ChorusOS 5.0 Features and Architecture Overview

Debugging Architecture

The ChorusOS operating system includes an open debugging architecture, as specified by the ChorusOS 5.0 Debugging Guide. The debug architecture relies on a host-resident server which abstracts the target platform to host tools, in particular debuggers.

The debug server is intended to connect to various forms of target systems, through connections such as target through serial line or target through Ethernet.

This debug architecture provides support for two debugging modes:

In the application debugging mode, debuggers connect to multi-threaded processes or actors. Debugging an actor is non-intrusive for the system and other actors, except for actors expecting services from the actor.

In system debugging mode, debuggers connect to the operating system seen as a virtual single multi-threaded process. Debugging the system is highly intrusive, since a breakpoint will stop all system operations. System debugging is designed to allow debugging of all the various parts of the operating system, for example: the boot sequence, the microkernel, the BSP and the system protocol stacks.