ChorusOS 5.0 System Administrator's Guide

IPv6 and the ChorusOS System

Internet Protocol version 6 IPv6 adds increased address space and improves Internet functionality using a simplified header format, support for authentication and privacy, autoconfiguration of address assignments, and enables new quality-of-service capabilities. This section focuses on Internet Protocol Version 6, the new standard for the Internet and wireless devices. It explains the transition from IPv4 to IPv6, and the effect of IPv6, for a System Administrator.

To ensure that IPv6 works effectively on this version of the ChorusOS operating system, you must configure it as follows:

host% rsh target sysctl -w net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv=1

host% rsh target /sbin/rtsolifeth-0
This is necessary to ensure that IPv6 accepts global addresses in addition to link-local addresses. For more information, see "rtsol and rtsold".

These are the advantages of IPv6:

Note -

The IPSEC feature and IPv6 routing facilities are not supported in this version of the ChorusOS operating system. Some include files or utilities related to routing and security may however be present in binary and source product.

This version of the ChorusOS operating system can be used as an end IPv6 host only. You must have an IPv6 router on your network to answer router solicitations and to send router messages.