ChorusOS 4.0 Porting Guide

How This Book is Organized

"Rebooting a ChorusOS system" describes the low-level architecture of a ChorusOS operating system, and explains what you must do to create a board support package to enable the ChorusOS operating system to run on a new target.

Chapter 2, Building a ChorusOS System explains how to build a ChorusOS operating system image.

Chapter 3, Booting a ChorusOS System describes the boot architecture and explains how to create a boot procedure for your target.

Chapter 4, Rebooting ChorusOS explains how to write a reboot program for the ChorusOS operating system.

Chapter 5, System Image Configuration describes the syntax of the board-specific configuration file you must provide for your target.

Appendix B, Porting the Debug Agent explains how to port the debug agent.