ChorusOS 4.0 Installation Guide for Windows NT Hosts

Chapter 2 Patching Installed Software

This chapter discusses how to patch the software you have installed.

Note -

Patches will not be provided for the ChorusOS 4.0 product documentation. In order to update the documentation, you must install new packages as they are provided.

Some time after you install the ChorusOS 4.0 product, you may choose to patch the installation at some point with patches provided by Sun. Patches are managed using the patchadd and patchrm utilities.

One of the advantages of using the utilities to manage installations and patches is that the utilities prevent you from applying patches in the wrong order. One of the constraints of using the tools is that the utilities prevent you from applying patches to installations that you have modified "by hand", that is, without using the tools.

Resist the urge to "fix" an installation of the product "by hand".

The ChorusOS configure(1CC) utility detects inconsistently patched installations and refuses to let you build a ChorusOS system image until patch levels for all components involved are equivalent.

When you receive a patch, follow the instructions in the README file provided with the patch. Remember that it is important to apply patches in the correct order.