ChorusOS 5.0 Features and Architecture Overview

Remote Shell

The remote shell (RSH) feature gives access to C_INIT commands. When this feature is set, the C_INIT command rshd starts the rsh daemon. The rshd daemon is usually run from the end of the sysadm.ini file. It can also be run from the local console if it is available.

The RSH feature affects the configuration of the C_INIT actor. When configured, it starts running the C_INIT command interpreter in an rsh daemon thread on the target system forever. This allows a ChorusOS operating system to be administered from a host without needing to access the local console of the target system. This feature is not exclusive to the C_INIT LOCAL_CONSOLE feature. Both can be set, enabling the C_INIT command interpreter to be accessed either locally or remotely through the rsh protocol simultaneously.

See the RSH(5FEA) man page for details.

Remote Shell API

The RSH feature does not have its own API. All commands defined by C_INIT can be typed in on the target console. It is accessed from the host using the standard rsh protocol.