ChorusOS 5.0 Application Developer's Guide

Deleting Actors and Processes

An actor that does not require the services of the C_OS, and created with actorCreate(), can be deleted using the actorDelete() call, (provided you have the actor capability).

void main()
    KnActorPrivilege   actPriv;
    KnCap              actCap;
    int                err;

    actPriv = K_SUPACTOR;
    err = actorCreate(K_MYACTOR, &actCap;, actPriv, K_STOPPED);
    if (err != K_EOK) {
        printf("actorCreate %d\n", err);
    err = actorDelete(&actCap;);
    if (err != K_EOK) {
        printf("actorDelete %d\n", err);

Processes can be deleted using the standard POSIX call kill(). See the kill(2POSIX) man page for more information.