ChorusOS 5.0 Board Support Package Developer's Guide

An Example of Some Typical BSP Source Files

This section gives you some more detailed information on the files that you must have in a BSP source tree using template files as examples. The templates/ directory can be found by installing the BSP source package.

The Top Level BSP Directory

For this example, the new BSP directory will be called my_board. This top level directory must contain at least the following four files:

This section contains a short description of these files, showing the template files.

Example 3-1 New BSP: Makefile.bin



BSP_XML = target.xml target_action.xml

xml:: DEVTOOLS.all
   @sh $(DEVTOOLS_DIR)/cpxml $(BUILD_DIR)/conf/mkimage $(BSP) $(BSP_XML)

XML8 += mkimage/mkimage.xml

The COMPONENT macro defines a list of components that will be processed in the build phase. The BSP source component is added to this list. Note that only the name "BSP" is required.

The xml makefile target is used to copy the target.xml and target_action.xml files to the $(BUILD_DIR)/conf/mkimage directory. The mkimage/mkimage.xml file is added to the XML macro. This XML file will be used at the end of the build to generate the image.

Example 3-2 New BSP: Makefile.src

BSP_SRC = $(BSP)/src

all:: BSP.all 


$(BSP_DIR)/DONE: $(BSP_DIR)/Makefile 
        sh $(DEVTOOLS_DIR)/resync BSP -f $(BSP) -s $(BSP_DIR)
        cd $(BSP_DIR); $(MAKE)
        touch $(BSP_DIR)/DONE

$(BSP_DIR)/Makefile: $(BSP_SRC)/Imakefile
        sh $(DEVTOOLS_DIR)/ChorusOSMkMf $(BUILD_DIR) -s \
           $(BSP_SRC) -b $(BSP_DIR) -d $(BSP_DIR)
        cd $(BSP_DIR); $(MAKE) Makefiles

This makefile defines the BSP.all target used to compile and link the BSP source files.

The ChorusOSMkMf tool is used to create Makefiles from Imakefiles (see ChorusOSMkMf(1CC)for more details).

The BSP_DIR variable is defined as $(BUILD_DIR)/build-BSP. This directory will be used as the build directory and the binary delivery directory.

The example target.xml file shown in section "The target.xml File Structure", specifies the target specific elements needed to produce a system image. This file contains the Embedded Component Markup Language (ECML) which is used to describe the configuration of the BSP as well as other target specific configuration in ChorusOS. For more information on ECML see "ECML Syntax" in ChorusOS 5.0 Source Delivery Guide.

This file must be adapted for your particular board.

The pathname ${BSP_DIR}/bin/my_board is used to reference a number of BSP binaries. The my_board name can be replaced by an explicit reference to your board. In this case, remember to change this path in the Project.tmpl file, detailed in Example 3-4.

Example 3-3 New BSP: target_action.xml

<!DOCTYPE folder PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems//DTD \
ChorusOS//EN" "ChorusOS.dtd">

<folder name='MYBOARD specific actions' visible='no'>
  <description>MYBOARD system image action</description>

  <action name='Archive renaming'>
    <definition name='shellCommand_cp'>
      <type name='ShellCommand' />
      <value field='command'>
      <value field='argument'>
        <value index='size'>
        <value index='size'>


The target_action.xml file, detailed above, copies the sys_bank file into a file defined by the RESULT variable. This variable is defined as ${BUILD_DIR}/${SYSTEM}, where ${SYSTEM} is the name of the image to be produced. Note that multiple banks can be combined, and specific binary format headers can be included, to produce a more complex system image.

The src Directory

This src directory must contain the following two files:

It also contains the following directories:

The Project.tmpl file is used to produce a makefile to build your new BSP component (see ChorusOSMkMf(1CC)).

Example 3-4 New BSP: Project.tmpl

#include "Package.rules"

SRC_DIR         = SourceDir
BUILD_DIR       = BuildDir
DIST_DIR        = DistDir

VPATH           = $(SRC_DIR)$(REL_DIR)

WARN            = $(WARN_ON)

MYBSP_DIST_BIN  = $(DIST_DIR)/bin/mybsp

DRV_DIST_BIN    = $(DRV_DIR)/bin/drv

INCLUDES        = -I$(NUCLEUS_DIR)/include/chorus \
                  -I$(NUCLEUS_DIR)/include/stdc   \
                  -I$(DRV_DIR)/include/chorus \
                  -I$(DIST_DIR)/include/chorus \

BSP_LIBS        = $(NUCLEUS_DIR)/lib/boot_tools/boot_tools.s.a \
                  $(NUCLEUS_DIR)/lib/util/util.s.a \
                  $(NUCLEUS_DIR)/lib/bki/bki.s.a \
                  $(NUCLEUS_DIR)/lib/cpu/cpu.s.a \
                  $(NUCLEUS_DIR)/lib/stdc/stdc.s.a \

The MYBSP_DIST_BIN variable defines the directory which programs will be exported to. The name mybsp can be changed to the real board name. The DIST_DIR variable is defined by the path given with the -d option of ChorusOSMkMf. This path is the same as BSP_DIR: $BUILD_DIR/build-BSP. The DRV_DIST_BIN variable will be used to reference objects exported by the DRV component.

Example 3-5 New BSP: src-level Imakefile

#define IHaveSubdirs

SUBDIRS = boot dbg reboot

This Imakefile lists all of the sub-directories for each BSP class and should not be edited.

The boot Directory

This is the directory where the source files for the boot program reside:

This section contains a short description of the boot files, showing examples from the template directory.

Example 3-6 New BSP: Imakefile

C__SRCS = boot.c


OBJS = $(C__SRCS:.c=.o) $(AS_SRCS:.s=.o)
BspProgTarget(boot, start, $(OBJS), $(BSP_LIBS))

DistProgram(boot, $(MYBSP_DIST_BIN)$(REL_DIR))

Depend($(C__SRCS) $(AS_SRCS))

The BspProgTarget macro is used to produce the boot relocatable binary file. The final link will be done by the mkimage tool. The first argument is the name of the binary. The second argument is the entry point, the third is the list of objects and the fourth is the list of libraries used in the link process.

The DistProgram macro copies the file given by the first argument to the directory specified by the second argument. Therefore, in the example above, the boot binary file will be copied in to the $BSP_DIR/bin/my_board/boot directory.

Example 3-7 New BSP: boot.c

    /* Code for your BSP boot */

This file needs to be adapted to your board.

The dbg Directory

The dbg directory contains the platform-dependant code for the debug agent, and some driver code that is necessary for debugging your BSP (that is the console and watchdog drivers). There are four files located at this top level:

Example 3-8 New BSP: dbg Imakefile

C__SRCS = dbgBsp.c ns16550Bsp.c


OBJS = $(C__SRCS:.c=.o) $(AS_SRCS:.s=.o)


BspProgTarget(dbgBsp, dbgBsp_init, $(OBJS), $(DRIVERS) $(BSP_LIBS))

DistProgram(dbgBsp, $(MYBSP_DIST_BIN)$(REL_DIR))

Depend($(C__SRCS) $(AS_SRCS))

Note that dbgBsp relocatable binary file is linked with the ns16550.o object, which is located in the DRV component.

Example 3-9 New BSP: dbgBsp.c

#include <bki/bki.h>
#include <bki/dbgBsp.h>

#include <drv/dbg/dbgUart.h>
#include <drv/dbg/dbgWdt.h>

DbgBsp dbgBsp = {

unsigned int hostStopped = 0;

dbgBsp_init (BootConf* conf)
        /* debug BSP specific initialization code */

    conf->dbgBsp = dbgBsp;

    static void
dbgBsp_initDrivers (int port, struct DbgBsp_sgtty* stty)
        /* code for UART and WDT intialization */

    static void
dbg_boardReset (int mode)
        /* code for your board reset */

    static void
dbgBsp_ioRemap (int flags, void* base)
    if (flags & DKI_IOREMAP_WDT) {
        /* WDT device remap */
    if (flags & DKI_IOREMAP_UART) {
        /* UART device remap */

    static void
dbgWdt_setStoppedFlag (unsigned char v)
    hostStopped += (v ? 1 : (hostStopped ? -1 : 0));

Note that dbgBsp.c needs to be adapted for your board.

Example 3-10 New BSP: ns16550Bsp.c

#include <drv/dbg/ns16550Bsp.h>

ns16550_init(int port)
    /* Code for your board */

ns16550_outb(unsigned int reg, unsigned char val)
    /* Code for your board */

    unsigned char
ns16550_inb(unsigned int reg)
    unsigned char c;
    /* Code for your board */
    return c;

    unsigned short
ns16550_divisor(unsigned int baud)
    unsigned short divisor;
    /* Code for your board */
    return divisor;

ns16550_ioremap(void* newbase)
    /* Code for your board */

Note that the example above is for an ns16550 UART. The file will be need to be adapted for your board.

The reboot Directory

The reboot directory contains the platform dependant code for the reboot part of the board support package. This directory is optional, and in fact it is possible to include the reboot related code in the boot directory. If you implement reboot in a separate reboot directory the following two files are located at the top level: