ChorusOS man pages section 2K: Kernel System Calls
 schedAdmin -- scheduling classes administration ( Index Term Link )
 semInit -- initialize a semaphore; wait on a semaphore; signal a semaphore ( Index Term Link )
 semP -- initialize a semaphore; wait on a semaphore; signal a semaphore ( Index Term Link )
 semV -- initialize a semaphore; wait on a semaphore; signal a semaphore ( Index Term Link )
 svAbortHandler -- Define an exception handler; Define an abort handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorAbortHandler -- Connect an actor abort handler; Disconnect an actor abort handler; Get an actor abort handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorAbortHandlerConnect -- Connect an actor abort handler; Disconnect an actor abort handler; Get an actor abort handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorAbortHandlerDisconnect -- Connect an actor abort handler; Disconnect an actor abort handler; Get an actor abort handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorAbortHandlerGetConnected -- Connect an actor abort handler; Disconnect an actor abort handler; Get an actor abort handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorExcHandler -- Connect an actor exception handler; Disconnect an actor exception handler; Get an actor exception handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorExcHandlerConnect -- Connect an actor exception handler; Disconnect an actor exception handler; Get an actor exception handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorExcHandlerDisconnect -- Connect an actor exception handler; Disconnect an actor exception handler; Get an actor exception handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorExcHandlerGetConnected -- Connect an actor exception handler; Disconnect an actor exception handler; Get an actor exception handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorStopHandler -- Actor stop handler management ( Index Term Link )
 svActorStopHandlerConnect -- Connect an actor stop handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorStopHandlerDisconnect -- Disconnect an actor stop handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorStopHandlerGetConnected -- Get an actor stop handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorVirtualTimeout -- Set an actor's virtual timeout; Cancel an actor's virtual timeout ( Index Term Link )
 svActorVirtualTimeoutCancel -- Set an actor's virtual timeout; Cancel an actor's virtual timeout ( Index Term Link )
 svActorVirtualTimeoutSet -- Set an actor's virtual timeout; Cancel an actor's virtual timeout ( Index Term Link )
 svCopyIn -- Copy from trap caller space; Copy string from trap caller space; Copy to trap caller space ( Index Term Link )
 svCopyInString -- Copy from trap caller space; Copy string from trap caller space; Copy to trap caller space ( Index Term Link )
 svCopyOut -- Copy from trap caller space; Copy string from trap caller space; Copy to trap caller space ( Index Term Link )
 svExcHandler -- Define an exception handler; Define an abort handler ( Index Term Link )
 svGetInvoker -- get handler invoker ( Index Term Link )
 svLapBind -- bind a symbolic name to a lap descriptor; unbind the symbolic name bound to a lap descriptor; get a lap descriptor from a lap symbolic name ( Index Term Link )
 svLapCreate -- create a lap; reset a lap descriptor; test if a lap descriptor has been initialized; duplicate a lap descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 svLapDelete -- delete a lap ( Index Term Link )
 svLapUnbind -- bind a symbolic name to a lap descriptor; unbind the symbolic name bound to a lap descriptor; get a lap descriptor from a lap symbolic name ( Index Term Link )
 svMaskAll -- Disable interrupt processing; Enable interrupt processing; Reenable interrupt processing ( Index Term Link )
 svMaskedLockGet -- Initialize a spin lock; Disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Try to disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock and enable interrupts; Initialize a spin lock; Acquire a spin lock; Try to acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock ( Index Term Link )
 svMaskedLockInit -- Initialize a spin lock; Disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Try to disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock and enable interrupts; Initialize a spin lock; Acquire a spin lock; Try to acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock ( Index Term Link )
 svMaskedLockRel -- Initialize a spin lock; Disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Try to disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock and enable interrupts; Initialize a spin lock; Acquire a spin lock; Try to acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock ( Index Term Link )
 svMaskedLockTry -- Initialize a spin lock; Disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Try to disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock and enable interrupts; Initialize a spin lock; Acquire a spin lock; Try to acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock ( Index Term Link )
 svMemRead -- Copy from supervisor caller space; Copy to supervisor caller space ( Index Term Link )
 svMemWrite -- Copy from supervisor caller space; Copy to supervisor caller space ( Index Term Link )
 svMsgHandler -- Connect/disconnect a message handler; Prepare a reply to a handled message ( Index Term Link )
 svMsgHdlReply -- Connect/disconnect a message handler; Prepare a reply to a handled message ( Index Term Link )
 svPagesAllocate -- supervisor address space memory allocator ( Index Term Link )
 svPagesFree -- supervisor address space memory allocator ( Index Term Link )
 svSpinLockGet -- Initialize a spin lock; Disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Try to disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock and enable interrupts; Initialize a spin lock; Acquire a spin lock; Try to acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock ( Index Term Link )
 svSpinLockInit -- Initialize a spin lock; Disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Try to disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock and enable interrupts; Initialize a spin lock; Acquire a spin lock; Try to acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock ( Index Term Link )
 svSpinLockRel -- Initialize a spin lock; Disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Try to disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock and enable interrupts; Initialize a spin lock; Acquire a spin lock; Try to acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock ( Index Term Link )
 svSpinLockTry -- Initialize a spin lock; Disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Try to disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock and enable interrupts; Initialize a spin lock; Acquire a spin lock; Try to acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock ( Index Term Link )
 svSysCtx -- get system context table address ( Index Term Link )
 svSysPanic -- trigger the invocation of the panic handler ( Index Term Link )
 svSysTimeout -- Request a timeout; Cancel a timeout; Get timeout resolution ( Index Term Link )
 svSysTimeoutCancel -- Cancel a timeout ( Index Term Link )
 svSysTimeoutSet -- Request a timeout ( Index Term Link )
 svSysTrapHandler -- Connect a trap handler; Disconnect a trap handler; Get a trap handler ( Index Term Link )
 svSysTrapHandlerConnect -- Connect a trap handler; Disconnect a trap handler; Get a trap handler ( Index Term Link )
 svSysTrapHandlerDisconnect -- Connect a trap handler; Disconnect a trap handler; Get a trap handler ( Index Term Link )
 svSysTrapHandlerGetConnected -- Connect a trap handler; Disconnect a trap handler; Get a trap handler ( Index Term Link )
 svThreadVirtualTimeout -- Set a thread's virtual timeout; Cancel a thread's virtual timeout ( Index Term Link )
 svThreadVirtualTimeoutCancel -- Set a thread's virtual timeout; Cancel a thread's virtual timeout ( Index Term Link )
 svThreadVirtualTimeoutSet -- Set a thread's virtual timeout; Cancel a thread's virtual timeout ( Index Term Link )
 svTimeoutGetRes -- Get timeout resolution ( Index Term Link )
 svTrapConnect -- Connect a trap handler; Disconnect a trap handler ( Index Term Link )
 svTrapDisConnect -- Connect a trap handler; Disconnect a trap handler ( Index Term Link )
 svUnmask -- Disable interrupt processing; Enable interrupt processing; Reenable interrupt processing ( Index Term Link )
 svUnmaskAll -- Disable interrupt processing; Enable interrupt processing; Reenable interrupt processing ( Index Term Link )
 svVirtualTimeoutCancel -- Set a virtual timeout; Cancel a virtual timeout ( Index Term Link )
 svVirtualTimeoutSet -- Set a virtual timeout; Cancel a virtual timeout ( Index Term Link )
 sysBench -- kernel benchmark utility ( Index Term Link )
 sysGetConf -- Get Chorus module configuration value ( Index Term Link )
 sysGetEnv -- Get a value from the Chorus configuration environment ( Index Term Link )
 sysLog -- log a message in the kernel's cyclical buffer ( Index Term Link )
 sysPoll -- Read characters from the system console; Write characters to the system console; Poll characters from the system console ( Index Term Link )
 sysRead -- Read characters from the system console; Write characters to the system console; Poll characters from the system console ( Index Term Link )
 sysReboot -- request a reboot of the local site ( Index Term Link )
 sysSetEnv -- Set a value in the ChorusOS configuration environment ( Index Term Link )
 sysShutdown -- shut down the system ( Index Term Link )
 sysTime -- get system time; get system time resolution ( Index Term Link )
 sysTimeGetRes -- get system time; get system time resolution ( Index Term Link )
 sysTimer -- system timer management ( Index Term Link )
 sysTimerGetCounterFrequency -- system timer management ( Index Term Link )
 sysTimerGetCounterPeriod -- system timer management ( Index Term Link )
 sysTimerReadCounter -- system timer management ( Index Term Link )
 sysTimerStartFreerun -- system timer management ( Index Term Link )
 sysTimerStartPeriodic -- system timer management ( Index Term Link )
 sysTimerStop -- system timer management ( Index Term Link )
 sysUnsetEnv -- delete a value from the ChorusOS configuration environment ( Index Term Link )
 sysWrite -- Read characters from the system console; Write characters to the system console; Poll characters from the system console ( Index Term Link )