SunScreen 3.2 Installation Guide

Creating the Certificate on the Administration Station

Use the command-line interface to create SKIP UDH self-generated certificates (the default) or to load SKIP CA-issued certificates on the Administration Station, as described in the following procedures.

To Create the SKIP UDH Self-Generated Certificate on the Administration Station
  1. Open a terminal window and become root, if not already.

  2. Create the required SKIP directories by typing:

    # skiplocal -i
  3. Create the SKIP UDH certificate on the Administration Station by typing:

    # skiplocal -k -f -V -m key_size

    Note -

    For key_size, you type either 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096 (the latter being the default for this release). Make sure that you use the same key-size when generating the Screen's certificate.

    The local certificate ID appears, which is the Administration Station's 32-character certificate ID (MKID).

    Note -

    For export control regulatory assistance, consult the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Export Administration:

  4. Write down the certificate ID, which begins with `0x'.

    This information is required when "Installing the SunScreen Software on the Screen".

  5. Add SKIP to all the interfaces by typing:

    # skipif -a
  6. Reboot the Administration Station to complete the installation by typing:

    # sync; init 6

Continue to the section "Installing the SunScreen Software on the Screen".

To load a SKIP CA-Issued Certificate on the Administration Station
  1. Open a terminal window and become root, if not already.

  2. Load the required SKIP directories by typing:

    # skiplocal -i
  3. Insert the SKIP CA-issued Key and Certificate diskette into the Administration Station's diskette drive.

  4. Mount the diskette by typing:

    # volcheck
  5. Install the SKIP keys by typing:

    # install_skip_keys -icg /floppy/floppy0
  6. Start the SKIP daemon by typing:

    # skipd_restart
  7. Eject the SKIP CA-issued Key and Certificate diskette by typing:

    # eject floppy0
  8. Write down the eight-character certificate ID.

    This information is required when "Installing the SunScreen Software on the Screen".

  9. Add SKIP to all the interfaces by typing:

    # skipif -a
  10. Reboot the Administration Station to complete the installation by typing:

    # sync; init 6

Continue to the following section "Installing the SunScreen Software on the Screen".