ChorusOS 5.0 Board Support Package Developer's Guide

Reboot Program Implementation Framework

This section describes the library routines that can be used by reboot programs.

prstExtend() Routine

The prstExtend() routine can be used to allocate a new persistent memory device descriptor. Code Example 5-7 is the prstExtend() routine source code provided in source_dir/nucleus/bsp/src/boot_tools/prstExtend.c.

Example 5-7 prstExtend() Routine

prstExtend(PrstMem* pm, KnHotRebootReq* hreq)
    if (hreq->prstMemExtension) {
        if (pm->numChunks == pm->maxChunks) {
            printf ("Hot reboot can't allocate more than %d presistent "
                    "memory devices\n", pm->maxChunks);
        } else {
            int id_len = strlen(hreq->prstMemId) + 1;
            if (pm->curStrLen + id_len > pm->maxStrLen) {
                printf ("Hot reboot can't allocate more than %d bytes "
                        "for persistent memory device ids\n", 
            } else {
                PrstChunk* ch_cur = pm->chunks+ pm->numChunks;
                ch_cur->status = 0;
                ch_cur->size = (PhSize) hreq->prstMemExtension;
                ch_cur->id = pm->str + pm->curStrLen;
                strcpy(ch_cur->id, hreq->prstMemId);
                pm->curStrLen += id_len;
                pm->numChunks += 1;

The prstExtend() routine allocates the next available entry in the chunk array (the array is held within the persistent memory descriptor and is pointed to by the pm argument). The routine also copies the symbolic name of the new memory device from the caller address space into the str buffer (also held within the persistent memory descriptor). Note that the persistent memory descriptor is typically allocated within the reboot program data segment.

call_and_switch_stack() routine

Code Example 5-8 is the call_and_switch_stack() routine source code provided in source_dir/nucleus/bsp/src/boot_tools/call_and_switch_stack.s.

Example 5-8 call_and_switch_stack() Routine

			 *     void
			 * call_and_switch_stack(void* cookie, void* new_pc, 
       *       void* new_sp)

    mr    r5, r1    /* sp = new_sp */
    mtlr  r4, lr    /* (*new_pc) (cookie) */

The call_and_switch_stack() routine switches to the stack provided as argument three, new_pc, jumps to the function specified by the second argument, new_pc, passing to that function the first argument, cookie.

launch() Routine

The launch() routine source code provided in source_dir/nucleus/bsp/src/family/powerpc/boot_tools/launch.s.

The launch() function copies size bytes from the source address, src, to the destination address, dst, and then jumps to the location entry, passing cookie as the argument.

The launch() routine is position-independent. The caller can copy the instructions, starting from the address launch_start() up to the address launch_end(), to any destination location and execute them there.

The launch() routine does not require a stack and is not required to preserve any general register state.