURE 2-1   Removing the Disk Drive With the Disk Module Removed From the Chassis

    Illustration showing disk drive removal when
disk module is removed from chassis

    FIGURE 2-2   Removing the Disk Drive Without Removing the Disk Module From the Chassis

    Illustration showing disk drive removal when
disk module is installed in chassis