ChorusOS 4.0 Installation Guide for Windows NT Hosts

Chapter 3 Uninstalling on the Host

This chapter describes how to uninstall the ChorusOS 4.0 product from the host workstation.

Note -

Make sure you uninstall the ChorusOS 4.0 product before removing the Cygwin tools by following the procedures below in order.

Removing Product Components with pkgrm

In order to remove part or all of the ChorusOS 4.0 product from the host workstation, you must start by using the pkgrm command line utility.

  1. Remove packages using pkgrm:

    bash2.02$ pkgrm -n all
  2. Note that even after all packages are removed, a few HTML files such as readme.html and release.html remain in the directory where you installed the ChorusOS 4.0 product. You may remove these HTML files by hand.

Removing the Cygwin Tools

After you have removed the product components, you may remove the Cygwin tools as well.

  1. Select Start | Setting | Control Panel.

  2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.

  3. Select Cygwin B20 from the list.

  4. Click the Add/Remove... button.

  5. Click the Yes button in the Confirm File Deletion message box to start the removal process.

  6. Follow any further instructions on screen to complete the removal process.

    You may be required to remove some items by hand.