ChorusOS 5.0 Features and Architecture Overview


IPv4 provides the host capabilities as defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The following IPv4 protocols are supported:



RFC 1122 

Requirements for Internet Hosts, Communication Layers 

RFC 1123 

Requirements for Internet Hosts, Application and Support 

RFC 791 

Internet Protocol 

RFC 792 

Internet Control Message Protocol 

RFC 768 

User Datagram Protocol 

RFC 793 

Transmission Control Protocol  

RFC 2236 

Internet Group Multicast Protocol 

RFC 950 

Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure 

RFC 1058 

Routing Information Protocol 

RFC 1112 

Host Extensions for IP Multicast

RFC 854 

Telnet Protocol Specification 

RFC 855 

Telnet Option Specification 

RFC 959 

File Transfer Protocol 

RFC 783 

TFTP Protocol

RFC 1350 

The TFTP Protocol (Revision 2)

RFC 1034 

Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities 

RFC 1035 

Domain Names - Implementation and Specification 

RFC 1055 

Transmission of IP over Serial Lines

RFC 826 

Address Resolution Protocol 

RFC 903 

A Reverse Address Resolution Protocol  

RFC 1661 

Point-to-Point Protocol 

RFC 1570 

PPP LCP Extensions

RFC 2131 

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol  

RFC 951 

Bootstrap Protocol 

RFC 1497 

BOOTP Vendor Information Extensions

RFC 1532 

Clarifications and Extensions for the Bootstrap Protocol  

RFC 1577 

Classical IP and ARP over ATM

RFC 2453 

RIP Version 2