ChorusOS 4.0 Production Guide

Components and Tools

The range of components available within the ChorusOS operating system is organized in a hierarchy spanning from the NUCLEUS, at the lowest level, to the EXAMPLES, at the top level as shown in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Source components in a ChorusOS and their level




nucleus level 


board support package level 


operating system level 


applications level 

The ChorusOS product ensures compatibility between components built with the two development tools available, mkmk and imake. The modularity of the source code facilitates porting of the operating system. See the ChorusOS 4.0 Porting Guide for more information.

The mkmk and imake tools provide a mechanism which uses input files in order to create the Makefile appropriate to that directory. They:

Introduction to mkmk

Table 1-2 lists components built with the mkmk tool.

Table 1-2 Built with mkmk
 Component Description
 NUCLEUS  nucleus
 OS POSIX environment
 IOM I/O Manager

The mkmk tool is described in this document. It is used to build components at the nucleus and operating system levels (Table 1-2).

Introduction to imake

Table 1-3 lists components built with the imake tool.

Table 1-3 Components Built with imake
 Component Description
 DRV Drivers
 DRV_F Family specific drivers
 BSP Boot
 EXAMPLES Applications

For further information on the imake tool refer to Chapter 3, Building with imake of this guide, ChorusOS 4.0 Introduction and to the ChorusOSMkMf(1CC) man page.