ChorusOS 4.0 Production Guide

Example 1: Standard System Generation

Example 1 illustrates standard system generation. The image which you create includes the generic kernel code, PowerPC drivers targeted for the genesis 2 board, generic kernel drivers, and the OS and the IOM components. This is termed a chorus system image.

  1. Create a work directory:

    host% mkdir work_dir

  2. Change to the work directory:

    host% cd work_dir
  3. Use the configure command with a build profile and a selection of components:

    host% configure -f <src_dir>/nucleus/sys/ppc60x/ppc60x \ 
    -s <src_dir>/nucleus/bsp/powerpc/genesis2 \
    <src_dir>/nucleus/bsp/powerpc \
    <src_dir>/nucleus/bsp/drv \
    <src_dir>/os \
  4. Create a bootable system image named chorus:

    host% make chorus

    You could also type make build, and get the same result, as this system image is already defined in the Makefile.bin file of the NUCLEUS component.