ChorusOS 4.0.1 Simulator for the Solaris Operating Environment (SPARC Platform Edition) User's Guide

Accessing the Simulator From Your Host

  1. Test that the simulator can be reached:

    $ ping simu_address
    simu_address is alive

    Where simu_address is the IP address you configured for this simulator.

    A message indicating that the simulator is working is displayed.

  2. Use the share command to check that your build directory is available for mounting by remote hosts:

    $ share
    -               /build_dir   rw   ""

    If your build directory is not shared, see "How to Mount and Unmount File Systems" in ChorusOS 4.0 File System Administration Guide for information on how to do this.

  3. Create a root file system for your simulator in the build directory where you build system images:

    $ make root
  4. Attach the root file system of the simulator instance to your build directory:

    $ rsh mount / on / (nfs)

    The following error will occur if the build directory cannot be accessed due to the lack of access permission:

       can't access /build_dir/root: Permission denied

    To investigate this problem, check that the file system is mounted for access by everyone:

    # share
    -               /export/home   rw=local   "Local Disk"

    Here, the file system is only available to members of the netgroup called local. To make the directory available from any machine, type the following command:

    # share /export/home
    # share
    -               /export/home   rw   ""
  5. Issue the ls command to check that the simulator can be accessed from your machine:

    $ rsh arun ls /
    started aid = 2
    Makefile        dev             image           tmp
    bin             etc             lib