ChorusOS 5.0 Features and Architecture Overview

Related sysctl() entries

A number of sysctl() entries are present in the sysctl tree. Each device appears as a sysctl node that holds per-device information, under the top-level dev node. Available information about the device includes:


Per-device information is stored in a sysctl node whose name derives from the canonical physical pathname of the device.


This string holds the device class, if provided by the DDM. If no value is supplied, the content of this entry defaults to '?'.


The integer contains both the availability and run status of the device, as provided by the DDM.


This structure holds the device-class-specific statistics. Reading this node returns an error if the device does not export statistics.


This entry triggers the diagnostic process of a device by writing a magic value to it (1), retrieves the result of the last diagnostic by reading it. An error may be returned if the device does not support diagnostics or if the diagnostics cannot run because the device is not in the appropriate state.


Similar to device diagnostics, this entry triggers the audit process and retrieves the result of the previous audit.