SunScreen 3.2 Installation Guide

Installing the SunScreen Software on the Screen

Note -

Before proceeding, make sure that all network interfaces you plan on using are configured. Configured interfaces are those displayed with # ifconfig -a. For details on the Solaris network interface configuration, see your Solaris software documentation.

After adding SKIP certificates on the Administration Station, you install the SunScreen software on the Screen. This procedure requires the Administration Station's SKIP certificate ID (MKID).

You can use the installer if a monitor and a keyboard are attached to your Screen. If you are operating the Screen without a monitor, you must either temporarily attach a monitor or install the software through the command line (see "Command Line Installation" in the SunScreen 3.2 Installation Guide).

To Install the Software on the Screen
  1. Open a terminal window on your system and become root, if not already.

  2. Change to the directory containing the SunScreen 3.2 product.

    #cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_9/ExtraValue/CoBundled/SunScreen_3.2/sparc

  3. Double-click the install icon to invoke the SunScreen installer, which brings up the Welcome window.

    Note -

    You are prompted to type the root password for your system if the installer is started as a user other than root.

  4. In the Welcome window, click Next to continue.

    The Install Type window appears with Typical selected as the default entry.

  5. Select Custom in the Install Type(s) window and click Next to continue.

    The Functions window appears with both Screen and Administration selected as the default entry.

  6. In the Functions window, accept the default entry and click Next to continue.

    The Component Selection window appears with all components except "SKIP End System" selected as the default entry.

    Note -

    Never add the end-system SKIP packages SUNWes and SUNWesx to the Screen.

  7. In the Component Selection window, accept the default entry and click Next to continue.

    The Checking System window appears and lists any existing SunScreen configurations found by the installer.

  8. In the Checking System window click Next to continue.

    • If an existing configuration was found, the Old Configurations window appears. Select Remove or Retain, as appropriate, and click Next to continue.

      • If Retain is selected, the Ready To Install window appears, and you can go to Step 10.

      • If Remove is selected, the Secondary HA window appears with No selected as the default entry.

    • If no existing configurations were found, the Secondary HA window appears with No selected as the default entry.

  9. In the Secondary HA window, accept the No default entry and click Next to continue.

    The Screen Type window appears with Routing selected as the default entry.

  10. In the Screen Type window, accept the default entry and click Next to continue.

    The Administration Type window appears with Local Administration selected as the default entry.

  11. In the Administration Type window, select Remote Administration and click Next to continue.

    The Ready to Install window appears and lists the components for you to verify.

  12. After you verify that the components shown in the list are correct, click Install Now to continue.

    The Installation Summary window appears and shows the status of the installation, which upon a successful completion, reads "Installed."

    Note -

    To see a list of the added components, click the Details button.

  13. In the Installation Summary window, click Next to continue.

    The Checking System window appears wherein the installer verifies that all required Solaris software and SunScreen packages are installed.

    • If the required packages are installed, a message appears announcing System check complete.

    • If all required packages have not been installed, exit the installer, install the missing packages, and rerun the installer to complete the SunScreen configuration

  14. In the Checking System window, click Next to continue.

    The Select Certificate Type window appears with UDH self-generated certificates selected as the default entry. The following section describes how to create the SKIP certificate on the Screen.