ChorusOS man pages section 5FEA: ChorusOS Features and APIs
 PERF -- performance support ( Index Term Link )
 POSIX_MQ -- POSIX 1003.1b message queue feature ( Index Term Link )
 POSIX-SEM -- POSIX 1003.1b semaphores ( Index Term Link )
 POSIX_SHM -- POSIX 1003.1b shared memory objects feature ( Index Term Link )
 POSIX_SOCKETS -- POSIX 1003.1g compatible socket system feature ( Index Term Link )
 POSIX-THREADS -- POSIX 1003.1c pthread features ( Index Term Link )
 POSIX-TIMERS -- POSIX 1003.1b clock/timer features ( Index Term Link )
 PPP -- Point To Point Protocol Network Interface ( Index Term Link )
 PRIVATE-DATA -- per-thread and per-actor data ( Index Term Link )