ChorusOS 4.0 Installation Guide for Windows NT Hosts

Chapter 1 Installing on the Host

This chapter explains how to install the ChorusOS 4.0 product development environment on a host running Windows NT 4.0.

Note -

Before you begin installation, make sure that the hard disk partition where you plan to install the ChorusOS 4.0 product is formatted with an NTFS file system.

Follow the instructions provided by your customer service representative in order to download the files required for installation.

This installation guide assumes that you have already saved the necessary files in a download directory such as C:\downloads\4.0. For the rest of this document, we refer to this directory as download_dir.

Installing the Windows NT Upgrade

The Windows NT upgrade includes the Cygwin tools that offer you a UNIX-like interface atop Windows NT 4.0, and makes it possible to install and use the ChorusOS 4.0 product.

Note -

You must install the Windows NT upgrade before installing the ChorusOS 4.0 product.

  1. Select Start | Programs | Windows NT Explorer.

  2. Open the download_dir folder.

  3. Double-click the winUpgrade program in the download_dir folder (named winUpgrade.exe if you have opted to show file extensions).

  4. Follow the instructions displayed on the wizard screens, reading the licensing terms carefully. If you develop applications or tools using the cygwin.dll library, you must respect the licensing terms.

    Note -

    If the installation program finds that the current version of the Cygwin tools are already installed, the wizard asks if you want to keep and use the existing Cygwin tools installation. You may force reinstallation by replying "No" to this question.

  5. Exit the installation program after the Installation Successful message box is displayed.

    The Windows NT upgrade mounts all hard disk partitions under the root directory, such that the C: partition appears as /c. Note that only those partitions visible at installation time are automatically mounted under the root directory.

Installing the Product Components

ChorusOS 4.0 product installation uses the Cygwin tools to run a non-interactive shell script that installs components on the host workstation.

Note -

No graphical user interface is provided for core product component installation.

  1. Select Start | Programs | Cygnus Solutions | Cygwin B20 to open a terminal window.

  2. Run the ChorusOS 4.0 product installation script from the directory where it is located:

    bash-2.02$ cd download_dir
    bash-2.02$ sh
  3. When the script has finished, open the cygnus.bat script for editing.

    If you installed the Cygwin tools in the default directory, then you will find the script in C:\cygnus\cygwin-b20\cygnus.bat.

  4. Add two lines to cygnus.bat, before the bash line, that set the PATH environment variable so that it points to the Chorus\opt\SUNWconn\SEW\4.0\chorus-powerpc\tools\host\bin, Chorus\usr\bin and Chorus\usr\sbin directories, as in the following example:

    SET PATH=c:\cygnus\cygwin-b20\Chorus\opt\SUNWconn\SEW\4.0\chorus-powerpc\tools\host\bin;%PATH%
    SET PATH=c:\cygnus\cygwin-b20\Chorus\usr\bin;c:\cygnus\cygwin-b20\Chorus\usr\sbin;%PATH%
  5. Close the terminal window:

    bash-2.02$ exit
  6. Select Start | Programs | Cygnus Solutions | Cygwin B20 to open a terminal window again.

  7. Verify that you are able to access ChorusOS 4.0 product executables:

    bash-2.02$ ChorusOSMkMf
    ChorusOSMkMf config-file [-s source-dir] [-b build-dir] [-d dist-dir]