The easiest way to add the actor to the system image is to use the graphical configuration tool, ews. See "Adding an Actor to the ChorusOS System Image" for a step-by-step guide on how to do this.
Alternatively, you can modify conf/mkimage/applications.xml so that it contains the list of applications that will be included in your archive. For example, to include your supervisor actor, hello, the content should be as follows:
<folder name='Applications' visible='yes'> <description>Placeholder for customer applications</description> <definition name='hello' configurable='yes'> <description>simple hello actor, in supervisor mode</description> <type name='File' /> <value field='path'> <vstring>absolute_path_to_my_actor/hello_s.r</vstring> </value> <value field='bank'><ref name='sys_bank' /></value> <value field='binary'><ref name='supervisor_actor_model' /></value> </definition> <definition name='application_files' configurable='yes'> <description>application system image files</description> <condition> <or> <equal><var name='SYSTEM' /><const>chorus</const></equal> <equal><var name='SYSTEM' /><const>kernonly</const></equal> </or> </condition> <type name='FileList'/> <value index='size'><ref name='hello' /> </value> </definition> </folder>
Rebuild the system image using one of the following commands:
If you want to build a kernel-only system, type:
% make kernonly |
If you want to build a complete chorus system, type:
% make chorus |
If you want to rebuild the system that you have previously built, type:
% make build |