ChorusOS 5.0 System Administrator's Guide

PPP on a Solaris Host

This section briefly describes how to configure PPP on the Solaris operating environment system to work with a ChorusOS system. Enough information is provided for you to set up a PPP connection, but for full details about setting up and using PPP on hosts running the Solaris operating environment, see the TCP/IP and Data Communications Administration Guide in the Solaris 7 System Administrator Collection and the System Administration Guide, Volume 3 in the Solaris 8 System Administrator Collection.

Note -

You must be root to install and configure PPP.

Checking for Required Packages

Before configuring PPP, check that the following packages are installed on the host workstation:

  1. SUNWbnuu

  2. SUNWbnur

  3. SUNWpppk

  4. SUNWapppu

  5. SUNWapppr

host% pkginfo | egrep '.*(bnu|ppp).*'
system SUNWapppr PPP/IP Asynchronous PPP daemon configuration files
system SUNWapppu PPP/IP Asynchronous PPP daemon and PPP login service
system SUNWbnur Networking UUCP Utilities, (Root)
system SUNWbnuu Networking UUCP Utilities, (Usr)
system SUNWpppk PPP/IP and IPdialup Device Drivers

If the packages are not installed, you must install them in the order specified above before you continue.

Configuration Files

This section describes all files which must be created or modified to configure PPP on a Solaris host.

Configuring the Network
  1. If you are using aliases for your IP addresses, it is important to ensure that the Solaris operating environment can resolve them. In /etc/hosts, include the following lines:

    # Host PPP address Host PPP hostname
    host_PPP host_name
    # Target PPP address Target PPP hostname
    target_PPP target_name

Note -

Make sure /etc/hosts or the NIS configuration file, nsswitch.conf(4) includes PPP addresses for both the host and target systems. The nsswitch.conf file explains how to configure /etc/hosts.

Configuring PPP

You must provide the PPP Link Manager with information regarding each remote host with which the local host will communicate. This information is contained in the PPP configuration file See also aspppls(1M).

Configure as follows:

  1. Run ifconfig, specify the PPP interface used, select the plumb option to enable IP to recognize the interface, define the local and target hosts and set the interface to up :

    ifconfig ipdptp0 plumb host_PPP target_PPP up

    See "ifconfig" for more information about the ifconfig command.

  2. Configure the path by adding the interface number, the name of the target host, the ipcp_async_map and the timeout interval:

     interface ipdptp0
     peer_system_name .zsmon
     ipcp_async_map 0xa000
     inactivity_timeout 1000000

For further information regarding configuring PPP and the file, see "Configuring PPP" in TCP/IP and Data Communications Administration Guide from the Solaris 7 System Administrator Collection and "Overview of PPP" in System Administration Guide, Volume 3 from the Solaris 8 System Administrator Collection. There is also useful information in aspppd(1M)

Configuring a Terminal

This section describes how to modify the terminal configuration to allow a PPP connection without login.

Configuring a Terminal
  1. Become superuser:

    host% su
    Password: root password

  2. Start admintool.

  3. Select Serial Ports from the Browse menu.

  4. Double-click the port to use for PPP.

  5. Click the Expert radio button in the Detail field.

  6. Use the hints in the table below to set options for the port.



    Service Enable 


    Baud Rate 


    Initialize Only 

    Not selected 



    Software Carrier 


    Port Monitor Tag 


    Connect on Carrier 




    Streams Modules 

    ldterm, ttcompat

    Timeout (secs) 


Starting and Stopping PPP

Once properly configured, PPP starts automatically at boot time.

Starting PPP on the Host
  1. Become superuser:

    host% su
    Password: root password

  2. Start PPP:

    # /init.d/asppp start

  3. Make sure PPP started successfully:

    # netstat -i
    Name Mtu Net Dest Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Collis Queue
    lo0 8232 loopback localhost 1386 0 1386 0 0 0
    hme0 1500 host_name host_name 93612 1714 73065 0 860 0
    ipdptp0 8232 target_PPP host_PPP 0 0 0 0 0 0
    # tail /etc/log/asppp.log
    12:31:34 Link manager (2099) started 11/27/99
    12:31:34 parse_config_file: Successful configuration
    12:31:40 000531 ipdptp0 SEND PPP ASYNC 29 Octets LCP Config-Req ID=6b LEN=24
    MRU=1500 ACCM=000a0000 MAG#=cdf1e77f ProtFCOMP AddrCCOMP

Stopping PPP on the Host
  1. Become superuser:

    host% su
    Password: root password

  2. Stop PPP:

    # /etc/init.d/assppp stop

Making the PPP Target Visible to the Entire Network

If you want the PPP target to be visible from the whole network, you must enable routing on your workstation.

Enabling Routing
  1. Become superuser:

    host% su
    Password: root password

  2. Enable routing:

    # ndd -set /dev/ip ip_forwarding 1

  3. Use the proxy-arp command to declare the PPP target as having the same Ethernet address as the workstation:

    # ypcat ethers | grep host
    Ethernet_address host
    # arp -s target_PPP Ethernet_address pub