ChorusOS 4.0 Network Administration Guide

Chapter 7 Network Adminstration Daemons and Related Commands

This chapter describes the daemons and related commands on a ChorusOS system that provide network services. Not all daemons are useful on each system.

Name Services and ypbind

Name services make it possible to convert between IP addresses and system names.

The most basic name service solution on a ChorusOS system consists of using the inetNShost(1CC) daemon that obtains information from the /etc/hosts file, or /etc/networks file.

ChorusOS systems usually rely on other systems to provide name services, however.

The inetNSdns(1M) daemon calls Domain Name Servers listed in /etc/resolv.conf to obtain the information it needs. You can also pass Domain Name server IP addresses to the inetNSdns daemon when you start it.

The inetNSnis(1M) daemon calls the Network Information Services Name Server for the domain you set using the domainname(1CC) command. The inetNSnis command also relies on the portmap(1M) and ypbind(1M) daemons.

Example 7-1 Binding to an NIS Server

The following example configures the NIS daemon for the fictitious an.example.COM domain:

$ rsh target arun /bin/domainname an.example.COM
started aid = 22
$ rsh target arun /etc/portmap&
started aid = 22
$ rsh target arun /bin/ypbind&
started aid = 23
$ rsh target arun /bin/inetNSnis&
started aid = 23

Note that the actors in this example are normally found in a file system outside the system image, such as a root file system located on the host.

The inetNSien116(1M) daemon calls a UDP name server as specified in IEN116 to obtain the information it needs. The IP address of the UDP name server is passed to inetNSien116 when the daemon is started. Note that the name server causes gethostbyaddr(3STDC) to return a NULL value.


The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol utility, dhclient(1M), allows the ChorusOS system to obtain network information, such as a dynamically assigned IP address, or the IP addresses of the default router and name server, from a DHCP server at boot time.

dhclient reads and dhcp.options(4CC).


ftpd(1M) provides File Transfer Protocol services on ChorusOS systems.

Example 7-2 Sample ftp Session

The following example starts the ftpd_s server on the ChorusOS system and tries it out:

$ rsh target arun /etc/ftpd_s&
started aid = 23
$ ftp target
Connected to target.
220- Welcome to ChorusOS 4.0!
220  FTP server (Version 6.00) ready.
Name (target:user): 
331- Password not checked
331 Login ok.
230- Logging in with home=/
230 User user logged in.
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for 'file list'.
226 Transfer complete
30 bytes received in 0.11 seconds (0.28 Kbytes/s)
ftp> bye
221 Goodbye.

Note that target is running in non-secure mode, so no password is required.


nfsd(1M) provides Network File Services to NFS clients on the network. See the ChorusOS 4.0 File Systems User's Guide for details about running an NFS server on a ChorusOS system.


In order to make RPC calls, the portmap(1M) daemon must be running on the ChorusOS system. portmap is required both by the inetNSnis name service daemon and by the nfsd NFS daemon.

When starting portmap note that it is located in the /etc directory by default:

$ rsh target arun /etc/portmap&
started aid = 24


pppstart(1M) enables client PPP operations on the ChorusOS system. See Chapter 4, Setting Up PPP for details on configuring a ChorusOS system as a PPP client.

pppstart(1M) uses pppstart(2K). See the sysLog(2K) man page for examples of how to read the log.


slattach(1M) attaches a SLIP interface to a serial line. See Chapter 5, Setting Up SLIP for details on configuring a ChorusOS system as a SLIP client.

slattach(1M) uses sysLog(2K). See the sysLog(2K) man page for examples of how to read the log.