ChorusOS 5.0 Features and Architecture Overview

Network Time Protocol (NTP)

The Network Time Protocol is implemented in the ChorusOS operating system as a set of daemons and commands whose purpose is to synchronize dates for different ChorusOS operating systems.

The NTP feature does not provide any specific API and relies on the following utilities and daemons:


Client/server daemon. The server feature provides a reference clock available to all systems on the network. The client feature is used to compute a clock according to other sources and keep the system clock synchronized with it.


Determines where a given NTP server gets its time, and follows the chain of NTP servers back to their master time source.


The Network Time Protocol Query Program dynamically gets or sets the ntpd configuration.


Sets the local date from the one provided by a remote NTP server

NTP services rely on the adjtime() system call.

Note -

The ChorusOS operating system supports the client side of the NTP protocol (RFC 1305).