C H A P T E R  5

Updating ELOM Firmware

This chapter describes how to update the firmware on a Sun Blade X6450 server module equipped with an ELOM service processor. You can update firmware for the BIOS, the Service Processor (SP), the Command Programmable Logic Device (CPLD), and the RAID expansion module (REM) using procedures in this chapter.

To update the firmware on a server module equipped with an ILOM service processor:

5.1 Updating the BIOS, SP, CPLD and REM Firmware

This section contains procedures for updating your server firmware. You can update firmware using several different methods, including the web interface, the CLI, and a bootable USB device. These methods are described in the following section:

5.1.1 Updating the BIOS and the SP Firmware Using the ELOM Web Interface

The Embedded Lights Out Manager (ELOM) web interface offers an easy to use method for updating both the BIOS and SP firmware. For more information about using the web interface, see the Sun Blade X6450 Server Module Embedded Lights Out Manager Administrative Guide.

procedure icon  To Update the BIOS and the SP Firmware Using the ELOM Web Interface

1. Start your browser and go to:


2. Download the Tools and Drivers CD ISO image.

3. Use the Tools and Drivers CD ISO image file to burn a CD (or mount the ISO image).

4. Copy the combined firmware image file from the Tools and Drivers CD to a device that is accessible to your server.

Use the command: /firmware/bmc/x6450v#.rom

where # is the file version number.

5. In your browser’s address bar, type the IP address of the SP.

For example:


Where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address of the SP.

The ELOM web interface login screen appears.

6. Log in as root or as a user account with administrator privileges.

The ELOM main screen appears.

7. From the main menu, click the Remote Control tab.

The Remote Control submenu tabs appear.

8. Click the Remote Power Control tab.

The Remote Power Control submenu screen appears.

9. Select the Power Off radio button, and click the Submit button.

This action powers off the server.

10. From the main menu, click Maintenance tab.

The Maintenance submenu tabs appear.

11. Click the Firmware Upgrade tab.

The Firmware Upgrade screen appears.

12. Click the Enter Firmware Upgrade Mode.

13. Locate the firmware upgrade file.

a. Click Browse.

b. Browse for the combined firmware image file that you copied in Step 4.

c. Select the file then click Open.

14. If you want to save the current SP configuration, click the Save Configuration check box.

15. Click the Update firmware button to start the firmware upgrade.

The firmware upgrade process updates the BIOS and the ELOM firmware. After the upgrade is complete, the ELOM reboots and the web session is restarted. The BIOS version information is updated once the host is powered on.

5.1.2 Updating the BIOS and SP Firmware Using the Command-Line Interface (CLI)

You can use CLI to update the BIOS and SP firmware. Updating the firmware from the command-line you can update both the SP and the BIOS firmware at the same time, using the combined BIOS and SP (BMC) image on the Sun Blade X6450 Server Module Tools and Drivers CD. For more information about using the CLI, see the Sun Blade X6450 Server Module Embedded Lights Out Manager Administrative Guide.

procedure icon  To Update the BIOS and SP Firmware Using the Command-Line Interface (CLI)

1. Copy the combined BIOS/BMC image to your Tftp server.

2. If the server OS is running, perform a clean shutdown by using the OS-specific shutdown procedure.

3. Log in to the CLI, and navigate to the TftpUpdate directory. Enter:

-> cd /SP/TftpUpdate

Note - A network failure during the file upload will result in a timeout. This causes the SP to reboot with the prior version of the firmware.

4. To set the IP address of the TFTP server, enter the following command:

-> set ServerIP=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address of the TFTP server.

5. To set the file name of the combined bmc.bios image, enter the following command:

-> set Filename=filename

a. To set the update method to overwrite current BMC settings, enter:

-> set SaveFlag=yes

b. To set the update method to preserve current BMC settings, enter:

-> set UpdateMethod=PreserveCMOS

6. Start the tftp download:

-> set Update=action

7. Select Yes to continue, or select No to exit.


-> cd /SP/TftpUpdate
-> set ServerIP=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 
-> set FileName=filename
-> set Update=action 
getting image...
getting image successfully.
prepare to update...
Prepare OK!
Update Successful
starting update...

5.1.3 Updating the BIOS from a DOS-Bootable USB Disk

This procedure describes how to update the BIOS from a DOS-Bootable USB disk.

procedure icon  To Update the BIOS From a DOS-Bootable USB Disk

1. Copy the contents of the firmware/BIOS directory from the Tools and Drivers CD to DOS-bootable USB disk.

2. Attach the multi-port dongle cable to the UCP connector on the front of the server.

3. Connect the USB disk to dongle connector.

4. Press F8 and select this disk to boot DOS.

5. Navigate to the directory to where you copied the files in Step 1.

6. Run the following command:


Where ver# is the BIOS version.

7. Reboot the system after the updating the BIOS.

5.1.4 Updating the CPLD Using the ELOM Web Interface

The following procedure is rarely used, and should not be done unless instructed by Sun Service personnel. For more information about using the web interface, see the Sun Blade X6450 Server Module Embedded Lights Out Manager Administrative Guide.

procedure icon  To Update CPLD Using the ELOM Web Interface

1. Start your browser and download the Tools and Driver CD ISO image from:


2. Burn a CD from the ISO image, or mount the ISO image.

3. On the CD or ISO image, locate the combined firmware image file:


Where # is the CPLD version number.

4. Save the CPLD_V#.jbc file to a location on your hard drive.

5. Ensure that the host operating system is shut down.

6. In your browser’s address bar, type the IP address of the SP.

For example:


Where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address of the SP.

The ELOM web interface login screen appears.

7. Log in as root or as a user account with administrator privileges.

The ELOM main screen appears.

8. From the main menu, click Remote Power Control tab.

The Remote Power Control submenu screen appears.

9. Click the Power Off radio button, and click Submit.

10. From the main menu, click the Maintenance tab.

The Maintenance submenu screen appears.

11. Click Enter Upgrade Mode.

12. Click Browse and select the CPLD_V#.jbc file that you saved in Step 4.

13. Click the Upgrade CPLD button to start the upgrade process.

14. Wait until the upgrade is finished.

15. Remove and insert the server to allow the new CPLD to take effect.

You need to apply AC power to the server for the new CPLD to take effect.

5.1.5 Updating the REM Firmware

The following procedure describes how update the RAID expansion module (REM) firmware using a DOS-bootable USB flash drive. To perform this procedure, you will need:

You can also update the REM firmware using the procedures in the Sun StorageTek RAID Software Manager User’s Guide.

procedure icon  To Update the REM Firmware from a DOS-Bootable USB Thumb Drive

1. On a system with internet access, download the Tools and Driver CD ISO image from:


2. Burn a CD or mount the ISO image.

3. Insert the DOS-bootable USB flash drive into the USB port.

4. On the CD or ISO image, go to the Adaptec firmware directory, firmware/REM/.

5. Copy all the files from the firmware/REM/directory to the DOS-bootable USB flash drive.

6. Remove the USB flash drive from the system.

7. Connect the multi-port dongle cable to the UCP connector on the front of the server module.

8. Attach a keyboard, a monitor, and the DOS-bootable USB flash drive to the multi-port dongle cable.

9. To boot the USB thumb drive to DOS:

a. Restart the server module.

Watch the POST and boot messages for prompt to press F8 to enter BIOS.

b. When the BIOS F8 prompt appears, press F8.

After some messages, the software prompts you to select a boot device.

c. Select USB boot device, then press Enter.

The server module boots to DOS and displays the DOS prompt.


10. From the DOS prompt, navigate to the directory where you copied the Adaptec files.

11. Execute the afu.exe file by entering the command:


The Adaptec Flash Utility window appears.

12. Select Update the Flash Image, then press Enter.

The utility displays a message:

Please insert disk labeled “Sun STK RAID REM Firmware Disk.

13. Press Enter to select the file.

The utility loops through the all the files on the USB flash drive one-by-one

14. Press Enter for each file until all the files are selected.

When all the files are selected, the utility displays a message:

AFU is about to update firmware...

15. Press Enter.

The utility asks you to wait, and displays a number of messages. This can take several minutes. When the update is done, the following message appears:

Flash image was updated and verified successfully. Press any key to continue.

16. Press a key.

The utility displays a message “Please restart the computer” then offers another list of selections.

17. Select Exit, and confirm by selecting Yes.

The utility exits to DOS.

18. Press Alt+Ctrl+Del to reboot the server module.

The server module reboots.