SunScreen 3.1 Lite Installation Guide

Installing the Screen

You can install the required SunScreen 3.1 Lite packages on the Screen using pkgadd using the following instructions.

To Install the Screen
  1. Open a terminal window on the Screen and become root.

  2. Insert the Solaris Easy Access CD-ROM into the Screen's CD-ROM drive.

  3. Add the software by typing:

    For SPARC systems:
    # pkgadd -d cdrom/Solaris_8/EA/products/SunScreen_3.1_Lite/sparc
    For Intel systems:
    # pkgadd -d cdrom/Solaris_8/EA/products/SunScreen_3.1_Lite/i386

    For SPARC systems, you are prompted with a menu of packages to install:

    The following packages are available:
      1  NSCPcom       Netscape Communicator
                       (sparc) 20.4.70,REV=1999.
      2  SUNWbdc       SKIP Bulk Data Crypt
                       (sparc) 1.5.1
      3  SUNWbdcx      SKIP Bulk Data Crypt (64-bit)
                       (sparc) 1.5.1
      4  SUNWdes       SKIP DES Crypto Module
                       (sparc) 1.5.1
      5  SUNWdesx      SKIP DES Crypto Module (64-bit)
                       (sparc) 1.5.1
      6  SUNWdthj      HotJava Browser for Solaris
                       (sparc) 1.1.5,REV=1998.12.03
      7  SUNWdtnsc     Netscape Componentization Support for CDE
                       (sparc) 1.0,REV=1999.
      8  SUNWes        SKIP End System
                       (sparc) 1.5.1
      9  SUNWesx       SKIP End System (64-bit)
                       (sparc) 1.5.1
     10  SUNWfwcnv     SunScreen Firewall conversion
                       (sparc) 3.1
     11  SUNWhttp      Sun WebServer daemon and supporting binaries
                       (sparc) 2.0
     12  SUNWicgSA     SunScreen Administration Software
                       (sparc) 3.1
     13  SUNWicgSD     SunScreen online documentation
                       (sparc) 3.1
     14  SUNWicgSM     SunScreen man pages
                       (sparc) 3.1
     15  SUNWicgSS     SunScreen Firewall
                       (sparc) 3.1
     16  SUNWkeymg     SKIP Key Manager Tools
                       (sparc) 1.5.1
     17  SUNWkusup     SKIP U-Support module
                       (sparc) 1.5.1
     18  SUNWrc2       SKIP RC2 Crypto Module
                       (sparc) 1.5.1
     19  SUNWrc4       SKIP RC4 Crypto Module
                       (sparc) 1.5.1
     20  SUNWrc4x      SKIP RC4 Crypto Module (64-bit)
                       (sparc) 1.5.1
     21  SUNWsman      SKIP Man Pages
                       (sparc) 1.5.1

    For Intel systems, you are prompted with a menu of packages to install:

    The following packages are available:
      1  NSCPcom       Netscape Communicator
                       (i386) 20.4.70,REV=1999.
      2  SUNWbdc       SKIP Bulk Data Crypt
                       (i386) 1.5.1
      3  SUNWdes       SKIP DES Crypto Module
                       (i386) 1.5.1
      4  SUNWdthj      HotJava Browser for Solaris
                       (i386) 1.1.5,REV=1998.12.03
      5  SUNWdtnsc     Netscape Componentization Support for CDE
                       (i386) 1.0,REV=1999.
      6  SUNWes        SKIP End System
                       (i386) 1.5.1
      7  SUNWfwcnv     SunScreen Firewall conversion
                       (i386) 3.1
      8  SUNWhttp      Sun WebServer daemon and supporting binaries
                       (i386) 2.0
      9  SUNWicgSA     SunScreen Administration Software
                       (i386) 3.1
     10  SUNWicgSD     SunScreen online documentation
                       (i386) 3.1
     11  SUNWicgSM     SunScreen man pages
                       (i386) 3.1
     12  SUNWicgSS     SunScreen Firewall
                       (i386) 3.1
     13  SUNWkeymg     SKIP Key Manager Tools
                       (i386) 1.5.1
     14  SUNWkusup     SKIP U-Support module
                       (i386) 1.5.1
     15  SUNWrc2       SKIP RC2 Crypto Module
                       (i386) 1.5.1
     16  SUNWrc4       SKIP RC4 Crypto Module
                       (i386) 1.5.1
     17  SUNWsman      SKIP Man Pages
                       (i386) 1.5.1

  4. For SPARC systems, type: 2-5, 8-9, 11-21. For Intel systems, type: 2-3, 6, 8, 9-17.

  5. Follow the program prompts, answering all the questions with y.

    When completed, you return to the same menu of packages.

  6. Type q to quit pkgadd.

  7. Set the PATH and MANPATH by editing your shell initialization file (such as .profile or.login file).

    PATH=/opt/SUNWicg/SunScreen/bin:$PATH export PATH MANPATH=$MANPATH:/opt/SUNWicg/SunScreen/man export MANPATH

  8. Eject the CD-ROM from the CD-ROM drive by typing

    # eject cdrom0

  9. Install any SKIP upgrades (see "Upgrading Cyrptography Modules").

  10. Reboot by typing:

    # sync; init 6

  11. Open a terminal window and become root, if not already.

  12. Complete the installation by typing:

    # ss_install

    Answer the questions that appear. The questions and text are similar to those that appear when installing using the installation wizard. Review the procedures for installing the software on the Screen in "Installing Lite With Local Administration" or "Installing Lite With Remote Administration," if more details are needed.

    If you are using issued certificates, you need all of your certificate diskettes.

    Note -

    The SKIP command to run on the Administration Station is displayed at the end. It is contained in the AdminSetup.readme file, found in the directory /etc/opt/SUNWicg/SunScreen. Write this command down for use in the following procedure. If you trust that the network between the Screen and the Administration Station is secure, you can ftp the AdminSetup.readme file from the Screen to the Administration Station. This saves you the task of writing down the information that is required in the next procedure.

  13. Reboot by typing:

    # sync; init 6

To Use Command-Line SKIP on the Administration Station
  1. On the Administration Station, open a terminal window and become root.

  2. To enable unencrypted communication from the Administration Station to all hosts other than the Screen, type:

    # skiphost -a default

  3. Add a rule so that encrypted communication is possible between the Administration Station and the Screen by typing:

    # skiphost command_from_ss_install

    This command is in the AdminSetup.readme file. The command is in the following form, which has been divided into lines for readability:

    skiphost -a name_of_Screen -r NSID_type

    -R Screen's_certificate_ID -s NSID_type

    -S Administration_Station's_certificate_ID

    -k key_encryption_algorithm

    -t data_encryption_algorithm -m MAC_algorithm

  4. Turn on SKIP by typing:

    If Screen has only one interface:
    # skiphost -o on
    If Screen has more than one interface, for each interface:
    # skiphost -i name_of_interface -o on

    Note -

    To display the interfaces, type: ifconfig -a

  5. Save the SKIP settings by typing:

    # skipif -i all -s

  6. Restart the SKIP daemon by typing:

    # skipd_restart

    Refer to the SunScreen SKIP 1.5.1 User's Guide for more information on operating SKIP, if needed.

    Note -

    After configuring SKIP, check that the encryption parameters and 32-character certificate ID (MKID) values match on both the Administration Station and the Screen.

  7. To configure and manage your Screen from your Administration Station, run a Java-enabled Web browser compliant with JDK 1.1.3 or later, and launch the administration GUI by typing the following URL:


    See the SunScreen 3.1 Administration Guide for instructions on how to use the administration GUI.