ChorusOS 5.0 Features and Architecture Overview

Description of IPC

The IPC feature allows threads to communicate and synchronize when they do not share memory, for example, when they do not run on the same node. Communications rely on the exchange of messages through ports.

Static and Dynamic identifiers

The IPC location-transparent communication service is based on a uniform global naming scheme. Communication entities are named using global unique identifiers. Two types of global identifiers are distinguished:

Static identifiers are built deterministically from stamps provided by the applications. On a single site, only one communication object can be created with a given static identifier in the same communication feature. The maximum number of static stamps is fixed.

Network-wide dynamic identifiers, assigned by the system, are guaranteed to be unique across site reboots for a long time. The dynamic identifier of a new communication object is initially only known by the actor that creates the communication object. The actor can transmit this identifier to its clients through any application-specific communication mechanism (for example, in a message returned to the client).


A message is an untyped string of bytes of variable but limited size (64 KB), called the message body. Optionally, the sender of the message can join a second byte string to the message body, called the message annex. The message annex has a fixed size of 120 bytes. The message body and the message annex are transferred with copy semantics from the sender address space to the receiver address space.

A current message is associated with each thread. The current message of a thread is a system descriptor of the last message received by the thread. The current message is used when the thread has to reply to the sender of the message or acquire protection information about the sender of the message. This concept of current message allows the most common case, in which threads reply to messages in the order they are received, to be optimized and simplified. However, for other cases, the microkernel provides the facility to save the current message, and restore a previously saved message as the current message.


Messages are not addressed directly to threads, but to intermediate entities called ports. Ports are named using unique identifiers. A port is an address to which messages can be sent, and which has a queue holding the messages received by the port but not yet consumed by the threads. Port queues have a fixed maximum size, set as a system parameter.

For a thread to be able to consume the messages received by a port, this port must be attached to the actor that supports the thread. When a port is created by a thread, the thread attaches the port to an actor (possibly different from the one that supports the thread). The port receives a local identifier, relative to the actor to which it is attached.

A port can only be attached to a single actor at a time, but can be attached successively to different actors: a port can migrate from one actor to another. This migration can be accompanied, or not, by the messages already received by the port and not yet consumed by a thread. The concept of port provides the basis for dynamic reconfiguration. The extra level of indirection (the ports) between any two communicating threads means that the threads supplying a given service can be changed from a thread of one actor to a thread of another actor. This is done by changing the attachment of the appropriate port from the first thread's actor to the new thread's actor.

When an actor is created, a first port is attached to it automatically and is the actor's default port. The actor's default port cannot be migrated or deleted.

Groups of Ports

Ports can be assembled into groups. The concept of group extends port-to-port addressing between threads by adding a synchronous multicast facility. Alternatively, functional access to a service can be selected from among a group of (equivalent) services using port groups.

Creating a group of ports only allocates a name for the group. Ports can then be inserted into the group and it is built dynamically. A port can be removed from a group. Groups cannot contain other groups.

Like an actor, a group is named by a capability. This capability contains a unique identifier (UI), specific to the group. This UI can be used for sending messages to the ports in the group. The full group capability is needed to modify the group configuration (inserting ports in and removing ports from the group).

Like ports, messages are addressed to port groups by their UI. In the case of a group UI, the address is accompanied by an address mode. The possible address modes are:

Asynchronous and Synchronous Remote Procedure Call Communication

The IPC services allow threads to exchange messages in either asynchronous mode or in Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mode (demand/response mode).

asynchronous mode:

The sender of an asynchronous message is only blocked for the time taken for the system to process the message locally. The system does not guarantee that the message has been deposited at the destination location.

synchronous RPC mode:

The RPC protocol allows the construction of client-server applications, using a demand/response protocol with management of transactions. The client is blocked until a response is returned from the server, or a user-defined optional timeout occurs. RPC guarantees at-most-once semantics for the delivery of the request. It also guarantees that the response received by a client is definitely that of the server and corresponds effectively to the request (and not to a former request to which the response might have been lost). RPC also allows a client to be unblocked (with an error result) if the server is unreachable or if the server has crashed before emitting a response. Finally, this protocol supports the propagation of abortion through the RPC. This mechanism is called abort propagation, that is, when a thread that is waiting for an RPC reply is aborted, this event is propagated to the thread that is currently servicing the client request.

A thread attempting to receive a message on a port is blocked until a message is received, or until a user-defined optional timeout occurs. A thread can attempt to receive a message on several ports at a time. Among the set of ports attached to an actor, a subset of enabled ports is defined. A thread can attempt to receive a message sent to any of its actor's enabled ports. Ports attached to an actor can be enabled or disabled dynamically. When a port is enabled, it receives a priority value. If several of the enabled ports hold a message when a thread attempts to receive messages on them, the port with the highest priority is selected. The actor's default port might not necessarily be enabled.

When a port is not enabled, it is disabled. This does not mean that the port cannot be used to send or receive messages. It only means that the port cannot be used in multiple-port receive requests. The default value is disabled.

Message Handlers

As described in the preceding section, the conventional way for an actor to consume messages delivered to its ports is for threads to express receive requests explicitly on those ports. An alternative to this scheme is the use of message handlers. Instead of creating threads explicitly, an actor can attach a handler (a routine in its address space) to the port. When a message is delivered to the port, the handler is executed in the context of a thread provided by the microkernel.

Message handlers and explicit receive requests are exclusive. When a message handler has been attached to a port, any attempt by a thread to receive a message on that port returns an error.

The use of message handlers is restricted to supervisor actors. This allows significant optimization of the RPC protocol when both the client and server reside on the same site, avoiding thread context switches (from the microkernel point of view, the client thread is used to run the handler) and memory copies (copying the message into microkernel buffers is avoided). The way messages are consumed by the threads or the handler is totally transparent to the client, the message sender. The strategy is selected by the server only.

Protection Identifiers (PI)

The IPC feature allocates a Protection Identifier (PI) to each actor and to each port. The structure of the Protection Identifiers is fixed, but the feature does not associate any semantics to their values. The microkernel only acts as a secure repository for these identifiers.

An actor receives, when its IPC context is initialized, a PI equal to that of the actor that created it. A port also receives a PI equal to that of the actor that created it. A system thread can change the PI of any actor or port. Subsystem process managers are in charge of managing the values given to the PI of the actors and ports they control.

When a message is sent, it is stamped with the PI of both the sending actor and its port. These values can be read by the receiver of the message, which can apply its own protection policies and thus decide whether it should reject the message. Subsystem servers can then apply the subsystem-specific protection policies, according to the PI semantics defined by the subsystem process manager.


The microkernel allows the dynamic reconfiguration of services by permitting the migration of ports. This reconfiguration mechanism requires both servers involved in the reconfiguration to be active at the same time.

The microkernel also offers mechanisms to manage the stability of the system, even in the presence of server failures. The concept of port groups is used to establish the stability of server addresses.

A port group collects several ports together. A server that possesses a port group capability can insert new ports into the group, replacing the terminated ports that were attached to servers.

A client that references a group UI (rather than directly referencing the port attached to a server) can continue to obtain the required services once a terminated port has been replaced in the group. In other words, the lifetime of a group of ports is unlimited, because groups continue to exist even when ports in the group have terminated. Logically, a group needs to contain only a single port, and this only if the server is alive. Thus clients can have stable services as long as their requests for services are made by emitting messages to a group.

Transparent IPC

Based on industry standards, transparentIPC allows applications to be distributed across multiple machines, and to run in a heterogeneous environment that comprises hardware and software with stark operational and programming incompatibilities.

At a lower level, one of the components of the ChorusOS operating system provides transparent IPC that recognizes whether a given process is available locally, or is installed on a remote system that is also running the ChorusOS operating system. When a process is accessed, IPC identifies the shortest path and quickest execution time that can be used to reach it, and communicates in a manner that makes the location entirely transparent to the application.


The IPC feature API is summarized in the following table:




Modify the PI of an actor 


Create a port 


Declare a port 


Destroy a port 


Disable a port 


Enable a port 


Get a port sequence number 


Acquire the local identifier (LI) of a port 


Migrate a port 


Modify the PI of a port 


Acquire the UI of a port 


Allocate a group name 


Insert a port into a group 


Remove a port from a group 


Send synchronously 


Get the current message body 


Receive a message 


Reply to the current message 


Restore a message as the current message 


Save the current message 


Send asynchronously 


Get information about the current message 


Construct an address 


Connect a message handler 


Prepare a reply to a handled message