C H A P T E R  3

Installing the Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS

This chapter provides procedures for installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system on a Sun Blade X6250 server module. If you have installed RHEL software on other Intel servers, you are already familiar with how to install it on a Sun Blade X6250 server module. The three methods detailed in this chapter for installing the RHEL OS on your server are to use:

This chapter contains the following sections:

Before You Begin

This section provides RHEL reference information.

Sun Installation Assistant

The Sun Installation Assistant (SIA) is a convenient, front-end application designed to assist you in installing supported versions of Linux on your server. SIA supplements the standard installation utilities and procedures that ship with your operating system; it does not replace them. For more on the SIA, see Chapter 2 and the Sun Installation Assistant for Windows and Linux User’s Guide (820-3357), and http://www.sun.com/systemmanagement/sia.jsp.

Installation Overview

Installing RHEL software consists of the following procedures:

1. Install the RHEL software. See either:

2. Update the RHEL software. See Updating the RHEL Operating System.

3. Update the server-specific software. See Updating the Server-Specific Software.

RHEL Installation and Administration Documentation

Before you install the RHEL software on a Sun Blade X6250 server module, consult the following RHEL documentation.

TABLE 3-1 Sources for RHEL Documentation



Where to Find


Contains late-breaking information about system requirements and system configuration for your version of the RHEL software.

On the RHEL CD 1, and online from http://www.redhat.com/docs/

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Quick Installation Guide

Brief printed guide containing useful information to assist you during the installation of RHEL.

Included with the RHEL distribution media

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide

Full version of the printed Quick Installation Guide.

Included on the Red Hat Documentation CD, and available for download from http://www.redhat.com/docs/

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Introduction to System Administration

Introductory information for RHEL system administrators.

Available for download from http://www.redhat.com/docs/ manuals/enterprise/

Red Hat Enterprise Linux System Administration Guide

Information about customizing the RHEL software.

Available for download from http://www.redhat.com/docs/ manuals/enterprise/

System Administration for Diskless Booting

Information about configuring your server and Red Hat Linux for diskless booting.

Available for download as the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide for the x86, Itaniumtrademark, and AMD64 Architectures at http://www.redhat.com/docs/ manuals/enterprise/

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Security Guide

Guide for securing the RHEL software.

Available for download from http://www.redhat.com/docs/ manuals/enterprise/

Additional Software Updates or Patches

After installing the RHEL software on the server, you might also need to update your system software with patches and packages. See Updating the RHEL Operating System for details.

Obtaining Updated Media Kits

To install RHEL updates on the Sun Blade X6250 server module, you will need to obtain the RHEL 4 Update Media Kit.

To obtain this kit, log into http://rhn.redhat.com.

You will need your enterprise account information to download the updated ISO images. An enterprise account is an account that the customer creates to access Red Hat's support network after purchasing the RHEL media kit.

How to Create a Red Hat Enterprise Linux Driver CD

Note - The Sun Installation Assistant automatically installs this driver. You can skip this procedure if you use that application. For details, see Chapter 2.

The LSI1068E SAS controller on your server module is new to the market. The driver for that SAS controller has not yet been made available on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution, so Sun Microsystems has provided the driver on its Resource CD. To install this driver on your server, you must create a Red Hat-specific CD that contains an installation-ready driver image.

Before You Begin

Before you create a Red Hat-specific Driver CD, you must have access to a functioning Linux server or Linux workstation that can burn a CD.

What to Do

To create a Red Hat-specific Driver CD from the driver images distributed on the Resource CD, do the following.

1. Log in as root to the Linux server or workstation that has the CD recorder drive.

2. Determine the name of the recordable CD drive. Do one of the following:

# cdrecord -scanbus dev=ATAPI

The system reports the names of matching devices:

scsibus0: 0,0,0 0) ’SAMSUNG ’’CDRW/DVD SM-352F’’T900’Removable CD-ROM 0,1,0 1) * 0,2,0 2) *

In this example, the name of the IDE CD device is ATAPI:0,0,0.

# cdrecord -scanbus

The system reports the names of matching devices:

scsibus4: 4,0,0 0) ’SONY’’DVD RW DRU-530A’’1.0e’Removable CD-ROM 4,1,0 1) * 4,2,0 2) *

In this example, the name of the SCSI CD device is 4,0,0.

3. Insert the Resource CD into the local system CD drive.

4. Mount the CD. Type:

# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

5. Copy the driver image to the local /tmp directory. Type:

# cp /mnt/cdrom/support/update_media/rhel4/64/driverUpdate.img /tmp

6. Unmount the Resource CD. Type:

# umount /mnt/cdrom

7. Insert a blank CD-R disc into the CD recorder drive.

8. Create the Driver CD. Type:

# cdrecord dev=drivename /tmp/driverUpdate.img

Where drivename is the device name of the CD recorder you obtained in Step 2.

Note - If you use a program other than cdrecord, it might warn you that driverUpdate.img is not a valid file. You can ignore this warning.

9. Remove the newly created CD from the CD recorder when the recording process is complete and the CD recorder ejects the CD.

Note - Use this Red Hat-specific Driver CD when you install the Red Hat Enterprise Linux software from the Red Hat distribution media.

Installing the RHEL OS From Distribution Media

RHEL provides both a text mode and an easy-to-use graphical interface for installing and configuring the operating system. At the boot prompt, you can select the interface that you want to use. Both options are shown later in this section.

Installing RHEL software from CDs consists of the following procedures:

1. Download the updated media kit from http://rhn.redhat.com.

See Obtaining Updated Media Kits.

2. Install the RHEL software.

3. Update the RHEL software.

See Updating the RHEL Operating System.

Required Items

Installation from distribution media requires the following items:

procedure icon  To Install RHEL From Distribution Media

1. Connect your CD/DVD device.

a. Connect the USB CD/DVD drive into the USB port of the dongle.

b. Insert the RHEL Distribution CD 1 into the DVD/CD drive connected to the server module.

2. Power on the system.

a. Press F8 during POST to enter the BBS Pop-up.

A boot device list appears.

b. Select the CD/DVD device from the boot list.

The server boots from the selected media and displays a boot: menu.

3. At the boot prompt, select one of the following:

boot: linux text

4. Refer to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide to guide you through the remainder of the installation process.

5. Update the operating system.

See Updating the RHEL Operating System.

If the installation process does not recognize the CD inserted, please refer to the Sun Blade X6250 Server Module Product Notes.

Installing RHEL From a PXE Server

This procedure describes how to configure your Sun Blade X6250 server module to initiate the request to download the boot image file from the PXE/DHCP server and how to install the RHEL boot image on your Sun Blade X6250 server module.

Before You Begin

Before you configure your server to install RHEL from a PXE server, you need to have configured your Linux network to support a PXE server. See the Red Hat Linux documentation.

procedure icon  To Install a RHEL From a PXE Server

1. Connect the PXE client to the same network as the PXE server, and power on the PXE client.

The PXE client is the target Sun Blade X6250 server module to which you are installing RHEL software.

2. When the PXE client prompts you for a network boot, press the F12 key.

The PXE client connects to the PXE server and attempts to obtain an IP address from the DHCP server.

3. When prompted, press the F8 key to begin downloading the PXE boot image.

4. At the boot: prompt, type the label you gave the image when you installed a RHEL image on the PXE server.

The RHEL install image is downloaded onto the target Sun Blade X6250 server module.

5. To configure the Linux operating system for your server, refer to the manual that is shipped with your RHEL media kit.

6. Update the operating system files.

See Updating the RHEL Operating System.

Updating the RHEL Operating System

This procedure describes how to update the RHEL operating system.

Because software is constantly being updated, your distribution media might not contain the most up-to-date versions of the operating system.

Follow this procedure after your operating system is installed.

procedure icon  To Update the RHEL Operating System

1. Navigate to the Red Hat web site.


2. Follow the instructions to update your RHEL operating system.

You need your enterprise account information to download the updated ISO images. An enterprise account is an account that the customer creates to access Red Hat's support network after purchasing the RHEL media kit.

Updating the Server-Specific Software

This section describes how to install server-specific software from the Tools and Drivers CD.

The following procedures assume that you have already installed the RHEL OS and updates.

All files are located on the Tools and Drivers CD.

The updates include:

procedure icon  To Install SSTRM

Note - This utility is only required for server modules equipped with a Sun Blade RAID 5 Expansion Module.

1. Type the command:

cd /mnt/linux/tools/ASM/name/manager

where name is x86 for 32-bit, or x86_64 for 64-bit.

2. Type the command:

rpm -ihv StorMan-5.50.i386.rpm

rpm -ihv StorMan-5.50.x86_64.rpm

When the rpm command is done, you can start and use the SSTRM utility.

procedure icon  To Install the AST2000 Driver

1. Type the commands:

cd /mnt/linux/drivers/video
cp lxdrv.tar.gz /tmp
tar -zxf /tmp/lxdrv.tar.gz

2. Follow the instruction in README.txt to install the drivers.

3. When you are done, reboot the system to initialize the new driver:


procedure icon  To Install the LSI Driver

Note - This driver is only only required for server modules equipped with a Sun Blade RAID 0/1 G2 Expansion Module.

1. Type the commands:

cd /mnt/linux/drivers/lsi 

rpm -ivh mptlinux-redhat4.0-

rpm -ivh mptlinux-redhat4.0-

rpm -ivh mptlinux-

2. When the rpm command is done, reboot the system to initialize the new driver:


procedure icon  To Install the MegaRAID Storage Manager

Note - This utility is only required for server modules equipped with a Sun Blade RAID 0/1 G2 Expansion Module.

1. Type the commands:

cd /mnt/linux/tool/MSM/

cp MSM_linux_installer-2.35-01.tar.gz /tmp

tar -zxf /tmp/MSM_linux_installer-2.35-01.tar.gz

2. Follow the instruction in README.txt to install the Utility.

When you are done, you can start and use the MSM utility.