ChorusOS 5.0 Board Support Package Developer's Guide

Initializing a Fault Injection Bus Driver

This section describes one way of starting a fi bus driver, transparently, to test particular devices.

Devices for which fault simulation is required are dynamically identified by the fi bus driver at binding time.

The following property is defined:


serves as a secondary binding property for a device node. It is used to copy the initial binding while starting the fi bus driver instead of the driver initially bound. Its value type is a null terminated string, as for the PROP_DRIVER property.

A fi bus driver registers itself in the driver registry, specifying the bus class it emulates as its required parent class. For example, a fault injection bus driver emulating the PCI DDI bus class requires a PCI class as its parent bus class, like any other PCI device driver.


A fi bus driver has an empty (NULL) drv_probe() method. As it is a pseudo driver, having no associated physical device, and because it binds itself to tested device nodes (instead of effective device drivers), it does not need to create any device tree node.


The drv_bind() routine of a fi bus driver is called for each node that is a child node of the emulated bus class. In this routine, the driver gets the opportunity to detect a device requiring fault injection and binds itself to this device, instead of the initially bound device driver.

Code Example 14-1 illustrates how a generic PCI Fault Injection bus driver (pciFi(9DRV)) may bind itself to all PCI device nodes. By default, this driver is transparent and only becomes active for a particular device when requested by a client.

Example 14-1 pciFi drv_bind() routine

     * Driver bind method
    static void
drv_bind (DevNode node)
    DevProperty propDriver;
    DevProperty propNewDriver;
    DevProperty propFiDriver;

    propDriver = dtreePropFind(node, PROP_DRIVER);
         * If the device node is not bound to any driver
         * try to bind it
    if (! propDriver) {
        DrvRegId     drv_curr;
        DrvRegId     drv_prev;
        DrvRegEntry* entry;
        drv_curr = svDriverLookupFirst();
        while (drv_curr) {
            entry = svDriverEntry(drv_curr);
            if (entry != &pciFiDrv) {
                if (entry->drv_bind &&
                    !strcmp(pciFiDrv.bus_class, entry->bus_class) &&
                    (pciFiDrv.bus_version >= entry->bus_version)) {
                         * Try to bind the node
            drv_prev = drv_curr;
            drv_curr = svDriverLookupNext(drv_curr);
        propDriver = dtreePropFind(node, PROP_DRIVER);
             * If node is bound to a driver, copy its PROP_DRIVER property
             * into a PROP_FI_DRIVER property. Then bind our own driver to
             * the node, in order to be started in place of the original
             * driver.
    if (propDriver && !dtreePropFind(node, PROP_FI_DRIVER)) {
        propFiDriver = dtreePropAdd(node, PROP_FI_DRIVER,
        if (!propFiDriver) {
                 * Replace old PROP_DRIVER with my own driver name
        propNewDriver = dtreePropAdd(node, PROP_DRIVER, pciFiDrv.drv_name,
                                     strlen(pciFiDrv.drv_name) + 1);
        if (!propNewDriver) {

At the end of the binding phase, all device nodes (children of the emulated bus class node) are bound to the fi bus driver. The standard binding mechanism is not disturbed and the original bindings are duplicated in a PROP_FI_DRIVER property in each node.


At initialization, the fi bus driver's drv_init() method is called for each device node tested. The fi bus driver will then get the opportunity to:

Code Example 14-2 illustrates the initialization of a generic PCI Fault Injection bus driver (pciFi(9DRV)). In this example, the PciFiDev structure contains the fault injection driver instance specific data. This data is allocated and initialized in drv_init(). Fields of interest for the examples are:

Example 14-2 pciFi drv_init() routine

     * Try to start (initialize) tested child driver
    static KnError
childInit(PciFiDev* pciFi)
    char*        drv_name;
    DrvRegId     drv_curr;
    DrvRegId     drv_prev;
    DrvRegEntry* entry;
    DevProperty  prop;
    DevNode      node;
         * Check if not already started
    if (pciFi->dev.node) {
        return K_EBUSY;
    node = pciFi->node;
         * Check for PROP_FI_DRIVER property
    prop = dtreePropFind(node, PROP_FI_DRIVER);
    if (prop == NULL) {
        DKI_ERR(("%s: error -- %s required property not found\n",
                 pciFi->path, PROP_FI_DRIVER));
        return K_EFAIL;
         * Try to start PROP_FI_DRIVER driver
    drv_name = (char*)dtreePropValue(prop);
    drv_curr = svDriverLookupFirst();
    while (drv_curr) {
        entry = svDriverEntry(drv_curr);
        if (entry->drv_init &&
            !strcmp(pciFiDrv.bus_class, entry->bus_class) &&
            (pciFiDrv.bus_version >= entry->bus_version) &&
            !strcmp(drv_name, entry->drv_name)) {
            entry->drv_init(node, &pciFiPciBusOps, pciFi);
            if (pciFi->dev.node) {
        drv_prev = drv_curr;
        drv_curr = svDriverLookupNext(drv_curr);

    return (pciFi->dev.node ? K_OK : K_EFAIL);

     * Driver initialization method
    static void
drv_init (DevNode node, void* busOps, void* busId)
    PciFiDev*      pciFi;
    int            pathSz;
    char*          path;
    KnError        res;
    DevProperty    prop;
    PciPropBusNum  bus;
    PciPropDevNum  dev;
    PciPropFuncNum func;
         * Get my path name in the device tree (for errors)
    pathSz = dtreePathLeng(node);
    path   = (char*)svMemAlloc(pathSz);
    if (!path) {
        DKI_ERR(("%s: error -- not enough memory\n", pciFiDrv.drv_name));
    dtreePathGet(node, path);
         * Get mandatory properties
         * Allocate driver instance data
    pciFi = (PciFiDev*)svMemAlloc(sizeof(PciFiDev));
    if (! pciFi) {
        DKI_ERR(("%s: error -- not enough memory\n", path));
        svMemFree(path, pathSz);
         * Initialize driver instance data
         * Allocate objects associated to allocated resources
         * Open parent PCI bus connection
    res = pciFi->pciOps->open(busId,
                              eventHandler, /* my event handler   */
                              loadHandler,  /* my load handler    */
                              pciFi,        /* my handlers cookie */
    if (res != K_OK) {
        DKI_ERR(("%s: error -- open() failed (%d)\n", path, res));
        svMemFree(path, pathSz);
        svMemFree(pciFi, sizeof(PciFiDev));
         * Allocate PCI_FI instance driver descriptor in the device registry
    pciFi->entry.dev_class = PCIFI_CLASS;
    pciFi->entry.dev_id    = pciFi;
    pciFi->entry.dev_node  = node;
    pciFi->entry.dev_ops   = &pciFiOps;
    pciFi->devRegId        = svDeviceAlloc(&pciFi->entry,
                                           FALSE, /* pciFi cannot be 
                                                   * shared */
    if (! pciFi->devRegId) {
        DKI_ERR(("%s: error -- not enough memory\n", path));
        svMemFree(pciFi, sizeof(PciFiDev));
        svMemFree(path, pathSz);
         * Chain driver instance in list
    pciFi->next = pciFiDevs;
    pciFiDevs   = pciFi;
         * Finally, register the new device driver instance
         * in the device registry. In case a shut down event
         * has been signaled during the initialization, the device entry
         * remains invalid and the relHandler() handler is invoked
         * to shut down the device driver instance. Otherwise, the device
         * entry becames valid and therefore visible for driver clients.

    DKI_MSG(("%s: %s driver started\n", path, pciFiDrv.drv_name));

         * Try to start a tested driver. If this fails, a tested driver
         * may be started later by the loadHandler() handler.